Finding You Was Fate

By outlawqueen4ever

17.6K 385 115

This is an AU of Outlaw Queen! Very fluffy and romantic! Regina is a teacher and Robin owns a poetry slam bar... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 9

1.2K 12 1
By outlawqueen4ever

I woke up to my alarm at 6 a.m. Robin's arm was still wrapped around me very tightly. Since, I took a shower last night I decided to sleep another 30 minutes because I was exhausted. I reset my alarm and fell back asleep moments later.

When I woke up the second time, it felt like I slept for maybe 5 minutes. I had to pry his arm from around me. When we sleep next to each other, neither of us move all night. Robin is also very strong and when his arm is around me, it is so hard to get out of it. After a few minutes of trying to get out, I finally move his arm and head into the bathroom to get ready. The conference is only downstairs, and I had about an hour to get ready. I put on my make-up, straightened my hair, and got dressed. I went back to the bed to kiss Robin goodbye, and he had his arms wrapped around my pillow. I sat down on the bed and leaned over kissing his cheek. I told him I was leaving and he mumbled something. I just smiled, kissed his cheek one more time and headed to grab my stuff. As I was heading to the door, there was a piece of paper taped to the back of the door. It had my name on the front with a heart. I smiled and opened it revealing a handwritten note.

            Have a wonderful time at your conference today my baby. I will be waiting for you to start our first day of adventures in the city. Xoxo, Robin.

            I put it in my purse and headed to my conference. The conference turned out to be really fun. They had us playing games and really had us interacting with other teachers. When it finally reached noon, Mary-Margaret was with me and we were walking back to our rooms together. We happened to be on the same floor.

            "Well, I am here by myself. Would you like to join me for lunch?" Mary-Margaret asks smiling.

            "I would love too, but I invited my boyfriend on the trip. He has this whole special weekend planned for me for our anniversary. Maybe I'll ask if he minds you joining us." I say walking out of the elevator. 

            "Absolutely not. You go have fun with your man." She says chuckling.

            "No, I do not want to leave you alone for lunch. Come with me to the room and I will tell him you are joining us for lunch." I say opening the door. That is where we were greeted with a dozen yellow sunflowers with a note sticking out of the top.

            "Oh, he is the sweetest and I don't even know him." Mary says smiling.

            "He is a sweetheart." I say taking the card out. "It is really adorable too. He always writes poems in my cards. They are the most adorable things that always make me smile."

            "How long have you known him?"

            "We have been dating for a month and I have known him for about two months I think." I say chuckling.

            "Let's see the card." Mary says smiling.

            I smile and open the card.

            "Every time I see you I get butterflies.
            You are even more beautiful than a sunrise.
            I hope you know that you are my best friend.
            And don't expect this relationship to ever end."

            "That was adorable." Mary says smiling. "I assume he knows you are a poetry teacher."

            "He does. He always tells me one day he will write the perfect poem. He actually came and sat through one of my classes one day. He literally had like two pages worth of notes. It was so cute and he just makes me smile." I say smiling and smelling the flowers.

            "I'm glad you are happy."

            "Thank you, Mary-Margaret." I say smiling. "That means a lot. Now I need to go wake the sleepyhead up. I'll be right back. Make yourself comfortable."

            "Thank you, Regina."

            "Anytime." I say smiling.

            I walk into our room and shut the door behind me. I look over and see him still sound asleep on the bed. He is hugging my pillow and I grabbed my phone to take a picture. That would be something funny to show him later. I sit next to him on the bed. "Robin." I say running my fingers through his hair. "Wake up, babe." I smile as his eyes start to flutter open. "Well, good afternoon sunshine."

            "Hey, beautiful." He says smiling. His sleepy voice is so sexy. He turns to his back and starts rubbing his hand up my leg. "How was your first day?"

            "It was good. We had a lot of fun actually." I say leaning over and giving him a light kiss on the cheek. "Do you mind if my friend joins us for lunch. She is here by herself."

            "No, of course not. I didn't have anything special planned for lunch." He says.

