that boy | hwang hyunjin | ✔

By hyunjintoxicated

2.9M 116K 160K

Lee Chaelin avoids boys like it's her calling in life. Except for her childhood friend, Felix, she doesn't le... More

Before you read :3
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Character Q&A - the question form
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
a small word after

Character Q&A - the answers

21.5K 677 1.4K
By hyunjintoxicated

Bold = question // normal = answer

Lee Chaelin

Do you love Hyunjin? I do. It took me way too long to realize but everything he did means a lot to me now.

If your mother doesn't get her shit together I'm adopting you. Ok? Ok. I mean, as long as you don't live too far away from Hyunjin and Felix-

How's life going now that you're dating Hyunjin? It's so much better. He motivates me to become a better person and he's there for me when I need someone. He made me a happier person.

What's your favorite thing about Hyunjin? Damn it's hard to pick only one thing. But if I really have to pick, I'd say his giggle because it's the cutest thing ever.

How's life with a clingy Hyunjin? It's great, it makes me feel a kind of happiness I haven't felt before. The way he's always near makes me feel at ease.

Does Hyunjin annoy u in a funny way a lot? Yes, yes he does. He's such a clown sometimes, cracking jokes and I recently found out that he's fond of pulling little pranks, too (wonder who he's learned that from...). But it always makes me laugh.

How's life with a clingy Hyunjin and a supportive Felix? Better than ever, I wouldn't have been where I am now without them.

How to be you? Maybe there's some kind of ancient ritual to switch bodies but I don't know if I'm up to that :/

Do you think your relationship with Hyunjin would last a long time, because I hope so. I hope so, too. It makes me a little anxious sometimes but I always tell myself to have faith in him, in us.

Any things you'd like to do with Hyunjin? I never thought I'd say this, but I hope he'll take me on many typical dates. Experiencing that kind of stuff suddenly feels like something I want.

What's the difference between your walls up without Hyunjin and your walls down but with Hyunjin? I realized I was feeling lonely when I had my walls up but I wasn't aware of it until Hyunjin came around and broke them down. Things go a lot easier now and I feel much better.

How do you keep up with a cringey memey Felix and a cute adorable Hyunjin? It's pretty easy, especially with the latter. But sometimes, just sometimes, Felix' hyperactivity rubs off on Hyunjin and then it can become a bit much to handle, which is why I always carry my earbuds with me lol.

Hello, how you doing? I'm doing fine, what about you?

Cats or dogs? Btw ily 💙. Cats, obviously. But I've made an exception for Kkami because he's just the cutest thing ever. Aand uwu ily too

When are you giving the colorful scarf back to Hyunjin? Do I have to? :(

What is ur life motto? Do not be anxious, you can depend on yourself, it's from a song Felix forced me to listen when I was younger and I somehow felt like it suited me.

How is it like to be friends with Felix? It's literally the best thing ever, let me tell you that. He's a professional crackhead but also the most caring person I know. 

Can we be friends? Yes, I'd like to :)

Hwang Hyunjin

Can you kindly stop bias wrecking me? I need to stay loyal to Felix. I snapped a picture that might help you 😏here you go~

You're really pretty please share some of it and stop keeping it all to yourself 😔 you mean sharing as in sharing some pictures or sharing my DNA sequence? Also, thank you!

If you break Chaelin's heart I swear I'm gonna break ur pretty face. Don't worry. I won't ever break her heart.

Will you ever marry Chaelin? Is that even a question? y e s

If you break Chaelin's heart I'm keeping her, ok? Ok. I won't break her heart, never.

Who would you choose? Kkami or Chaelin? Choose only one or else I'm suing- Hi, this is Felix because Hyunjin just had a mental breakdown :) I asked him again and he muttered "Chaelin" in the most pained voice ever. There's your answer, boy is w h i p p e d. (But can I have Kkami then?)

Do you take Lee Chaelin as your lovely wife? Yes.

How to be so perfect like you? You don't have to be, you're perfect as your own person (:

Are you from heaven? I'm from Earth, I hope.

Would you ever want to be intimate with Chaelin in the future? Oww awkward much. But I mean, when she's ready for it, I guess? It's all up to her, though. I don't want to do anything that might make her uncomfortable or upset.

Buttered chicken or roasted chicken? I honestly love both, do I have to pick one?

I was gonna take this seriously but... Felix dancing a fortnite dance or Chaeling dancing a fortnite dance- Felix, because he's doing it all the time. It would be funny to see Chaelin dance orange justice, though.

