My Summoners Academia || Ba...

By DeeKyou

246 11 4

Summoners Humans with a lot of spiritual powers that could summon another being from a place called Spirit Wo... More

Second Summon: My Dragon Spirit is too Strong and Handsome
Third Summon: My Dragon Spirit is actually the Dragon Prince!?
Fourth Summon: No One Can Be Mean Towards Katsuki in Front of Izuku

First Summon: It's a Crime to be This Cute!

122 3 0
By DeeKyou

Shizuoka Prefecture General Hospital, Japan, 21XX

Loud cry was heard from a single room in Shizuoka Prefecture General Hospital. A woman with dishevelled long green hair was laying on the hospital bed. Her beautiful green eyes looked a little bit dull, but there was a still a glimpse of happiness there.

Her baby is here. Her baby boy.

The usual white sheet of the hospital bed was covered in blood. Rushing around the room, the doctors and the nurses did all of the final procedures after the birth of the new baby. One of the nurses went outside to call the woman's husband, who was pacing back and forth, in the corridor, irking the nearby patient. When he heard his baby's cries, he immediately jolted from the waiting chair, and tried to hold his urge to barge in and hug his wife. He saw one of the nurses went outside, and he walked to her. His expression filled with hope, happiness, and worry. The nurse just smiled at the man and told him to go inside. Without being told twice, the husband rushed inside to meet his tired wife. His wife was smiling and holding a blue blanket. Noticing the man, the woman moved her hand and urged the man to come forward.

"Hisashi, meet our baby boy." The woman smiled and showed the baby, who was covered tightly in a blue blanket. The man, Hisashi, hugged his wife shoulder and kissed her temple, not minding the smell of blood and sweat that still lingered around his most beloved and beautiful woman.

"He looks like you, Inko," Hisashi said and moved one of his fingers to poke his son's cheek. "So soft, too. Just like you."

"What are you saying? He looks like you."

Hisashi had to disagree with his wife. His baby boy got the face shape, eyes, nose, rosy lips, and hair color from Inko. The curly hair and freckles were the only things that was inherited from him. He also believed that his son also got his wife eyes color. The man furrowed his eyebrows a little. His son was totally going to be so beautiful in the future.

Noticing his serious look, Inko touched his husband's hand and looked at him with eyes full of concern.

"What's wrong, dear? Why you are giving our baby that kind of look?"

"Our baby is going to be so beautiful later, right?" Hisashi said and took his son out of Inko's grasp. He ruffled his son's little hair and rubbed his cheek. "I mean he take your look and only inherited a little of mine. He is obviously going to be so beautiful. In the future, many men and women will like to court him. It's going to be a bloodbath. I remember when I tried to court you in the past and how many people that I need to defeat. One of them is that damn Enji that keep pursuing you even after you get married to me. At least, that one Yagi guy knows when it's time to admit defeat. I can't let the same thing happen to my son. I need to protect him. Yeah, maybe we can ju-"

"Sssttt... Dear, stop muttering like that. I can't hear you clearly," Inko said while holding back her laughter. His husband is such a funny guy. "So, tell me one more time, loud and clear. What is the problem?"

Hisashi sighed. "The problem is our baby boy will get a huge harem in the future and I can't stop him."



"So, what should we named him?" Inko asked while feeding her baby.

"Hm, I don't know." Hisashi said while holding his left cheek that seems to have a distinct red handprint on it, and mumbling about his misfortune and his left cheek. That really hurt, owie.

Inko gave his husband a sharp glare, silencing the black-curly-haired man immediately. Man up a little bit, Hisashi. It's only a mere slap.

The man pouted and cried internally. Uwuwuwu.

"Anyway, back to choosing names. How about Shintarou? Midoriya Shintarou sounds good, right?" Inko smiled at his baby that have the same eyes color as her. The baby seemed to be fascinated by the big woman, who was holding him. He squirmed a little and tried to reach the beautiful woman.

Hisashi sighed. "Inko, don't name our kid using an anime character's name." The man rubbed his temple to ease his stress. Inko and her fictional husbands.

The woman blushed and hid herself between the crook of his husband neck. Noticing her embarrassment, Hisashi held his wife tighter and laughed loudly. The nurses that still left behind to clean the room smiled slightly. What a harmonious family.

"We have a suggestion, masters."

Suddenly, a smoke appeared out of nowhere. The nurses nearly dropped the bloody sheets, but seeing that it was a servant, went back to their works.

Two silhouettes were seen from the smoke. It looked like children's.

"Kuro, Shiro, meet our baby."

Two young boys were materializing out from the smoke. One of the boys had black hair with white stripes and wore a black with white lines kariginu, accompanied by black hakama. He also wore a big bell on his collar. The other boy seemed to be his twin, who wore the same outfit, but in white. His hair was white with black stripes. Two fluffy ears perched on top of their heads and big fluffy tail swayed left and right vigorously, indicating the owners happiness. They both looked like a fox.