            "Thank you, sweetheart. Get up and get dressed." I say smiling. "We are both very hungry. And thank you for my flowers." I say kissing his lips. "We will be waiting on the sofa." I kiss his lips one more time and head back into the living room. Mary and I were talking when he came out of the room dressed and ready. "There is my honey." I say smiling.

            "Yes, I'm here and I am ready." I say smiling.

            "Mary-Margaret this is my boyfriend, Robin. Robin this is Mary-Margaret." I say smiling.

            "Nice to meet you, Mary-Margaret." Robin says shaking her hand.

            "Nice to meet you too. Thank you for letting me join you two for lunch." She says smiling.

            "Of course. Your husband isn't with you then?" Robin asks.

            "Nope, I had to leave him at home with the kids." Mary says chuckling.
            "Oh, I see." He says chuckling. "How many do you have?"

            "My husband David and I have two. Ruby is a junior and Kathryn is in 5thgrade." She says.

            "Ruby is someone in your class, right babe?" Robin asks.

            "She is in fact in my poetry class." I say smiling. "Let me change into different clothes really quick then we can head out." I say heading into the room. I change into some jeans with a V-neck shirt and I grab a light jacket to wrap around my waist. Then head back into the living room. "Alright I'm ready and I am starving." I say reaching for Robin's hand. 

            Lunch was so much fun. Robin and I had a great time with Mary-Margaret. They both got along very well. I was really worried that it would be awkward, but it was fun. We talked and laughed the entire time, and there was never a dull moment. Robin and I walked her back to the hotel after lunch and we headed into the city. Our first stop was the Riverwalk Outlets. I love shopping and I am so glad Robin agreed to take me. I am also glad he agreed to walk around the mall with because let's be honest most men won't do that. I dragged him all over the place. I went into all the shoe stores; I went looking at clothing stores, and pretty much every store I wanted to go to. I even went into the men's stores too. He even found himself a new pair of tennis shoes, jeans, and I bought him a few new shirts because I felt bad for dragging him all over the place. After shopping, we went to the food court in the mall where there was a Haagen Dazs. We each got a scoop of ice cream in a cone.

            "Let's go sit outside." I say smiling. He nodded and we headed outside. We each were holding 4 bags and our ice cream. I tried to find us a table, but they all seemed full. We walked all the way down and saw a small table for two. I placed my bags on the table and sat down in the chair looking out over the Mississippi River. Robin placed his bags on the ground and moved his chair next to mine so he wasn't facing away from the water. It was a beautiful day outside and there was a cruise ship docked at the port. There was black smoke coming from the stack which I assumed meant they were about to disembark. "I wonder how fun a cruise would be?" I ask looking towards Robin.

            "I'm not really sure. I don't know anyone who has been on one." He says biting into his cone. "Maybe we could find out for ourselves one day." He says wrapping his arm around the back of my chair.

            "Anything with you would be fun." I say smiling.

            "Maybe we can look into it for next summer." He says shrugging. "Take a little summer vacation."

            "That would be nice." I say happily. We sat in silence for a few minutes until I asked Robin to hold my ice cream so I could put my jacket on. It was breezy out here on the observation deck. He finished his cone before me so he started combining some of the clothes we bought in one back so we would have less bags to carry. By the time he finished that, I had finished my ice cream and we were just enjoying the view and the breeze. It was so peaceful even with all the people on the deck talking. At around 4:30, the cruise ship blew its horn and they began to pick up all the ropes holding it to the dock. "Look babe, the boat is leaving." I say standing up in front of the railing. "It's really beautiful out here."

            "Sure is." Robin says from behind me.

            I smile to myself and continue to watch the boat pull away from the dock. "Come see." I say turning around.

            "What's up?" He asks coming stand behind me.

            "It's starting to turn." I say pointing to the boat.

            "They are turning that boat in this river?" He asks.

            "I guess. I'm sure this isn't the first time they have done it." I say shrugging.

            "I guess not they must just kind of let it drift away from the dock then start turning the wheel. That's really cool though." He says wrapping his arm around my waist. "We should take a picture. To document our first day in the city."

            "Sure." I say smiling. "Where is your phone?"

            "Right here." He says pulling it from his pocket.

