Sander Sides One-Shots

By johnnysbigcheekz

13.1K 291 48

Thomas Sanders and the Sander Sides! Please send requests if you want! I will never turn you down and I want... More

Logan & Thomas - Sleep Issues
Virgil & Thomas - Distorted Voice
Roman & All - Flowers
Virgil & Thomas - Distorted Voice 2
Thomas - Final Hour
Patton & Thomas - Movie Night
Virgil, Roman, & Deceit - Helpful
Virgil & Thomas - Distorted Voice 3
Virgil & Logan - Baby Patton
Deceit X Patton - Sad Cuddles
Logan X Virgil - Lost in Space
Thomas & Virgil - Thunderstorm
Dr. Emile Picani & Logan - Late Night Talks
Roman & Thomas - The Coin
Patton X Logan - Tomorrow Never Came
Patton & Virgil - Red Handed
Thomas - Fairy God Parents
L.A.M.P - Truth Spell
Body Swapped - Roman & Deceit
Need a Hug? - Thomas & Logan
Accident - Deceit x Remy
Mine - Patton x Logan
Author's Note

Patton & Virgil

173 6 1
By johnnysbigcheekz

My last chapter didn't plan out, so I abandoned it. I didn't know where to go with it. I'm sorry this took me so long to get out. This is my second time writing from a prompt and I feel like I did good with it :[
Virgil had been out of the castle all day. He went to multiple meetings that day for the kingdom and was exhausted when he finally came home. He had several papers under his arm, each filled top to bottom with notes from his meetings. He had even gotten into a fist fight while in town, the person not knowing who he was in his civilian clothes. His personal guard wanted to punish the man but Virgil told him to let it go. He entered his room and set the notes on his desk before collapsing into his bed with a deep sigh. He was already starting to fall asleep when their was a knock on the door. "Come in," Virgil answered after slowly sitting up. His personal guard stood in the door way, armor bright and reflective against the light.

"The healer, Patton would like to speak to you, your majesty," he guard spoke smoothly. Virgil frowned a little. He was exhausted and really wanted to sleep. "Could you please tell him to wait until tomorrow if he can?" He asked with sorrow. He hated declining to see his friends out of tiredness. "Yes, your majesty," he guard said before closing the door with a soft click. Virgil sighed again before sliding off the bed to blow out the candles in the room. When all the candles were out except the one beside his bed, he slipped under the covers and got comfortable. He fell asleep quickly after that, too tired to change out of his clothes from the day.

Virgil was woken up a few hours later by distant screaming in the hall way. He thought to himself as to what it could be when his bedroom door flew open and hit the wall harshly. A guard fell to the floor on his back, a sword sticking through his gut. Virgil sat shocked at the sight, now fully awake and trying to see around the other door at who or what was attacking. A faint groan was heard before someone stepped around the door. Virgil's heart dropped to his stomach as he stared at a bloody Patton. "Patton? What the hell is going on?" Virgil asked in frantic anger and fear.

When he got no response from the other man his anxiety rose further. "Patton? What are you doing? Are you okay?" Virgil asked worriedly, "please talk to me." Patton only continued to stare, the only sign that he heard Virgil at all was his head slowly tilting towards the side. He seemed to be listening to something, but there was nobody else in the room except them. Patton started moving all at once, causing Virgil to flinch at the unexpectedness of it. Patton walked over to the fallen guard and pulled his previous weapon out. He carefully cleaned the blade with a handkerchief before moving into a ready stance.

Patton looked at Virgil with deep resentment and tightened his grip on the sword. "Why are you looking at me like that? Come on, I love you, you know that-oh why are you pointing that sword at me?" Virgil asked, now unable to keep the rising fear out of his voice as he moved a little on the bed. "Put it... put it down nice and gently. I love you, please don't do this." Virgil pleaded, keeping a very close eye on a now very slowly approaching Patton. "Put it down, you're not in your right mind, someone's controlling you" Virgil tried again, only to get silence in return. Patton now full on ran towards Virgil, sword at the ready with the intent to kill in his eyes. "Please don't kill me! I love you! Come on, please put it down! You're scaring me!" Virgil shrieked the plea in terror.