Kariginu and Hakama example. Shiro and Kuro doesn't look like that

"Masters! We are so happy and congratulate you!" Both of them said together perfectly, albeit the black fox said it apathetically, that seemed to be rehearsed so many times just for this day. Kuro, the black fox, ran to his masters' side and peeked to see the baby. Shiro, followed his twin action, climbed the hospital bed and saw the most beautiful baby with curly green hair and green eyes. The baby giggled, noticing the extra fluffy triangle on top of the newcomers' head, tried to touch it. With the strength of a mere baby, he swayed his hand left and right. His determined look roused the others to laugh.

Shiro lowered his head and let his masters' son to touch his ears. The baby squealed and touched the fluffy ears. Soft huwahuwahuwa.

Not minding his twin eagerness to play with the baby, Kuro looked at his masters. "Masters, I have a suggestion for the name."

"Hey! We think the name together. Don't steal all of the spotlight!" Shiro said while playing with the baby boy. "Aw, he is such a cutie. So healthy too. He has an enormous amount of spiritual powers!".

"Right? Right? He is so cute!!" Hisashi joined the white fox to gush over his son.

The other occupants of the room sweatdropped. What a fanboy.

Kuro went to his twin side and knocked his head. "You idiot. Don't forget about our main objective."

"Uwuwuwu, Kuro, you're so cruel." Shiro pouted and rubbed his head. The black fox just sighed and gave his twin a look that said you-are-so-annoying.

"Man up a little bit, you moron. It's only a mere slap."

Noticing the same treatment that he got earlier from his wife, he sent the white fox a sympathetic look. Like master, like servant.

Kuro coughed a bit. "Hm, masters, let us suggest you this name."

Even though he still felt a bit of pain from his twin punch, Shiro straightened his posture and put his hands up in the air. "Yeah master. How about Izuku? Midoriya Izuku sounds good, right?"

The sole woman in the room, after the nurses already left to give the family some privacy, nodded her head. "It's indeed good. How about it, Hisashi? You like it?"

Hisashi nodded. "If you like it then we will go with it."

Hearing his masters' response, the white fox clapped his hand and looked at the baby. His twin followed suit.

"From today, your name is going to be Midoriya Izuku. Welcome to our family, Izuku."

15th July 21XX. Midoriya Izuku, The son of the greatest summoners, Midoriya Hisashi and Midoriya Inko, The Yin-Yang Summoners, was born. It also marked the day of revolution and a new era for summoners.


Midoriya Izuku spent his childhood without any difficulties. He liked his family, especially the two foxes, his parents' spirits. They always took care of him if his parents had work. There was also a big tabby cat that followed him anywhere since he was two. Because of that, Izuku decided to adopt him. His parents just laughed it off and called it as a when-you-were-a-kid-and-you-really-want-to-have-a-pet phase. The foxes though, had different feelings about Izuku's new pet. Shiro sulked and said that Izuku didn't want to pet him anymore. Kuro's reaction is a little bit odd. Kuro just looked at the cat and nodded at it. Moreover, the cat also nodded at him. Since that, Kuro and the cat seemed to have a way to communicate with each other. Even Shiro didn't know what's wrong with his twin.

By the way, Izuku named the cat Tama. Forgetting the cry of his mother to named the cat Nyanko-sensei. His mother really had a peculiar taste in naming something. His father told him that he nearly had the same name as a fictional character from his mother's favorite anime. He shuddered at that. There was also one time, when she heard his mother talking to her cactus and called it Fuji. Izuku asked his father why Fuji and his father just shook his head and told him that he didn't want to corrupt Izuku's innocent mind.

Izuku also sometimes spent time with his father. His father always told him not to leave him and hugged him. He also liked to take his picture and when Izuku asked what was his reason, he answered with an ambiguous answer 'future profits'. Hearing his father's answer, his mother nearly burned his father's album photo that was called as "IZUKU'S CUTE MOMENTS". One time, he entered his parents' room and saw a bookcase filled with all of those albums to Vol.22!

Kuro and Shiro were basically his babysitter. If his parents went to work or spent some time together (His father called it a date and cue another slap from his mother). Shiro was so funny and kind. He called him, Izu-tan, and that made his father followed suit. He also always let Izuku played with his ears or tail. He also liked to share some spirits stories from the spirit world. Izuku's favorite story is the story of the birth of the new dragon prince. Shiro mentioned that the dragon queen just gave birth and it was a healthy boy. All of the others spirits couldn't hide their joy for the new dragon prince. The spirit world when into festive moods for months. Izuku also couldn't contain his excitement after hearing that. That sounds super fun! Even thought some spirits also didn't care, like Kuro. Shiro said that Kuro just didn't care about anything beside Izuku, his parents, and Shiro. The later answer earned a smack from the black fox.

