Black Sheep

By goldenscares666

427K 20.7K 10.4K

Y/N gets more than she bargained for when getting to know the mystery creature that's been living in her shop... More

Pins and Needles
Panic Attack
Prom Dresses
I Hate Bubblegum
Familiar Faces
Bad Dreams
Devilish Deal
Prom Night
Bed Rest
One Hell of a Castle
Stubborn Silence
The Worst Luck
Hellish Creature
Unfinished Business
Caring Companion
New Beginnings
Silent Familiar
Power Restraints
The Fallen Angel
Dinner Plans
Marquas and Eric
Accidents Happen
Servant for a Day
Seduction of the Inferno
Sibling Rivalry
Lambs of the King
A Loving Demon
Underworld Beasts
Coffee Date
Common Misconception
Threads of the Heart
Wonderful Affection
The Fortune Teller
Medicine Man
The King's Quiet Tongue
Unexpected Visitor
Passer of Judgement
Mephistopheles II
Unstable Recovery
Attention, Attention
Painful Thoughts
Reverse of Curses
Head Stuffed With Wool
Cain II
Fateful Decisions
When the White Fleece Greys
Lord Lucifer
A Story's Other Half
Human's Choice
You Have Such Dazzling Eyes, Darling
Slow Moving Feet Quicken
Long Forgotten Roots of a Dying Tree
The Things We're Afraid to Hear
Gluttonous Song
Don't Poke the Scorpion

Snake Coils are Surprisingly Warm

1.6K 94 56
By goldenscares666

•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Author's POV:


'A spell.' Y/N couldn't get over the thought. This wasn't good, not at all. It was no wonder she felt less like herself, why she thought all those horrid things about Phil so suddenly. Of course, she was shocked by what she had seen. She wasn't exactly happy to see that gore fest, but this spell on her eyes was making it all so much worse.

She wanted it gone. She wanted to think clearly again so that she could sort out her true feelings over the situation. Right now, however, she couldn't even begin thinking about him. She couldn't sort out what was real and what was not to pinpoint the answers. It was frustrating knowing that she would have to wait. It was out of her hands. She couldn't possibly fix this herself.

This is otherworldly magic, a curse brought upon her by some demon she doesn't even know. As always, she felt useless, and it irritated her. Why was she always wedged between walls on a narrow path through millions of boobytraps. There was no safe route for her, not here, not in the human realm, nowhere. It made her wonder, was she just not meant for this life? Was her existence merely a test to see just how much one could take. Y/N was nearing her breaking point. There was nothing she could do to change the outcome of her fate. She was just doomed to walk, leaking bad luck and devastation with every step.

When would it stop?

When would it end?

'Just die,' said the voice in her head. 'It would be over, then.' But... She didn't want to die. She wanted to be happy, like other people. She wanted to love and be loved in return. She wanted a somewhat stable life. She gave up everything for that, so why was she back here, back in this pit of despair? Was it truly not meant to be? Y/N jumped when a knock came to the door, but she quickly relaxed. Koda and Luther must've forgotten something.

"You can come in," she croaks, wiping her tears but avoiding the mysterious goop on her face. Immediately, her gut sank the moment Cain entered the room wearing a calm expression, which quickly morphed into confusion as his nose crinkled at an awful smell.

"What the hell happened to you, and why does it stink in here?" His purple tongue flickers out as he plugged his nose in disgust. Oddly enough, the reaction made her laugh, though quietly.

"Sorry, that would be this stuff." The woman waves a hand over her face before setting it on her lap to play with her fingers nervously. "Apparently, someone has casted a spell on me, so we tried to get it off."

"We?" he questions, walking closer to the bed. It made her tense. Y/N wasn't sure how to feel about him being here. There was a lump in her throat from anxiousness, but she felt no danger. He had showed her what Mephistopheles had been hiding from her. He had warned her it would change her opinion on him, but he also led her into trouble.

