Book 3 in Jumper series "Trip...

Por creepynerd8808

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Book 3 in Jumper series "Tripped Up" a Creepypasta Yaoi boyxboy fanfiction
Using the Cheat Code
Without a 'Glitch'
Blue with Love
I Go Back to Black
The Blood Stained Black
And the Blood Turns Yellow

Not a Tree Hugger

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Por creepynerd8808

I was just told that Ash doesn't like this. Oh my god. You know what this means? Scare the crap outta her. Ha ha ha. I must write this now.

Nick's POV: 

I can't believe that I did it. They are so going to hate me. It was really because I had no other choice. Honest mistake. First thing that came to mind. Unconsciously did it. Not my fault. Ok, maybe it was my fault. Maybe I was thinking about what it would be like to meet Slenderman when my friend was talking about math, or about this chick he thought was hot. Maybe when the others drew a blank, the first thing that came to my head was eyeless jack. Really, I had no control. 

When we were standing in the middle of a forest, maybe I felt kinda bad when I set us all up for certain death. Ok a bit more. Or a lot. Ok, I felt really guilty. 

"Where are we?" Ash asked looking around.

I laughed and rubbed the back of my neck." that's actually a funny story.."

"What do you mean?" Jamie asked, looking around and his eyes turning pink. Aw, he copied our powers, he growing up. No, not the time. Have to stay on topic.

"We may or may not have landed in Slenderman's forest," I said, looking around just so we do not get killed. No big deal.

"What?" they cried. Jamie's was just confusion, while Ash's was anger.

"Well Jamie, we have found ourselves in a forest led by a demon and a crap ton of immortal psycho killers," I explained to him. He looked shocked, angry, and slightly scared as he kept his guard up and looked around. 

"Guys, if you see him, run, I will try to get him to join our side, but just run, you hear me!" I yelled, barking their order.

"What do you- Holy shit!" Jamie yelled, dashing through the forest after dragging Ash with him. I turned to where Jamie was facing and I saw him. I turned my eyes pink and walked toward him, even as my eyes began to blur and my mind became fuzzy.

"We need your help,"


Jamies POV:

This is one of the reasons I never hung out with freaks. They were always too dark and weird to go near. I used to even joke about how if we got too close we could catch their fever. Now, I am just pissed and running with a crazy Ash here. I really wish it was Nick. It was like she knew I was gay, and she helped me out even though I tried to kill Ash and her. She better keep her promise and get me piercings or so help me I will pull her body from the other world and shove it into her demented body.

I kept running with the thought that she promised me, and it kept me going.

"We have to go back!" Ash yelled, pulling on sweater sleeve. I honestly didn't know how to feel about it, but after I put it on I felt so warm and fuzzy, and I felt like it was light and warm. It even covered my hands! I feel like a tiny baby in a- wait, stay on topic, we are trying to stay alive here. 

"No, we have to keep running," I told her, picking up the pace. 

"But Nick is back there! How can you kept running even after she went up against that killer?!" she screamed at me. I turned around and grabbed her by the shoulders.

"She will be alright!  Weren't you guys supposed to get me piercings after school? Well, I expect her to live up to that promise," I said, shaking Ash lightly. She nodded her head and kept on running, farther and farther in.  We kept on running before we spotted a teenage looking boy standing int the middle of a clearing. I couldn't see clearly, but I saw a white hoodie that was over his head, so I couldn't see his face. 

"Who are you?" I yelled, pushing Ash behind me.

He slowly turned around, but kept his face hidden, "My name is Jeff. Can I ask you a favor?"

"What is it?' i asked, keeping my voice loud and clear.

"Will you... GO. TO. SLEEP." he yelled before throwing his hood back. His face. Oh my god. He had no eyelids, and his mouth was carved into a permanent carved smile.There was black around the areas, meaning he burnt it after wards. His skin was ghostly pale and his face only had no emotion. Madness.

He launched at us, and I used my body as a shield to cover Ash, but no hit came. Instead I saw that thing that I noticed earlier in the woods. Nick was standing right behind him.

"What?!" the three of us shouted. 


Nick's POV:

Slenderman and I teleported to the area that Jamie and Ash were in. We stood in front of Jeff, keeping him from attacking them any more. Ash and Jamie were giving us confused looks, as well as Jeff, before they all shouted, "What?!"

"Come on Slendy, let me kill these insects," Jeff started, but ended when Maskie and Hoodie walked out from the woods.

"No! These people could be of great use to us! Nick explained everything to me!" Masky boomed at Jeff, and he didn't even turn his way. 

"But Slendy, why keep them around? They seem so pointless!" he yelled back at Slenderman. Ash and Jamie started at us confused, wondering why Masky was responding, but Jeff was talking to Slenderman. 

"Because! They have information on other worlds as well as great powers that could help with our fight!" hoodie responded this time. Ash and Jamie at this point both were scared and very confused. 

"What can they do then?" Jeff asked. I smirked at him and then let my eyes turn a demonic pink, and Ash and Jamie followed my lead. Jeff shut his trap.

"Oh well, I guess they can stay Slendy," Jeff called walking the opposite direction. 

Slenderman turned to Ash and Jamie, and they both considerably tensed before he helped them up off the ground they were knocked onto by Jeff. 

"How did you get Slenderman to help you, or at least talk to you?"Ash asked me.