Izuku had a mix feeling about Kuro. He found Kuro a little cold, but also warm when he sang him some lullaby. I like Kuro's singing voice. However, Kuro said not to tell anyone that he was singing to him. He said that it is their secrets. Uh, Izuku liked secrets. So Izuku promised not to tell anyone about it. Sometimes Kuro also allowed Izuku to touched his ears and tail.

Speaking about spiritual powers, Izuku's flower tattoo was located on his right shoulder. It took a shape of a lotus flower. It grew bigger and crawled from his shoulder to his neck. His mother said that his tattoo will became more beautiful and bigger when he reached four years old. Both of his parents had orchids tattoo on their right forehand. It looked beautiful with its purple colors and circling around their wrists. Izuku wanted his flower to be like that.

On his fourth birthday, his tattoo stopped growing. The big lotus flower became smoking red, and there were another lotus flowers with various colors, albeit much more smaller, on the brown line that looked like a branch. The branch wove around his shoulders and stopped at the right side of his neck, and stopped at the smoking red lotus flower. His family was awed by his tattoo. His father was the most enthusiastic one. He cried happily and didn't want to let Izuku go. However, his mother brought out her most famous slap that stopped his father pathetic action.

The next day, after his birthday celebration, Izuku went to the playground to meet his friend, Aizawa Hitoshi. Hitoshi was the son of the famous summoner, Eraserhead, although he was adopted. His real parents caught in the crossfire between summoner and evil spirits. Eraserhead, or Aizawa Shouta, took a pity on the boy and decided to adopt him. They both lived near Izuku's apartment. Sometimes they visited each other houses or they meet up in the playground and played together.

Izuku still remembered his first meeting with his best friend. It was when he was three years old and he decided to went to the playground with Shiro and Kuro. He saw his best friend was bullied by some children.


It was a beautiful day and Izuku asked his parents to go to the playground. Because they were busy, Hisashi asked Kuro and Shiro to accompany his son.

"Leave it to us, masters. We won't let anything bad happen to Izu-tan!". Shiro shouted while giving a salute that could rival the Survey Corps from Inko's favourite anime.

Kuro rolled his black eyes. "I'm not paid enough to do this."

"Come on, Kuro! This is going to be fun!"

"Only for you."

"Eh? Kuro-chan doesn't want to be with me?" Izuku cried and brought his ultimate weapon. IZUKU CHARMING SMILE that had various level. No one could withstand its attack. Even the stoic and apathetic Kuro could only hold until level 3.

With its full power charming smile attack from Izuku, Kuro could only sighed and nodded his head.

It's a crime to be this cute!


The walk to the playground was annoying for the black fox. The constant bickering of his twin and his masters' son irked him. Why should the great black fox be downgraded into a babysitter? Kuro could only shook his head and thought about his misery.

"Shiro-chan! Kuro-chan! That is the playground!" Izuku shouted and ran full speed ahead that seemed to be astonishing for a three-years-old. Shiro followed while shouting Izu-tan on top his lungs.

Kuro sighed. 'Yup, totally not paid enough to do this."


When they reached the playground, they saw some children stood in front of a kid with purple hair and eyes. The kid had red puffy eyes. He was also trembling and trying to hold his cries. Noticing the purple-haired-boy's distress, Izuku narrowed his eyes and ran to him.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Izuku shouted, standing in between the purple-haired-boy and his bullies. The boy looked at Izuku with big teary purple eyes. His mouth was agape. The bullies was also shocked by this development. One of the bullies tried to act tough and stood in front of Izuku.

"He is a freak! Did you see his flower tattoo? It's a higanbana! The flower of death!".

Izuku glanced at the purple-haired-boy and saw the tattoo on his left arm. Realizing the attention, the boy tried to cover his tattoo with his other hand.

"With that kind of tattoo, no one wants to be his friends!" The bully continued his monologue. Shiro moved forward but his twin grabbed his shoulder and stopped him. His black eyes meet the other identical black eyes. Kuro shook his head and told him not to interfere.

The purple-haired-boy hunched his back more. 'That's true. No one wants to be my friend.'


The other boy raised his head and looked at his savior. The green-haired-boy's back looked so strong. Even the bullies were shocked from his response. Izuku's green eyes shone brightly and seemed to be getting brighter if it was possible.

"Higanbana is not always symbolizing bad things. It also act as a guide for the death to the reincarnation, which is a good thing. In this case, his tattoo, the Higanbana had guide me to him, so I can be his friend!" Izuku said still spreading his arms "If you still want to bully him, then you have to face me first."

Everyone stopped moving. The only sounds that was heard was the rustling of the leaves. The two foxes were awestruck by his masters son braveness. That's really a good trait of a summoner. Compassion. Kindness. Wise. Insightful. Strong.

