Prophet of the Gods

By -Athenax-

448 89 97

Genevieve Delora is chosen as the newest prophet for the royal family, which is a saving grace to her struggl... More

Chapter 1: Cursed
Chapter 2: The Staff
Chapter 3: The Test
Chapter 4: Royal Prophet
Chapter 5: Princess Cora
Chapter 6: First Day
Chapter 7: Prince Liam
Chapter 8: Privateers
Chapter 9: Past and Present
Chapter 10: Warlock
Chapter 11: Plans
Chapter 12: Fiona
Chapter 13: The Ball
Chapter 14: Pathos
Chapter 15: Telling Liam
Chapter 16: Making Amends
Chapter 18: The Map
Chapter 19: Elise

Chapter 17: Valeria

11 2 5
By -Athenax-

When Liam said they needed to work faster than before, Gen didn't think he meant this quickly. It was only the next day and they were meeting for the third time in the library, "We need to finish this by today," he kept saying. "If we're lucky we can pull this off tomorrow and have the map back before the ransom is needed."

See, he wanted to steal the map, make a copy, and then put it back all in the span of five minutes during the change of guards. Gen and Cora had thought about making a copy, but all in the same five minutes? That was Liam's genius. 

There was also a big distraction involved and Liam said he would take care of that. It was Gen and Cora's job to infiltrate the vaults armed with passwords and knowledge of any traps, precautions, and alarms in the area courtesy of the prince. Gen was amazed but also relieved by how simple it seemed with Liam's help. She didn't like to credit him with anything- but they were never going to get the map this quickly on their own. Cora was just as thrilled as she was. 

The only thing left to work out was how to make the copy. Liam said there was a magic scanner in the offices of King Alastair. A "magic scanner" was a device Gen had never heard of, but that wasn't too surprising. The capital and the wealthier sectors had inventions, resources, and gadgets galore, none of which were available or affordable to the general public. Liam explained it sort of like creating a memory that you can store in a little pod. To make the memory, you need to activate the scanner (a sort of wand) and scan the object thoroughly and all over to get a clear picture. Then it formed as a sort of apparition that appeared at the open of the little metal pods. 

It seemed self-explanatory enough but it difficult part was getting it. Liam had already tried to borrow it from his father but his father was adamant about it never leaving his office. Since Liam and Cora were under constant surveillance by guards outside of their personal rooms- they couldn't sneak in the office and steal, so Gen would be doing that. And since King Alastair would notice if it were gone too long- it would have to be right before they went to the vaults, and then she'd have to return it right after. 

The one slight reassurance was that King Alastair and Queen Valeria would be gone to the capital for a People's House Banquet during this little adventure and he wouldn't be back for hours if all went according to plan. Cora and Liam had gotten out of the event by claiming other plans, a friend's party for Cora (she swore that her friend would vouch for her), and hunting for Liam even though, "I hate hunting," said Liam bitterly. 

Gen checked the grandfather clock in her room. She had five minutes before she had to meet them. Just enough time to write a letter, a letter more urgent than any other. 

Dear Mom and Dad and Mira,  

     I apologize for my delayed response to your last letter, I've been getting busier and busier with Cora and now, surprisingly enough, Prince Liam (who's a bit of a prat, but he's nice enough I guess). We've made plans for traveling in the near future which I am looking forward to what with time seeming to fly by so fast. 

That was the unofficial code for her parents to know that she was working on plans to get the map and that they planned to initiate them soon- she couldn't risk an unwanted person reading this letter and discovering her secrets. Or worse Elise reading it and blabbing to the king. Gen had saw her that morning for the first time in weeks. She had no idea where she had been and that had even been gone until she noticed a different maid sweeping her room a few days before. And now she was back and Gen sure as Bhas wasn't going to ask her what happened. 

Anyways, I do need a favor. I'm running out of face powder and vitamins and I was wondering if you could send me some as soon as possible. I wouldn't want my complexion to suffer from the lack of nutrients and gods know what I would do if I got a pimple! 