"Well, when I walked up to him, he tried to eat my soul, but he couldn't because of the demon, angel, reaper, and jumper in my soul. It actually really hurts to get your soul ripped out," I answered, rubbing my chest where my soul had been sucked out. 

"I am sorry about that, I didn't hurt you that bad, did I little dove?" Masky asked as one of Slenderman's arms patted me on the back. Oh my god he touched me. I can't even, ugghh.

"Oh no, it is totally fine," I assured him, smiling to make him feel better. Ash and Jamie looked at me in shock like why are you ok with that he tried to eat you soul! I just shrugged at them. 

After we got Ash and Jamie healed by Mr. Slender and all fixed up, he told us to follow him. Ash and Jamie were a bit hesitant, but followed with pouts on their faces. Masky and Hoodie followed behind us, to make sure we were safe.

"Why are they following us?" Jamie asked, looking at them before they looked back. He shot his head forward to pretend he wasn't looking.

"To make sure that we don't get killed by one of Zalgo's minions or the people tryig to kill us," I explained to him. He nodded and sulked, but this time, Ash spoke.

"Who is Zalgo?" Before I could answer, I was interrupted by Mr. Slender. Or Masky in this case.

"We're here," he said. I looked back to where he was motioning at and I saw nothing, but once we kept walking, it was like a force field. I saw a beautiful mansion with a very Victorian feel to it.

"I love your place," I commented. This place took my breath away. I saw a little girl in a pink night dress and brown hair at the front. She was holding a teddy bear as well, and I immediately knew who it was. I ran up to her and hugged her. She looked completely shocked, but gave in and hugged me back. I pulled back to arms length to look at her.

"Sally, you are so much prettier than I imagined you to be!" I started smothering and she giggled. I was going on and talking to her before Mr. Slender came up to me and picked me up, and carried me away from Sally.

"Everybody get down here!" Hoodie boomed, and sending echo's throughout the house. Well, this will be fun.

I saw everybody walk down the stairs, and it took every bit of self control not to fangirl over and over again. Jeff came down first, his hood off and wearing sweatpants. I saw BEN walk down next, and I wanted to jump him, but Mr. Slender still had his hold on me. Eyeless jack came down next, wearing plaid pajama pants and a loose shirt. He looked over to Jamie, and Jamie turned away right as he looked at him. I could feel the smirk radiating off EJ. 

"Good, everybody is down here, this is Nick, and her friends, Ash and Jamie. They will be part of this group until they feel like they should leave and go back to their world. Make them feel welcome here," Masky ordered them. 

"Why did't you just use the mind link that we have to tell us this?" BEN asked.

"I haven't established the mind link for them yet, so I decided to introduce them to you through my proxies," Hoodie responded. 

"Hey, nice to meet you all," Jamie said, obviously trying to get on their good side. He walked up to me and pulled on my hand. Mr. Slender took that as a sign to put me down, and Ash and Jamie hid behind me. I just smiled and waved.

EJ walked down the stairs and lifted up his mask a little before walking behind me and pulling Jamie close to him. he smiled with those razor sharp teeth he has and bit Jamie on the shoulder, leaving a mark. Jamie shuddered and EJ whispered something in his ear. Oooooh. Looks like someones got an admirer, because from what I can tell, the thing EJ said got him all flustered.  I am going to have so much fun here.


Jamie's POV:

I thought I was going to be fine here. I figured, if Nick trusts them this much, so do I. I thought we could get along because we were all a bunch of supernatural beings that had weird, dark habits. 

Boy was I wrong.

I was a little surprised when I caught the boy in the blue mask with a black liquid dripping from the eye holes. Ok, maybe even a little scared. After the intro, I felt a little on edge still, so I went to Nick because I feel very safe around her. He came down the stairs and pulled me from Nick, I could tell she was hesitant to let me be with him, but let me go because of what happened next. I knew she just wanted me to be happy and that is why she let me go.

He pulled me back from around the waist, and pressed me up against his chest. I could see that he pulled the mask up to reveal dark skin and a devilish smile that supported razor sharp teeth. he bit me lightly on the shoulder, a sharp, quick pain that was really nothing. I could see the mark he left there and I shuddered. I could feel his smirk grow as he leaned in and whispered to me.

"My name is Eyeless Jack, and you are now going to be mine," he whispered before he pulled away. I shivered as he walked up the stairs. Before he could get to far I saw Nick pull him by the arm. He looked back at her, and she gave him a look that said, hurt him and you die. He nodded before she let him go and smiled.

"So, what did he say?" Ash and Nick asked me. I blushed and turned the other way before they could see. Failed attempt. 

"Dude, you are blushing! What did he say?" Ash asked. I felt a little scared by the rape face she was giving me, but answered back.

"He just told me I would be his. No big deal, not like I am gay so i would let that happen," I answered back casually.

"The dude is a psychotic killer and you just think that he is going to let you go that easily? Not gonna happen kid," Nick told me shaking her head. Oh god. Oh god! She was right! What do I do? I started hyperventilating but Ash patted me on the back. 

"You'll be fine. At least he likes you and is not trying to kill you. He seems like he would protect you with his life before you got hurt," she explained. I relaxed a little by that comment, but was still a little scared. What if he drugs me? What if he traps me? Ugg.

"Hey, it'll be ok, lets just make up a plan tonight to get two other people I want together, after Slender gets us mind linked and such," Nick told us and we nodded. 

"Who are we bringing together this time?" Ash asked, her eyes excited.

"Easy, Jeff and BEN,"

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