Titan Slayer (Snk/Attack On T...

Autorstwa OtakuofEpicness

1.8K 83 21

Death is something that is real, but at the same time unreal. We, as humans, think we die. But in reality... Więcej

Character Appearances and Bios (Yay!)
Chapter 2: The Evacuation Begins
Chapter 3: Goodbye... I Will Miss You
Chap 4: We will survive
Chap 5: Life is cruel
Chap 6: The plaque
Chap 7: The past of one
Chap 8: Squad Flame, tactical ability's.
Chap 9: Memory
Chap 10: The Man In The Nightmare
Chap 11: Love Birds
Chap12: The Ending Of Our Friend-The Expedition Begins.
Chap13: The fight
Chap14: We are Alive
Chap15: The sacrifice
Chap16: The fight for humanity [The End]

Chapter One: The Group

448 14 5
Autorstwa OtakuofEpicness

(Thanks for checking out my story! Hope you enjoy!)

It's a normal day, just like any other. I'm resting in my favorite place, reading my favorite book while eating an apple. I rest upon a single oak tree. While reading a monster of a book that of which is focused around gravity. I simply read this book to only increase my knowledge of the 3D maneuver gear. I lay my head back. Feeling the hard surface of bark. I inhale deeply as I throw my apple core against the ground. I then slide down the edge of the tree resulting in A loud thump as I land.

I quickly give myself a good stretch as I slowly walk my way up to my house. Since this Tree is simply placed in my backyard. I look up at my home, for it is only a simple brick house making it a dull place to be.

I soon arrive at the back door to my house while I look through the small rectangular window to the right of the door. Within the window I see my mother along with my sister as they cook. My mother is a nice gentle women with long black hair and Royal blue eyes, same as my own. She tries to keep a nice smile but her age makes her look depressed and unhappy. Simply because she deserves to look this way. For my father died of cancer when I was young. Though its not my fathers death that saddens her face.

My sister, who looks almost exactly like my mother, with her royal blue eyes and long black hair. Though she is 15, a year younger then myself.

I rest my right hand upon the cold metal doorknob as I give it a gentle twist. The door creeks open as warmth slaps me in the face. As well as a delicious seance reveals itself to my nose.

"Are you done being depressing, Alex?" My sis asks while standing in front of me.

"Am I? Well I guess that's something you can say." I say while patting her on the head. I leave her in total confusion while I make my way over to my mother.

"Alex! Could you peal those potatoes over on the counter" My mother asks while she stirs a pot of stew.

"I got it mom." I say while rolling up the sleeves of my white dress shirt.

  I take out a sharp silver knife. I look into the flat of the blade seeing a man. A man who stands six feet tall, along with a pale complexion. Though something is off with his two royal blue eyes. 

His right eye does not have a iris, something that is needed for sight. Instead of what should be an Iris, is a white cloudy spot. A spot that travels around the entire eye. The reason for this miss shaped eye, is simply caused by a birth defect. A birth defect that caused his right eye to go completely blind.

This mans hair is a raven black color, with his hair being fairly long. He usually combs down his hair while having his bangs parted to the left. With this hair he looks overly sophisticated and smart. This man is me. A person who will never exchange his life for another. He would rather be dead, then to be someone else.

All to soon We finish our cooking and get right to eating. We take our seats at a brown wooden table with a vase of pink roses placed in the middle. These roses have a single meaning, that our Father,and our older brother are still here, eating diner with us, even in death.

The second I started eating, was the second I finished. For this bowl of stew, is the stew that should be served to the gods themselves.

"Jeez bro! Relax on the food!" My sister says with a smirk planted upon her face. Though her words makes me laugh.

"Ha! For I will die before I relax on such a meal. A meal that shall be served to the gods themselves!" I shout.

"You should slow down. This may be the last meal you will have here" My mother says looking Glum. I know why she would say such a thing. I am joining up with the military. And I will start the training tomorrow. I'll sneak out of there and get some more!" I say with a fake smile planted upon my face. My mother shows a smile towards my silly actions. I knew I needed to cheer her up somehow.

We continue on with our diner. While laughing and smiling while we enjoy this meal. For happiness comes with family. Soon after we finish our diner and the clean up the table, I decide to walk into the backyard of my house for some fresh air. Sadly the darkness of night has already consumed Stohess

I look up at the night sky. Seeing the stars twinkle with light. I would have to assume that my brother is sitting up there in heaven, that is if heaven is even real. I would think he is up there flipping the bird towards me in victory. For he has it good being dead.