Gen was grinning as she wrote the next part. It was code for refills of Greta's puring salt and sleeping pills both of which she had noticed were running low. She was especially worried about the latter as there were only enough for three days left and she didn't want to suffer through any more nightmares than necessary. 

I've learned from Councilor Ulysses that palace employees get a week in the summer to visit family and I am looking forward to coming home and seeing you all even if it's only for seven days. I miss you all so much and I'm always glad to receive and read your lovely letters. Mira- yes, I do own now more than one (can you imagine!) ballgown and I swear I nearly have a heart attack everytime I open my closet and see all the lace, tulle, and satin fabrics. Maybe I should bring some back for you to try on in the summer? Mom- I know you're eager to work the farms with Father but please, take care of yourself and remember that he's had years of experience over you so don't overwork yourself, remember your hands! I know you're "forgetting" to mention their soreness in your letters but you can't fool me. Father- I hope this crop works out well, no, I know it will. Please don't overwork yourself either. Take a break for once- you don't need to work for every cent anymore. That's one perk of my job that makes it worth all the stress and helplessness, I mean: joy and happiness. Silly me. 



She sighed and then folded the parchment, sealed it in an embossed royal envelope, and left it on the desk for Elise to mail. And just in time, as she checked the clock she realized she had just enough time to make it down to the library. 

She walked quickly and reached first. She took her usual place at the corner armchair. The library was more like a small hall than a room. It had tall ceilings like most rooms of the palace and stained glass skylights. Floor to ceiling bookshelves lined every inch of wallspace around the room and were stuffed to full capacity with leather bound or cloth bound books dating from centuries ago to a year ago. Ladders were placed around the room to reach higher shelves and in the corner were a set of winding stairs to the upper levels- yes there were three total levels of all books. She had taken a long look through all the books and noted some she wanted to read, but her busy schedule and demanding classwork prevented her from reading too often for pleasure or personal instruction. Not that she should complain. Even though her teachers were sometimes haughty or tedious, she was glad for the lessons and eager to learn always. She didn't go to school often back at home and she was glad Mira had insisted unlike her past self. 

She snapped back to reality as she caught voices outside the room. She could make out Cora reassuring someone that she was fine. Another shriller voice drowned out Cora. 

"Your highness! What disrespect you throw around to elders," exclaimed Jeselda Morissgreene, Cora's governess. She was a renowned governess for nobel young ladies and she walked, talked, and even looked at you with refined contempt and authority. She was the epitome of grace, poise, and elegance. Her near-ivory skin was smooth and clear as the moon and her brown eyes were wide and innocent as a doe. However, they could sharpen with disdain at a blink of an eye. Her hair was ebony black and always brushed and braided to perfection- not one hair out of place, Gen had tried to find one and failed. She wore crisp clothes: a white cream blouse, an Olumian blue blazer, and a skirt that feel to her feet that was always some pastel color- baby blue, rosepetal pink, a delicate green, or a muted yellow. It didn't sound like an outfit that always looked refined, but somehow Jeselda made it work. 

And then it was her strictness. She insisted that everyone referred to her as "Madam Morissgreene" and she insisted that you refer to her in every sentence like she was a royal or something! But that wasn't the worst part, no it wasn't even bad- just a tad annoying. No, Madam Morissgreene also made you curtsy. 

After being dismissed, leaving a room, entering a room, addressing her, or addressing Cora. It was ridiculous and Gen really hoped she wasn't going to come in because Gen really didn't want to get up. 

And her "punishment" system. She carried a prayer book with her (she was deeply religious) and made Cora or Gen recite a prayer every time they did something wrong or something to offend the gods. Gen didn't know for sure, but she thought that the gods wouldn't care if she mentioned Princess Cora and sorry in the same sentence which according to "Madam" was a severe sin as it implied that Princess Cora was sorry (a royal should never be sorry for anything! The others are insolent for making you feel the need to apologize and should be punished!) or that you were sorry and if you were sorry, you should be begging for forgiveness. Gen couldn't stand that woman. Not to mention she followed Cora around everywhere, shortening their quality time or at least ruining it. 

However, Cora entered the library alone and Gen exhaled in relief. Cora heard it and tutted, "Genevieve Delora- don't make me get the prayer book!"