Why did you persist on staying with Chaelin? I'm glad you did tho. First, it was because Felix asked me and I believed it wouldn't be that hard. Soon, I found myself too deep into it and I just wanted to figure her out and maybe even help her. I'm also glad I did, I was right that time at the zoo, she's an amazing person once she lets you in.

How much do you love Chaelin? In percentages. I think my feelings for her can't be counted in numbers, but it's faaaaaar over 100%.

When did you realize that you liked Chaelin? I think it was when she started opening up to me and little pieces of her true self started to show through.

What do you eat to become so hot? (Please say "rice? Just rice?")  Rice? Just rice?

If, completely hypothetically and metaphorically, you and Chaelin didn't like each other, would you date Felix? Mmm... Felix is a cutie (no homo) and he called me handsome more than once, who knows ;)

Ur an angel. Did you know that? I-I am?

Do you love me 😔 I love my friends, so yes ✊ in a platonic way, all my love goes to Chaelin.

Are you willing to give me some cash so I can fulfill my sweet tooth? If not, please drop your skincare routine thanks! B-But if I give you my money, how am I supposed to fulfill my own sweet tooth? I can always share my skincare routine if you have a moment, I'll write it down.

Why did you try so hard in the beginning when you didn't even have a crush on her that time? Honestly? I liked the thought of a challenge, and the fact that there was a girl that wasn't obsessed with me was refreshing, too. And maybe also a little bit because Felix literally begged me to help.

Why did you want to go after Chaelin after she hurt you so much I mean even I wanted to murder her when she made you cry. I remember that day and I still hate it. I was angry at her back then, and I felt like, if I give up now I'm giving her exactly what she wants. That thought was my main motivation after that day but it soon became a real interest. I wanted to know what happened with her and if maybe I could help her at least a little.

Is Chaelin scary? Yeah. Not gonna lie, she definitely is. Especially when Felix steals her food.

Do you think Felix is... gay? Didn't you see him looking at that one boy? I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if he really is lol he looks w h i p p e d for that guy.

Will you and Felix end up together? No, he's my best friend plus I'm already taken, huh? I'm not going to change that.

Can we be friends? Of course, it's always cool to make new friends.

Lee Felix

That's not a question but I LOVE YOU MEMELIX. sjssjsjdjdj I LOVE YOU TO- wait what's memelix

Have you ever had a crush on Chaelin? Honestly? No. I guess our friendship was too deep for that. Deep down, I also knew having a crush on her wouldn't work out and it would only deal more damage to both of us.

I. Love. You. You know that right? Like....LOVE YOU!!! CAN I HUG YOU? PLEASE!? omg yesh I love you too and YES I'M CRAVING HUGS BECAUSE HYUNJIN DOESN'T LET ME HUG CHAELIN ANYMORE ;_;

Pls stop bias wrecking me I have Jeongin and Jisung to stay loyal to and you're kind of ruining it I still love you tho. I mean I can try? Should I hide behind Hyunjin?

Can u hug me? MORE HUGS *hugs you*

When will you get yourself a girlfriend and stop third wheeling? But Chaelin told me a tricycle doesn't work without three wheels :(

Okay but how is it like to third wheel? It was pretty boring but I have a trick now; just act really loud and they'll stop treating you like a third wheel and give you actual attention.


Do you still dab?? Also please just always do you and I wuv you so much I wanna shower you with love and affection if Changbin doesn't- Of course I still- wAIT a second. CHANGBIN? AS IN SEO CHANGBIN? That cute guy at school? YOU KNOW HIM? 

Have you ever considered u and Chaelin to be more than friends? No, not even once. We best-friendzoned each other immediately and that never changed.

When you were younger did you ever had a crush on Chaelin and do you think that if her and Hyunjin weren't dating, you two could be more than friends? Nope, never had and I never will. The friendzone is real between us and I honestly feel too honored to be her best friend to change that. Also, I mentioned that I don't really count as a boy to her, didn't I? I mean I was just joking but-

Do you mind being a third wheel while around Hyunjin and Chaelin? Nah, not really. I still get my fair share of attention and it means a lot to me to see those two happy together, honestly.

Hi Felix, I'm also a third wheel I feel u. Is there anything u like about being single (if there are none. HI I EXIST!!!). Well, if I ever feel like it, I can just sleep all day without someone that craves my attention and presence.