He refused to hurt Patton and had just barely moved fast enough to avoid the sharp blade. Patton whirled around the second he missed to try stabbing him again. Virgil quickly ran down the hall, looking back every so often even though he knew it would slow him down. There weren't too many dead or injured guards after he passed the hallway to his room. Who ever was controlling Patton must have known where Virgil slept. He could tell that Patton was right behind him by the loud sound of their feet hitting the floor throughout the empty halls. He finally reached the main hall, which would offer more open space if they got into a fight. He turned to look behind him, which cost him dearly.

He tripped and fell hard onto his back, his head hitting the ground with a loud smack. He huffed out a breath, the air having been knocked out of him, only to choke when Patton jumped onto him. Virgil stared in dazed fear at Patton above him. He brought his arms up to try to shield himself, only to have them pinned down harshly in Patton's one handed grip. "P-Patton please don't!" Virgil stuttered out loudly, tears beginning to well up. Patton said nothing as he glared with murderous intent. Patton reached towards his side and revealed his sword once more.

"Patton please, I love you! You know that I love you! We can work through this together, please don't hurt me! THIS ISN'T YOU, YOU'RE UNDER MIND CONTROL! STOP!" Virgil continued begging, a tremor in his voice as the tears finally fell. Patton raised his weapon and stood up slightly. He quickly moved his arms down, Virgil's terrified and desperate scream echoing through the room. Patton's dagger stopped inches from Virgil's chest. "V-Virge?" Croaked a hoarse voice, the dagger clattering to the floor loudly. Virgil opened his eyes, not realizing that he had closed them. "Virge are you okay? What happened? W-Why are we on the floor?" Patton asked, looking around the room in confusion.

The room was silent other than Virgil's, now light, panting. Virgil let out a choked sounded then started to laugh until his laughs turned into heart retching, fear filled sobs. "Virge?" Patton breathed in concern. He thought to himself about could've happened. Patton studied Virgil while he waited for a response of any kind. He noticed blood on the others face and bruises starting to take color. It didn't look like anything was broken from what he could see, which was a relief.
"Do you remember anything?" Virgil asked after he composed himself a bit.
    "No. Last thing I remember was being in the library."
He sighed and sniffed. "Great."
    "I'm sorry-"
"No, it's not you. Don't apologize."
A beat. "What did I do? You said something about, uh, mind control?"
Virgil scoffs, tired and sad, before speaking. "I need time to figure that out, but as far as I know, you attacked some guards and me." Patton looked away, ashamed he could ever do such a thing to his friends and family. "Don't beat yourself up about it Pat," Virgil added after seeing his friends look. Patton looked back at Virgil and gasped lightly, realizing he's been sitting on his friend the entire time. He stood up and reached down to help the other up. Virgil winced a few times and swayed once before he was finally standing.

    "Don't move!" A guard yelled, the two now surrounded by guards with sharp swords. "Your Majesty, come with us," one said gesturing for Virgil. "No! Don't hurt him! It wasn't his fault! It was a mind control spell!" Virgil quickly explained as he moved to shield Patton the best he could. "Sir, the spell may have wore off but until we get him checked out we cannot be sure that he is safe to be around," the guard insisted. "Just don't hurt him, please!" Virgil restated. "As you wish, now please come with us sir," the guard pleaded gently. "You'll be fine, I promise. We'll work this out," Virgil spoke fearfully before following the guards.

    Virgil was taken towards the hallway he must have run down earlier. He looked over his shoulder to watch Patton. Both guards on his sides moved closer to Virgil, but he couldn't understand why before turning back around. He heard a wet squelch and a gasp left his mouth before turning around. Every thing felt like it was in slow motion as he watched Patton's head fall to the ground and several swords leave his torso. Two pairs of arms were instantly wrapped around his shoulders as he tried to run towards his friend. A scream of anguish left his throat and he could faintly hear someone saying "it had to be done! I'm so sorry, but it had to be done!" His knees gave out from under him and he hit the floor loudly. His knees stung but he ignored it as tears sprang from his eyes and left him gasping.

Did I throw you off there? Did you think this was gonna end happily?

Again, I'm sorry this took me so long to get out. I've been kinda busy lately. I just got a job and I love it so much. DO NOT yell at your order taker at a fast food place, waitresses, or waiters when they are just trying to confirm your order! It's rude and they are just trying to get you the correct food!

I didn't really know how to end this so yeah :/

The newest Sander Sides episode was so cool like wow

Story suggestions and creative criticism are always welcome!

What other fandoms would you like me to write for?

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