
By XharoldsbabeX

192K 8.2K 2.8K

Red-eyed vampires have taken over the world and have captured all humans. Or so they thought. Ellie and her s... More

Vacation Styles
Ch. 19 *The Search is On*
Ch 20 *Reading Letters and Lips*
Ch. 21 *Nothing for Me, Something for Her*
Ch. 22 *Three Days*
Ch.23 *Begging for Forgivness*
Ch. 24 *Too Soon*
Ch. 25 *Fights, Friends, Foes*
Ch. 27 *Point Down*
Ch. 28 *Alone*
Ch. 29 *Into the Woods*
Ch. 30 *Brothers*
Ch. 31 *Jealousy Comes From Love*
Ch.32 *Good Terms*
Ch.33 *Black and White*
Ch.34 *No Love, No Life*
Ch. 35 *Sacrafice*
Thirty six
Thirty seven
Very Important
Thirty Eight
Thirty nine
Fourty three
Fourty Four
Fourty Five
Fourty Six
To be continued...

Ch.26 *Unplanned Escapes*

2.4K 155 48
By XharoldsbabeX

~~~~~If you are liking my story Please Vote! It helps alot! Thank you!~~

"Gemma told." Ruby finally gets words to form out of her sobs. My eyes widen at the mention of the name, Gemma. The same Gemma that got in a fight downstairs?

"What did she tell and who the hell is she?" I grab onto her arm, eager to know the answer. I can tell she's trying to stop crying, but the tears keep down her face. All the questions keep piling up in my head. I wonder who she told and I wonder why.

"Ruby, tell me!" I beg.

"She told Sir Zayn about Niall getting me pregnant and he told Sir Jack and now.. now they're going to tell Master and I'm going to be killed and Niall is going to get punished and it's just.." She trails her sentence off and leaves wet marks on my shirt. Worry forms in the pit of my stomach and I almost want to cry with Ruby, but I have to stay strong for her sake. I can't have her dying and Niall getting punished for what they have done. Why does Harry care if a vampire is in love with a human or a human being in love with a vampire? You can't stop people from loving each other- it's not right.

"How'd she even find out?" I ask.

"Niall and I were talking about it in the kitchen and she overheard us. I didn't know she was in there. She must've came in and stayed quiet, so she could hear what we were talking about. She's a bitch and I've never liked her." Ruby continues to cry in my shoulder and my hatred grows for whoever this Gemma girl is.

"Why would she tell?" I feel like I'm asking a million questions.

"I don't know. I think she was mad because she was pregnant a while back and Master made her get an abortion." She finally releases her embrace on me and whips her tears away.

"Why isn't she dead? I thought Harry, I mean, I thought Master kills anyone that gets pregnant?"

Ruby furrows her eye brows and looks at me like I should know something that I don't. "Gemma is Masters' sister. He's not going to kill his stupid sister." She huffs.

Harry has a sister? It's crazy that I've spent all my time here at Shadow with Harry and I barely know anything about him. I didn't even think that vampires had siblings or parents or anything. I still don't even know how vampires exists.

"Masters' sister? He has a sister? Why haven't I seen her before?" I ask, remembering to have never seen or even hear of her until now.

"She just came back from Overshadow. She was visiting her parents." Parents? That's so weird. If she has parents that means that they are Harry's parents. This is so strange.

"What's OverShadow?"

"It's the main human repopulating place. Harry's mom and dad are the rulers'. How do you not know this?" Ruby sniffles her nose and  I shrug my shoulders. I guess I really don't know that much about anything. I've heard there are a few spread around the world. I just didn't know what they were called. I wonder if Harry's family members own all of them.

"Can we focus back on the real problem?" Ruby spits and I can tell she's annoyed of my questions. I don't blame her though. She has a lot of stress and problems worse than mine.

"I'm sorry. What are we suppose to do? Where's Niall right now?" I focus back on the main problem.

"Niall is getting our stuff. He'll be here any second. We are leaving now, but I'm so scared that they'll catch us before we can escape." Her tears start to form again and I pray she doens't start sobbing again.

"Sir Zayn told Master that Gemma was in a fight. Who was she fighting?" I ask.