Cain had spoke genuinely before— At least, it seemed that way. He had wished to open her eyes, and well, they were wide open now, for better or for worse. She could turn him away, she supposed, but the last thing she wanted was to get him angry. She doesn't know anything about him, aside from what Phil had told her, and it seemed like he was not the kind of person you wanted to make your enemy. She would see what he wants. Maybe then, he'll just go on his way and leave her alone. If he doesn't, maybe Ramsey will come by soon to shoo him off? Unlikely, though, seeing as he was just here. He probably won't be back until noon, and in that case, she's screwed if something goes down. She'll have to stay calm and be nice.

"Dakota and Luther. Do you know them?"

"I do. We're not close by any means, but I know of them," he claims, stopping at the foot of the bed. "Did they get it out?" Cain knew the reputation Koda has built up for himself in the castle. While he may not live there with the rest of the higher-ups, he often does business with the residents. His talents are well-tuned. He is a skilled craftsmen and wise to all sorts of spells and curses. His reversal techniques are well known all throughout Hell. He is the go-to for any and all ailments tainting the natural order. It was no surprise that he would've been called to cure her. Y/N solemnly shakes her head, struggling to fight against the tears, but she did not want to cry in front of him. She had to look down to hide them.

"No luck. They said they'd try again, but it doesn't sound likely that they'll be able to get it undone." Her breath hitched, the burn of bile stinging the back of her throat. She swallowed hard and covered her mouth. "It's making me see things, terrible things. I just want it to stop."

"What kind of things," he prods. Whimpering, she gulps. She didn't want to bring it up. Already, the visions were popping up in her head like weeds rooted in a garden, but she sputtered through the short explanation.

"Him. I keep seeing him every time I close my eyes or think of him. I can see him in that armor, b- b- bloody. I can hear the screaming and laughing and cheering." Y/N covers her ears, her chest rising and falling fast. Those sounds were blaring. Cain stood patiently as she collected herself with a sniffle and lowered her hands. "I can't... I can't sleep. I can't eat. Everything in my head is spinning so fast." She has spiraled so far into hysterics, his presence hardly registered to her as he stared. It was a pitiful sight. Taking a deep breath, Cain slips his hands into his pockets and walks forward to sit beside her on the bed, making her jump.

"That bad, huh?" he asks softly.

"Why did you have to bring me there?" Sobs catch in her throat. "Why did you have to show me he's a monster?" Tilting his head a bit, Cain takes a hand out of his pocket to raise her chin with a thin finger. Naturally, she flinched away from it but stared into his eyes, like he wanted. They were soft, caring, she dare to say, like the sadness she felt had seeped into them and shared a glimpse of the pain she was going through. His spell certainly tortured her. His finger touches her face, swiping away one of her tears before pulling away.

"Come on. Lets clean that shit off your face, then we'll talk." Cain stood up while Y/N was dumbfounded. Yet again, he had confused her. The demon walks over to the sewing room and opens the door before looking confused as well. Peering over his shoulder, he asks,

"Don't you have a bathroom in here?" Y/N shakes her head no and wipes her eyes, smudging some of the black substance.

"No, it's actually across the hall from here." Her hand shook on its way to the nightstand, where she keeps the key stored in the top drawer. The bathroom is solely hers, there just wasn't enough room to fit one in her bedroom with the walk-in closet and sewing room in there. Though uncertain, she slid out of bed and shuffled over to the door before looking over at Cain. He comes closer and leaves first, her following behind into the hall. She watched him cautiously, though he appeared calm all the way into the lavish bathroom.

She found it to be just as beautiful, if not more so than the one in Phil's room. It was fairly large, about the size of her bedroom but round with a big, arched window placed in front of an oval bathtub with golden faucets. The ceiling is domed with a mural depicting a field of wild flowers and white marble columns stretched up to it, wrapped in living vines. The floor was white tile with black, star patterns scattered throughout and was complimented by the peach-pink tiled and white painted walls in the room.

