It's a Love-Hate relationship

By itskeyaaa_

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Summer Jones doesn't have a perfect life - a crazy half family, dropping grades and absolutely no idea on wha... More

CHAPTER 1: My patience is thinner than an autumn leaf
CHAPTER 2: Does she even have a talent? She can recognize fake Louboutins...
CHAPTER 3: Now that's what I call a blockbuster exit
CHAPTER 4: Stop laughing. It's turning me on
CHAPTER 5: I'm smart. Oh and I'm a stripper
CHAPTER 6: I'll cut your balls off and staple them to your forehead
CHAPTER 7: Running like a celebrity with paparazzi hot on their trail
CHAPTER 8: Did he have a tendency of speaking in German when he gets hurt?
CHAPTER 9: I was a curious and love-deprived 6-year-old
CHAPTER 10: He's basically the reincarnation of the devil
CHAPTER 11: Even the holy water couldn't diminish his dirty playing methods
CHAPTER 12: I'll twist your bones in such a way you won't recognize yourself
CHAPTER 14: Do you only have eyes for anything with a vagina?
CHAPTER 15: He should take whispering classes from Voldemort
CHAPTER 16: Tough and feisty
CHAPTER 17: I need to get her anti-Calexcitement pills
CHAPTER 18: This is no time for Harry Potter references
CHAPTER 19: You just made out with an imaginary being
CHAPTER 20: Do I have to wait for you to remove your hidden knife?
CHAPTER 21: Stupid high-pitched vocals
CHAPTER 22: Our love story is even more epic than Romeo and Juliet
CHAPTER 23: Wine is my favorite way of eating grapes
CHAPTER 24: My lips are sealed. Can I open them?
CHAPTER 25: I can become a cloth donor to many boys
CHAPTER 26: Her fangs are still in her mouth
CHAPTER 27: You give so many damns they are visible from space
CHAPTER 28: I just realized I can sleep with my eyes open
CHAPTER 29: I don't want my brother on a damn killing spree
CHAPTER 30: Alcohol is always a fucking ethical bribe
CHAPTER 31: Remind me to kick the ball at his skull
CHAPTER 32: Mint is my favorite
CHAPTER 33: Well, hello soon-to-come death
CHAPTER 34: Discretion is clearly not her talent
CHAPTER 35: This boy is the trigger to my asphyxia
CHAPTER 36: What kind of creature are you?
CHAPTER 37: I watch many spy movies
CHAPTER 38: We probably devoured half of your damn supply
CHAPTER 39: My IQ points drastically drop when I see your face
CHAPTER 40: I'm a real chick magnet here
CHAPTER 41: I don't think I am ever going to get my breath back
CHAPTER 42: How about lesson number one in Rebel 101?
CHAPTER 43: I know the way to your heart is wine
CHAPTER 44: I desperately require a book on girl behavior
CHAPTER 45: Mommy Dearest
CHAPTER 46: I'd rather be pecked to death by hummingbirds
CHAPTER 47: A prisoner with junk food and Netflix allowance
CHAPTER 48: My life is just a bunch of whats
CHAPTER 49: I want to punch myself
CHAPTER 50: Evil Stepmother 2.0
CHAPTER 51: I've majored in piggyback rides, alright?
CHAPTER 52: My rap sheet will state fratricide
CHAPTER 53: Are you drunk?
CHAPTER 54: White elephant
CHAPTER 55: You attention-sucking bitch
CHAPTER 56: Grumpier than Grumpy the dwarf
CHAPTER 57: I present to you the 100th edition of Cuckoo Caleb
CHAPTER 58: The only trait I acquired was an upgrade on my humor
CHAPTER 59: Buy a castle in England

CHAPTER 13: My life is basically insurmountable

7.1K 201 41
By itskeyaaa_

Why is it so hard being a girl? Waking up for me is already a grueling job and on top of that, waking up to my monthly problem kicking in on a fucking Monday?

My life is basically insurmountable.

After stuffing lots and lots of chocolates into my small duffle bag considering my extensive cravings, I sit on the table with my head bent down on my arms. After a few minutes of groaning, a hand ruffles my hair and I shoot up in anger to maim my attacker.

I see Aaron with wide eyes, his now red wrist in my hand. I let him go and I return to my somewhat comfortable position.

"What's up with you, sumo?" Aaron mutters as I hear the fridge being opened and a wrapper being tossed on the kitchen counter.

"Don't fucking call me that, you whore!" I growl out and stand up, huffing past a flustered Aaron, towards the door.

"Jason, you bitch! Get the fuck out of your room and get in the damn car! God! You boys are getting on my fucking nerves!" I snatch my bag from where it was and angrily swipe the keys from the holder, almost breaking it off the wall.

"What's going on?" Jason comes out of his room while wearing his t-shirt. He eyes me carefully before sighing as he walks over to Aaron, patting him on the shoulder.

I'm not here to babysit them and take in their bullshit. When I say something, it better be done then and there.

"Oh, what's going on? How many warnings do you need to alert you to get out of your goddamn room? Do I have to put the house on fire next time?" I say as I glare at him and place my hands on my waist like a strict mom.

