A New Snake

By Ivy-Marie

26.3K 1.1K 104

Harry Potter starts off his Fourth Year going to the Quidditch World Cup with the Weasleys, a happy reprieve... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 32

323 26 2
By Ivy-Marie

Once Harry was released from the Hospital Wing, Severus reminded him that his punishment was in effect. One month without Quidditch or flying. As much as he understood why he was being punished, he didn't have to like it.

Severus had found his broom floating on its own next to Hagrid's hut, just outside of the Forbidden Forest, and had taken it into his personal quarters and locked it in a closet. He knew that if Harry got the notion and encouragement he would try and take it back before the month was up. But a punishment is a punishment and as much as he hated the thought of Slytherin losing the next match on account of not having Harry's expertise, he hated the idea of the boy getting hurt even more.

On the topic of students getting hurt: more and more students were coming back from Umbridge's detentions with scarred hands. Even his own daughter—Umbridge had been inventing degrading reasons why one Harry Potter was absent and Lily, after having to deal with it for over a week, snapped and insulted the toad-faced woman. She came back with these words etched into the back of her hand: I shall respect my elders. When Severus saw this, he was beyond furious. He was so angry, he took the horrid woman to Dumbledore's office the night before Harry was released with every student who had had detention with her in tow.

He showed the Headmaster each student's hand from 7th Years, all the way down to 1st Years. The woman, in all her pink wretchedness, simply sat in a chair, smirking, as if nothing could touch her. Dumbledore promised to have a word with Fudge. Surely the minister would not allow the use of such an evil, Dark Artifact. And Severus had to be content with that for the moment. He was sure that if Fudge budged on the subject at all, it would be on account of the Malfoy patriarch and not on account of the aging Headmaster. He only wished there was something he could do to speed up the process.

Then it hit him, perhaps he could. He could invite Lucius over for tea. Lucius could make an appointment with the minister, act like they had a former arrangement, then offer that they all have tea together. Severus and Lucius could go over the issue with the minister together. The only issues he could see in such a plan would be the meddling of Dumbledore or the toad-woman herself. As long as they could keep the two of them from influencing the meeting, it would all go well.

So, plan in order, he drafted a letter to Lucius detailing everything. That wretched woman would not be near students much longer than necessary if Severus had anything to do about it.

~ ~ ~ ~

Harry, being Harry, got in trouble his first Defense lesson back from the Hospital Wing. It really wasn't his fault, though. Or so he might argue. She had been talking bad about him to his face and to the class. He could take that. He was used to that with the Dursleys. But when she couldn't get a rise out of him that way, she began insulting his parents and his friends and his new family and his house. That's when he broke. Harry could take anything directed at him—verbal or physical—but the moment you insult his family or friends, that was it.

He'd jumped over his desk, pulling his wand from his robes, and stood over her with the point of the wand a hair from touching her nose. Lily and Hermione had jumped up, pulling him away from the woman before he did something he regretted. When they had succeeded in pulling Harry back to his seat and Umbridge had recovered from her shock, she shouted—dropping the high-voiced façade—that they all had detention with her for the next two weeks and Harry would be banned from Quidditch for the rest of his Hogwarts career. When she said this, the whole class gasped. The longest time she'd given detentions for was a week. Lily looked as if she might cry, holding the back of her right hand where red words were just beginning to fade. Harry had a bad feeling about the detentions. He had to say that this was one of the many moments he wished he'd kept his anger under control.

Surprisingly enough, Severus didn't fault him for his outburst. He explained that had he been in the room, he might have been tempted to do much the same and that he was working on getting her removed from the position. It was three nights of detention before any light seemed to shine at the end of the dark tunnel that they were living that year. It was at lunch on a Saturday when Lily and Harry saw Severus, Mr. Malfoy, and the Minister entering and leaving the Great Hall together. They also saw Dumbledore and Umbridge follow. Deciding they wanted to know what was going on more than they cared about getting in trouble, they followed as well. They were about to round the corner when they heard the Minister asking Umbridge and the Headmaster to stay behind as this was a private meeting. They remained in the shadows until the two had passed back into the Hall, then made their way to the door. Harry knocked gingerly, waiting patiently for a reply. Instead of a voice, he was met with Lucius opening the door and—to their shock—inviting them in. They sat on a long couch between Severus and Lucius as the two men talked with Fudge. They also presented they wounded hands—which they suspected was the only reason they had been allowed to intrude—as evidence to Umbridge's crimes. Fudge looked grave. He looked as if he would actually do something about it.

He sent the children, Severus, and Lucius back to their lunches and asked if they would send his Undersecretary in for him. They nodded politely and left.

Not a word was heard on the topic—all defense classes were canceled until further notice—until that evening at dinner when they all saw Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge marching out of the Great Hall with one Delores Umbridge—former Defense Professor—following closely behind and carrying a pink suitcase. Once the doors had closed behind her, the entire Hall—which had fallen silent as they passed through—now erupted in cheers. The professors were somewhat startled by the sudden outburst, but were not really all that surprised.

Soon, however, the Headmaster was getting everyone's attention. Once they had all quieted he made an announcement. "You need not worry about not having a defense class again tomorrow, because I have already hired a new professor and he is already up to date with his lessons." He held up a hand when groans rang through the students at their dinner tables, "yes, I know. But I believe you'll like the new—or shall I say old—professor. Please welcome back, Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, Remus Lupin!"

He took that time to sit down, knowing that he wouldn't be able to calm the students down from their joyous cheers of their own accord as the young man walked through the doors and sat down to eat. He looked overwhelmed, but he was the most-liked Defense professor yet.

Harry promised himself to ask him about Sirius later on, but for now he was content to simply eat his dinner.

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