20 First Dates. {Bartolomeo x...

By KiraReno

996 102 78

Just a oneshot, I was very unwell when I was trying to think of ideas for this one so maybe it's a bit plain... More

20 First Dates.

996 102 78
By KiraReno

Is he late or is he simply not coming?

Your thoughts are enough to drive you crazy, a frown etched into your features as you check the time for the umpteenth time since you've been sat down.

Your heart dips when you see that it has been an hour, he didn't even call or text to let you know where he was, this isn't the first time you've been stood up so you can handle it but the fact that he didn't even let you know just makes you a little angry.

But what should you expect? This one was Eustass Kid after all, you were shocked that the guy wanted a coffee with you to begin with, he isn't usually one for getting involved with relationships and such.

You're starting to think you're cursed - you've been asked out on dates about 20 times now and have been stood up each and every time. 

First there was Ace, he was the very first boy to ask you out and he is handsome as hell so you were ecstatic but he never turned up to the movies and sent you some bullshit excuse via text message, something about needing to help his little brother out of a jam. You never answered that text and the raven no longer seems interested in you.

Not long after swallowing that big ole pill of rejection, you scored yourself a date with his brother, Sabo. Of course, it was mainly out of revenge but the usually-more-polite sibling didn't show up either, he told you his excuse in person at least - that he had eaten too much for lunch and fell into a 'food coma' and missed the date. 

By this point, you were done with these hopeless brothers and moved onto Trafalgar Law instead but he also ditched you, he was the rudest of them all too, he only told you why when you had confronted him (more like tore his ear off) about it.

Naturally, he boredly stated that he had to study and then had the nerve to claim that your nagging was annoying him. Needless to say, he's not your favourite person these days.

And after many other failed dates, you finally came across Eustass Kid. Admittedly, you only wanted to date the redhead to rub it in the other guys faces, I mean - he's buff, he's popular and he's hot. 

You just know if he became your boyfriend, your previous dates would be left feeling stupid for throwing away their chances but of course, he has turned out to be a giant letdown also.

I hate men.

A slight movement in the corner of your eye catches your attention, the chair across the table from you being pulled out as a man wearing a burgundy coat drops himself down in the seat, he has a big smile on his face, his cheeks are pink and his hair is green.

You recognize this guy at least, he was the coffee boy and when you told him you've been stood up, he started serving you coffee for free. You can see that he's still wearing his work shirt underneath his coat, the name badge being somewhat on display, you can make out 'Barto' at least.

"I-Is okay t-to...c-c-c-coffee?" 


It takes you a second to work out what he was trying to say, he was a little shy previously but not to this extent; his blush deepening more and more by the second and his hands are trembling like crazy. 

"You wanna have coffee with me?" A simple question but one that seems to send the greenette insane nonetheless, all he can offer is an eager nod of his head as well as a muffled scream, his lips pinched shut to try and silence himself.

You must admit though, it is rather cute.

"L-Like a date! With me! I-I-If you want to!" You can see the sweat streaming down his face as he smiles at you nervously, the poor thing still trying his best to stutter out an eligible response. "I-It's not a pity coffee! That guy you liked was stupid and you're very p--VERY NICE! NOT PRETTY! I-I MEAN, YOU'RE VERY PRETTY TOO, I JUST--GAH!" By this point, his bright red face has found a new home within his palm and his voice has dropped into a mere whimper. " I-I called her pretty..." 

How cute!

"I'd love to have a coffee with you." You finally chime with a smile as you signal to the lady at the counter, seems she has taken over from Barto's shift - a young one with orange hair, you believe her name was Nami. "Y'know, this is technically my first date~!" 

At least he showed up...kinda. He might've already been here but it still counts.

The poor thing is even more of a mess now that you've told him it's your first date.

"She's too good for meee! What was I thinking?! N-Not that I regret doing this--I just! I-I'm making a mess of it already!" The whimpering greenette blurts, his arms flailing around like mad as he squirms in his seat, his face so red that you're sure he could pass as an emergency flare and his entire body shaking under the pressure.

"Oi," You finally voice, trying your best to keep it casual since sweeter approaches only seem to fluster him more. "It's alright, just start with your name! I'm [F/n]!"


You can't help but grin at his slight error, you try to hide it with your hand but he catches it, the poor boy looks like he just wants to crawl under a rock and die. 

"Bartolomeo? I like it! It's cute!"

"C-C-C-CUTE?! ME~?!" Now you cannot help it, an extremely unattractive snort escaping you before you begin chuckling at the boy's expense, although he seems more delighted by it if anything. "I made her laugh~! I-I mean you! I made you laugh~!"

Well, this is going to be an interesting date.


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