The Time Has Come - Hazama x...

By ShiraShinrin

410 8 1

When (y/n) finally ends up in her beloved world of BlazBlue, Anything can happen. She retains all of her mem... More

More than Friends

My Normal Life

188 4 1
By ShiraShinrin

Have you ever feel like you been born in the wrong world? As if you understand absolutely nothing of it? As you understand one of the most complicated story more than your own world. I know for certain I feel this way. Though I never mentioned that I was born into the wrong world to friends or family. Truly I do not jest, when I say I know more about Blazblue then my home world. My most trustworthy friends know that for a fact about my existence. Still, I wonder what I would be like in my most beloved Blazblue universe.

"(Y/N), you're spacing out again!"
"Huh! What's going on Quinn-Quinn?" I turned to my blonde, blue eyed friend as I called her by what I usually called her name.
"Come on, you're the one who invited us to have unlimited battles! Remember?!"
Oh, that's right. It's summer vacation isn't it? And I invited three of my closest friends to play 2D fighters, Blazblue specifically. We're playing the unlimited versions of our characters since it would be a different experience for all of us.
Quinn is the only one here right now. I told her to wait for the others to come over before we start. Quinn is a talented singer as well as actor for her age. She maybe a year younger then me but when it comes to the art of singing I don't stand a chance against her. We often play multiplayer games, such as Don't Starve Together. I've been trying to get her into Dota 2 but I'm a failure as a teacher. I suck at explaining things that aren't written on paper or Blazblue.
Ding dong. Crap the door bell! I race up my stairs to get the door.
"Hey peeps!" Rose-Rose used her usual group greeting.
"Rose-Rose. Gab-Gab." My other friend. I too call them by the nicknames I gave them. The first one, Rosie, has blonde hair with greenish-blue tips. Of course she dyed them. She may be a year older than me, but since she moved all over the place and skipped school most of the time. She was forced to redo a grade, so she is now in the same grade as me.
And last but not least, my anime/manga buddy whom I can speak to hours on end about that particular subject. Gabriella. Her thick poofy hair, compliments her perfectly tanned skin she never wanted. Gabby wants to be as pale as yours truly, but failed in the long run.
Inviting them inside, I shouted (I was lucky that no one was home). "Let the games begin!!!"
Rushing hastily back down the stairs, I felt the cold air from the AC chill my already frozen feet. Why is every single person living in this house say it's too hot? It's definitely too cold, way too cold. I feel like a snake left to die by the arctic winds.
"Who's going first?" I hear Quinn ask a question, directed at me, the host of this event. And the person no one in this room wants to verse.
"Let me think about that? You and Rose-Rose since you too played the least. Whoever wins will verse Gabby since she played an older version of Blazblue. Then whoever wins that match versus me. After we finish our own tournament, we can just have fun against the person of our choosing, winners choice of course. But first things first," I point to Rosie, "we have to find a character for Rose-Rose to play."
Quinn has Taokaka, Gabby has Noël Vermillion, and I have... Three characters I want to play in this battle. I stuck between Yuuki Terumi, Hazama, and Mu 12. I shouldn't play Terumi since he's my main. Mu is my second character main. Hazama just for fun. I'll Hazama since I don't feel like breaking my friends hearts too bad. I'm getting too cocky. I need to stop myself from thinking that right now.
"Anyways, I'll help Rosie pick a character. Gabby help me teach her the basics, as I show her her unlimited move list. Sound good?"
All of them nod in agreement.
"Okay, shall we figure your character Rose-Rose?"
One hour came and gone. Though it didn't feel like an hour at all. I am reminded how horrible I teach verbally. Rose-Rose decided to go with Makoto Nanaya.
"How about we take a break and walk over to Seven-Eleven?" Rose-Rose suggested.
"I'm up for some Jones cola. Let's go. We play the game later than planned."