Any love interest? ....maybe?

Are you with Changbin yet? Y'all know Changbin? Can someone please introduce me to him? ;_;

Would you date Chaelin? If ofc, she wasn't ur bff. Honestly? No. I wouldn't have gotten near her if I didn't meet her before everything happened to her. I don't have Hyunjin's patience and I probably would've run off and cry in a corner after one attempt to talk to her. Plus, someone needs to be at her side as her best friend right? I'm glad it's me.

How to become a meme? Just do random things at random moments that make no sense at all and people will start calling you meme eventually.

Can we play fortnite together at 6pm?  Yep, that's a date ;)

You have a boyfriend right? I hope his name starts with C and ends with hangbin. He would've been if any of you would just introduce me to him ;_;

The hardest question to answer: is it Yeet or Yeehaw? Y E E T

Are you okay being a third wheel?  Yeah I'm used to it by now. I learned how to get my proper share of attention as well :)

Do you want to come over to my house and play fortnite? Yes please, Chaelin and Hyunjin never want to join me :(

Can I marry you? B-But that cute boy at school-

Can we be friends? I'll fortnite dance all day with you if that's what it takes. You don't have to dance all day but having someone to dance fortnite dances with is definitely friendship goals.

Lee Chunja

Have you ever thought that maybe you aren't being the best mother for Chaelin? Yeah, that thought haunted me, day in, day out. I was just too stupid to do something about it, too caught up in my own misery that I forgot to care about hers.

Why are you so broken? If a man leaves you, well screw them! As soon as they cheat or leave they deserve nothing. Something snapped in me when I saw him with another woman in town, and it broke down completely when he returned home and told me he was leaving because he found someone who was way better than I am. It became a bitter memory, but I never got over it the feeling.

Yo learn to mother thank you. I'm doing my best. It might sound stupid but I cook every night now.

What did your ex-husband do to make u that broken when he left? To put it harshly, I caught him with his tongue down another woman's throat, only for him to show up later to tell me that he found someone better and how he was done with me.

Have you ever considered trying to help yourself before you met Hyunjin's mom? To be honest, I did. But every time I went out, I ended up in a particular section in the convenience store. I sought help in the wrong place many times.

Please listen to Hyemin ;-: I will. For Chaelin's sake.

Why are you so emotional like bih. Because it's easier to let emotions get the best of you than actually fight against them? I was weak.

How severe was the damage that you became closed off? No offense <3. No offense taken. It was so bad that I lost control, so pretty bad I guess.

How did you feel when you realized Hyemin is going to help you? Overwhelmed, because I didn't think someone was willing to help me. Even though she likely did it more for Chaelin,  I'm still grateful because everything is going better now, even between me and my daughter.

Sorry that ive disliked you almost the entire story. You actually didn't deserve all the shit you went through and I hope things will get better for you <3. Thank you so much, it means a lot to me. I'm sorry for being like I was during the entire story.

If you would be an ice cream flavor which would you be and why? I never eat ice cream so I have no idea what flavor I would be. Probably a flavor no one really likes because- yeah.

Ok, not a question but I just wanted to say how ur a precious character to all of us including Chaelin of uwu. Thanks for giving life to such an angel and I hope you get better soon:) Thank you so much, like really much. Things are gradually getting better but it's a long and sometimes difficult journey. A lot of people gave me a second chance and I'm grateful for that, it keeps me going.

What in your opinion is a reason to keep going? For years, I didn't realize I had one very important reason to get my life back on track. It's like I just forgot. But now I have one, everything I do is for Chaelin now. Hyemin thaught me that no matter how shitty things might get, you should always be there for your child.

Where do you get your money from because apparently you're out all day drinking or something like that but do you have a job or any kind of income. Child support. And I secretly worked at a bar, a few shifts a week.

Why? Just... why? Because life is hard and I was weak. That's why, not gonna lie.

Why were u such a bitch? I wasn't even aware of that most of the times and I hate it now that I think back on it.

How do you have money for drinking and cigarettes when you literally have no source of income and why? WHY are you SUCH A BITCH? You could use that blood money on your children brAt. I used to work at a shady bar but you are right, most of the money disappeared to cigarettes and alcohol. I regret everything now, like a lot. I also stopped smoking.

Do you even love Chaelin? I've always loved her, just not in the way she deserved. It's hard to love someone when you loathe yourself and nothing in your life is right. I had to get everything back on track before I realized how much I love her.

