Why do you love me this much...

By ankitha21

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A selfless love story of Khushi who loved her special friend Arnav . They both are married in a very unfortun... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9

Part 1

8.7K 281 110
By ankitha21

Hi friends ,

A new story of 3 to 4 shots .  A thought peeped and I immediately penned it down.  It is a take from telugu movie "Majili " but just one or two scenes are taken . Rest all are my own imaginations .Hope you like it ...

Character Sketch .

Arnav singh Raizada: He works in a MNC company as general Manager . He is sweet and charmful . Loves lavanya a lot. He can do anything for her  

Khushi singh Raizada / Khushi gupta: She is a girl who tolerates all the pain within her heart . She is too sweet and kind . Always thinks for other's good being .Loves her husband Arnav singh Raizada very much . She is currently working in a hospital as a chief doctor .

Aravind singh Raizada : Father of Arnav .

Kiren Gupta :  Father of Khushi .

Aisha gupta : Mother of Khushi .

Diya gupta/ Diya sharma : Khushi's sister .

Rohit sharma : Husband of Diya .

Lavanya Singh : Cousin of Khushi and Diya .

Payal Rathod : Best friend of Khushi .

Akash Malik: Best friend of Khushi .

Aman Mathur : Friend of Khushi .

Ruhaan : Friend of Khushi .

Ruhi : Friend of Khushi

Alarm rings on her phone .

Ding Dong . Ding Dong .

Khushi immediately gets up of her bed . She just offs the alarm and rushed inside washroom taking her clothes to refresh . She comes out of the washroom in a kurti and leggings . She saw the time as 6.00 am . 

" Perfect timing " said Khushi with a smile . She then went to the kitchen and kept a vessel of milk in the Gas stove . Meanwhile she put her hair in a bun .

" What is happening ?" asked Aravind coming inside with a smile .

" Good morning papa " said Khushi .

" Good morning dear . May this day be a very good day for you " said Aravind .

" Wish you the same papa . Give me two minutes , I would bring the tea " said Khushi with a smile .

" Take your time dear . No problem at all " said Aravind .

" Did he woke ?" asked Khushi with a little stammering tone .

" I dont think so " said Aravind .

Khushi just nods her head .

" Papa " shouted someone from the hall .

" He woke " said Aravind.

Khushi just smiled .

" I would go " said Aravind leaving to the hall .Khushi just stares at him leaving . She then concentrates on making her tea .

" What is it Arnav ?" asked Aravind .

" When would I get my tea ?" asked Arnav with a stern tone .

" She isn't a robo , Arnav !" said Aravind .

" I am asking you . Not that girl " said Arnav in a rude tone looking somewhere else

" Respect arnav . She is your wife " said Arnav .

" Wife ? " asked Arnav with a sarcastic tone .

"You cannot change the fact that you have taken 7 pheras with her , You have tied her the mangalustra and also filler her mang with sindhoor " said Aravind .

" These things doesnt matter to me " said Arnav in a stern tone .

" There is nothing going to change if it matters to you or not . The fact is she is your wife and give her that respect  " said Aravind .

" Dont even think that I would give her any respect . She doesnt deserve any .I have never seen a cheaper girl like her . So low and cheap " said Arnav angrily .

" Arnav !" shouted Aravind in his loud voice .

" Papa " said Khushi with a choking tone . Tears were ready to flow from her eyes , but she had controlled . She plastered a smile on her face . She was holding a tray with two cups of tea where her hands shivered .

" Khushi " said Aravind .

" Again the drama starts " mumbled Arnav .

" Tea " said Khushi with a shivering tone looking down . Arnav just takes the tea cup . He then went and sat in the sofa .

" Papa " said Khushi stumbling . Aravind took the tea cup and sat in a chair opposite to Arnav . Khushi then went inside the kitchen not wanting to stay there as she knows it would then lead to a very big heated conversation between Aravind and Arnav . She didn't want the father and son duo to start fighting in the morning itself.

" Why are you like this arnav ?" asked Aravind.

" Like what ?" asked Arnav .

" Don't think she isn't affected by your words . She gets hell affected " said Aravind .

" Why are you giving me a lecture now ?" asked Arnav with a cold look .

" It's waste to talk to you " said Aravind gritting his teeth .

