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Silverpack द्वारा

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Sixteen-year old Beatrice Prior has suffered for years at the cruel, unforgiving hand of her father and class... अधिक

Tris POV
Four's POV
Tris's POV

Four's POV

329 6 2
Silverpack द्वारा

As I get out of my car, students and paparazzi scream my name. I roll my eyes as my 2 of my bodyguards are walking in front of me, 1 bodyguard at each of my sides, and the 2 that were blocking the paparazzi are behind my, still making sure they can't get a photograph of me. As we were walking the click of the cameras of the paparazzi die down, however the screams of the students get louder, I debate going back to my car, but I know I will never hear the end of it from Amar, so I go against it. I just hope I am making the right choice.

As I walked inside my security changed one of the two guards that were in front of me and behind me stay at the door, my bodyguards move away, but not so they can't protect me if something happens. Usually they wouldn't move away from my sides, but Amar somehow managed to convince my dad to allow me to have some more freedom than before, as he knew this was the only way I was coming to school. That was when I remembered I don't know where I am going. For the first time I look around, as I expected almost everyone is staring at me, then I see two boys, with brown hair and eyes I decide to go over to the boys and ask them were I must go. I sigh and walk over to them
" Hey, can you tell me where I am supposed to go?"
they both turn around and their eyes widen, out of the corner of my eye I see two of my bodyguards closing the gap between us I turn back to the boys.
"Y-your Four Eaton, right?"
the smaller one of the pair askes, I just nod wanting the convocation to change away from me. Luckily the taller one seemed to have read my mind
"Ok, well nice to meet you, I a Zeke and this is my annoying little brother Uriah"
Zeke says, Uriah is still staring at me
" Nice to meet you both, can you show me where the office is and make him stop staring at me?"
the second I finished that sentence Zeke punched Uriah hard on the arm and he screeched making me and Zeke die of laughter.
"We have to go to the office anyway, so follow us"
Uriah says
" So you did hear me"
he answers, as we start walking my bodyguards create a path for us.

As we reach the office more people are at me, some with their phones out, probably taking a photo of me as my bodyguards are once again right at my sides, as they do this both Zeke and Uriah smirk. As soon as I am handed my timetable the principle comes out and askes to talk to me, I nod, say goodbye to Zeke and Uriah and follow him into his office, my bodyguards in the same position as before, following me into the office.

Two of my remaining guards stand at the entrance, I can tell the principle is not happy with the amount of security I have, ' you and me both' I think. " First, welcome Four, I feel like I should let you know it will take a while for most of our students to comprehend the fact that you are here, hopefully you understand this might take a while before you will get treat like another student here." I nod, that is the thing I didn't want to be treat differently, but I knew when Amar told me I had to go to school I would be. He explained the expectations and other boring things, when he was explaining things the bell rang
' Great now I will be late' I think as he continues telling me about this school, he hands me my timetable and it reads

P. E

When I can go to lesson, I am about 5 minutes late, great. As I get closer to the classroom my security drops to two who will be coming into the lesson with me. I tried to get my bodyguards limited to only 3 but my dad wouldn't allow it, I got lucky that my dad allowed me to only have 2 guards in the classroom.

As we get there, I have one guard in front of me and one behind me the guard in front of me knocks on the door at this point I am about 10 minutes late. I am brought out of my thoughts when I hear
"Come In"
My bodyguard opens the door for me and walks in I follow behind him, not looking forward to the same amount of attention I got earlier. As I walk in all eyes are on mine, I can't say I am not used to getting attention, but that doesn't mean I like it.
" Welcome Four"
My teacher , Mrs Matthews says she tells me to take a seat next to Zeke I follow her gaze a smirk on both of our faces as I nod and make my way over, with one of my bodyguards the other is standing at the door. I sit in-between Zeke and a brown-haired girl, everyone else in the class returns their eyes to Mrs Matthews as she started talking. Everyone except Zeke and Uriah are staring at me.
I ask tired of their staring
" Four, this is my girlfriend Shauna"
Zeke says gesturing to the girl sitting next to me.
" This is Marlene"
He said gesturing to the Brown haired girl sitting next to Uriah.
" They are Christina and her boyfriend Will"
Gesturing to a black haired girl and a blonde haired boy.
" That is Lynn and Al"
He said pointing to a Brown haired girl and black haired boy
I nodded after he said everyone's name. The group were still staring at me, and it was getting annoying. Two minutes later Christina finally spoke
" Your Fou-Four Eaton right?"
"Yep, well last time I checked"
I responded causing the group to laugh
" So Four do you want to sit with us at lunch"
Shauna asked
" Yea, why not, what lesson do you have next?"
I say
" Art, can I see your timetable?"
I nodded and handed it to her
" You have all of your lessons with us."
She told me and I smiled, as she handed me my timetable back, I look over and see Christina righting what looked to be a note
"Christina, what are you doing?"
I asked
" I am righting a note to the stiff."
She says pointing to a girl, she passed the note around the table and they nodded to Christiana. They passed it to me, and it said, 'Don't even think about asking Four to be your friend stiff, he is with us, and we will never be punished for what we do to you.'
" That's right isn't it"
Christina asked me
" what do you do to her?"
I ask confusion visible on my face
" We bully her, she is poor and she has no friends, once she was rich, I think her dad worked with yours. Anyway, when she was rich she was popular, and was a bully constantly putting people she thought as below her, down she was dating Peter."
She pointed to a brown haired boy
" She was to naive to realise he was only dating her for her money, once she lost everything, Peter dumped her, and started dating Nita, after that Peter told everyone her dad got fired everyone started bulling her, she bullied us the most, now it's the other way around. Her name is Beatrice by the way."
I nodded ' It's fair' I told myself.
" You are right about not getting into trouble, my dad didn't even what me to be here, my manager forced me, so neither of them care how I behave, as long as what I do doesn't get out to the public."
I explain and I see smirks on their faces. Minutes later Lynn sends Beatrice a note I don't think anything of it as I remind myself, she deserves it.
throughout the lesson we continue joking not caring about the lesson going on the background.

