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Troy was the youngest one in the family he was only 11 years old but his abilities had long flourished and he... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 6

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He instilled fear of death in them. As the Russians worked to gather all the riches of their country to present to Lord Lucifer. Afraid that they would not please him they tried ever so hard to be spared but in the end when the Russians had given him what he wanted, within a matter of seconds Lord Lucifer wiped out a few of their cities.

Without realizing how fast he was going he was creating suction thru the water as Troy cut the water swimming quicker than before. He emerged out of the sea and jetted straight high into the sky with his newfound friends by his side. He saw the water come up from under him and follow him to where he had come to stop flying some 300 feet above the ocean. It had appeared as if a nuclear bomb had exploded underneath the sea pushing the water out. He was so amazed he couldn’t hide his smile from his dragons.The water dropped down making huge waves and omitting the sound of the water crashing back onto itself. He headed back towards the United States in hope of confronting his enemy. His adopted parents watched the T.V. closely in hopes of seeing Troy but they had no luck yet. The sighting of Lord Lucifer at the Grand Canyon terrified them everyone knew the end of the world had arrived and no one could do anything to stop them.

The trip that had originally taken him 3 days had now taken him one day to get back. Lord Lucifer had come to rest in Los Angeles. He laughed at the sight of thousands of people fleeing for their lives. Actors, working class people fled as he landed next to the Hollywood sign. When he was bored of watching Los Angeles pile itself out he decided to walk along the streets with his fellow slaves. When he landed on Hollywood Boulevard he noticed people looting, destroying and rioting. He felt at peace with himself as they made fools of themselves. Other’s trying to get thru the mess ran as far as they could when they saw him. He raised his arms up into the sky and everyone who was still around dropped in fear to their knees hoping that nothing would strike them. He looked at them and laughed at the control he had over the humans.

“Do not fear me, work as my slave and be spared, be free to do whatever you like, Loot, set fires, cause riots, rape, kill, do whatever your heart desires just obey me” he informed them.

A news reporter had been doing a story at the Grand Canyon marking the sighting of Lord Lucifer there when he froze in fear.

“Excuse me mister” Troy called out.

The camera crew quickly turned around and pointed the camera at Troy who was in the air flying.

“Yes” the reporter said with fear in his voice.

“Can you tell me where to find Lord Lucifer?”Troy asked.

“The, the last reported sighting was moments ago in Los Angeles,” the reporter mentioned.

He was not afraid of the young flying boy but at the dragons who hovered behind him.

“Thank you” Troy said nodding his head.

“Come on guys let’s go kill this bastard” Troy spoke to the dragons.

He quickly flew off with the dragons in tow.The news reporter jumped back on the camera quickly and started speaking.

“You saw it hear first folks live, I don’t know exactly what is happening but as you saw a young angel and two dragons are headed towards L.A to find Lord Lucifer.” The reporter mentioned.

The sight of seeing Troy fly was amazing to Jeff and the others.Debra was relieved to see him but was more amazed at what Troy had behind him. Devon was the only one you could say who was smiling big. He had thought it was awesome to know that his adopted brother not only could fly but, had dragons with him.

Within a matter of minutes he arrived in L.A quickly searching for him. He advice the dragons to stay out of sight but not to far they were his secret weapons against him. After quickly searching he found Lord Lucifer walking across the Santa Monica Pier. He took a deep breath telling himself that it was now or never and with the speed of light flew straight up and started to fly in a circle going faster and faster as he circled himself .Like an old slingshot that was used when David slayed Goliath he picked up enough speed then shot himself out of the quick spin and catapulted himself towards Lord Lucifer.

Lord Lucifer only heard something in the sky but as he looked to investigate it was too late. All 110 pounds of a young 11year old rammed into him with great force. Lord Lucifer could not stop the impact even if he had known ahead of time.The blast sent him flying backwards slamming into the side of a cliff. The impact had been so great that he plowed quickly thru the cliff and rock fragments went flying everywhere crashing into cars and hitting nearby pedestrians who had still been trying to flee the chaos.Troy stood there a little dizzy but proud of himself he landed on the beach and looked around to see no one nearby. Without moments notice Lord Lucifer dug himself out of the crater he had created.

