The Difference Between Us •Na...

By potatoejung_

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Never did Naruto think that a run would change his life so much. - More



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By potatoejung_


The blond laid in his bed, debating if the strange girl was worth it. He was so tired when he woke up the next day. Naruto pulled his comforter around his shoulders tightly and rolled over, wanting a few more hours of sleep.

But then he felt bad.

Curse his good conscious.

He got up and walked to the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day. While he was showering, he felt that weird hum. Anytime he went to the forest he would feel the hum. So it was weird that he felt it here in his dorm. Maybe it meant something.

Naruto finished up quickly and dried the water from his skin then wrapped the towel around his hips. The blond got dressed quickly and dried his hair properly.

Out of courtesy, Naruto had gotten Hinata a change or two of clothes since he had only seen her in the white gown.

He had gone to the used clothes store since he was a broke college student, hoping that he would find a few things for cheap. He had gotten her a plain black T-shirt, a pair of faded jeans, a bright yellow sweater and black sweats. He also got her a new pack of socks and some cheap sneakers from the convenient store. It was the thought that counted.

The Uzumaki pulled his backpack over his shoulder and swiped his keys off the counter as he did the previous morning. Naruto didn't want Shikamaru to know what he was up to because he knew that Shikamaru would talk him out of it.

"Hey," but of course things never go Naruto's way. "Where're you going?"

Naruto turned to where Shikamaru was standing in their kitchenette. He scratched the back of his neck while thinking. "Out to see my cousin."

"Cousin?" The brunet took a drink from his mug, eyeing the other male. "What cousin?"

"Um," he cleared his throat. "Karin."

"You hate Karin."

"I do not."

Shikamaru scoffed and set his mug down. "You literally didn't even go to her graduation because it was the same night as the Friends rerun marathon."

Naruto sputtered. "I just have priorities."

The brunet sighed and shrugged. Naruto didn't really like keeping things from him but he also didn't exactly know what he was hiding. Hinata was just a... friend(?). A friend who he was helping.

The Uzumaki turned and continued out of the door but then Shikamaru's voice called after him. "Whatever it really is, you can trust me."


"I brought you some clothes," he announced after they greeted each other, swinging his backpack to the front. "I thought you might need some."

Hinata looked at the items he pulled out carefully, hands curled on her lap. "Clothes?"

Naruto raised a brow. "Yeah, what you wear. Like your dress."

She looked down at the fabric covering her body and then nodded. "Clothes," she repeated. "Yes, I do need the clothes."

Naruto nodded and proceeded to pull out the sweater he had selected and place it in front of her.

"Thank you," she said. "I do not own any other clothes."

She then proceeded to pull her dress over her head, causing Naruto to turn a vibrant shade of red. "H-Hinata!"

Naruto quickly turned and covered his eyes, trying not to turn back around to stare at her nearly naked body.

"Is something wrong?"

"You can't just... c-can't just do that!" He all but whined, his blush spreading to his neck.

Hinata looked at him and then down at her body, confused. "I have a female human physique, is it wrong?"

Naruto was confused. "You can't get naked in public!"

"Ah," she grabbed the yellow sweater. "I was unaware it was shameful. Thank you for teaching me." Hinata pulled the sweater over her head but failed miserably, getting her head stuck in the sleeve. "Naruto Uzumaki Naruto!" She cried. "Help! The clothes is trying to kill me!"

"A-are you dressed?" He asked as he still slowly turned around. She just let out a high pitched whine so Naruto peaked open one eye and blushed when he saw her exposed stomach.

Luckily for him, the sweater covered her breasts (barely) so he was able to help her rather quickly. Her hair was now in disarray but she looked adorable. Naruto helped her put on the jeans then tied her shoes for her.

"Thank you," she said again in a muted tone. "Why must I wear so many things?"

"It's what normal people do," he briefly explained and stood up. He decided he would start their investigation. She followed him out of the woods and looked around carefully.

"So where are you from?"

"Not this country." she replied. Hinata grabbed onto his jacket sleeve as she glanced around the park. Naruto looked down at her and noticed she seemed a bit scared. "B-but I'm from... What is the name?" Hinata tapped her chin for a moment. "Coast! The coast."

"Oh so like the beach," Naruto concluded. "You're really pale for living in the sun." He chuckled.

"There is not much light," Hinata said quietly but then gasped. "What is?"

The blonde followed her line of vision to the children on the playground. The blonde looked back down at her and smiled fondly when he saw the curiosity sparkling in her eyes.

"It's a playground," he answered. "I'll take you later when there's not a lot of kids, okay?"

She nodded and followed him to the car. "What is this?"

"A car?"

"What is a car?" She asked, curling her lip over the R so she me an 'arr' sound.

"Um," Naruto thought for a moment while opening her door. "It's a machine, I guess, to help get us from one place to the other quicker than walking."

Hinata nodded thoughtfully, as if taking in all of the information. Naruto opened her door and helped her get settled into the seat, buckling her seatbelt for her and assuring that the car wouldn't hurt her.

Naruto rounded to his side of the car and turned on the engine. She didn't ask anything, just watched his movements intensely as he began to drive out of the parking lot. There were a few minutes of silence, a bit awkward, until Naruto realized he didn't know where to go.

"So where do you wanna start?"

Hinata turned away from the window and looked at his profile. "I do not know where anything is. But if I see him, I assure you I will notify you."

"You just want me to drive around the city in hopes that you'll find him?" He held back a scoff. "Hinata-chan, Konoha is a big city."

The girl considered this new information while Naruto continued to drive. Then it dawned on him that he didn't know a thing about the man they were looking for.

"Hey, what's he like?"


"The guy," Naruto rolled his eyes for a moment. "I don't know anything about him, how am I supposed to help look for him?"

"Oh," Hinata's pretty doll like lips formed a ring. "I will tell you if we cannot find him."

Naruto rolled his eyes, slightly annoyed, but just continued to drive towards the center of the city. That's where the most people were and it was at least somewhere.


Hinata held onto the hem of Naruto's sleeve tightly once again but he didn't question her. They walked along the sidewalk passing many people.

Hinata's eyes were wide and she was basically scanning every person they saw. Both male and female. Naruto didn't know what his opinion on her was yet.

Was she weird?

Was she cute?

Was she dangerous?

He really couldn't find it in himself to be intimidated despite her threat the previous day. Naruto found the girl quite endearing. She chewed on her bottom lip nervously while looking at everyone

The blond didn't even really mind that she was so clueless. Maybe she lived a sheltered life and wasn't introduced to much. Everyone had their reasons.

"Naruto Uzumaki Naruto," she mumbled, catching his attention. "Why did we come here?"

He chuckled for a moment. "This is one of the busiest places in Konoha. I didn't know where else to go."

"All these people," she tugged on his sleeve and motioned for him to lean down. "They're elderly." Hinata whispered.

The Uzumaki couldn't help but let out a shout of laughter. It was mid morning, nearly lunch time, so it was mainly older people taking their morning walks.

"Not all of them are," he laughed a bit more. "We can look somewhere else tomorrow. I'll take you back to your... Forest, I guess, in another hour. I have an afternoon class and then I have to go to work."

Hinata nodded. "When will you return for me?"

"Probably not until tomorrow afternoon." Naruto said sorrowfully.

"Will you bring me more the clothes?"

He smiled and looked down at her wide lavender eyes. She had a small pout on her full lips with a little blush on the apples of her cheeks.

"I'll manage to bring you something, alright?"

Hinata nodded again, holding onto his sleeve tighter while they continued to walk.

im so soft for hinata in this fic, can't wait for susky! also!!!

i love u guys

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