All the cabinets were painted black with golden handles with a white marble countertop, and there is a vanity with a large mirror. Several chandeliers hung from the ceiling, decorated with fake flowers, while real ones sat in peach or white vases placed around here and there. The bouquets were newly arranged frequently whenever the flowers began to wilt, always adding a fresh sweetness to the air whenever she entered. Lastly, there was the shower, covered with a shield of glass with a couple of shower heads, rather than the normal number of one. It's quite roomy and decorated with more of the pink tile. Obviously, there is also a toilet, as well as a rack for towels, and each cabinet was stocked with the finest soaps, makeup and perfume. She felt spoiled every time she set foot in here, however now, her heart ached knowing who had come up with the design for it. Y/N draws her attention to Cain as he picks up a hand towel near the sink and turns on the faucet to soak it with warm water.

"Go sit down." Keeping a watchful eye on the demon, she finds herself moving towards the bathtub and sitting on the wide rim. Lightly, her nails tap at it as she pondered his behavior towards her.

'I didn't expect him to be like this when I was told to be careful of him. I haven't really gotten any bad vibes, and the way he looks at me... It's almost like he pities me. Could this really be some sort of front?' Water spills out into the bowl as he wrings out the towel before walking over to the woman and kneeling in front of her. Guard up again, she watches him carefully as he reaches up to her face.

"Hold still." He demands gingerly taking her jaw in his hand before cleaning the thick substance off her face. Y/N was speechless. She could've washed it off herself. Why was he helping? Before she knew it, he was done and stood up. "There." His fingers leave her face as he goes to throw the dirtied rag into the hamper. "I know a quiet place we can talk if you're willing to trust me enough to take you there."

"Why can't we just talk now, in here? The last time I followed you somewhere didn't exactly go well for me."

"Because I'd like a drink, so unless you have a bottle of booze just sitting around, I'd better prefer we go elsewhere," he states simply, tucking his hands into his pockets. Hardening her eyes, Y/N stands up.

"I don't want to end up in any more trouble. If you want to drink, you can do it by yourself."

  "It'll be safe, I promise. I'll take you there and back. No one will want to be anywhere near you if you're next to me, anyway."

"Why are you so desperate to talk to me?"

"I am still evaluating your character, Y/N." His eyes seemed to gleam a little as he stared into hers. "Trust me when I say that is very important."

"How ominous." He chuckles,smiling slightly.

"So, will you come with me, then?"

"... I'm not sure. Swear not to leave me to get killed like last time." He laughs again before heading for the door. Getting up, she follows after.

"As I recall, you ran off, and besides I said I'd protect you on the way there. I never mentioned anything about the way back. How was I to know what would happen next?" Ah, but what a stroke of luck it was. It made her believe that the creature who tainted her head was some other demon. The perfect cover up.

"I thought that sounded off," she mutters, unamused by his wordplay. By a touch, his smile curled further.

"It will do you well to remember just how tricky we demons can be, mädchen. Haven't you humans learned by now?"

"I just figured I wouldn't stereotype. Most demons I've met were nothing like I pictured. Even Lucifer was different from what I've been told," she retorts, though she did know better. She was just caught up in the moment, then. Absentmindedly, she found herself follow him through the halls, and faintly, his lips had frowned.

"So you've met him too, huh?"

"Apparently, he had wanted to meet me." He hums, almost jealously.

"While it is true that we aren't all precisely the monsters you humans have made us out to be, we do not have the same morals either. Our sense of right and wrong are not always the same. That can lead to us doing things your kind might oppose, like killing, torturing—"

"Stop. I don't want to talk about that," she orders, her breath shaky.

"It isn't something you can just ignore and push to the back of your head. If you think it's sick and twisted, then it is, but the other person might not care. They might think it's fun. That's all I'm saying. Just because we may seem human on the surface, kind and friendly, underneath lies something you may not wish to see. I'm sure I proved my point on that during our last meeting." Y/N felt ill again and dizzy. She had stumbled over her feet before jolting upright when a hand touched her back. Breathing heavily, she looked up at him before gazing back down and gulping.

"I know." Shrugging off his hand, they continue where they were going before stopping at a door. Cain leads the way inside down two dark, wooden steps and between metal tables and booths with dark blue cushions. Peering to the back, Y/N spotted a bar displaying a variety of drinks, where three demons sat, enjoying themselves. One of which was smoking a cigar, but the smoke smelt oddly pleasant as it wafted over to them. On the bar sat a radio playing folk music, which filled the silence as the two found their way to a booth.