“Impressive young one but a few tricks will not keep you alive nor will it be enough to stop me” He called out.

“I have more than a few tricks Lord dumbass” Troy shot out.

Within a second as Troy had blinked he was grabbed by the throat and slammed into the street where oncoming traffic had not stopped to see the brawl. The ground shook and as cars tried to slam on their breaks they couldn’t stop in time.A van carrying a family of 5 slammed into Troy running him over before losing control and flipping on to its side. Troy stood up and dusted himself off. As humans took to the streets and abandoned their vehicles Troy picked up a black corvette and tossed it at Lord Lucifer. As expected he had caught it but when he threw it down he did not expect to see two more cars, a mustang and a Cadillac flying at him.They slammed into him with great force pinning him down on the beach.Troy flew up with one more car and slammed it to the ground causing an explosion. It had taken a news crew 30 minutes to get to the scene but when they finally did they caught a glimpse of something miraculous.

“This is truly a miracle folks, Lord Lucifer appears to have met his match” the news reporter said as the camera man filmed Lord Lucifer flying thru the air and then into the ocean.

He had enough of Troy tossing him around he was ready to kill the last survivor of his most hated enemies. He rose from the ocean and quickly flew at Troy. As he approached Troy he picked up speed only to be met with a foot to his face causing him to crash to the ground. As he hit the sandy beach, sand flew in all directions. Screams of joy could be heard from a nearby news helicopter that had joined the reporting as they continued to film the battle. Troy had enjoyed hearing the cries of the humans cheering him on.This made him cocky and he flew down towards Lord Lucifer to hit him again but this time Lord Lucifer had a trick of his own up his sleeve. As Troy got closer he waited until the right moment and when that moment presented itself Lord Lucifer thru sand into Troy’s eyes. Blinded from the sand he couldn’t see anything he started to panic a little bit but was met with a powerful blow that threw him thru the sky some 6 miles straight up.

Sure of himself, that he had finally killed Troy he quickly flew to the news copter and spoke directly into the camera.

“You see, not even a little boy with some strength could stop me, I AM YOUR GOD,” he said demandingly.

“All bets are off everyone will now die for defying me” he raged.

As he continued to ramble he started to feel a breeze. At first he dismissed it but as it got stronger he could feel himself being pushed away from the news copter.Then it was too much Troy had successfully gotten him away from the news helicopter.

“Surely you didn’t think that a sucker punch was going to be the end of me,” he said.

“HOW” Lord Lucifer yelled.

The news reporter along with everyone else who was watching grew extremely excited when they saw Troy again.Troy’s adopted family became too excited and found themselves glued to the television as if they had been watching a very good soap opera.

“The same way you did” Troy replied.

“IMPOSSIBLE” Lord Lucifer stated.

“No not impossible, you see my dad maybe dead but he accounted for everything” Troy said.

“What” Lord Lucifer spat out?

“That’s right, my dad is the best dad ever, he’s a genius, well I don’t think he meant for me to find it but, seeing as you killed my entire family. I was the only one left. Did you know that the dead can come to you in your sleep?” Troy asked Lord Lucifer mocking him.

“Your dad was a fool who died at my hands which I might add was very pleasurable” Lord Lucifer replied.

“Well may that be so, my dad who gave you that much pleasure hid ambrosia on this world” Troy mentioned.

Lord Lucifer’s eyes grew wide and he started to shake his head side to side.

“No that’s not true, humans would have found it by now” Lord Lucifer stated.

“True but, my dad didn’t hide it just where any human could find it, he buried it so deep into the ground where no man could go. And if it happen to be so that the humans did find it then they would have never of been able to retrieve it without dying” Troy explained.

He had confused him, the look on his pathetic face said it all and just as he was about to speak. Troy had quickly signaled for the Fire dragon and Wind dragon to attack. Out of nowhere they appeared and just as quickly as they appeared they had quickly pounced on Lord Lucifer slamming him back into the ground once again. He struggled to break free but they were strong and after a few seconds of squirming he broke free.