"I have to say goodbye tomorrow now huh?" I whisper to myself while I look up into the night sky. I look back down at the ground with a smile. I then turn around and then make my way back inside my home. So that I can sleep till the next day.

The following day I stand in the mists of trainee's. Who are all lined up in rows. Facing forward while the instructor shouts into peoples faces. After a while of him shouting. He arrives to my position.

"Your name?" The instructor shouts into my face.

"Alexander Alore! I come from wall Shina Stohess district!" I shout in response as he stares deep into my eyes.

"So your a filthy rich kid huh? But that's not you anymore! Your now just a filthy no life pig!" The instructor shouts into my face with spit landing onto my face. His eyes seem to be bloodshot with what looks to be anger. For some reason his wrinkly scarred up face only strikes fear into my mind. Though he is wrong about me being rich.

"So what are you again!" The instructor shouts

"I am only a filthy pig who will fight for humanity!" I shout while tightening my grip.

"Hmm? Turn!" The instructor shouts while placing his hand on my head forcing me to turn around. For I have passed his small test.

Later that day the Trainees of this camp are all planted in cafeteria. As we all scramble around to acquire food. I am currently sitting alone at the back of the cafeteria eating what looks to be some sort of stew and bread. The type of food my mother would be disappointed in eating.

I stand up from my seat ready to take leave of this building. I drop off the tray that once had food on it, but now this food is residing within my stomach. I then walk outside feeling the cold night air. I look around for a gravel pathway that leads towards a tall brick building that lays in the shape of a rectangle.

I soon arrive at this building, a building that serves a single purpose. The purpose to give us Trainees a place to sleep. And a place to call home. I walk in through two big wooden doors. As I walk in I see bunks lined up against the right walls and left walls.

"Cot #22 right?" I say while scratching the back of my head. I shrug and continue to walk along the wooden floors as their shine shows my figure.

I take my place in my cot after organizing my belongings underneath my bed. For I am placed on the bottom bunk of Cot #23.

 The next day

I awake from my deep sleep to the sound of ringing bells. I scrub my eyes with both of my hands while I try to remove my sleepiness from my mind. I stand up from my bunk feeling my briefs get dislodged from the crack of my butt.

I then bend over while pulling open a dresser from the base of my bed seeing my uniform folded nice and tidy. My uniform consists of a half cut tan jacket with the Trainee corps logo embedded on my shoulders and back.

I then sport a black T-Shirt underneath this jacket while my pants is white. For the jacket and pants as well as the brown knee length boots are standardized wear for Soldiers. I stretch out both of my arms feeling a strange relief from doing so.

Since we need to arrive at the training field in a few minutes. I start to walk towards that location.

Suddenly a young exciting voice pierces through the air.

"Hey you!" A young man shouts from behind I turn around seeing a guy who seems to be as tall as myself. His eyes are bright brown while keeping a very friendly look plastered onto the face of his. For his hair is buzz cutted down making his hair look to be either brown or black.

"What is it?" I ask while stopping in my tracks.

"Whats your name?" The guy asks looking into my eyes with a glint of curiosity.

"Alexander" I say in response.

"Wow! Pretty long though? I'll just call you Alex. What about your last name!" The guy asks with a colossal smile.

"Alore, And why do you ask?"

"Well I noticed you in the back of the cafeteria while eating alone." The guy says.

"Oh..Well whats yours?" I ask, I then realize that I need to get moving. So then I proceed to walk out of the building while the guy keeps the same pace as my own.

"Well! For in matter of fact sir! I am the one and only Rein Alaric!" He shouts with conviction.

"Hahaha! Well Sir the one and only Rein Alaric! It is so very nice to meet you." I say while I put forth my hand waiting for Rein to shake it. Rein looks down at my hand then smiles while he shakes it. We walk to the training field, while hearing other instructors shouting nonsense at us.

Within a few hours the field of Trainees are parted into a few groups right after hearing the instructions and examples of how to equip the 3D maneuver gear and how to balance while using it.

My group has about 30 or more people in it while we are all gathered around a long line of wooden posts as wires string through each of the posts.

"Okay, everyone. We will be testing everyone's compatibility and Talent with the 3D maneuver gear. The first six to go will be Rein Alaric, John Tuft, Loren Antill, Dina Bukin, Tom Tomlinson, and Alexander Alore! Please come up and set up." The instructor shouts while looking down at his clipboard.