"Man, I love my Jones! Almost as much as my Blazblue!" I stated.
"Then that's a lot of compassion (Y/N)." Gabby replied, she probably knows me the best out of our group, and perhaps the only one who really understands me.
Walking out way back from our journey to the corner store. I seen something familiar, but it's a thing I have never seen before fall from the star above. Judging by the direction it's falling, that thing is going to land by that park by our school. Leaving my friends behind I ran ahead. Though I do urge them to follow. I ran as fast I could for as long as I could, surprisingly I made it to my destination without slowing down, then again, this park is close by. That's when I saw it. And seeing my friends reactions they see it too. So at least we're all going insane not just me.
"What is that... Thing!?" Quinn questioned.
"It's... A Causality Weapon. A Nox Nyctores." I spoke in absolute confidence. I can tell by the form of this Causality Weapon I knew it was Lux Sanctus: Murakumo. But the real question is which one was it. I walked up to it.
"Hey, you shouldn't touch... Whatever you said it was!" Ignoring Rose-Rose I started to examine this Nox Nyctores.
The colour was black, teal, and gold. So it can't be Nu's, Mu's, Lambda's, it can't be the Zero Type Izayoi either. Is this a new Murakumo? It can't be. If it is, where is the wielder? Where is the actual Murakumo Unit? Overall, what does this mean?
Hesitant to touch it, I took a deep breath calming my nerves. Time to put my game face on! I have no clue whatsoever if this is going to work, but I have to try! For my Blazblue!
"Lux Sanctus... Murakumo ACTIVATE!!!"
Nothing happened... I am disappoint.
"What should we do with it?" Quinn asked me.
"I am going to keep this Causality Weapon in my closet with my katana and see what I can do."
"Seriously. This giant unidentifiable object." Gabby seemed pretty calm about this.
"It's not unidentifiable object. This thing is a Causality Weapon from Blazblue. It's the Nox Nyctores Lux Sanctus: Murakumo. It shouldn't be able to run without seithr anyways."
They all look at me like I was insane or something, I suppose they don't know what seithr is. I should explain.
"Seithr in Blazblue is a substance that shrouds the entire world. It can't be seen nor can it be smelt. In small amounts it's harmless to humans. But in large quantities can carry very detrimental effects. One can become addicted to seithr and their body will eventually deteriorate. During the Dark War the Black Beast spread this substance all over the world. So one of the ten sages Nine developed these Nox Nyctores to run on Seithr to fight the Black Beast, defeating it. Is that enough of a history lesson?"
But what does this mean? Is the events of Blazblue real? But why send this Nox Nyctores back in time? Did it fall into the Caldron? Why would The Master Unit Amaterasu send it to this time period? So many of my questions are unanswered.
"What now (Y/N)?"
"I-I honestly don't know Gab-Gab. But this is crucial, we have to find out why it's here. And if possible, I want to activate it."
"Why?! Are you single handedly going to start this Dark War?!"
"Quinn, Quinn, Quinn. I can't do that as much as I want to. It would drastically alter the Blazblue timeline, and I can't do that. Unless we find a way there and activate this Murakumo there."
"Wait. You mean, going forward in time?"
"Precisely, Gab-Gab. You know me well. Who's with me?!?"
I called them over, one by one. "Gabby?"
She rushed over. "Always. Plus I need to get away from my devil of a mother."
"Fine... If you two are going. I'm up for an adventure!"
"Last but most certainly not least, Rosie."
"If everyone is going... Count me in!"
I decide to try to activate this Murakumo one more time using only my willpower.
"... Activate."
Suddenly, the ground started to shake. The Causality Weapon was trying to move even with a lack of seithr. This is just spectacular!... But I don't think anyone else thinks so. I did it. I want to go to the universe I know best, the Blazblue universe.
I became engulfed in a warm bright light. Before I knew it, that light became dark. Nothing but that very darkness remained. I woke, taking in my surroundings, I wasn't at the park anymore I know that much, but where am I? Where's the others? I was in a room that seemed to be like a person's bedroom. I sat myself up, and looked out of a nearby window. Now I know exactly where I ended up.
"I'm in... Ishana!?"


Am I posting a stupid fan fiction that I wrote so long ago? Yes, yes I am.  I have nothing to lose and a lot to gain so here y'all go.  I have the first few chapters ready to go, please be patient with me like with all of my other stories :) I'll see you all soon in the next chapter! Bye for nowww

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