We both turn around to get the river and the boat in the background. He opens his phone pulling up the camera and we both smile. He took a couple and then I asked to see them. I open his pictures and flip through them. I ended up coming across a picture of me. He must have taken it when I was standing against the railing. It's just a picture of me looking out into the water with the wind blowing my hair.

I show him the screen and smile. "You are very sneaky when it comes to taking pictures." I say chuckling.

"I liked the view." He says shrugging.

I look at the picture again and smile. Then a notification popped up on his screen that someone liked a picture he posted on Facebook and three more notifications came up that liked his picture on Instagram. "You have notifications popping up on your phone." I say handing it back to him.

"Yeah, I posted a picture." He says locking his phone and putting it back in his pocket.

"What picture?" I ask curiously.

"The one I took of you." He says shrugging.

"Why are you acting so shy all of sudden?" I ask wrapping my arms around him.

"I'm just really happy that I'm here with you." He says wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm happy you're here too." I say smiling.

"Look, its finished turning." He says nodding towards the water. I turn in his arms and see the boat is starting to make its way down the river. "I'm gonna sit." He says kissing my cheek.

I nod and feel him pull away from me, so I pull my phone out of my purse and took some pictures of the boat. I also see a notification that Robin tagged me in two pictures. Two on Facebook and one on Instagram. I clicked on Instagram first and the picture of me looking out at the water is the first picture on there. I scroll down and his caption reads 'she makes my heart smile.'I smiled and tapped the heart under the picture then commented with two kissy face emojis. Then I move to Facebook and click on the notifications tab. The first tagged photo was the same one he posted on Instagram so I just clicked the 'love' button and went back to my notifications. I clicked the second tagged photo and it was the picture of the two of us. His caption read 'making memories with you is my new favorite thing to do.' I smiled and 'loved' the picture. I closed my phone putting it back in my purse. I turn around he is just looking up at me.

"Let's go." I say holding my hand out to him. He reaches for it and stands up. He grabs the bags with the shoes in them and I carry the two with the clothes in them and we headed back to the hotel.

After this long day of shopping, Robin was dead on his feet. So, we went back to the hotel and I insisted dinner would be on me tonight to thank him for today. He hopped into the shower and I ordered some takeout through that app on his phone and went downstairs to wait for it. After about 30 minutes, we were sitting down eating and relaxing.

            After we ate and I took a shower, I saw him relaxing in bed. I came out of the bathroom in the nightgown he bought me. I walk to his side of the bed and smiled.

            "Hey sexy." I say straddling him.

            "Ooh hey sexy." He says putting his phone down. "What do you want beautiful?"

            "Who says I want something." I say smiling. I lean down and start kissing his neck softly.

            "Oh, you definitely want something." He says softly. "I do not recall you ever doing this."

            "I haven't." I say switching to the other side. "You deserve some attention after today."

            "What was mmm today?" He says moaning.

            "You spent all afternoon at the mall with me and posted pictures of us and me with the sweetest captions ever." I say pulling away smiling. I run my fingers through his hair and just look at him.

            "I was just spending time with you and that is where you wanted to go so I took you. The pictures were just to brag about my beautiful girlfriend." He says wrapping his arms around my back.

            "That was sweet of you." I say caressing his cheek.

            "Yeah, but the best part of today was this smile never left your face all day. I always love to see you smile. It always makes my day brighter." He says smiling.

            I smiled so big when he said that. "You are the best."

            "I love that smile." He says grabbing my cheeks and kissing me. "It is so pretty." I chuckle against his lips. "I also love when you do that."

            "Do what?" I ask smiling.

            "When you giggle into our kisses." He says poking my sides. I jump and grab his arms laughing.

            "I don't giggle." I say folding my arms.

            "Oh bull. You giggle all the time." He says laughing.

            "No, I don't." I say shaking my head.

            "Yes, you do." He says nodding and rubbing up my sides.

            "No, I don't." I say shaking my head.

            "Yes." He says flipping me onto my back. "You. Do." He says tickling my sides. I busted out laughing.

            "Robin!" I scream. I was giggling so loud and I couldn't breathe. "Robin, please." I beg through giggles.

            He stops and leans up over me on his elbows. "I think you have something to tell me." He says smirking.