I walk up to the wooden post far to the right. So that I may take up my position. I notice a man come out from behind the right post. Within his hands are leather straps and the harness.

"Hello" I say while giving a short nod. 

The man nods back.

"Lets get this on you." The man says. I walk up to the man. He hands me a leather Harness.

"Put the harness on." The man says. I nod as I then continue to slide into the Harness with ease. 

"Alright, now just stand between the pillars and Ill attach the wires to the Harness." I nod and place myself between the two pillars waiting for the man to finish. After a good two minutes the man pats me on my back and walks up to the left pillar and lays his hands on a metal wheel. Which seems to be screwed on.

"You ready?" The man asks while he places his hands upon a metal wheel. A wheel that will suspend me up into the air. I take a deep breath, then I Exhale it.

"Ok...Go!" I shout while preparing my body to be suspended. The man turns the wheel painfully slow making my heart pound with anxiety. Quickly I feel some stress around my hips, legs, and back. Before I knew it, I am suspended up into the air. I am gracefully balancing. While I carefully shift my weight to keep me balanced up right.

I glance up at the instructor with a small smile, while I stay shocked from how easy this was. Though the instructor does not seem impressed in anyway. While I stay suspended up in the air I glance around myself seeing that the others who where also being tested. Are hanging in the air, just fine. Just like myself.

As my test ended, well I ended up waiting for exactly three hours while I wait for the instructor to observe the others. Lunch once again arrived quickly, as I take up the same position in the cafeteria alone. Though this time Rein and a few others walk over to my table.

"Yo Alex! Let us sit here!" Rein says while he takes a seat directly in front of me. I look over at the others, recognizing their faces. They where part of the testing group I was in. 

"Go ahead, these seats aren't going anywhere." I say while I slurp up a noodle. All five of them take their seats at the table with smiles printed on some of their faces.

The two girls take a seat to the left of me. As the rest of the guys take a seat to the right of Rein.

"Well guys! This guy here is Alexander Alore! Say hello!" Rein says with a cheer in his voice.

The girl directly to my right speaks up first. She had Short Brown hair and soft brown eyes as well as a pale complexion.

"The name is Dina. Nice the meet you." Dina says with her soft gentle voice. A voice that reminds me of my own mother.

"Hahaha! Dina! It looks like you got a crush!" The red headed girl shouts from the left of Dina.

"What! Shut up Loren!" Dina shouts back with red consuming her cheeks.

"To bad for you! I bet this guy here gets all the girls!" One of the guys sitting beside Rein says.

"What! No wayyy!" Loren shouts while looking me up and down. The guy then speaks up with a smile.

"Moving on from that, they call me John." John says. His hair is spiked black with his eyes angled making him look kind of evil. His figure gives me a small shiver seeing that it is built to be brutish. Then a smaller guy sitting to the left of John speaks up. 

"And i'm called Tom!" The guy say. His blonde hair is combed to the right while his eyes shine a bright blue.

"Hey! Why are you guys loven up to this guy! I bet he was the guy who fell over a thousand times!" Loren shouts.

"You got the wrong guy, that poor soul is over there in that corner." John says while pointing his index finger toward the other corner away from us.

"Well when you where to busy being so self concerned. Alex over here was using that balancing technique just like Levi Akermen!" Rein says while posing in a Salute.

"No way! Now that is just flat out overestimating this guy!" Loren says while once again, looking me up and down.

"Thanks, but I'm not that goo-" I get cut off

"Nah, Rein here is only understating you." John says while patting Reins back in sympathy.

"Screw you man" Rein says looking down. I quickly stop talking while I blank out the arguing between the few. I quickly turn my attention back to my food while I enjoy every last bit of it.

"Alex!" Rein shouts looking me in the eyes.

"What?" I ask

"And he blanked us out..." Dina says looking depressed.

"Can it! Anyways what do you think about hangen around us? Form a little posse!" Rein asks with huge smile plastered upon his face.

"Sure, I could use the company." I say with a smile.

"Awesome! I bet it will be a great time!" Loren says while setting her feet upon the table.

"Get your feet down Women!" Tom shouts as he slaps her feet right off the table.

"Ouch!" Loren says rubbing her boots in a fake pain. I just smile with the thoughts of whats to come. Well since these are some of my first friends since my brother died. I can't wait to see what happens.

(Star me and follow if you enjoyed! It helps me know if I'm doing things right or wrong. Thanks for reading!)

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