I sigh in relief as the ring of the bell enters my ears.  We all leave the classroom and started walking to art, unlike when I was going to Science my bodyguards stay back, but like before they aren't far enough away to step in and protect me if I need it. About 3 minutes later we hear someone scream, my bodyguards close the gap and are at my sides as I separate myself from my friends a little so my bodyguards can protect me at all sides. We walk towards the sound of the continues screams and see Beatrice being kicked in the ribs by Peter and another boy and everyone else laughing, when my bodyguards see what is happening, they once again move away from me, but they are closer than before. 10 seconds later Peter and the other boy walk away and we do the same.
" Who was with Peter?"
I as no one in particular
" Caleb, the stiffs older brother, she bullied him as well."
Will answers smirking, well she deserves it, I remind myself as we continue walking to art.

Once we get there, I sit with my friends like in science, but this time I am between Zeke and Christina. I silently thank the teacher for not making a big deal out of my being here. " Hello, my name is Miss Wu, but you can call me Tori, since today is the first day back, I am going to make this lesson easy, draw something that is important to you, or your favourite memory." some murmur 'ok' as everyone gets out a pad of paper and a pencil, I decide to draw me and both of my parents alongside my siblings, two days before my mom died we were all happy, before I got her killed, something I will never get over. I tune out the gang's conversations and continue drawing. About 10 minutes later I put my pencil and stare at my family, smiles glued to our faces.
" That's great Four."
I turn and see Tori staring at my picture smiling.
"Why did you draw this?"
She asks, I know one thing, I don't want to tell her the truth, no one knows how I feel about my mother's death, the only know is she died in a car crash.
" I wanted to make sure I don't forget moments like this with my family, before."
I couldn't finish that sentence, it hurt too much to think about how happy my family was that day. Tori smiled knowing the rest of that sentence.
I turn to Marlene
" What happened to your mom?"
She asks, at this point we have the entire tables attention, all of them waiting eagerly for my answer, despite my mind telling me it is a bad idea I tell them all.
" She died in a car crash."
I said, pain clearly visible in my voice.
" Were was she going?"
Uriah asked me, when he asked that I just walked out, doing this I got the entire classes attention, as I walked out obviously my bodyguards followed me. I sit on the floor my head in my hands. The next thing I know the door opens and Zeke walks out, when they saw him my bodyguards get closer to me.
" What do you want?"
" To talk, what's wrong, if you can tell us your mom died, you could have told us where she was going, so what happened? Who don't have to tell me."
I sighed, I don't know why I trust him, but I will tell him.
" My mom died coming to pick me up from school, no matter what my father or what my family says I think it was my fault."
I answer, feeling like a weight was lifted off my chest, now I hope I have made the right chose. I hope I can trust him. We continue talking about our lives and I learn Zeke and Uriah's dad left them.

As I walk into the cafeteria everyone is still staring at me, I know one thing, this is getting old so fast. I ignore all of the wispers about me and start to eat my lunch. Minutes later everybody else joins me ' Do I trust them' I ask myself I told Zeke, I think I can tell them, before I can say anything Uriah speaks up
"Four, I am sorry I shouldn't have asked"
Uriah said, I look at him and see in his eyes he is  being honest, I am going to tell them, and like Zeke pray I am not making a mistake
"It's all right,"
As I say that relief fills his face
"Ansering your question, My mom was coming to pick me up from school, she got into the crash because of me."
When I finish everyone is shocked. Shauna is the first to recover and speak
"Why doesn't anyone know?"
"My dad knows I blame myself, I didn't want anyone to know, I was scaried what they all would think, my dad didn't think anyone would blame me, but he still kept it quiet and I would appreciate it if you did the same."
"We wont"
Will says and everyone else nods
"It wan't your fault though, whever you believe me or not."
Marlene tells me I smile at them all. Like in Science Christina is wrighting a note to the stiff she hands it to everyone, once they read it they all smirk. Lynn passes it to me and it says
'Not so popular now are you.'
Once everyone has read It she passed it to the stiff, seconds pass and she crumples it up and looks back at us with tears in her eyes causing everyone else to laugh.
"Not so confidant now"
Marlene taunts, she runs out of the cafeteria tears streaming down her face grabbing everyone's attention causing every student around us to erupt in uncontrollable laughter, upon potentially seeing their former bully, running out in tears. I don't know if she deserves this pain, has anyone else gave her a chance to explain? Why did she change so suddenly? I force these thoughts to the back to my head as a realisation hits, she won't tell me, why should she, I am friends with her bullies. Maybe some day I will attempt to befriend her but for now, I will ignore her, I will live my own life.
Will's voice forces me out of my thoughts
"Can you ask your dad and see what he knows about the stiffs father Andrew?"
"Sure, I don't think my dad has mentioned him"
I let them know. There had to be another reason why she changed,I hope my dad knows something.

That's chapter 3
The next chapter will be Tris POV up until this point.
I don't own divergent Veronica Roth does

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