            "Okay, maybe I giggle a little." I say holding up my fingers a few centimeters apart. He gives me that 'not believing you' look. "Okay fine I giggle, but it is your fault."

            "How is it my fault?" He asks chuckling.

            "Because you make me giggle." I say bopping his nose.

            "I better be the only one making you giggle too." He says kissing me.

            "Trust me, I love who I am when I am with you." I say pulling him to me and kissing him passionately. He pulls away, but leaves his forehead against mine.

            "You're perfect, babe." He says against my lips.

            "It's because of you." I say smiling.

            "Why?" He asks smiling.

            "When I am with you, there is no place I would rather be than in your arms, it is my favorite place to be. Especially in the morning when I have to pry myself out." I say chuckling.

            He chuckles and kisses me again. "Good because I love wrapping my arms around you and I love holding you. I did not like when you had to leave this morning." He says sticking his bottom lip out.

            "Only one more day and we can sleep in on Saturday and Sunday." I say smiling.

            "Good. Tonight, I think I am going to sleep right here." He says laying his head on my chest.

            "I'll never be able to get up in the morning." I say chuckling.

            "Good." He says smiling. "It is passed your bedtime."

            "It is." I say chuckling.

            "Well, just for tonight I'll let you use me as a pillow, but tomorrow night you are going to be my pillow." He says lying next to me.

            I smile and snuggle into his side. "Well, maybe if you are lucky, I'll be your dinner." I say smirking.

            He groaned. "That was the hottest thing I have heard in a long time."

            "Patience." I whisper in his ear.

            "Tomorrow will be a good day." He says smiling.

            "Go to sleep, babe." I say kissing him sweetly.


            I couldn't sleep so I decided to just watch Regina sleep. She woke up at exactly 6 when her alarm went off. I turned it off and her eyes slowly started to open.

"Morning." She says sleepily.

            "Good morning, gorgeous." I say kissing her forehead.

            "Why are you up so early?" She asks yawning.

            "Couldn't sleep." I say shrugging. "So, I figured I would just watch you sleep then watch you get ready."

            "What time is it?"

            "It is 6:03." I say looking at my phone.

            "Wake me up at 6:20." She says closing her eyes.

            I chuckled and kissed her forehead again. She immediately fell back asleep. I waited until the clock reached 6:20 like she told me. I kissed her cheek a few times, but she did not budge. So, I leaned down and kissed her lips. She smiled into the kiss and I pulled away. "It's 6:20." I say smiling.

            "I know, but I'm so sleepy." She says yawning and snuggling into my chest.

            "Well, maybe after your conference today you can come back upstairs and we can take a nap together." I say smiling.

            "That sounds like a good idea." She says smiling. "I might just take you up on that then we can get ready for dinner together."

            "Good." I say chuckling. "Then you will get to be dessert." I say smirking.

            "Then I will definitely need that nap this afternoon." She says chuckling.

            "Ooh does that mean we are going to have an eventful night?" I ask smirking.

            "We might." She says shrugging. "But I need to get ready." She kisses me and crawls out of bed.

            I finally fell asleep, but it was before she left. So, I didn't see her again until she was grinding against me after she finished her conference.

            "You have been sleeping all morning." She says smirking and running her hands up and down my chest.

            "I guess I have." I say yawning. "You are not helping my problem."

            "Oh, I know." I say smirking. "What if I'm doing this for a reason?"

            "What would that reason be?" I ask chuckling.

            "Well, let's just say, I may or may not be extremely wet right now." She says smirking and slowly pulling her shirt off.

            "Oh, and how have you become extremely wet?" I ask rubbing my hands up her sides and to her back unclipping her bra.

            "I was bored." She says shrugging off her bra. I throw it to the floor as she leans over to my ear. "I was looking at pictures of us and just staring at you. Then my mind started to wander a little." She was whispering and kissing below my ear. This was torture. Her whispering to me just did things and completely turned me on. "I started imagining your hand between my legs, then your face between my legs, then my lips all over you, and I needed to step out of the room."

            "Damn, just thinking about it gets you wet?" I ask softly.

