Percy meets The Mortal Instru...

By enostervy

225K 5.4K 1.7K

This is a crossover between Percy Jackson and The Mortal Instruments WARNING there may be spoilers. POV stan... More

Percy meets The Mortal Instruments
Chapter 1 Clary POV An Unusual Encounter
Chapter 2 Annabeth's POV A Strange Couple of Mortals
Chapter 3 Percy POV The Most Unlikely Friend
Chapter 4 Isabelle's POV What a Day
Chapter 5 Percy's POV Shadowhunters?!!!!!!
Chapter 6 Magnus's POV Disaster and An Allie
Chapter 7 Isabelle's POV Isabelle's Peril
Chapter 8 Jace's POV Danger In Our Midst
Chapter 9 Annabeth's POV Wise Girl Has No Words
Chapter 10 Nyx's POV An Unusual Turn of Events
Chapter 11 Maryse POV I'm Scared for Isabelle
Chapter 12 Clary's POV A New Dangerous Game
Chapter 13 Gaia's POV Sebastian's First Capture
Chapter 14 Nico POV Disaster Lurks
Chapter 15 Alec's POV Alec's Shock
Chapter 16 Clary's POV A Full Dose of Adventure
Chapter 18 Nico's POV The Reunion
Chapter 19 Percy's POV Ugh Meetings.
Chapter 20 Percy's POV We save a little girl
Chapter 21 Percy POV We fall into the Dark
Chapter 22 Nico's POV The Lost Family
Chapter 23 Nico's POV The Discovery
Chapter 24 Clary's POV Monsters, again....
Chapter 25 Jace POV Annabeth's concerns
Chapter 26 Clary's POV We return home (or close enough)
Chapter 27 Percy's POV The Last Battle (Hopefully)
End? (AN) and Poll
OC's ? And ANs
Poll Results!

Chapter 17 Annabeth's POV Into Monster Woods We Go

3.8K 123 22
By enostervy

Chapter 17 Annabeth’s POV


We all got into the minivan and Percy’s mom drove us to Camp Half Blood, to say I was anxious about the upcoming war was an understatement. I was scared, very scared, I don’t want to lead my fellow campers at camp half blood into a war that they might never return home from.


“Mom where did you get a minivan?” Percy asked.


“I rented it for the day, I assume that you and your friends are going to be doing something dangerous again?”


“If stopping and evil goddess and a psychopathic teenager from taking over the world is dangerous, then yes.” Alec replied. Before Percy could respond.


“Then I’m guessing that telling you to be careful is something you’ve already been told, even so I’ll repeat it for you. Be careful, all of you.”


“We will.” I told her.


After a while in the van, Percy and I were getting restless to get to Camp, so once Sally pulled the van off the road I opened the door and got out, Percy followed me then Clary, Alec, and Jace did to.


“Thanks Ms, Jackson!” Clary said. As we walked away from the van, and into the wilderness.


“Be careful kids!” Sally yelled, as she started the van, and sped away.


“So how long till we get to your Camp?” Jace asked.

“About a ten minutes walk in this direction.” Said Percy and he walked into the woods, with the rest of us following behind him.

We walked through the woods everyone staying together without Myself or Percy having to tell them to do so, I guess everyone was keeping their guard up.


And a good thing we almost to Camp, on the other side of half blood hill, when we were suddenly all surrounded by Scythian Dracanae servants of Gaia.


Speaking at once they said. “Half bloods, good ssssacrifices for the revival of lord Kronos.”  


“Kronos! I thought we were fighting Gaia?” Percy yelled sounding shocked.

I knew how he felt, because I felt like I got kicked in the gut, and the punched in the face, I almost couldn't believe what the Dracanae were saying.

“You're bluffing. We defeated Kronos. In the battle of Manhattan” I said trying to sound strong and sure of myself. But the reality was I wasn't quite sure of myself…...

Percy was watching me waiting for the signal to attack. I nodded ever so slightly and Took out my dagger, and Percy took out Riptide, The Shadowhunters took out there angel blades and I heard.






Whispered and there blades where shining brightly and to which the Dracanae slithered away from.


“What issss that!” One yelled.


“Itsss to bright!” Yelled another.


“My eyesss!” Yelled a third.


“Retreat!” Yelled a forth.


And the Dracanae slithered away into the woods without another word.


“Wow.” Said Percy.


“Wow is right.” I replied

And as a group we ran up the hill and down the other side in through the boundaries of camp and down toward the Big House.

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