The creatures at the bar had all quieted on his entry, including the bartender who quickly averted his gaze and walked to the back to fetch a waitress. As Y/N sat across from the demon, she peered up at the dim light that hung above the table and admired the blue, glass shade for a moment before a woman walked up to the table with a pad of paper in hand. She was human with a collar, not a cuff, but Y/N quickly guessed she was still a lamb. Not much was noticeable about her, other than the dull look in her eyes, which stared away from Cain's as she greeted them.

"Can I get you something to drink?" She offers softly while shakily handing out the menus.

"The usual," he mutters before looking over at his company.

"Just water is fine, thank you." Her eyes met the woman's for just a moment before nodding her head and writing it down.

"Let me know if you require anything else." When she walks away, Cain gives an amused huff.

"If I were you, I would've picked something with a ton of alcohol in it," he claims, causing Y/N to shake her head.

"Believe it or not, I'm not much of a drinker. I don't really go to bars. I'm more the type to enjoy a glass of wine over dinner."

"Fair enough. I do suppose that humans aren't as good as us when it comes to drinking anyway. Your bodies shut down when you have too much of it, while we can go on and on with only having to worry about where we pass out or if we vomit."

"Must be nice," she says sarcastically with a hint of disgust before their drinks were set on the table. A shot glass and a whiskey bottle are set in front of Cain, while Y/N receives a refreshing glass of ice water with a lemon in it.

"Did you find something on the menu you'd like?" asks the server, who continues to hold her gaze with the floor. Cain hums and glances down at the menu on the table then back at Y/N.

"Hungry?" Instinctively, she held her hands over her empty stomach.

"I haven't been able to eat much."

"You can share mine, then if you'd like." Shifting his vibrant eyes to the waitress, he places his order. "Fries and wings. Keep the bone in."

"Yes, sir." She seemed in a hurry to get away from the table as Y/N sipped at her drink awkwardly. She didn't know what to say, but thankfully, he spoke first.

"I'll admit, I'm kind of curious on how you and Mephistopheles became a thing. He's not one to fraternize with humans. They seem to sicken him more often than not." Y/N shuddered at the mention of her dear companion and felt her stomach twist. Still, she took a deep breath and summed up the story.

"I ran into him on the street one day while he was in human form. I didn't think anything of it until I realized he had followed me to my store."

"You had a store?" Cain quirks a curious brow, and slightly, she nods.

"I was a seamstress. I made suits, toys, dresses, you name it," she mutters solemnly. She missed it, their simple routine in the store before everything fell to shit. Sighing softly, Y/N stirred her drink with the straw. "He hung out in my store for three years, completely silent, never saying a word to me until..."

Her teeth sunk into her bottom lip, increasing the demon's attention on her story as he waited for her to collect herself. "I had a horrible panic attack. I have some terrible medical issues and the episodes can be pretty severe at times. I'll start coughing up blood or have a seizure at my worst. Had he not given me my medicine and calmed me down, I hate to think how I may have ended up."

"What triggered it?" He wonders while food is set on the table: a metal basket of fries and a large plate of chicken wings with a variety of dipping sauces in little cups on the side. Cain dips one in a yellow sauce before taking a bite out of it as Y/N tightened her arms around her stomach and slumped back with a wavering lip.

"My boyfriend at the time called me... He was... He was having sex with another woman as he was talking and b- broke up with me." If she wasn't sick before, she certainly was now. She hated thinking of that moment of betrayal. Cain lowered the wing he was gnawing on with a slight frown on his lips as he watched the human tremble in her seat.

"Poor thing," he mutters, tilting his head to the right as she sniffled. "Tell me you at least slashed his tires." To his surprise, she laughed a little at his comment with a watery smile.

"I wish. Man, he had the nerve to invite me to the restaurant he was in while they were having a date. Who does that?"

"You're kidding." He was in disbelief. Y/N shook her head and continued.

"The bastard had my keys. I had no choice. His new girl is a peach too, clearly possessive and even tried to make me jealous. It was sickening."

