Justice League: Age of Extinc...

By kesselmines

1.4K 31 14

When Lex Luthor uses his new position as President of the United States to attempt to wipe out all superpower... More

The Brave and the Bold
Lexcorp attack
Rampage at STAR labs
Locked in
Parasite Beatdown
Starro Invasion

Young Justice

115 3 0
By kesselmines

Roy continued to slash through the thick plant life while he led Cisco and Thea through the jungles of the island. Cisco had been checking a small device that had the location of Sara pinned but it kept going in and out as they lost connection every once and a while from the trees blocking them from the STAR labs satellite.

"Do we even have a reason to believe this isn't a glitch? I mean it wouldn't be the first time Felicity's time travel GPS things have messed up." Thea moaned as she kicked a rock while walking in the hot jungle in a full leather outfit.

"Hey! They are my time travel GPS devices too. They work fine, also it's the first time that Sara hasn't contacted anybody in months while the GPS says she's in 2019." Cisco explained as he turned back to look at her.

"Guys look, There's a building over there." Roy pointed out as he sped up finally having the motivation to believe Sara and the legends might be here.

"It looks, abandoned. Whoa look it's an old Lexcorp lab. Sick." Cisco exclaimed as he moved a branch and found a Lexcorp logo covered in vines. The old building was nowhere near as modern as the newer Lexcorp buildings but still looked like it had been made in the 2000s. It looked to be two stories high but the whole thing was overgrown with plant life and a large piece of the top corner was on the ground seemingly fallen over time.

"Move back I'll kick that window over there in." Roy said as he used his arm to push the other two back.

"Wait, Look." Thea said as she stumbled over a manhole cover that looked as if it was an entrance to something given it had a handle. It was rusted over and had to brush all of the dust off but the handle turned smoothly.

"Why not use this and in case anyone is inside we can go in fairly undetected." Thea reasoned as Roy nodded in agreement. Cisco kneeled down and turned the handle opening the manhole. A green light shown from inside while the three heroes dropped down into the lab. The inside was much more like the new Lexcorp labs everything being shiny modern and new. Thea walked over to the only door in the small entry room and peered through the window. There was a long hallway with two guards guarding the door on the other side.

"I'll get you two onto the other side of the guards but you have to take them out immediately before they have time to call for help alright?" Cisco proposed as the two hooded vigilantes nodded and got ready. He opened a breach in front of the door and one behind the guards. Thea and Roy quickly jumped through and onto the other side. Roy kicked the guard in the knee sending him to the ground before punching him in the face knocking him out. Thea kicked the other guard in the back sending him into the wall where he hit his head on a pole knocking himself unconscious.

"Good job now let's go." Cisco said as he jumped through the breach as well. When they entered the next room it led them to multiple hallways leading off of it.

"Okay, the tracker is down this hallway so we just have to go straight and then hope for the best." Cisco stated as the three started down the hallway. They had to duck behind corners multiple times to hide from guards or scientists who were walking to the main labs which they guessed were down another one of the halls. Finally, they reached an elevator which required a key card.

"Don't worry I've got this." Cisco bragged as he hacked into the device which let them into the elevator. There were only four options, ground floor, rooftop access, main laboratories and an unmarked button that was glowing green. Thea pressed that one quickly and hoped for the best. When the doors opened there was a scientist waiting to enter the elevator which Thea made quick work of with a blow to the side of her head. The three snuck around the large lab until the reached a door on the other side.

"Sara should be in here. I'm sure of it." Cisco stated confidently as he burst through the door.y saw on the other side was two scientists working at a computer console overlooking four machines. Hooked up to the machines were the legends. Sara, Rene, Nate, and Amaya were all unconscious and strapped down on the machines. Roy speedily sent an arrow through both scientists and the dropped as Thea and Cisco ran to the legends ripping them out of the machines. Roy picked up a folder that one of the scientists was holding and studied the contents finding out that they were studying the effect of time travel over a long period of time. Suddenly five guards burst through the doors aiming their weapons at the heroes. Roy sent an arrow through one of their legs and they opened fire as the injured one dropped. Cisco blasted one with his vibe through the open door and saw scientists were panicking and running for the elevators on the other side. During the fight, the legends started to come to. Sara getting up grabbing the last guards guna and shooting him in the leg before he screamed out in pain and she kicked him in the face.

"Thanks for the help, we should get out of here before more show up." Sara stated before starting to move towards the door. The other heroes followed and start to run to the elevator. While running Nate noticed a tank on the other side of the lab by the elevator. It was opened so he thought that the scientists must've left it opened in the panic. When they got to the elevator he looked in and realized it was empty. Suddenly his vision went dark as a purple creature dropped from the ceiling onto the back of his head.

"Nate come on." Amaya yelled as the others got into the elevator. Nate slowly wandered over and into the elevator making sure to keep his back away from the others.

The group of heroes walk into STAR labs and see that Wally, Jax, and stein are there going over the crime rates in Central City rising.

"Hey, you found Sara and the legends." Wally exclaimed excitedly. He noticed that They were acting strange when he tried to talk to Cisco, Rene, Nate, Thea, and Amaya but none of them seemed like themselves. Roy and Sara went over to Professor Stein and Jax before saying bye and going to see Laurel and the League. Stein turned Cisco and asked to talk with him privately. The two went into a back room and Stain closed the door. When he looked out the window of the door he noticed that everyone in the other room had a purple thing on the backs of their heads. He opened his mouth to speak when everything went black.

Once they get back to star labs they see that Wally, Jax, and stein are there. Sara leaves to go see Laurel. They put a starro on Stein who combines with Jefferson and then Roy, and firestorm fight the controlled heroes. Roy taking on Thea, Rene, and Amaya while kid flash gets Nate, firestorm, and Cisco.

They overpower them and then they put starros on Roy and kid flash. The chapter ends with them gearing up to attack the watchtower and control the justice league.

A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates I have a lot of finals, I'll probably not update again until the summer which is when my finals are over so like two to three weeks depending on how my final projects go ksksk. Thanks for reading!!

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