Arnav just turns his face and sips the coffee .

" Ask that girl to prepare dosa with white chutney for breakfast  " said Arnav.

" She isn't your servant such that you could order. She is your wife  " said Aravind.

"  She can never be my wife.  Lavanya is my wife andmy love and this girl who is showing her face can never enter into my life nor rule my heart . I love lavanya and will always love " said Arnav keeping the tea cup on the table .

" Oh really . But what about this girl being your special friend ? For whom you cried dozens when you came to know she is going to leave you ??" asked his heart . 

Arnav just ignored it and then went to his room .

Aravind sees Arnav going to his room . He sighed seeing him .

" I wish you just see the truth Arnav . Her eyes tells the truth . But you wont believe .But one thing is sure , You would regret very badly for these words and the way you had treated her . And I wish that she shouldnt forgive you that much easily" said Aravind to himself .

Arnav went into the room and sat on the bed . He was feeling something pricking his heart when he always blames her .He felt himself completely helpless and painful .

He wasn't able to stop hurting her as she had did bad this time . And he wasn't able to also speak well with her as she always reminds him that because of her , his lavanya left him . His lavanya being a genuine and kind hearted let go off her love for her sister .

But this khushi , She didnt even  have a percent of regret of separating two lovers . She was selfish ,Cunning,manipulator , Gold digger .Nothing else .

" How could you change selfish like this khushi ? You were too pure hearted and innocent . Why did you do this to me ? Why you betrayed me ?  Because of you , my love left me.  You changed everything . After doing all this , how could you act like this ? Do you think that I would easily fall for your trap again ? Never Khushi . I will never do that . Its promise on my love for lavanya " said Arnav to himself .

Two tears rolled from khushi's eyes in pain . She just closed her eyes to control . To frame herself to not break down . The pain was very unbearable for her since last 40 days . She never cried . Few tears would come but she didnt let go off all the pain in her heart by the crying . She didnt want to weaken herself . And the next important fact is she could never hate arnav .No matter how much ever words he told , he is her first and last love . She loves him to the core , no matter whatever he tell to her . But her heart is too weak and it is breaking into pieces bit by bit .She was afraid for the fact that what if she wasn't able to gather her broken pieces . What if she gets tired and exhausted of everything ?

" Relax Khushi . Calm down . Dont think like this " said Khushi to herself . She just splashed the water on herself .

" How much every you try to wipe the traces of tears it wont go " said Aravind .

" I am not trying to wipe just trying to build it again. Leave all that . What do you want papa for breakfast and lunch ?" asked Khushi turning to him , wiping her face with a towel .

" He told to make dosa and white chutney for breakfast " said Aravind .

" Okay , I would make " said Khushi .

" Dont you want to run away from this house ?" asked Aravind .

" This is heaven papa . This much years I had lived in a house who treated me as a princess . But just few days ago , I came to know that they had false trust on me . Their love , their trust everything was false  .I feel painful that this much days I was in a false world . But this world in this house is true .  I know everyone hates me , so being with the truth doesnt make me be in the imaginary world . And it doesn't prick me hard when I fall down as I know I have already fallen down. " said Khushi .

" Do I hate you ?" asked Aravind .

Khushi nods her head no .

" Never say another word like this . Got it " said Aravind .

Khushi smiled a little .

" Now let me help my daughter" said Aravind taking the knife and vegetables to chop .

" I would do " said Khushi .

"You aren't a robot to do every job . I can and I would help you " said Aravind .

Khushi smiles .

Aravind went into the dinning table and placed the vegetables . He then started to chop the vegetables .

Khushi meanwhile kept the cooker on the stove . 

" Ouch !" shouted Aravind in his loud voice .He had cut his hands .

Khushi rushed to him seeing his loud shout .Arnav also came outside the room in a haste .

" Papa" said Arnav in a worried tone holding his hands .

" Its fine " said Aravind .

Khushi immediately went to take her medical kit . She then came out .

" Leave. I would check " said Khushi .

" No need , I know to take care of my father " said Arnav holding his hand . He took a cloth and tied it around Aravind's finger .

" I am a doctor . Just leave it to me , I would handle " said Khushi .

" Yes Arnav . She is right " said Aravind .

