☹ Waiting ☹ || Lee Taeyong ff

By pengoish_asf

5.7K 111 22

❝ Shhh- don't let them hear you~ ❞ He whispered while smiling You smiled and nodded ❝ Wait for me, Okay? ❞ ... More



440 11 0
By pengoish_asf


It was another day of school. The same old routine repeating over and over and over and over again.. I did my best to keep up with good grades and my work life. Though its a little hard I do my best. Though sometimes it feels as though my best isn't enough.

I sigh and close my locker feeling tired. The bell was about to ring soon I was ready to go to class already since I don't really enjoy walking in a packed hall, though to my surprise I wasn't going to have a normal day.

I felt a tap on the shoulder, I turn around and face a familiar face, One I wasn't expecting. Haechan. One of the popular boys as you would call them, its the obvious cliche story of girl likes him but he doesn't like her back story. Kinda funny how even I fell into that category.

The hard rejection he gave wasn't just embarrassing.. It was heartbreaking and even I would've laughed at the embarrassment that my confession was. "Um hello?" Haechan says loudly snapping me out of my thoughts. "yes..?" I say questioning why hes speaking to me.

"My friend wants to meet you at the school garden thing at like lunch or something" He says uninterested while glancing over his phone messages. My heart races and I take a deep breath. "No." Haechan looks at me shocked with wide eyes. "No?" He says almost as if it wasn't a question.

"Thats funny coming from you. The person that I rejected." I close my eyes and try to focus "I'm busy okay and I don't wanna meet up with your stupid friend to get pranked or whatever" I say flat turning around to walk to math

But someone stoped me mid way. I bumped into someone who was coincidently right around the corner. 'just my luck' I thought. Before i could apologize and leave the person grabs my arm.

"Since you're being so stubborn i'll ask you myself. Meet me in the garden around lunch"

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