Let's ignore the fact right now that I have no mother. That I've never felt a mother's love. That the only mother I had even left for some shit I couldn't be bothered to fathom at 7.30 am on a Monday.

"Chill, woman. Let me just get breakfast and then we can leave. I'm surprised I didn't have to come shouting my lungs out this morning for you to get your ass out of bed." Jason lightly chuckles and I fume even more at his statement.

"Shut up, you ungrateful asshole! I do so much here and still, I'm the one underestimated here. Do you feel obligated to wake me up every morning? Well, guess what? I can actually wake up on my own. No need to fucking judge me!" I spit out while my fists were clenched. I don't really know what was triggering my anger right now since my hormones were like all over the place. I don't know what I was doing or saying.

"Are you on know...?" Jason drawls out as he plays around with the top of the orange juice carton.

"Yeah, I am! Now get your asses up and let's go! Ugh!" I pull open the door and slam it with all my might that I might have just awoken my neighbors. Then again, I really don't give a damn.

Periods are mood killers, people.

Again, why am I a girl?

Couldn't God just put the remaining male chromosomes in me and exterminate the rest of the female ones?

We all walk out of the door and towards the car – the three following me suit, not even letting out a whisper let alone a word. Seems like I should be this moody every day.

Considering Aaron just ditched the front seat for me. Wow. It can be a really good day actually if you look at it.


"What the fuck is this?! This is the kind of shit ass music you play in your car, Jason?!" I scream and groan at how much pain I was going through because of all the screaming.

"Okay, okay, okay. Calm down, girl. I'll change-

"Don't fucking call me a girl, Jason!" This time, I actually did scream. So much that Draven and Aaron pulled their hoodies on tight and covered their ears with their hands, a grimace on their faces.

"Um...I'll just change that real quick." He goes on to fumble with the music system but I slap his arm away and glare at him.

Well, it was a soft glare this time okay. No hard feelings.

Kind of.

"It's fine. Never mind. Just drive the hell on."

After a torturous silence filled with Aaron's side to side confused stares, my glares at everyone through the rear mirror and a lot of throat-clearing, we finally made it to school and it didn't take all of them even 3 seconds to hop out of the car without saying goodbye.

What great brothers I have, no?

I ignore all that and plug in my earbuds or else my beautiful clothes will end up in blood stains from killing other people due to my extreme killer mood swings. I hop along to my Literature class for which I already had the books for so I didn't have to swing by my locker.

Thank god.

Who would walk all that? As far as you know by now, I'm a lazy bum when it comes to periods (ignore the fact that I'm always lazy) and so I couldn't walk till my locker even.

I stumble upon some guy near the entrance to my class and I practically bury him under my glare. As I finally and peacefully settle into my seat with no worries of turning in any kind of work to Ms. Grey, I spot a familiar mop of brown hair and tall figure entering the class.


Not today.

Like an adaptive reflex I seem to have learned, I crouch down and hide my face under my arms while leaning on the table. I pray so hard that I feel like I was suddenly a pastor. Or a pastress. Or whatever the fuck a woman pastor is called.

"Morning, class." I reluctantly get up and look around and I spot him several seats away from me. I let out a sigh of relief and shake my head wondering what the hell he was doing here. Literature...Caleb...nope.

After more minutes of just admiring the plain white walls, I look outside the window and spot a few people walking around here and there, studying with full determination. I think about my dropping grades and suddenly my mood changes to a worse one.

The sad one.

Here, I could literally cry buckets of tears because of anything random. Bad mood. Code red.

"Fancy seeing you here. Were you hiding from me?" With the speed I turned around in, I'm pondering upon why my neck didn't snap. Here he is in a grey t-shirt and dark blue washed jeans. His t-shirt was obviously tight for him considering the yummy-

Shut the fuck up.

I meant, considering the huge ass muscles bulging from his short sleeve. His hair was in a perfect quiff – not too tall and not too short. Just...perfect. His eyes were-

Why the fuck was I acting all Shakespeare on Caleb Anderson?

"Why are you here?" I ask nonchalantly, keeping a straight face all the while without looking at him because God knows Caleb angers me to the core and me being on my periods is just predicting his brutal death.

"To annoy you. Duh." He uses a mocking tone to say that and it takes everything in my power to lie on the table again without using my already clenched fists to punch the life out of him.

"Of course. That's the only purpose of your existence." I click my tongue and close my eyes, savoring the bitter pain igniting in my uterus right now.

"Shut up. I'm here for important work unlike you. Besides, Ms. Grey told me to sit here. God knows why." He pretty much mutters the last part to himself but I still hear him. A smirk appears on my face as I realize he was basically punished to sit here.

"What important work?" I slightly turn my head and roll my eyes at the word 'important'. As if he could ever sit in a class, that too Literature.

He turns towards me and on instinct, I look into his eyes while he starts speaking.