Arnav just moved away keeping Aravind's hand on the table .

Khushi treated his wound and bandaged his wounds . 

" How much days since you had take TT injection papa ?" asked Khushi .

" 8 months " said Aravind .

Khushi takes the injection from her kit .

" No need of injection khushi " said Aravind with a pout .

" Its needed . Dont tell me you are afraid of injections like a child " said Khushi with a smile giving a teasing look .

" Khushi . I hate injections " said Aravind .

" Thats what it is that you are afraid of injections " said Khushi .

" No . Its not" said Aravind .

" It is " said Khushi .

" No " said Aravind .

" Yes " said Khushi . She just injected injections silently .

" No " said Aravind with a pout after realizing that she had injected  . He rubbed his shoulders .

" It wont pain as if you are imagining" said Khushi with a smile .

Aravind tuns his face as if like a kid .

" How is he ?" asked Arnav ,

" No problem . All fine . I would prescribe some medicines, If he has it , he would get well soon " said Khushi looking at Arnav .

"Why did you pull up this stunt ?" asked Arnav with a stern look to aravind .

" I was cutting vegetables" said Aravind .

" Why the hell are you doing such kind of jobs ? " asked Arnav with a angry look .

" I just wanted to help her " said Aravind .

" Help . Why did you let him do the work . You are itself doing two to three works . And now including my father too ? Are you making him as your servant ?" asked Arnav with a spitting eyes.

Khushi was literally shaken by the intensity of his words . She felt herself choking .

" Please dont say like that" said Khushi with a choking tone .

" Dont show your acting . I wont believe . If you can do these works alone , Fine. If not then tell me , I would arrange a cook " said Arnav .

" Arnav , Stop it " said Aravind .

" You stop papa . Tell me what to do " asked Arnav .

"I would do " said Khushi with a little shivering tone .

Arnav just giver her a stare and went to take out his purse .He takes Rs.500 and placed it in her hands .

" This is your fees for your treatment .We dont need your charity . Enjoy yourself with this money as I have paid more than your usual fees . And by the way , You have started your work well . To try and lure a man who earns in lakhs , to act as if you care for the family and gain the money sooner .I am impressed that you have achieved these much in just 40 days of our marriage " said Arnav .

Khushi just stared at him with painful and stunned eyes. She was broken.She just clutched her hands to control the pain.

Aravind went and just slapped Arnav on his cheeks harder . Arnav was hell angry and Khushi was also stunned seeing Aravind slapping him .

" Papa" said Khushi with a stunned and puzzled tone .

" You are speaking too over Arnav . Be in your limits " said Aravind pointing out his hands to him angrily .

" You beat me due to this mere girl , dad " said Arnav .

" She isn't a mere girl . My bahu , My daughter " said Aravind .

" Daughter ? Her parents left saying they dont need her at all . And you are saying that this girl is your daughter ?" asked Arnav.

" They are fools for not believing her " said Aravind .

" They are fools and you are very intelligent . Mark my words papa , This girl will lead you to a worse state " said Arnav .

" And mark my words too , One day you would be pulled low from all your thoughts you are having " said Aravind .

" Let's see " said Arnav .

" Yeah , You are going to watch only " said Aravind .

Arnav went back to his room .

Khushi just sat down in the dinning table and started cutting the vegetables fastly .

" Do it slowly " said Aravind caring . He kept his hand on her head .

" Why are you fighting with him ?" asked Khushi .

" He is doing wrong " said Aravind .

" For that , You would slap him ?" asked Khushi .

"I was supporting you only khushi " said Aravind .

" Who told to support me ? You shouldnt have slapped him infront of me . I am his wife , papa . And I cannot bear someone slapping my husband in front of me " said Khushi in a angry tone . No matter what she cannot tolerate someone harming her Arnav , Someone slapping her Arnav in front of her .

Aravind laughs sarcastically .

" Husband !" said Aravind .

" He is mine . It cant be changed and Next time if you do something like this , I wont stay silent like this " said Khushi in a warning tone .

Aravind just stared at her in a unbelievable look

" She is just supporting him still . She is never leaving his side . What girl is she ??? He thought

" Okay " said Aravind.

