Silver Lining

By DontConcealTheFeelz

12.1K 438 17

This will not be your typical Sterek fanfiction ~When all is bad,and when everything goes wrong-there love is... More

Chapter1:New beginnings
Chapter 2:Your What
Chapter 3
One Week To Go
Chapter 5
Assumptions and Falling Action
The Irony Of The Situation pt.1
The Irony Of The Situation pt.2
The Irony Of The Situation pt.3
One Way Or Another Im Gonna Find Ya!
Trust Who Can Be Trusted
Unexpected Surprises
Unexpected Surprises: Part 2
Do you like it?
Unexpected Surprises:Part 3
Unexpected Surprises:Part 4
ThankYou My Children
Trapped In A Personal Hell
Different Day,Every Day
Goodbyes Are Hard
Who's There? Fate?!?!

Mood Swings

384 16 0
By DontConcealTheFeelz

Kate's POV

Getting to Derek was as easy as I expected.I've still got him wrapped around my little finger.Did he actually believe that for one second I cared about him?He must be delusional.I'm actually starting to feel sorry for him.I've always known he was a werewolf,even before we started dating.I would've figured it out sooner or later anyways.Every full moon he would never be anywhere in sight.I never questioned him on it because I already knew his were abouts.Derek is fueled on emotion.Its riveting really.He's too gullible for his own good;that will get him killed one day.As for my intentions,i don't want to kill Derek-I just want to kill his pack-minus Allison of course.She'll be bate,this is going to be easy.

Stiles POV

It's been three weeks since we've been gone.Peter is still a no-show.I left clues,easy clues for him,so I don't know why he isn't here.Then again,it is Peter;he can be really stupid at times.Thats not what's pulling my leg though.Its the fact that I saw Kate Argent the other day;lurking like a lone-wolf.I have no clue what she wants;but knowing her,something evil and spiteful is on her agenda.

I sigh,mindlessly tapping the side of my coffee cup.Me and Cyrus decided to go on a late night run for coffee and tea.We had been up,due to our unfortunate sleeping schedules.I suggested we count sheep;he had other plans.We spent an hour driving around trying to find a coffee/tea shop that was still open.Finally after looking everywhere,we found this little place on the corner of Maine that's open 24/7 to our convenience.The only problem was,they only spoke Spanish;I'm failing Spanish.To my luck,Cyrus spent two years in Spain,where he picked up the language.We had the odds in our favor.

I look up when I hear the bell ring,signaling someone has come in.I look towards the door to see a male brunette,my height,he wore leather and skinny jeans.To be honest he looked like he could be related to me;or Luca.

"Liam,Como Esta",a employee says as she leads him to the back.He smiles."Muy bien Maria",i hear lastly as the door closing cuts off my nosy ears from there conversation that I can't even understand.

"Stiles",i hear Cyrus call."Hmm",i hum looking up at him.I move some of the hair out of my face with a slight gruff.I need a haircut."You haven't said a word since we got here,whats on your mind",he asks.I contemplate telling the truth or not.I mean,i just don't want to come out and say 'you know Peter,yea the one that tied you up and kidnapped you and brung you here,well you no I have feelings for him and I'm waiting for him,also yea this crazy bitch named Kate was watching us ,oh did I forget to mention she killed Derek's entire family'.I don't want to freak him out quite yet.But,on the other hand;we've built up a good relationship and i don't want to ruin it,by basing it off of lies.What to do,what to do.

"Oh,just thinking about everything,Peter ,people in Long Beach,it's nothing really",i tell him truthfully.He nods and smiles.He starts tracing the patterns on the table as he bites his lip."I've been thinking about Luca",he confesses.I nod;i know he has.Luca has had a great impact on his life ,I'm sure it's hard for him not to think about him.Speaking of Luca,he's going to be pissed when we get back."I know,and it's fine",i tell him sincerely.I don't want him to stop his thought process for the sake of me.He nods,ending our little conversation.I let my mind go back to running wild.I wonder what Scott is doing.