"I would've poisoned her drink." Her shoulders relaxed a bit as she looked down at the fry basket and reached for one. She wiggles it thought, wondering if she'd be able to keep it down before having a nibble. She went on to tell Cain her entire story, every aspect she deemed important while taking a few moments to calm herself whenever she felt sick. He was patient throughout, and she payed extra attention to how the expression in his eyes would shift as she spoke. By the end, however, Y/N felt unwell as she laid her head on the table in her arms. She wanted to cry so badly, but she couldn't, not with him watching her.

"Phil did so much for me. He was so kind and loving. How can a guy like that kill so mercilessly. I knew he held hatred towards humans, but I've never seen the extent." Cain poured himself a shot, unfazed by the sharp flavor and not the slightest bit tipsy, though he had many.

"The way I see it, he's created this persona, this version of himself to get what he wants; in this case, you. Not surprising. It's a tactic most would use. He needed your trust so that you'd come here willingly with him, making you dependent on him. He wanted you to find safety in his arms, and let's be honest, if he had shown you his true self, it wouldn't have gone over so well. I'm not saying his love for you is fake, Y/N, but ultimately, every other human in the world is scum beneath his shoe, a vile insect. That's how he can continue slaughtering them like pigs without a hint of remorse. You're nothing but an exception. Take that as you will. Maybe he'll always want to care for you, or maybe, one day, he won't. That is the risk that comes with most love, isn't it? Not that I'd know. I was never into relationships to begin with."

"You never had someone you loved?" he smiles sadly at her as she raised her head.

"Most demons don't. Might be nice, though. Personally, I doubt there'd be someone out there for me. I'm difficult." He chuckles.

"Well, I think you're nice." Y/N sighs deeply as he fills his glass again, but this time, he pushed it towards her.

"Here, drink. It'll numb the pain."

"Only temporarily."

"It'll still be a break from it all. You clearly need one." E/C eyes stare wearily into the glass before picking it up. She held it to her lips and gulped before hesitantly pouring it down her throat. A shiver rolled down her spine as she abruptly coughed at the sting it left behind and put the glass down, making the creature across from her laugh. "Atta girl!" Cain takes back the shot glass and her empty cup of water, that still has some ice in it, before pouring a good amount of whiskey into it. He slides it back to her as she stares at him.

"Cain?" The demon hums while tilting his head back, drinking from the nearly empty, liquor bottle.

"Are you using a fake persona around me? Is that why you're being so friendly?" His lips straighten out as he puts the bottle down and speaks seriously.

"I have no reason to pretend. I just needed some company, and since I don't exactly have many friends in the underworld, I chose to hang out with you. Also, it's as I said before, I want to judge your character."

"If that's the case, then what do you think of me so far? I'm sure I've told you plenty enough to get the gist."

"True." Humming, the creature props his chin onto his palm. "Don't know if it's really something you want to hear, but honestly, I think you're sad. Your life is sad, obviously the people you hang out with are less than desirable, and overall, according to my standards, at least, you have bad judgement."

"Jee, thanks." Y/N groans holding her head in her hands, knowing his answer was brutal but truthful.

"But..." Pausing, he sends the human a curved, genuine smile. "You're a good person to talk to. You're used to people walking over you, that's all, so you let it happen without even realizing you're getting played. You need to pick your side more carefully and take charge. Make sure you know what way you want to go, and don't let anyone else influence it. Consider every option you've got. If you think you're useless, then you will be. You can't get anywhere in this life being the victim. Bad things happen to everybody; It's all about how you deal with them."

"You sound like you've got life all figured out." She laughs softly and takes a slow sip of the whiskey in her glass before cringing at the flavor. Cain chuckles lightly at her expression before a light frown appears on his lips.

"I'm just speaking from experience."

Author's Note:

       How we feeling about Cain? You think he's tricking her or being genuine? Or, perhaps, maybe both? Only time will tell. He's definitely one of my favorites. Then again, most characters in this book are. Until the next chapter, darlings. In the meantime, Mephistopheles because he's beautiful and hasn't had any page time:

I'm gettin' better at these, aren't I?
👀 👀 👀

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