Khushi just nodes where Aravind silently went to his room . She then Prepared both the lunch and breakfast within next one hour . She had packed his lunch box and kept it duely on the table . She then had arranged breakfast in the table .

Arnav came out in his formal Wear. He sits on the table . Khushi was about to serve where he showed his hands indicating that he didn't want her to serve . He himself took the dosas and started having it .

Khushi sighed and looked at him eating . He then got up from the seat and went to wash the plate .

He then went to take his bag and went towards the main door of the house .

" Arnav , Your lunch box " said Khushi rushing towards him to give it to him .

" I dont need it today .I would have it in the meeting " said Arnav going outside after wearing his shoe and socks . He then left the place in his car .Khushi just gazed at him leaving . She clutched the lunch box close to her heart.

" He could have said it earlier " said Khushi to herself with a painful tone . She had put a lot of efforts to just make his favorite lunch . But he , he simply went off . He didnt bother about her feeling at all and this pricked her too much .

She then kept the lunch box in the table and proceeded towards her room to get ready for her work .

She came out  taking her bag and kept  it in the sofa .

" Papa " called Khushi .

" What ?" asked Aravind coming out of the room .

" Angry with me ?" asked Khushi .

" No " said Aravind turning his face .

Khushi went and hugged him .

" I am sorry . Wont you forgive me ?" asked Khushi .

" You are not doing right khushi . Keeping dumb for every thing he speaks . That is why he is dancing " said Aravind .

" I cannot give up on him papa . He is my special friend as well as my love "said Khushi .

" For that , You would tolerate this all ?" asked Aravind .

" I would. If this is the situation for my whole life too  , I would " said Khushi with a little tears in her eyes .

She herself was unsure with this fact if she could tolerate .But her heart told she could .

" What are you ?" asked Aravind .

Khushi just smiled .

"  I wish truth comes out " said Aravind .

" Papa , Can I ask you one thing ?" asked Khushi .

"What ?" asked Aravind .

" Why did you ask me once also that whatever happened over that day in Marriage ceremony was true . Whether I was the reason for every chaos happened ?" asked Khushi .

" Because I know you . I know you would never do that " said Aravind cupping her cheeks .

Khushi just smiled  a little .

" Thank you for the support papa . Lets have the breakfast , come " said Khushi .

" Sure " said Aravind where they both gets seated in the dinning table .

" Your hands are hurt , Shall I feed you , if you dont mind . Because dosas would be difficult for you to have " said Khushi .

Aravind nods his head .He was feeling blessed of getting a girl like this . He just wished that she should get her true happiness  , Relieve her from all the pain .

Khushi fed him and then she completed her dosas .

" He didnt take the lunch box ?" asked Aravind .

" He has a meeting " said Khushi .

" He could have informed " said Aravind .

" Leave it papa . Keep the box in fridge , I would have it at night " said Khushi .

" You take this box for lunch " asked Aravind .

" I already packed mine " lied Khushi .

Aravind just nods his head .

After few minutes khushi left in her scooty taking her bag .

Khushi went to West mambalam Railway station . She just parked her scooty in the parking area and got the ticket for train . She brought the ticket for both up and down . She just sat down in the train at its corner seat near the window 

She just closed her eyes in feeling of the breeze hitting her face . It gave her the relaxation from all the miseries she is going through . Today she felt herself choking when he said those terrible words . It shook the hell out of her . She controlled herself to not break down there . To not let herself weaken .

She to calm herself down  catched a train and then return along with it .She would go to her work place an hour late and she had already informed her assistant by a message .

How could he just blame her like that ? How could he just blame her as a girl who is behind his money . Why should she run behind his money when she herself is well employed ? Why does he always throw hard words on her . Why this is just happening to her ? Why the hell ??

She knows answer for this all things too . It was all because of her cousin , Lavanya Singh. Lavanya was the reason why she is being in this state today . She was just the reason her parents had left her side , Her Arnav going against her . For every mishap happened .

She knows what all lavanya did . She knows everything , yet she chose to stay silent when lavanya turned the plate towards her . She felt broken when her parents disowned her . It teared her apart with their behavior and lack of trust on her .

She didnt know why she chose to stay silent . Her heart told that truth would come out one day and she just needs to hold herself till that day .She didnt want to scream for her innocence nor fight for her rights as she knows she is right . She didnt want to waste her energy screaming and fighting when she knows that no one is going to support her .