"It was Mads and her. Niall and I begged for Gemma not to tell anyone and Mads saw the argument and of course Gemma told her. Mads told her to keep her mouth shut, but then they got into this big argument and Sir Zayn came in and then Gemma told him. Niall and I ran out and luckily Mads threw a punch at Gemma to create a distraction." Ruby says. The mention of Mads name warms my heart. I havent seen her in so long. I'm happy that she's on our side, but I just hope she doesn't get introuble for helping them out. Wait, does everyone know that I knew about them and that I was going to help them escape? Before I could ask Ruby my question, the door to my bedroom swings open. At first, my heart catches in my throat, but once I see that it's Niall my nerves settle.

"Ruby, we have to go now!" He rushes over to her and grabs onto her arm before pulling her back towards the door. "Master knows and they're already looking for us!"

"Wait, guys! Do they know that I know?" I follow them out into the hallway. I hope to god that they don't because I know that I will get in some sort of trouble. Ruby looks down at her feet and Niall lets out a nervous breath.

"I'm sorry, they do." Niall states and my heart races.

"Ellie, I'm so sorry if you get in any trouble. We just really needed your help, but I guess it didn't work out anyways. I'm sorry." Ruby repeats.

"What are you guys' going to do?"

"We are leaving. We are going to take one of Masters' cars. I already have the keys, but we have to go now or they'll figure it out and we won't make it." He starts to rush down the hallway and comes to a halt when I yell out to him.

"Can I come with you?" Niall, Ruby and I are surprised by my words. I didn't ever think about leaving with them until now. I don't see the point in staying though. I hate it here and the more I think about it, the better it sounds. Plus, I'm going to get in trouble for helping them, so why not just leave.

"You'd want to do that?" Niall asks surprised. I decipher about my answer more and almost take back what I said when I think of leaving Luke and Mads behind. They have become great friends of mine and with Esmay gone, I have no one.

"Master will be upset." Niall states. Harry. I forgot I would be leaving him behind if I left with them. Why do I have this strange feeling when I think of leaving him? For some reason, I almost find myself wanting to stay just for that him. I like the way he has been with me lately and I love the way I feel when he touches me and talks to me. He's pure evil though, my subconscious reminds me. It's sad that she is right. He is a bad person and even if I fell in love with him, he would forbid it and kill me or something. I can't have that happening. I can't start to love him and not have him love me back. I know he is just using me for his pleasure. Liam even said that's what the vampires do here.

"Yes, I want to go." I breathe.

"We have to go now." Niall says and I nod my head before closing my bedroom door. I find a part of me wanting to stay, but I know leaving with Niall and Ruby is the right thing to do. 

"We'll get you new stuff. Don't worry I have some what of a plan." Niall tells me as we run down the hallway. We use the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator. We watch around corners, making sure that no one will spot us. Niall looks around the wall of the double stair cases and I peek with him while Ruby stays panting behind us. Sir Zayn runs across the main entrance towards the elevators with another person beside him.

"Jack, you go check up there and in Ruby's room!" Zayn's voice echoes off the walls and I see Sir Jack come to veiw before rushing up the opposite staircase we are beside.

"Shit." Niall mutters and pushes us back.  I notice a door right next to us and bring Niall's attention to it.

"Here, Niall." My heart is racing so fast, I can barely speak. Niall pulls out the key he always seems to have that opens up all doors to Shadow before unlocking it and pushing us inside. Niall keeps the door slightly cracked open and I hold my breath when we see Jack's body pass by us.

"We aren't going to make it." Ruby whispers.

"Yes, we are." Niall encourages. He waits a few more minutes before looking out of the door way. Luckily no one is in the hallway, so we run towards the stairs again. We all look around and notice that only a few humans are making there way across the main entrance to one of the doors.

"No one's blocking the front doors?" I ask Niall confused. You would think that they would have like ten people by the front with a situation like this.