“Now Wind dragon” Troy called out.

The Wind dragon flapped his wings strongly and Lord Lucifer went flying towards Troy. He used his now intensified powers and blew Lord Lucifer back at the Wind dragon. Between the both of them Lord Lucifer could not escape this trap. Humans looked up into the sky as they watched Lord Lucifer flip in all sorts of directions.

“Shoot him now Fire dragon” Troy called out.

The fire dragon circled close to them and breathed fire out engulfing Lord Lucifer.

Troy new that fire was not going to kill him but it was the perfect distraction he needed to get Lord Lucifer dizzy and confused. As he called off his dragons he quickly sped around in a circle around Lord Lucifer, picking up speed with each circle he completed. Soon Troy created a tornado that was controllable by him and he slammed Lord Lucifer into the ground one last hard time.The strength of the tornado was so strong that it had started to suck in any house, car and other objects that had been close by. Power cables had snapped and had now fallen into the tornado, which then would slam into Lord Lucifer electrocuting him.Then as Troy had begun to pay attention he noticed that some of the ocean had been picked up in the tornado and slammed down onto Lord Lucifer keeping him pinned down.The news copter was fortunate to have backed off when it did.

After 15 minutes of the great tornado Troy had created, he stopped and everything either flew in all directions or just fell to the side of Lord Lucifer. Troy landed and watched, as Lord Lucifer had been face down on the ground. He walked closer and closer to Lord Lucifer to make sure he had destroyed him. When he got close enough Lord Lucifer rose to his feet injured, but bent on revenge. Without notice he punched Troy in the face and Troy skidded backwards. Lord Lucifer was too exhausted and had just survived drowning and the electrocution that he was in no shape to fly. He ran over to Troy and as he bent down to pick him up. Troy kicked him in his face causing Lord Lucifer to flip. The slam to his face caused him to bite his tongue with his teeth cutting straight thru and making Lord Lucifer lose part of his tongue.Troy stood up knowing that this had to be the end, it was here and now. He waited as Lord Lucifer rose to his feet with blood gushing from his mouth he put his hand on his mouth and felt the warmness of the liquid on his hands. He could feel it gushing. He was then greeted with a fistful of punches to his face making the damage worse. Lord Lucifer tripped backwards and landed on his ass.Troy quickly ran and cold cocked him in the lower part of his jaw with his foot instantly shattering Lord Lucifer’s jaw. He screamed in pain but that’s all he could do. He swung but Troy had ducked then countered it with an upper cut to the ribs. At that second as the news reporter had been televising it, everyone was on the edge of their seats. Troy went ballistic and unleashed a barrage of punches left and right. They were fast and hard the only thing you could see as you watched was Lord Lucifer’s head jolting back and forth quickly. Troy cupped his left fist and slammed it into the side of Lord Lucifer’s temple. Lord Lucifer fell to the ground and didn’t move.

He breathed heavy tired from hitting Lord Lucifer left and right, when he made sure that Lord Lucifer was dead he smiled at the news camera and fell backwards. Exhausted from the ordeal his head hit the ground and bounced. The news reporter ran over to Troy and quickly picked him up.

“No you can’t be dead, come on kid, come on kid get up,” the News reporter said.

He shook Troy but Troy wouldn’t get up.It was over; Troy could see a beautiful light and his family waiting on the other side for him. He walked passed the light and hugged his family. Happy he was reunited with them.

The news reporter cried as the world watched in horror that their little hero died from exhaustion. Jeff, Debra and Devon couldn’t stop the flow of tears. Everyone that day had cried for a young superhero that never made it thru his first official battle.

“This is Carl Kipper reporting live at the scene where we all have just witnessed one of the most horrible tragedies Earth has seen and at the same time one of the most powerful battles between a demented god and a young boy who sacrificed his life to save us all. Our thoughts in prayers are with you my son, where ever you are I wish you the best my boy.”The reporter spoke.

He leaned in and kissed Troy’s forehead before placing him back down. Debra hugged Jeff and Devon just continued watching the television.


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