Scotts POV

"I don't know when he'll be back and i certainly don't care",i huff as i plop down on Jackson's bed,The whole pack,minus Derek,Peter,Luca and Allison are in Issac's room,talking about the whole 'Stiles Leaving' facade."You mean he didn't tell you",Danny asks.I shake my head.Seems to me now a days the only time we talk is when we are with the whole pack or if we are saying 'bye'.It's like he has forgotten all about me."We barely even talk anymore",i mumble loud enough for only the pillow that my face is now in,can hear."What was that?",Lydia asks.I sigh,rolling onto my back."I said,we barely even talk anymore.He only talks to Cyrus,i guess there best friends now",i say louder than intended.She sighs."You and Stiles have been through way too much for him to just up and get a new best friend Scott",she tells me.I roll my eyes."Yeah,try telling him that when he comes back from his honey moon with the devil",i murmur sarcastically.What kind of best friend runs away with the persons best friend that they hate.Makes no fucking sense.He gets me so angry."Watch the sheets buddy ,those are silk",Jackson says pointing to my claws that are inching out.I retract my claws sighing.That's been happening alot;me transforming because of anger.I guess its because the full moon is in like a week.I'm on my wolf-period.

"Thanks",Jackson mumbles.That's another weird thing;Jackson is starting to be nice,whats up with that.

"Honey-moon with the devil",Lydia snickers."Is someone upset that their best friend didn't choose them to run away with",she taunts.I throw a pillow at her."Shut up Lydia",i reply.I'm not jealous;just really upset."Why ya getting so defensive",she continues taunting."I'm not,i just really want you to shut up",i reply making everyone except Lydia chuckle.

"See,your fine Scott,we can cope without Stiles",Aiden says making me grin.Maybe he's right.


Dereks POV

Did Kate really mean all those things that she said?Does she really care?Why would she show up out of the blue?These are the questions that have been running through my head since Kate made her little appearance.I don't believe her,i know that Stiles would never kiss Cyrus,but i do want to know why she showed up in random.I hadn't seen her nor heard from her in years,and then she just decides to come back into my life and screw it up further.Like what the hell man,that isn't cool.She has to be planning something.Kate never does something randomly,just because.She always has a motive no matter what.I shouldn't trust her,i wont trust her;she playing some sort of game;she's playing it unfairly because no one knows the rules.It's like making a child play 52 pickup;not fair.But that's just Kate for you.She never plays fair,because that's the only way she will win.

I sigh getting out of bed;letting my train of thought run free.I haven't seen Peter or Luca since Kate had arrived.

I walk downstairs slowly.I really don't want to have to do with anyone's shit today.

I roll my eyes as my eyes land on Peter and Luca cuddling;they must of sorted out their differences."Hey Der,in the mood to make something to eat",Peter asks."I'm not in the mood to do anything",i huff walking into the kitchen and downing a carton of milk and then burping."You dog",Peter smirks knowing that it will irritate me.I refrain myself from grabbing him by his stupid v-neck and beating the living shit out of him;i choose to walk upstairs calmly instead.What the fuck is wrong with me today?

Chris Argent POV

"No way Kate",i say angrily to my demonic sister.She already killed the majority of Derek's family ,why does she want to kill his pack too.It's like she wants him to break so she can send him to wolf-therapy.Her head is so far up her ass she cant see straight.Who the fuck injected her with stupid-person syndrome."Oh,i wasn't asking for your permission brother,i just cant do this alone,i need your help",she says crossing her arms.I scoff,copying her actions.Like hell will i ever help her kill the hale pack;Derek will have both of our heads."No way in hell Kate",i tell her.So many things can go wrong with her idiotic plan;i'd like it if i didn't have a werewolf rip out my throat for trying to kill its whole pack with only one other person."Fine Chris,be on the 'Moons' Bitches' side but if you try and stop me i will kill you",She warns before leaving.I chuckle at her empty threat.Like she could kill me.

Parish POV

"Sheriff Stilinski there has been a murder on Crenshaw lane 5th and 32",i pant as i tell Sheriff of the murder."Shit how bad is it",he asks standing up and suiting up."Huge bite mark on the stomach,there was a lot of internal and external bleeding",i rush out.He cocks his head and slowly puts his gun down."You sure there dead",he asks."I'm almost positive why?",i ask confusedly."Just get me the body and quick".

Garetts POV

I groan as i flutter my eye lashes open.Two strange looking men were looking at me curiously."Can you speak",the one with the officer suit asked me.I roll my eyes."I'm 17 not 1",i reply sassily.He raises an eyebrow and nods."I'm Doctor Deaten ,I'm a vet",the other man speaks up."So...",i trail off."Well to put it a week your going to become a werewolf,surprise!".

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