Izuku was showing these traits right now. In front of the bullies, a purple-haired-boy, and two foxes, he showed his summoner aura.

After that, the bullies left them and ran away. Izuku let out of the breath that he was holding. He turned around towards the other boy.

Green met purple.

Extending his right hand, Izuku smiled at the boy. "What is your name? My name is Midoriya Izuku. Nice to meet you!"

The boy, albeit a little bit hesitant, reached the other hand and grabbed it tightly.

"Aizawa Hitoshi. N-Nice to meet you too."

And that was the start of a beautiful friendship.

Although when Izuku brought Hitoshi home to introduce to his parents, his father cried loudly and shouted about Izu-tan had brought a boy home. He started to make his harem at three, which earned another slap from his mother.


"So, Hito-chan. What should we play today?" Izuku asked while playing on the swings. Asked by his friends, Hitoshi looked at his friend and shook his head.

"I don't know," Hitoshi replied. "Where is Kuro and Shiro? They are not coming?"

Izuku stopped his swing and shook his head slowly. "No, they have to go with my parents to eradicate some evil spirits."

Hitoshi perked his head. "Oh, what kind of evil spirits?".


"Oh, the fire wheel yokai?"


Izuku nodded.

"Usually Wanyudo don't really attack if we don't disturb them or reach their territory. What happened?." Hitoshi asked his friend. He knows all of these stuffs, thanks to his adopted father, who said that he needed all of these knowledge for future investments.

"I don't know. But my parents said that a lot of evil spirits seemed to materialize now." Hearing his friend's response, Hitoshi nodded his head. He remembered that his father mentioned that once.

Suddenly they heard sounds coming from their backs. It sounds like something was wheeled. They turned around and spotted something red was running (or rolling?) towards them. It was a big wheel with a grotesque face in the middle. It also surrounded by red blazing fire.


It's a Wanyudo!

"How? How can the Wanyudo come here?! It's supposed to be near the big road. It's not supposed to enter here. What happened?" Izuku asked frantically. The Wanyudo was supposed to appear in the road near the station. Not here!

Hitoshi grabbed his friend shoulder. "Calm down, Izuku! We need to get out from here fast. Come on! Let's run!"

Izuku woke up from his trance and ran away with the purple-haired-boy. The sounds of the wheels still followed them as they ran to Izuku's house. Izuku's apartment was warded by a powerful barrier that could protect them, even from the toughest attack of an evil spirits. That's their safe haven right now!

They ran, ran, and ran. Finally they spotted the familiar white building. Just a little more.

However, a hot sensation erupted from their back. Screams came out from their mouth. The Wanyudo erupted fireballs and it hit both of them.

"Ssssssooouuullsssssssssss. Yyyooouuuurrrrr soulsssssssssss....."

No! No! This can't be happening.

The Wanyudo was moving closer, and yet they couldn't move their body because of the intense fear and their burn injuries. They both could felt the heat from its fire. Hitoshi moved his injured body in front of the green-haired-boy.

"Hito-chan! NO!"

"I'm sorry, Izuku. But I have to protect you. Run now and contact your parents!"

"No! I can't!" Izuku shouted and shook his head. Big lump of tears fell from his eyes. The fire wheel was getting closer and closer. He could see the man's face that was rotten and filled with worms. Disgusting. Disgusting.




Izuku opened his green eyes and turned his head around, trying to find the source of the voice. He realized that he was in black space. Everything is black. It's just like a void.



Where are you?


Then the black space was illuminated by a strong light. Izuku closed his eyes from the sudden brightness. When its stopped, he slowly opened his eyes and shocked at what he was seeing in front of him.


To be continued...



Hello everyone! My name is DeeKyou and this is my first story that I published. Hope you enjoy this chapter ^^

For chapter 2, it's going to take some time to finish it because I'm nearly at the start of my exam QAQ sorry.

English is not my first language, so you are going to expect a lot of grammatical errors and typos everywhere.

The evil spirit in here are going to a mix between yokai and demon, or any other supernatural beings.

The main pairing is BakuTodoDeku. Yes! It's OT3. I can't really decide between both of those pairings so I'm just like Fck that, let's choose both for Deku! But, you'll also see some other hints for Deku, because I'm more into Dekubowl actually XD

For other pairing beside that, ofc it's gonna be Hisashi x Inko. I don't have any regrets for making Inko an otaku ^^ Can you guess and see some of the anime references that I put in the story?

I actually enjoy making Hisashi's personally a lot. Like, a lot. He still doesn't appear in the manga, so he is like a blank canvas. I can make any kinds of personality for him. AND, the result is a doting dad. Yeah, yeah, I read too much LN with doting dads that it kinda stucks with me now ^^;;


So, this is end of the author note. Thank you for reading this story!!~~ ^^

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