            She leaned up. "I get wet just looking at you sometimes. Oh, and this face." She says pulling me to sit up. "The face you make when you see me shirtless. It's a turn on."

            "You can't blame me. You are hot as fuck." I say flipping her onto her back and kissing her. It started rough, but it slowed down. The kisses were long and passionate. We stayed making out for a while. The only clothes that were shed were our shirts. She was rubbing up and down my back and I had one arm around her back and the other in her hair. After another few minutes, I decided there were too much clothes still on her. Without breaking our kiss, I scooted off of her a little sticking my hand between us. I unbuttoned and unzipped her pants. She moved her hands between us and pulled her pants off without leaving my lips. We turned on our sides and continued to kiss. I could not wait any longer. I wanted to show her how I felt. I slowly started pulling her underwear off, but she stopped me and pulled them off for me. I pulled away for the first time in what seemed like forever.

            "Give me a second." I say softly. She smiles and nods. I pull off my boxers and lean over to grab a condom. She grabs my arm and looks at me.

            "Do we need that?" She asks softly.

            "I mean I...I it's protection." I say kind of confused.

            "I'm on the pill and I hate condoms." She says softly.

            "Well, where were we?" I ask laying back down and pulling the sheet over us.

            "We were right about here." She says kissing me again.

            We continued to kiss until I laid her on her back and slipped into her with no problem. Our bodies were moving together perfectly. Something about this was different. Sex has never felt this way. It wasn't rough, but it was amazing. She eventually took control and flipped herself on top. She sat up and continued to roll her hips. She eventually pulled me up with her and it was a whole new feeling. We both moaned out loud and from there neither of us wanted to switch positions. We never left each other's lips. There seemed to be no need to kiss anywhere else. I don't think I have ever had sex that lasted this long. I don't know why, but we seem to last longer with little to no foreplay. She pulled away and I knew she was close now. Her hands were on my chest and I wanted to watch her. I carefully flipped us over. I wanted to make her come. I didn't want her doing the work. I started thrusting slowly and I guess she liked me going slow. Her eyes were screwed shut and she was gripping the sheet. She came not thirty seconds later with my name on her lips. I let her ride out her orgasm and I pulled out of her just in time to come on her stomach. She relaxed against the pillow and I got off the bed to get a towel from the bathroom. I wet the towel a little with warm water then went cleaned off her stomach. She had a relaxed smile on her face when I crawled back into bed. She pulled the blanket back over us and snuggled into my side. Within moments we were both knocked out in each other's arms.

            I woke up to this very relaxing feeling. I felt incredible. I could feel Regina's hand moving up and down my chest. Her fingers were carefully outlining all the muscles in my chest. I move my hand to intertwine with hers and I felt her smile against my chest.

            "How long have you been up?" I ask sleepily.

            "Not long. Maybe 10 minutes." She says softly. "Did I wake you?"

            "No, but what you were doing felt really good." I say smiling.

            She chuckled. "I love doing that."

            "Why?" I ask chuckling.

            "Because your muscles are so defined in your chest and I love to feel them."

            "Hmmm I see." I say letting her hand go. I move my hand into her hair and start moving her hair from in front of her face. "So, earlier I don't know if it was just me, but that was..."

            "The most incredible sex you have ever had." She says interrupting me and tilting her head up to look at me.

            "So, it wasn't just me?" I ask.

            "No, it was not. I have never felt anything like that. I feel like...I can't even explain how I felt." She says looking back down. "It just got me thinking."

            "Thinking about what?" I ask curiously.

            "Thinking about how much I love you." She says looking up at me again. "I love you. You are the greatest man I have ever met."

            I was shocked. I have thought about this moment for a couple weeks now. It was love at first sight when I saw her, but I honestly didn't think she would say it first. "Aww." I whine. "I wanted to say it first." I say chuckling.

            She finally smiled so bright and placed her hand on my cheek. "Sorry." She says chuckling.

            "Don't you ever apologize for that." I say smiling. "I love you, too, Regina."

            If it was even possible her smile got even brighter.

"Say it." She says leaning up.

            "I love you."

            "See you did get to say it first." She says smiling. "I love you, too." I smiled and flipped her onto her back kissing her cheek over and over. She was giggling and smiling like crazy.