It feels so difficult that even though you are surrounded by many people , Yet you feel lonely . That is what is the exact scenario of her .

Few tears rolled from her eyes . 

She didnt know how long it is going to take place . She didnt know how long would she be able to tolerate these things .But she just prayed to god for one thing . To give her the happiness soon before it is too late . Before she looses her sanity .

Meanwhile her phone beeps with the caller ' Diya Sharma '. She sees the caller and plays with her phone , not knowing whether to attend the call or not  . She then cut the call.

For what reason her sister is calling her now ? To torture her more with accusation and blame ? No need for that . She dont have the heart to bear more words of her so called family .

Her phone ringed again with " Diya " calling . She again cut the call . She just wanted to throw her phone out of the window . But she couldnt .For her professional life , phone is very important for her .

Her phone again beeps with Diya calling . She just attended the call in anger .

" Hello Khushi " said Diya .

" If one is cutting the call , it means he/she doesnt want to talk to you .And I dont want to talk to you . Get it ?" asked Khushi .

" Even I am not interested in talking to you Khushi . I just called to inform you that you need to come on this saturday to register office for signing some documents related to the house . Thats why I called . Be there on 10.am " said Diya .

" Okay " said Khushi cutting the call .

" She just called to inform this . Nothing else " said Khushi to herself with fresh tears rolling from her eyes . She had hoped that her sister would atleast now speak realizing the blunder they had made . But no . They are still the same .  They just think of her as the same . Just the same .

" I wish you atleast have been my side . At least you , Arnav " said Khushi to herself . She remembered with a glimpse that how all this started and how it was today ........

At delhi .

Ak school ,  2 nd floor .

3rd standard -C section .

The teacher was teaching the class meanwhile the peon came along with a boy .

" Mam , Principal mam has given this letter " said Peon handing over the letter to the teacher . The teacher took the letter and smiled at the peon . The peon left .

" Good . Students , there is new friend for you all . Whats your name by the way?" asked the teacher .

" Arnav singh Raizada " said Arnav with a smile . He was having a charming smile .

" Great . I am your maths teacher plus class teacher . You can sit near Khushi . She would help you with portions and classes" said teacher .

Arnav looked at the classroom with a frown .

" Who is this khushi ? " he thought .

" Mam , Khushi ?" asked Arnav in a puzzled tone .

" Khushi " said teacher in a loud tone where she saw her concentration whole on the note book trying to do the sum . Khushi got startled and she immediately got up from her seat .

" Mam!" said Khushi. She then sees a new boy beside the teacher.

All of them laughs seeing her getting up in a startled way .

" Enough , enough . Khushi guide him . You go and sit there Arnav " said Teacher . 

Arnav nods his head obediently and went and sat beside her .

" Hello " said Arnav .

" Hello " said Khushi .

" What were you doing when teacher was speaking ?" asked Arnav .

" Trying to solve the homework which she gave " said Khushi with a smile .

" Oh my god . You are too sincere " said Arnav .

" Yes. I will go home and just play then . My father told that if we complete every work in school , then we can enjoy in house . So , I follow that " said Khushi .

Arnav just smiles looking at her .

" So friends ?" asked Arnav showing his hands .

Khushi holds his hand with her hands 

" Friends " said Khushi with a smile..

That was the start of their friendship . They both always had spent time together in the school . They were thick friends in a short span of time .

" Arnav ! Where is your mumma ? I have never met her " asked Khushi where she had come to his house to play .

" Khushi , My Mumma is with god . Papa told that god has taken her with him " said Arnav with a sad tone . He looked down feeling the pain .

Khushi seeing her best friend sad was also sad .

She just knelt down in front of him .

" My father says that the one's who are with god would  always be there in your heart . So your mumma is in your heart , Dont worry " said Khushi pointing out with her hands to his heart .

Arnav just nodded his head .

" No friend has every talked to me like this. Tha.. Opps . I wont say  " said  Arnav zipping his mouth as he knows how khushi hates saying sorry and thanks in between friends .

Khushi smiles .

" I am your special friend Arnav  and yeah thankfully you closed your mouth " said Khushi .

" You wont leave me right ?" asked Arnav .