"To gain the precious knowledge of the different stupid people around the world who decided to throw away their lives for something as minor as love." I continue staring at him, still in shock over the fact that I might be having similar thoughts as him. Even though I loved Literature, I couldn't understand why the main idea they based around the stories on was love. I wasn't a major fan of love as I was of James Bond even.

To me, love was nothing but an elaborated feeling of infatuation. No one really loved. All they would think of it was an obligation – they felt the need to love in order to feel human.

I shake my head and push away all those thoughts before I delve deeper into all that emotional shit. I'm brought back to reality – the reality that is in front of me right now, Caleb Anderson.

I seem to have caught the fetish of saying his full name again and again.

"Huh. Never knew this day would come where I will actually agree with you." I get up just in time as Ms. Grey turns around and starts chattering something about stupid Mr. Darcy.

"Why would you? You girls basically go all gaga for this shit." He scrunches his upper lip in a weird way and I debate on whether to laugh out loud or not.


He has a funny face.

"Because, you brainless sexist donkey, I see them in the same light you do." I give him a tight-lipped smile and roll my eyes at the end.

"Sure you do." He sighs and places his hands in his pockets. He continues staring ahead at the board and I realize something. Something my dumbass should've caught on in the first place.

"Wait...that'll be doing literature in this class..." I keep trailing off as I start imagining every Literature lesson with Caleb as a torturous and filled with anger lesson.

"No, no, no. I'm just here to congratulate Ms. Grey on how well she teaches. Deserves an Oscar, don't you think?" It was his turn to throw off the sarcastic grin.

"Your sarcasm isn't appreciated." I huff and cross my arms over my chest, turning to look at the window instead of the idiot's face.

"Neither are you so I guess we are both alike."

"Listen to me, jerk-

"Don't call me a jerk."

"Fine." I grit my teeth out while chanting my nonexistent peace mantra to keep my hands off his head which I could already picture being thrown out of the window.

"Why did you join this class? You know" Trust me, the conversation played way better than what came out of my mouth.

"Never knew Blondie-

"Don't call me Blondie."

"Fine. Never knew you would stereotype people like that. What's so strange about a hot soccer player slash bad boy slash school's golden boy, doing literature? You don't think I'm that dumb, do you?" he muses as he leans in to whisper the last part. I avert my eyes and look down at my converse. I am not supposed to be feeling guilty. I barely know the guy.

"Okay, first, which delusional human being called you hot-


"Don't interrupt me. Second, I'm afraid to say you aren't what you think you are-

"I know. I'm better."

"Interrupt me one more time and I swear to god you won't get out of this class without losing some precious organs." He raises his eyebrows at my violent tone and leans his back on his chair, indicating for me to go on.

"Violent much?" He grins at me and starts whistling slowly, enough for Ms. Grey not to turn around and reprimand him.

"Very. Thank you for the compliment. Third, I don't think you're dumb. I know you're dumb as fuck."

"You will be surprised to find much more than what you think I am." He stretches the 'you' and continues the eternal smirk.

"Oh really? What are you huh? Einstein's kid with his smart genes? You're like any other student here. No need to think that highly of yourself." He glares at me and then continues staring at me as if he was studying every part of me. Trying to find something.

"What?" I growl out and play with the pencil I had in hand. The urge to poke it right through his eyeball takes over me and I internally glare at my period for even giving birth to that idea.

"You really have that spoilt brat bitch attitude nailed."

I whip my head towards him and shoot him millions of imaginary daggers and my anger builds up even more at what he said. Spoilt brat? Bitch? I'll show him how much of a bitch I am.

"You don't know me at all. So just shut the fuck up." I close my eyes and attempt to breathe, controlling all my anger enough not to punch him right here.

"Woah. I see flames. Nice."

"Don't mock me, jerk."

"Or else what...blondie?"

"Don't undermine my potential, Caleb. I've even told you before, don't even try testing my patience." I clench and unclench my fists as I try to calm the hell down. I don't wanna have another visit to the principal's office any time soon.

"No interest. I'm just sad over my hopes dying to at least enjoy this class. Seems like it's gonna be a bad year for me." He spits out and fortunately, that's when I hear the familiar ring of a bell. Caleb immediately picks the one book he had of Pride and Prejudice and effortlessly walks out of class with big strides.

"Likewise. Ugh." I mutter the last part to myself, not at all anticipating what would come out of sharing one class with Caleb Anderson. 


Tadaaa! One more update amidst my exams??? Shh. Let's keep that lowkey, shall we? 

Caleb and Summer's story is hitting it off, don't you think? Certainly not in a good way considering how rude they are to each other. Now, I just wanted to clear something. Most of you might think of Summer as an over-reacting rebellious teenager. Rebellious she is. But if you've read the story well, you will realize Summer is not one of those girly girls. No. She prefers to be called a tomboy since she's basically accepted that and therefore, her "anger" and violence towards her periods might be more than just any other girl out there. You will be surprised to know all that she's ever been through and then you might finally understand where her annoyance and anger at everything comes from. 

Did I say too much...? Nah. 

Anyways, do vote and comment on what you think should happen in order to bring a twist in these two's lives!!!


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