            "Okay now I have to give you your present." I say smiling. I kiss her lips quickly and scoot off the bed. I grab my boxers and slip them on.

            "Wait." She says sitting up.

            "Yeah, love." I say smiling at her. Her hair was all messy and she was holding the sheet in front of her. I don't think she has ever looked more beautiful.

            "Can you get me some clothes, please?" She asks smiling.

            "Yes, I can." I say smiling. I go into my suitcase on the floor and I grab her one of my shirts then go into her suitcase and get her underwear. "Here love." I say smiling. I hand it to her, but she grabs my hand and pulls me to her lips. She smiles into it and I pull away. "I love you so much."

            "I love you, too." She says smiling.

            "I'll be right back." I say smiling.

            I go into my bag in the living room and dig through a bunch things and I find the small box. I walk back into the room with my hand behind my back. She is kneeling on her feet on the bed waiting patiently. I walked in and she smiled. "Are you ready for your anniversary gift?"

            "Yes." She says excitedly. I pull out the little box with the bow on it.

            "Happy Anniversary, my love." I say smiling. She smiles and takes the box. She pulls the bow off and sticks it on my head. "Thank you." I say smiling.

            "You're so cute." She says smiling.

            "Thank you, babe, but you need to open this because I'm dying to see your face." I say chuckling.

            "Okay, okay." She says smiling. She unwraps the box and carefully opens it. Her hand immediately goes to her mouth as she sees the diamond heart necklace. She looks up at me with watery brown eyes.

            "Do you like it?" I ask hopefully.

            She nods slowly. "I love it." She says softly. "It matches my bracelet."

            "It does. Do you want me to put it on?" I ask smiling.

            "Yeah." She says smiling at me. She hands me the box and she turns around. I take it out of the box and unclasp it. I bring it around her neck and clasp it. She turns around and smiles. "Thank you so much. I love it and I love you." She says hugging me.

            "I love you more, my baby." I say wrapping my arms around her and squeezing her.

            "Do we have reservations tonight?" She asks looking at me.

            "No, we were just going to a restaurant." I say.

            "Oh, then can we go at like 8?" She asks.

            "Yeah, if that's when you want to go. It is only 5 o'clock, so we have a little while. What do you want to do?" I ask curiously.

            "I just don't want to get dressed yet and I would rather cuddle with you." She says shrugging.

            "Well, then I think we should lay down." I say picking her up. She giggles and grips onto me. I fall on the bed and we bounce up and down. We scoot up the bed and we both get under the covers. She snuggles into my side and relaxes. It was quiet for a few minutes until she spoke.

            "Hey." She says softly.

            "What?" I ask smiling and rubbing her back.

            "I love you."

            "Hmm I love you, too." I say squeezing her. "I'll never get tired of hearing that."

            "Me neither." I say smiling and kissing her head.


            Last night was wonderful. We had a late dinner at New Orleans Hamburger and Seafood Company in downtown New Orleans which was really good, then headed back to our hotel to just relax before our busy day today. We were heading out into the city and going to all the tourist spots. We were starting with a Streetcar ride to Jackson Square, then heading into Jackson Square to see the St. Louis Cathedral, then we will probably walk around a bit in there before finding somewhere to eat for lunch, then we were going to walk down to Bourbon Street. Everyone says that we have to experience it once, so it is on the to-do list. After Bourbon Street, we are going to head to the French Market. That was a request from Regina, so included that in our itinerary today. To end the night, we are going eat in Uptown New Orleans at a place called Commander's Palace. Then I plan to take her back to the Riverwalk so we can take a walk in the moonlight. I am really excited for today and that is why I am awake at 7:30 in the morning. Lucky for me, at around 7:45 she began to wake up so I started kissing her shoulder. She took a deep breath in and her eyes fluttered open as she turned to her back.

            "Morning." She says sleepily.

            "Good morning, love." I say kissing her lips sweetly.

            "Why are you up so early?" She asks closing her eyes again.

            "I am really excited about today, so I guess I couldn't sleep." I say letting her cuddle to me. "Now that you are awake, I thought maybe I could go get us some breakfast from downstairs."