Hwang Hyemin

I stan you. You're awesome! Also, I'm you have any food? Why thank you! Dinner's about ready, you're welcome to join.

Where do you think Hyunjin got his visuals? There's no point in lying, huh? My ex-husband is a handsome man and Hyunjin resembles him a lot. I still got the credits for his eyes, though ;)

Will you be my mom? We do have a spare room, but won't your family miss you?

I wuv u can u adopt me? Oh dear, I don't have that many spare rooms... You're always welcome for dinner, though!

What was your motivation to keep going again? My son, Hyunjin. I didn't want the divorce to affect him even more so I had to stay strong and move on, for his sake.

How can I get someone like you? I don't know? I'm not that special, honestly. There are probably tons of women like me.

What's the most embarrassing thing Hyunjin has ever done/situation he put you in when he was young? There are a lot of times where he made things quite embarrassing but I can clearly remember one time. We were in a clothing store and Hyunjin was eight years old. He somehow found a tiara with pink gemstones and bright pink feathers and he wasn't planning on letting it go. He wore it the entire day with so much pride. He hates it when I remind him of this ;)

Can you adopt me? I have to move to a bigger house first, or so it seems.

How are you so patient? And can you please teach me your ways so I don't beat someone up who walks too slow? Patience is the key when you live with a rebellious young boy. It improved a lot over the years. I, unfortunately, can't help you with that; my short legs won't allow me to walk really fast, either.

Did you ever consider to have more kids? I did, my ex-husband wanted nothing of it.

I'm a day late but anyways happy mothers day and thank you for giving us a special kiddo. Thank you, I'm glad you like my son! He deserves the world, you know?

Can you adopt me? I'll have to move to a mansion first, I didn't know I would become this popular.


Take my wuv *shoots virtual finger hearts in yongbok* and ur doing great sweetie-- uwu thank you >///<

What inspired you to write That Boy? It's nothing special, honestly. I wanted to write a Stray Kids fanfiction and spent a good while on coming up with story ideas. Eventually, this came up in my head. There's no special backstory, just my imagination that had a bright moment.

What made you start writing stories? I started writing in 2013 (when I was 13 years old) because I had a friend back then that wrote a lot. We would often have sleepovers and write together, helping with each other stories and coming up with cool scenarios for each other's main characters. Over the years, she stopped writing eventually but I didn't. And that's where we are now ^^.

Do you still eat your noodles with a spoon? No, I use a fork now, better? XD

I know this is random, but what's the craziest thing you've ever eaten? I'm scared of eating weird things, honestly. I would never eat squid, snails or insects because I'm a scaredy cat lol. The weirdest thing I've eaten is probably hay, which I had to eat after losing a bet.

Is Chaelin in any way having characteristics similar to you or a person in your life? Not really, apart from the anger issues she had. When I started this story, I was struggling with anger issues as well and I think I unconsciously created Chaelin to vent in some sort of way.

Where do you take inspiration from?  Like your imagination is bigger than NCT bro. Okay, first off, thank you. That's like the coolest compliment I've ever had :') I literally take my inspiration from everywhere and nowhere. Sometimes I hear a song or see a picture and boom, an entire plot floods into my head as if it's nothing. Or I'm just going home after school and suddenly, nearly an entire story pops up in my head out of nothing.

What groups do you stan? Stray Kids is actually the group I really stan, as in following them everywhere and trying to stay up-to-date because I suck at stanning more groups at the same time (I tried, didn't work out). SKZ is my all-time favorite groups and the other groups I like the most are BTS, BigBang, N.Flying, The Boyz, ToppDogg and probably a few I'm forgetting at the moment lol.

If you could be one animal, what would it be? A cat, no doubt.

Where's Chan? I decided not to put every member in this story (for unknown reasons, but alas). He'll show up in other stories, though. Of course I'm not going to exclude SKZ's precious leader.

To everyone that asked where Chaelin's little brother is, I'll just admit it. I completely forgot about him because I'm that stupid lol


I never expected to get this many questions and really, I enjoyed it. It was really fun to do and thank you for participating if you did ^^. If your question isn't here, I overlooked it and I'm sorry about that. I didn't ignore any questions on purpose.

This was 3700+ words, which is longer than any chapter I've ever written :,)

Also, I just logged in to publish this and found That Boy on #5 in #fanfiction and I'm shaking-

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