"It's a trap. They're waiting for us to run out, but I have a different plan." He states.

"Where'd you park the car, Niall?" Ruby nervously asks.

"In the back. We have to run to that door over there." Niall points to a familiar door that I remember Zayn took me through. It was when he brang me to the garden of Shadow when Harry and I had dinner and then we walked to the beach and shared our first kiss. My stomach flutters just thinking back to it. I notice my daydreaming of Harry and quickly shake the thought out of my head. I can't be thinking about him like that anymore. I'm leaving, so he'll be gone out of my life forever. It's for the best.

"Ready, we have to run." Niall says and Ruby and I nod our heads. When Niall is finished counting to three we all run down the stairs and towards the door Niall directed us. Some of the humans lurking around Shadow look at us weird, but luckily they are oblivious to the problem.

We push through the door and run down the short hallway until we hit another door, leading outside. Our feet hit the solid pavement as we continue to pace ourselves to wherever Niall parked the car. His plan doesn't seem much thought out and I'm starting to get really nervous that we all will get caught before we can leave. How are we even going to get passed the front gate of Shadow? I decide to just ignore my anxiety and trust in Niall. A dirt path comes to view, then a parked silver Honda catches my eye.

"Come on! Faster!" Niall shouts and we pick up our feet.

"They're right here! Tell Sir Zayn!" I look back when I hear an unfamiliar voice from behind us. A short man is running after us and I catch a blonde running back inside.

"Niall! They saw us!" Ruby cries. Niall ignores her and keeps us heading towards the car. Once, we finally reach it, it beeps twice when Niall unlocks it. He runs to the drivers side, while Ruby takes the passenger and I get the back. We all jump into our seats and I lock my door, waiting for Niall to start the car. I notice the man who spotted us is still running towards us and my heart beat picks up when I see Sir Zayn, Sir Jack and the blonde sprinting at us. I look to the front of us and notice a dirt path, that I'm guessing leads around Shadow.

"Niall, hurry!" I shout when looking outside the window next to me and see them coming closer.

"I'm doing it!" Niall states and the engine roars to life. I hear him put the car into drive and my body falls back onto the seat when he pushes his foot all the way down the gas. I pick myself back up and look in the back window. Luckily all of them give up when they see us speeding down the dirt road.

"We are going to make it baby!" Niall looks over to Ruby and she returns a smile, but I can tell she's still nervous as hell. So am I.

I keep my body turned at the back of the car, watching to see if anyone is following us. I have some sence of hope when I see nothing but overgrown bushes and dust floating in the air from the tires rolling over it.  

"Nobody's following behind us." I inform Niall and he lets out a breath.

"Okay, we just have to get passed the front gate. Don't worry, the gates' not very stable. I think I can just run through it." He says and my eyes widen. My body begins to shake with nerves and when I turn back around in my seat to look at Ruby, she has her eyes closed and her hand on her belly. I grab a hold of her hand and she looks at me with a small smile.

"Fuck!" Niall screams and my body flies out of my seat and crashes on the dashboard to the front of the car. I notice that Niall slammed the brakes and the car is completely stopped. My hand finds my head as it begins to pound from hitting the front air conditioning vent. My sight is blurry and I move my body up straight and blink a few times to gain back my vision. I glance up  to the front window to see why Niall has stopped and I lose all breath when I see Harry standing in front of the car with a gun pointing at Ruby.  

Sorry for such shitty writing. I whipped this up real quick because I know I haven't updated in forever. I promise next chapter will be written much better. Sorry for the long wait, I just kinda had writers block, but I finally have the whole plot set out so there is going to be more frequent updates now :)

Give me some motivation to write?? 75+ Votes and 50+ Comments? :)

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