The Kilindel's Mark

Av Thecherrybomber

55 5 3


The Kilindel's Mark

Chapter Two ~A Package~

11 1 0
Av Thecherrybomber

For the next few days I stayed out of my Aunt's way and tried to make this cold, unwelcoming place feel like home. It had been four days since I arrived and all I had done was eat the food brought to me in the morning and at night, sleep, and stare out the musty window thinking about my parents. Oh, how I wished they were here! But they were not, and at that sentiment I let the tears come easily, not stopping till I felt that there was nothing left inside of me. I was hopelessly homesick, for my old house, for my parents, for my brothers even! For the most part I had entertained myself by playing with my necklace. When I was nine, I found this odd stone on the edges of the Fords of Hasslenite. At the time I had thought nothing about the stone, but I soon realized that it gave me powers. I had always been good with animals, but after I found the stone, I could communicate with them! It was all so very odd, but at the same time so very cool! From  then on I could communicate with any animal, from the tiniest mouse to the noisest water loon that lived by the fords. I never told anyone about my powers, because most normal peole can go up to a cat and ask them how there day had been! I remembered my cat, Thistle, who I found as a kitten when I was eleven. It had been very rainy lately, and when I found her I nursed her back to health. She and I often chatted for hours on end, as I didn't have tons of friends in Goldvon. Thinking of Thistle brought on a hole new wave of tears. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and I quickly blew my nose and wiped away the tears on my red swollen face. I still looked like I had cried, but there was nothing I could do about that now.

"Who is it?" I asked, a little aprehensive that it would be my aunt.

"Um miss, mays' I come in?" said a timid voice. It was a girl, about ten, with long red hair, freckles and bluish-green eyes, and she looked like a foreigner from the west. She was holding in her hand a little wrapped box.

"What's that?" I asked.

"This here package came in the mail. The missus(that ment Aunt Sadin) wanted to take it, but I got it and took it up here. It's adressed to a 'Miss Callie Hammock' and I thought to myselve,'theres a pretty girl upstars in that old nursery, and I bet this here package is for her' ". I had to smile at the girl's dialect. She sounded so funny from what I was used to, but I could tell her actions were sincere.

"My name is Callie. Here, sit down," I told her, and she proceded to make herself comfortable on the somewhat dingy cot. "What's your name?" I asked.

"Flinna," she said, blushing slightly as she held  out the small package for me. I took the package and looked at it. On the front it said, to 'Miss Callie Hammock'. There was no return adress. "Who brought this?" I asked Flinna. "A boy, only a little older than you. He said to give this package to you straight away, that it was very important!" I had no idea who this person was, but I figured he probably was a carrier for some post office or the other.

"And you know what," continued Flinna, "There was something about him, something odd, I can't put my finger on it..." Flinna closed her eyes, and a sort of humming sound penetrated around her. The whole world was still for one moment. Then she spoke, still closing her eyes, and said, " He had messy, dirty blond hair and grey, grey eyes with flecks of black in them. He was holding a bag full of all kinds of letters and parcels. But that wasn't what was so odd about him, no, it was... Yes!" Flinna exclaimed, opening her eyes. "He had a mark on his palm, which I only got a glance of as he held the package out. It was a scroll, golden colored and imprinted on his skin!" she said triumphantly. I was confused.

"One, what does a tattoo have to do with this person. Two, how did you do that!" I exclaimed, amazement showing on my face. Flinna smirked a little.

"To answer your questions; one, that boy was an eshmear, shape-shifters who can turn into different animals depending on their jobs and the mark on their palm. That boy must have been a messenger eshmear, one the higher ranking jobs." Realization hit me. I had heard of Eshmears before.

"But don't they usually stay on the other side of the Glendale?" I asked, refering to the huge forest to the east of Toria and Risa Leon. "Usually, but because of the rivallry between Risa Leon and Toria, I"m not surprised that Toria has enlisted the help of Eshmears." I nodded in agreement. that made sense. 

"As for question two, I,I have a super natural memory and can se, see the future... Any event that has happened to me, I can remember in absolute detail, even if it was a long time ago. It's... it's a gift." Flinna looked down at the ground, biting her of he She probably thinks I'm going to make fun of her, I realized.

"I don't think your lying", I told Flinna. she looked up in surprise. "You don't?" "Nope. I mean, I have a power too."

"You do? That's crazy!...Are you lying to me?" Flinna asked suspiciously. "Of coures not!" I exclaimed. "Ever since I got this," I held out my necklace, and showed her the stone on it, "I can talk to animals. I mean really talk to animals" Flinna was shockd. "That is like, so, so, amazing!! I can't believe we both have special powers!" The two of us laughed and danced around the room.

"Finally, someone who understands me," said Flinna. "Finally, someone who understands Me!" I exclaim. The two of us grin at each other. "So how did you get your gift?" I asked Flinna. She frowned. "My father is the demi-wizard, Randon. When my mother was younger, she was very beautiful, and Randon fell in love with her. Maybe you don't know much about him, but he's kind of a, how do I put it... um, ladies man."

"Ohhh..." I said, understanding immediately.

"So," continued Flinna, "My mother fell for his charms. And I came into existance!"

I laughed. But suddenly I heard a rock banging against her window. "What was that?" I exclaimed.



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