Gen snorted. 

Prince Liam was later than normal but once he arrived, they jumped straight in. Liam laid out the building plans of the vaults and also the list of traps, alarms, etcetera. They went over the plan in detail again (Gen was getting quite tired of it), and once again Liam assured them confidently that the distraction was under control. Gen commented lightly that it would be nice for her and Cora to know what to expect but Liam cut her off (rudely) saying it was better if they didn't know until as late as possible. His condescending tone put her in a sour mood for the rest of the meeting. Gen was also coming to realize that Cora and Liam held a stronger bond than she had initially expected. Cora seemed oblivious to his self-satisfied manner of speaking which Gen couldn't blame her for, but it still bothered her a little. 

"Is that everything?" asked Gen tiredly. She wanted to end this with an hour before lunch to catch up on lesson work because afterwards she had an extra long council meeting with the king and Prince Liam, but he didn't have to stay for the summarization and event planning post-meeting like she did. Then after she had to meet Councilor Ulysses for preparations for... she honestly didn't remember but it would probably extend for at least two hours which she was not looking forward to. Then there was hopefully another half to hopefully a full hour before dinner for her to maybe, potentially, finally have some free time. But that was probably wishful thinking. 

"I think so," said Liam. "Wait-"

But then a knock sounded on the door. Gen frowned, if it was Madam Morissgreene, she was not going to be happy. But the door opened and Gen was surprised to see Queen Valeria enter the room. Cora sucked in a breath and rushed to her immediately, "Mother?"

Queen Valeria looked somewhat lost and surprised, "Cora darling, is that you?"

"Yes Mother," she said, gently taking her mother's hand. "Aren't you supposed to be at the capital." 

Queen Valeria scrunched up her eyebrows and thought for a moment, "Capital? Oh yes, I was."

There was a beat. 

"Your father said I was too ill to attend," she said. "I've been in bed all morning."

"All morning?" asked Cora, concerned. "Do you have a fever?"

"No," said the queen mildly. Her blue eyes had a far off look in them and she seemed almost like a child hanging on to her mother's hand as she gripped Cora's forearm. "I may have been tired, I don't remember."

Cora forced a smile, "Mother, maybe we should get you some water."

"No," she said, pulling away. "I came to find you. Anna said you were here."

"Did you need us?" asked Cora. 

"I miss you," said Queen Valeria, eyes wide. Her voice pitched at the end and Gen winced. What was going on? She had never heard the queen speak this much in all her time at the palace. 

Cora was looking more and more worried, "Liam..."

Gen glanced at him and was surprised to see him standing frozen, his mouth pulled into a straight line. He looked at a loss. He shook his head, "I can't believe he... He said he wouldn't-" He glanced at Gen and went silent. 

Cora frowned, "Come on Mother, let's go up."

Queen Valeria moved away from her daughter's reaching arms and sighed loudly, "I haven't been in the library for twenty years. It looks exactly as it did." She was swaying and Gen was afraid she was going to tip over. Cora seemed to have the same worry and moved closer. 

"Mother," she said calmly. "Let's get you upstairs and I'll send Hira to get your bath started, doesn't that sound lovely?"

Queen Valeria frowned, "A bath?" 

"Yes," said Cora, nodding encouragingly. "Let's go right now."

"No," said the queen, jerking away. "Your father said... he said he wouldn't leave me behind like this again," she said softer. Her lip was trembling. "He promised..."

Cora looked lost, "I know Mother, I know." 

Queen Valeria closed her eyes and swayed more, "A bath?"

"Yes!" said Prince Liam, finally moving to where his mother stood. "A nice bath, we'll all go." Gen was still frozen in place. She felt like she was intruding and she wanted desperately to leave them alone because this was definitely something private, but she couldn't seem to make her feet move. 

Liam and Cora didn't seem to notice her as they each took one of their mom's arms and gently led her out of the room and away. Gen took a shaky breath. Her face was flushed in embarrassment. She should not have witnessed that, she wasn't supposed to witness that. 


