Secret ( A Princeton Love Sto...

By Kianalovesprinceton

8.6K 93 9

When alex meets the guy of her dreams, jacob perez, she falls in love with him.but jacob was always on the ro... More

I cant do this anymore
My new life
I dont know what to do
You Liar
Moving Day
Party Gon Wrong
It's ok


523 5 0
By Kianalovesprinceton

when we got to the boys house there really wasn't much cars. Ariel wanted to ring the doorbell so zoe help her up. some girl answered the door.

???: can i help you (she had attitude)

Zoe: sí perra puede (yes bitch you can)

???: you don't speak English how sad

Zoe: i know she ain't talking to me like that. (Zoe pushed the girl out the way and we walked in)

???: who the fuck you pushing

Zoe: quién más te auto tonto el culo ( who else you dumb ass self)

???: Jacob!!! tell these bitches to leave

Arianna: ohh momma she said a bad word

Alex: i know sweetie don't worry she going to get in trouble

Jacob: Ashley what you tal- oh hi guys

Ariel: hi da- (i put my hand over Ariel mouth so fast)

Jacob: whats wrong 

Alex: she doesn't feel where is your bathroom

Jacob: up stairs first door to your left

Alex: ok, Zoe can you watch Arianna for me 

Zoe: sure

i ran upstairs and put Ariel on the counter in the bathroom.

Ariel: momma did i do something wrong

Alex: no baby you just forgot that you cant call him daddy yet

Ariel: oh yea I'm sorry

Alex: its ok, now give me a hug (we hugged and then went down stairs)

Zoe: there you are what took you so long 

Alex: i cleaning up Ariel so made a poo-poo

Ariel: no i didn't

Alex: shh

Zoe: anyway the boys wants us to meet some people.

Alex: ok ( we walked over the boys and 3 girls)

Prod: hey this is my girlfriend Nicki

Alex: hi nice to meet you

Zoe: I'm loving your hair

Alex: yea its dope

Nicki: thanks

Alex:  I'm Alex, this is Ariel, this is Arianna and this is Zoe (as i pointed to everyone)

Nicki: hi

Ariel and Arianna: hola

Ray: they know Spanish 

Zoe: yep there auntie taught them

Ray: well anyway this is Chloe my girlfriend

Zoe: hi you look familiar, what high school did you go to

Chloe: south beach

Zoe: oh my god we were in the same math class i always sat in the back and you were always in the front

Chloe: oh yea we were partners for that one project

Zoe: yea dude we got an A on that project i was so hype

Alex: ok enough about school

Zoe: you should be mad excited for school you graduated even when people had there doubts

Alex: i know but I'm on vacation from school so I'm living it up.

Jacob: any who this is Ashley

Zoe: ugh we already met

Ashley: listen her bitch

Alex: can we please not curse there are kids here

Nicki: i was meaning to ask who kids they were

Alex: oh there my daughters

Nicki: well there as cute as a button

Alex: what do you say when someone compliments you

Ariel and Arianna: gracias

Zoe: chicas buenas es lo que ustedes quieren helado ( good girls do you guys want ice cream)

Alex: no, no hasta la cena saben que (no not until dinner they know that)

Ariel: pero por favor, mamá somos chicas buenas ( but momma please we are good girls)

Arianna: sí mamá ( yes momma)

Alex: bien, pero esta vez (fine but this one time)

Ariel and Arianna: yea!

Zoe: vamos chicas vamos a por un helado ( come on girls let's go get some ice cream)

Alex: adiós (bye)

everyone was dead staring at us.

Alex: what 

Jacob: i never knew you spoke Spanish

Alex: i always have but never with you cause you were never around

Jacob: and again I'm sorry about that

Alex: its ok

they girls came back with ice cream

Roc: so that's what you guys were talking about

Zoe: tonto culo negro (dumb ass nigga)

Roc: i don't know what you said but i feel insulted

Zoe: well you should

Roc: what did i ever do to you to make you hate me so much

Zoe: well lets see you never spend time with me, i caught you cheating twice, and you were an horrible BOYFRIEND!

Roc: i did spend time with you its not my fault i have this job and i never cheated on you

Zoe: so that bitch Megan didn't send me a photo of you to kissing

Roc: that wasn't me because i loved you so much i would never hurt you

Zoe: así que seguro lo que no sé si puedo confiar en ti otra vez ( well you sure did i don't know if i can trust you again)

Roc: can you tell what she said Alex

Alex: (i looked at Zoe to see if it was ok she nodded and then went into the house) she said well you sure did i don't know if i can trust you again

Roc: i don't get i love her so much but she cant see that for some reason, she doesn't see the hurt i went through when she left, she doesn't see that i missed her so much, she especially doesn't see i want her back.

with that Zoe ran out of the house and into roc's arms. it was so sweet.

Arianna: ewe auntie Zoe touching a boy ( we laughed)

Ariel: they have cooties

Jacob: ( he started running after the girls) I'm going to touch you with my cooties 

Arianna and Ariel: AAAHHH!

even though he doesn't know hes an father he sure looks like he knows.

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