" Never baba " said Khushi .

" Promise ?" asked Arnav showing his hands .

Khushi holded his hands .

" Pinky promise " said Khushi .

Arnav smiled looking at her .........

Soon one year passed . Arnav and Khushi was very close besties by the way . They were promoted to 4 th standard and they both with joy welcomed the summer vacations . Arnav almost stayed at Khushi's house as Aravind was very busy .

Even Aravind and Kiren were now best friends and they  bonded well . 

But their bond everything was shaken as Kiren got his transfer to chennai . They had to shift and they had no other go . Arnav and Khushi both were heart broken with this separation .

" Khushi , Dont go " cried Arnav holding her hand .

Khushi just holds his hand .

" This is just temporary  arnav . We would soon meet . Dont worry " said Khushi with tears in her eyes . She herself was feeling too sad for separating from her friend . But she had to . She had to go for sure .

" I would miss you . Who would I play with ? Who would I chat with ?.With whom shall I prank ?" asked Arnav .

" I would also miss you Arnav . You would soon get friends here . Dont worry " said Khushi .

" I dont want any . Only you is enough . Its enough if I have my special friend " said Arnav .

" Khushi , Are you ready ?" asked Kiren  coming inside the room

" Papa , He is crying . I would stay with Arnav and Aravind uncle " said Khushi.

" Yes uncle . I would take care of Khushi well. This is pinky promise " said Arnav .

Kiren smiles seeing them both .

" I know you would take care of my princess , Big Boy . But this is necessary . I have to take Khushi with me . But I promise , you both would meet soon . You both would bond very well when you grow up . And that time you can never be separated " said Kiren .

" Sachi papa ?" asked Khushi with twinkling eyes .

"Sachi " said Kiren .

" Then okay uncle . But when I get Khushi that time , I wont even leave her to go away from me " said Arnav possessively

" Pakka " said Kiren .

Arnav and Khushi smiles looking each other .

" Okay come , We would leave " said  Kiren .

Khushi and Arnav came out of the room .

" Bye Khushi , Take care " said Aravind .

" Uncle bend down " said Khushi .

Aravind bends down .

Khushi kissed his cheeks .

" We would soon meet uncle . Would miss you a lot " said Khushi .

Aravind smiles and kissed her forehead .

" Yes we shall meet . Would miss you a lot princess " said Aravind .

After few minutes  , Gupta family left the house where Arnav and Aravind looked at them  leaving . Arnav felt a lot of pain but he managed the feeling . He convinced himself that time would pass soon and he would see his friend sooner ..

Time passed on . At first Arshi used to talk to each other in phone . But later Arnav started getting distracted as he had got new friends . But khushi as the time passed on felt her connection with him too stronger . She understood that she had the feeling love for him . She used to always think about the days they had spent together and  she always used to look at the photo frame of them both .She had got a best friends of Akash and Payal in her school and now they were also a very part of her . But for her still Arnav was the first . After few years they both had lost contact of each other . But their parents used to have . Khushi would eagerly ask her papa every time whether her arnav had asked her . But no . She got disappointed . But still it didnt break her love . She kept loving him endlessly imagining him of how he would be ....

As I said time passed on . It was  2013 when they had met again .

Arnav and his father had shifted to Chennai in to the next independent house of the Guptas . Aravind had applied a transfer and Arnav had already got admission in IIT for MBA and he would be leaving to Calcutta for the next month .Sensing that Aravind would be alone  they decide to shift to chennai where there would be a company for him . And second is Diya's marriage was being held. So they need to surely come .

Arnav had a new feeling of  thrill and excitement as he is going to meet his friend Khushi . He didnt forget her at all . He was distracted , he agree . But he has a special place for his heart and that is always for her only .

They settled all their bags in the house . Aravind sat in the bed tiredly .

" Papa , lets go to meet guptas " said Arnav .

" Wanted  to meet her ?" asked Aravind .

" Yes . Lets go " said Arnav .

" Let us refresh Arnav " said Aravind .

" No need . Come " said Arnav dragging Aravind out of the house . He locked the door .

" She eagerly waited for you to ask about her . You didnt talk at all " said Aravind .

" Just come papa . I can't wait more " said  Arnav .

Aravind sighed and they went to the next house .

