The Curse Of Love [Under Edit...

By craziest24

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Marriage the purest form of relationship. A promise, a power that binds two souls not just for all through th... More

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Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 06
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12 (Last Chapter)

Part 2

1.6K 240 23
By craziest24

Neil picked his bride up into his arms and looking deep into her eyes, he made his way through the lobby and carried her up the stairs. She looked at him this time with a deep expression burried into her orbs, something completely different than the other times.

Swaying through the cool breeze that touched both of them, Neil pushed opened the door with the curtains welcoming them. He entered the room like a king enters his court and then carried his girl to their bed. The bed they had been sharing with each other since 4 months but their always had been a physical barrier of pillows between them and a mental barrier of thoughts. But this time both of them were intoxicated under the illusional world of alchohol.

Never had they known earlier that, that intoxication will lead them to another of the kind, which will change their lives completely. Neil slowly moved towards her with a common lust and attraction bulging out from both their eyes and with a mutual consent they proceeded with the process of making it out that night.

Neil reached out for her rosy pink lips, which were inviting him, he sucked them out wildly! While Avni reciprocated with equal passion. She being the bolder one moved towards his shirt, tearing it apart like a lioness she got on top of him, proving to him that he was going to be liable to her throughout his life. Neil lied down with Avni on top of him, the attraction and the wantings didnt go down with Avni's domination infact it had multiplied twice (: !

The curtain which surrounded their bed fell down on them, intending to maintain their privacy!

(I have written mature content once, if you want read that but me cannot write again🙈🙈🙈! Not my cup of tea!)


Morning came as early it had departed. The shiny rays of the sun made there way through the light pink curtains, with the cherry blossoms landing on the face of Mr. & his Mrs.

Flickering his eye lids Neil struggled hard with the dominating rays which forced him to wake up. Not being able to withstand the rays, he decided to give up and call it a Good Morning!

He got up only to find his wife sitting infront of him flushing hard with her eyes not reaching his gaze! He looked at her carefully she was covering herself with a curtain, which obviously was hanging from the bed till night. He stretched his hands wide and yawned aloud only to realise that he was void of clothes.

The atmosphere was filled with a feeling of awkardness, none of them chose to speak anything and grabbing his shirt he dispered from there quitely. After this he directly reached out for his office without another "AWKWARD" meeting with her.

Later that evening when he returned back from his office he saw Avni seated in the dining area with two cups of coffee infront of her. Her reactions dictated him that she wished to have a conversation with him and he very well knew what it was going to be about!

Clearing her throatly loudly Avni began, "straightly, I dont remember anything that happened last night!"

"Same is the case here" replied Neil honestly!

"Well I dont think anything could have or would have or should have happened between us! So we both can actually Chillaxxx out! No need for us to make our already Awkward relationship even more awkward by adding this new diamond chapter to it!" She said sarcastically!

He just nodded completely agreeing to what she said and both of them set out with their own works, without disturbing each other in their businesses as they earlier did!

So everything more and less was seated quitely at place, except for Avni's drinking, the stopping of which was next to impossible. Then when everything was supposedly good Avni was overtaken by unusual and wierd feelings. And being Sick had become for her.

"Dont listen to me, That drinking habbit of yours see what kind of effects is it making to your health! I cant even count how many times have you vomitted today! Agreed that It is your every day routine to vomit this way, but today it was really too much. I guess we should see a doctor." Said Neil concerned!

"Nooo.. noo.. need of that" said Avni stammering! "Those stupid doctors have no other work except for pushing deadly needles into innocent people like me!" She said making faces, to which Neil let out a fake laugh!

"If doctors are stupid and you are innocent then I might have to go and check out whether is it still earth where I am living on" he said gaining a cushion slap on his face from an already irritated Avni Khanna.

"I am going to get the car, reach the lawn in 5 minutes otherwise be ready to see your parents next to your bed in 5!" He said smirking

"You blackmailer, you will never be happy in life! This is my curse to youuuu!!!" She said gritting her teeth!

"As if I am happy right now." He whispered to himself!
"Come down fast". He shouted out loud.

Avni appeared on the gate exactly 15 minutes 20 seconds after the alloted time! Neil who had been sitting peacefully, with a frown on his face looked towards the direction of the footsteps only to be mesmerised by the beautiful soul, straight down from the heavens infront of her.

He looked at her lost in admiring her, who was wearing a pink chiffon saree which identified her curves. He couldnt help himself from oogling infront of his beautiful wife!

Avni came down like a princess, and opening the car door, she sat down beside him.

"If your checking out session is over so shall we just begin with the journey!" She said, as his staring him was making her conscious!!

Throughout the journey, both looked out of the window but not without stealing glances at each other at periodic intervals.

Soon their destination arrived, Neil got of the car and opened the door for his lady, who nervously got down. He held her shoulder approving that everything was going to be okayy!


" MRS. Avni khanna" called out the lady in pink, called as nurse.

"Yes sister" said Avni as the flow of adrenaline in her body quadrupled.

Carefully both of them moved through the vestibule into the cabin of Dr. Shanti Kapoor, a woman with long tresses, ocean bluee orbs and a white coat on! Not to forget her equipments.

After a thorough checkup, she beamed widely and hugging Avni she exclaimed "Congratulationsss, Mr. & Mrs.!"

While Avni gaped at her with her head hung down and Neil jumped out his seat. The fear that they had in their mind, had set out be true!!
Thank You


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