Light Up Sneakers

By Wolfyiez

1K 18 5

It all started with a shoe... More

Author's Note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
It's Not The End

Chapter 1

123 1 0
By Wolfyiez

Zoe's POV

"Oh my gosh, Pres' would love these!" I exclaim to my best friend, Madelyn as I examine the shoe. I'm a veterinarian at a local pet clinic in Dallas, Texas. If you asked me when I was seventeen if I thought I would be a vet, I would've laughed at you.

"I thought of her when I saw them on clearance at Little Kickers, I knew Presley was obsessed with My Little Pony, so there is an early birthday present." Madelyn says casually petting the rabbit on the examination table. I hug her tightly, "Thanks, Mads." I mumble in her hair.

"No problem, Zo. I really should give credit to my daughter though." Madelyn chuckles. 

"Why?" I ask curiously, placing the shoe back in the box and closing the lid. I place it on the counter for when I go home.

"Well, Liliana saw them and she almost screamed 'Mommy, that's Presley's birthday present, right there!'" Madelyn and I let out a laugh.

"Lily has good ideas." I say taking my stethoscope and placing it to the rabbit's side, looking for a heart beat. I eventually find it and listen for awhile. "Good." I mumble to myself, recording the heart beat on my clipboard.

"This is just a vaccination and check-up, correct?" Madelyn asks me, focusing on filling up at vaccine.

"Mhm." I say, examining the rabbit's ears then eyes. I then record that information and stand up straight.

"Just one needle and then you're good to go iHop!" I say to the rabbit, patting his head softly.

Madelyn walks over and I hold the rabbit still. I look up to her, "Ready?" I ask. She nods her head then injects the rabbit. 

It was quick and then I let the rabbit stand on it's own. I record the information and print out the bill before turning to Madelyn who's placing the rabbit in it's carrier. She takes the bill and information and tapes it to the carrier before placing him in his owner's arms.

Madelyn walks back in the room and closes the door behind her. "Last patient." She breathes.

I laugh and take off my scrubs, brushing my hair out with my fingers, it tumbles down my back and I grab my purse and the shoe box.

"So, what's on your schedule for tonight?" Madelyn asks me, touching up her make-up in her phone camera.

I sit up on the counter, watching her do her make-up. "Taking Presley to dance class then we're  going to see Alana and Jared." I say smiling as she begins her mascara.

"You?" I ask, pulling out my phone and checking my text messages. Of course my mom texts me.

'Need any help with Presley, honey? I'm here!'

"I've got a date with Michael." Madelyn smiles and I smirk. "Ooooh." I tease like we are in fifth grade.

"Where is Lily going?" I ask hopping off the counter and pocketing my phone.

"My mom is watching her." Madelyn replies returning her make up to the bag and placing that in her purse.

"Gotcha. Alright, I should get going. Cya Mads!" I begin to walk out the door and she waves. I check out and step out of the building. Everyday I walk to Presley's daycare then we walk home. It's a ten minute walk all together, and I like the exercise. I guess this brings me back to when I was married to Liam. He abused me and put me down every day for being pregnant with Presley. It wasn't my fault, he raped me.

I would never tell Presley she was an accident. She is a beautiful, smart and clever girl and I could never ask for a better daughter. I'm twenty seven now and things are turning out fine. I have a small, two bedroom apartment that I share with Pres' and we get tons of help from family and friends.

I eventually make it to Presley's daycare and walk up to the front desk. "Hello, ma'am! Here for pick-up?" The secretary says cheerfully and I smile at her.

"I'm here for Presley Murphy." I tell her, sliding my ID across the counter to prove I'm her mother.

"Alrighty!" She picks up the phone and calls Presley down. She hangs up and looks at me. "So, did she have a good day?" I ask, trying to create small talk.

"She did! She made lemonade with Liliana and Oliver and she learned about filling other's buckets!" The secretary says happily and turns around as Presley runs into my arms.

"Mama!" She says with a big smile on her face and I pick her up, supporting her on my hip. 

"How was your day, lovely?" I ask her, brushing some stray hair out of her face and running my fingers through her two pony tails.

"Good! I had so much fun making stick and rock soup with Lily today! Then we fed it to the ants and they tipped us! And then guess what happened?" She says excitedly.

"What?" I ask, smiling at her.

"Oliver was our limo driver! He was our hotel owner, he brought ants to and from the hotel to our café so they could eat!" She says happily.

"Well that sounds like fun, Pres." I say sliding my credit card across the counter to pay for the day of childcare.

"Ready for dance?" I ask taking her hand and placing the credit card back in my wallet. The secretary smiles and waves goodbye. I wave back before walking out the door.

"Yep! I can't wait to show Ms. Jessica my splits and back walkovers!" Presley says skipping while holding my hand.

Presley has always been an active kid. When she was one, I put her in swimming lessons. At two years old she began dance. She does a lot of styles but loves her acrobatics so that is what I signed her up for.

She has a general talent for it, for only being three years old, she can do quite the amount of tricks. Front walkovers, cartwheels, hand stands and she is beginning her back handspring.

"Mommy?" She asks, after silence. I look down at her.

"What are we doing after dance?" She asks, continuing to skip.

"We're going for dinner at Uncle Jared and Aunt Alana's house." I smile at her.

"Yay! I can play with Oliver then!" She says excitedly. We continue to walk down the street towards her dance studio.

Oliver is Jared and Alana's son. They had him at twenty three, I was in the room when he was born. Alana and I have this on going joke that Oliver and Presley will end up dating and it always gets the two a blushing mess.

We finally make it to the dance studio and I trail behind Presley as she skips into the change room. I help her change into her normal leotard and I take the pony tails out of her hair, I put her hair up in a simple bun and she trots off to the dance studio. 

I watch as she joins the class and begins stretching. I sit back on the bleachers and smile at the sight of her enjoying herself.

The teacher sets out mats and the other children begin working on their tricks. I watch as the teacher supports Presley's back as she works on her back hand spring.

My phone dings and I take it out of my pocket.

Lonnie - Sent at 3:57 pm

Ready for tonight? c;

I reply curious.


Lonnie - 4:00 pm

I have a suprise for you tonight, I'm sure you'll like it.

I'm now nervous.


I pocket my phone and go back to watching Presley, I see the teacher clap when she does a back walkover by herself and I smile to myself once again.

About half a hour passes and Presley runs out happily. "Ms. Jessica was proud of me!" She says jumping up and down. I smile and lead her into the change room.

"Good job, lovely!" I say changing her back into a t-shirt and jeans. I tie her hair back into two pony tails and wrap the two white ribbon bows around the ties.

She skips out of the studio and I wave goodbye to the teacher. "Time to go to Auntie Alana's." I say trailing behind her.

She turns around and looks up at me with those big green eyes. "Okay!"

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