The house door was open and it was wholly decorated with flowers and lightings . Few people were seated in the sofa in the hall and chatting .

" Whats happening ?" asked Arnav .

" Mehandi function today evening " said Aravind .

Arnav just went inside not bothered to ring the bell . Aravind smiled seeing him entering . He also went behind him .

" Khushi , Come here . Fast " shouted Aisha from the kitchen .

" Coming shouted " a girl who was in the hall  arranging the flower vase .

Arnav immediately smiled in identifying her . 

" It must be her " he thought .

He went slowly towards her .

" Khushi " called Arnav .

That girl turned towards him with a little stern gaze . Arnav was just blown out seeing the girl before him . She was beautiful . Too beautiful .

" Excuse me ?" asked the girl .

" Khushi " said Arnav and he hugged her tightly .

That girl was hell confused of why is he hugging her .  But when he said Khushi , She understood . He was misunderstanding herself to be Khushi .

Her lips turned to a quite smirk .

" Lets play a game " she thought with a smile .

" Oh Arnav . Leave her " said Aravind with a smile .

Arnav leaves her with a smile in his face.

" Hi Arnav !" said the girl with perplexed smile .

" Hi!" said  Arnav with a sense of joy and happiness .

" Hi uncle " said the girl .

" Would you greet  me like this Khushi ?" asked Aravind with a stern .

" Why ?" asked the girl with a little confusion.

" Hey Hello " said Kiren entering the house with a lot of bags in his hands .

" Hey Kiren "; said Aravind with a smile .

" Lavanya , Give this bags to Aisha right ?" asked  Kiren .

The girl grits her teeth as her plan has been flopped . She was caught before she could do something g . . She took the bags from Kiren .

" Lavanya ? This isn't Khushi ?" asked Arnav .

" No. Khushi is outside , She is attending a call " said Kiren .

" Oh , I am sorry  , I thought you as Khushi " said Arnav .

" Its okay . Badepapa , I would give it to Bade mumma " said Lavanya leaving the hall .

Arnav watched at Lavanya leaving . He didnt know why but he felt a little disappointed finding this girl not to be his khushi. Why his heart craved that this girl should have been Khushi . He didnt know . But first , He need to meet his Khushi . What is she doing now ?he thought .

" Its too great to see you man here " said Kiren .

" Me too buddy " said Aravind hugging him . Arnav was just staring at them both .

" Arnav ?" called Kiren .

Arnav nods his head .

Kiren hugged him .

" You have grown up man " said Kiren .

" Yes . It is after a very long gap we are meeting. How do you expect him to be the same small kid ?" asked Aravind .

" Yeah . I remember him still . He refused to let go Khushi that day . Its just still fresh in my memory " said Kiren .

Arnav just looked down flustered . He himself wasn't able to believe that he once had spoken like this .

" Oh Blushing ?" asked Kiren with a teasing tone .

" Uncle " said Arnav with a pout .

" Okay calm down .  Come inside . I would let you meet Aisha " said Kiren .

Aravind and Arnav nods where Kiren lead them to aisha . They were having their usual talks . Arnav was feeling bored and he came out of the room which they were present before . But as soon as he came , He dashed into a girl hardly .And that girl lost balance and he holded her using her waist .

He sees that girl who was wearing a spectacles and her hair had been tied into a high pony . She was wearing a track pant with a loose t-shirt .He straightens her and himself 

" Can't you see and walk ?" asked the girl with a frustrated look .She adjust her spectacles .

" What the . You banged on me and scolding me ?" asked Arnav .

" I didnt bang . You only did . Just like that coming and hitting me " said  the girl .

" Hello " said Arnav in a raised tone .

" Even I know how to tell 'hello!' " said the girl.

" Why I am even wasting my time on you" muttered Arnav .

" Then leave sir . I didnt hold you firmly such that I am not letting you go . Go " said the girl .

" Arrogant " muttered Arnav leaving downstairs .

" Khadoos " muttered the girl and she left to her room ..........................................

How was the update ??

What do you think about this story line ?

What do you think about arnav ?

What do you think about Khushi ??

How is the bond between Aravind and Khushi .

Any favorite dialogue??

Any favorite scene ??

Would be waiting for your likes and comments .

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