Gen hadn't seen anymore of Queen Valeria, Prince Liam, or Cora after that so she spent the rest of the day by herself. Councilor Ulysses took over as King Alastair for their meeting and that was not pleasant. She stayed up late reading more of Leonard's journal. She was beginning to notice a slight difference in his entries- they were much more curt and vague and he seemed almost paranoid about everything. He kept talking about the old myths and how he should have studied them more but he never thought they'd be so important. It was strange and Gen was eager to get a clearer picture of what was going on. She tried to ignore any thoughts she had about the queen and what was going on with her. 

Cora, however, didn't seem to want to ignore it, because she arrived at Gen's room the next morning after an awkward and bland breakfast and immediately sat down, "So I assume you have some questions about Mother."

Gen froze and tried to keep her tone neutral, "I wouldn't want to intrude. You don't have to tell me anything, I mean it."

Cora frowned, "As much as I hate talking about it, you're going to start noticing it anyway and I might as well clear up any questions now."

Gen didn't answer at first. "It feels wrong asking..."

Cora crossed her arms, "Fine then don't ask, I'll tell. Mother is sick."


"She has Moha," said Cora solemnly. 

Gen was taken aback, "She... she does?" Mola was a serious incurable illness of sorts that causes dementia, confusion, insomnia, migraines, and messes with your mind. No one really knew where it came from and only a small percentage of people have experienced it. Gen winced, "I'm sorry." 

Cora looked at her feet, "Don't be, she's had it for years. We're all used to it. The thing is, Father doesn't even care. He uses it as an excuse to take advantage of her. He does things without telling her and abandons her to go royal events that she should be attending too as the queen." Cora's voice raised with every word. "Gods, I can't believe him. He promised he wouldn't do it again. He promised." 

Gen stayed quiet. She had the feeling Cora was no longer talking to her. 

"And he stopped the deliveries of medicine to help her a few weeks ago. I thought it was a mistake, but of course, it's just Father being an asshole and letting his own wife suffer," she was clenching her fists. "He's supposed to love her and care for her till death do them part. Though I guess he believes that she's not too far off now." Gen flinched at Cora's harsh words and Cora sighed. "That was probably too harsh... Probably." 

Gen didn't know what to say, "I'm sorry. You don't have to talk about it anymore if you don't want to, and if you do want to, I'm here." 

Cora gave her a grateful look, "I don't really want to talk about it. I'm just so angry at him. Mother's been getting so much more worse with every passing month and there's nothing Liam or I can do about it. She used to possess one of the strongest gifts of invisibility in the entire kingdom but now she can't even disappear for a second. It breaks my heart." 

Gen never knew what the queen's gift was. She never showed it off in broadcasts but Gen had always assumed that was because she didn't have the royal gift of light that traveled through the king's bloodline. The truth was much more sad. 

"I wish I could make him help her. But I'm too terrified of him. The last time Liam mentioned medicine and maybe finding a stronger type for Mother, Father slapped him and took away his dinner. He was banished to his room for the rest of the day. And that was when we were younger- he's much harsher now. This- this is why Liam never speaks anymore. He knows no one in this place would listen to us. He's the crown prince and no one listens to him. No one listens to me either. And no one is listening to Mother." Cora fell backwards until she was laying flat on the bed. 

Gen grimaced. She hated King Alastair with all her being but it still surprised her to hear the extent of his cruelty to his own children, his own flesh and blood. "I'm sorry," she said, feeling stupid. She sat on the bed next to Cora. "I'm so sorry you have to deal with that." She didn't know what to say to make Cora feel better or to show her she cared. She was never good with that kind of thing and it showed when Nina was slapped and it showed now. 

Cora didn't answer immediately. "You can't really pick your parents, but you can pick your true family. King Alastair is not my true family. If I had it my way, it'd just be me, Liam, and Mother." 

Gen had never felt so grateful for her own loving, supportive family. Looking back, she felt stupid and thoughtless to have let something like being pushed to using illegal methods to survive almost ruin her relationship with them. She was lucky for her parents and for Mira. She looked at Cora who was staring, expressionless, at the ceiling. So lucky. 


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