            "Breakfast sounds yummy." She says smiling. "I'll get up in like 5 minutes." She turns to her side facing me and snuggles back under the blankets.

            "You don't have to get up." I say kissing her forehead. "You can stay in bed, while I go get whatever they have downstairs and bring it up here."

            "Sounds perfect." She says smiling. "I would love some coffee if they have some."

            "They have a coffee maker in the kitchen. I'll go start a pot before I head down. Do you not want anything or not feel like anything?" I ask scooting out of bed.

            "Umm, I really don't want something too heavy, so don't get me like a waffle or a pancake." She says watching me get some clothes.

            "So, grits, eggs, meat." I say shrugging.

            "Yeah, and if they have like some type of fruit, like a banana or an apple. I would really love a piece of fruit." She says smiling.

            "Okay, something to drink besides coffee?" I ask grabbing my key card from my wallet.

            "Orange juice."

            "I'll be back shortly." I say leaning over the bed kissing her forehead.

            "Thank you. I love you." She says smiling brightly.

            "I love you, too." I say going into the kitchen to start the coffee pot then to head downstairs.

            I came upstairs with a lot of food. I had a plate filled with eggs and bacon for both of us, I got a bowl of oatmeal, two bananas, and two cups of orange juice. By the time I got back to the room, the coffee was finished too. I walked into the room and she is sitting up in bed with a cup in her hand already.

            "The smell of the coffee made it easier to get out of bed." She says shrugging. "I also made you a cup, but stuck it in the microwave to keep warm."

            "Well, thank you. Here is all the food." I say placing the cups on the end table. She took the fruit and I placed the plate and the bowl down on the bed. I headed into the kitchen to get my coffee then walked back into the room to see her already munching on a piece of bacon. "That bowl is apples and cinnamon oatmeal, if you would like some. I figured we could share it."

            "Smells yummy." She says smiling. "Bacon is really good too."

            "Good cause I am not really sure about those eggs." I say sitting down on the bed. "They look a little watery. If I have to I can go get us another bowl of oatmeal."

            "No, I'm good with just taking a couple of bites of yours plus I'll be fine wants I eat the banana." She says taking a fork and scooping up some eggs. I wait for her reaction and she makes a face and points to her orange juice.

            "Not good?" I ask reaching for her cup.

            She shakes her head as I hand her the cup of juice. She takes a sip and swallows. "No, I'll pass on the eggs." She says chuckling.

            "Okay, then you take some bites of this." I say passing her the bowl of oatmeal.

            "Thank you." She says grabbing it.
            She only took three bites of oatmeal before passing it back to me. Then she ate one more piece of bacon before peeling her banana. "Had enough?" I ask.

            "Yeah, I'm good." She says nodding.

            I nod and pick up our trash placing it on the counter in the kitchen. I walk back into the room and pick up our cups of coffee and my empty glass of orange juice. I place them in the sink so I can wash them later tonight. I head back in the room and she is looking through her suitcase with her glass of orange juice in her hand.

            "Whatcha doing?" I ask walking up behind her.

            "I am trying to figure out what I am going to wear today." She says pulling out a pair of jean shorts.

            "Dress comfortably because it is actually warm today." I say walking to my bag and lifting up on the bed.  "It'll cooler tonight though. Did you bring a jacket for tonight?"

            "I have a sweater."

            "Oh good." I say pulling out a pair of khaki shorts with a short sleeve cotton t-shirt.

            "What are you wearing?" She asks. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her.

            "Khaki shorts and a short sleeve t-shirt." I say resting my chin on her shoulder.

            "Okay, then I'll wear this tank top." She says pulling out a light purple plain tank top. She places them on top of her suitcase then pulls away from me grabbing her hands. "Come sit in the bathroom with me while I do my makeup. "

            "Following you." I say smiling.

            I sat in the bathroom while she did her makeup then went go both of our clothes so we could change. After getting dressed, we both walked back into the room and she grabbed her purse.

            "Do you want to carry a purse?" I ask grabbing my wallet. "If you want I can carry your license and your credit card in my wallet, plus I have pockets so I can carry your phone."

            "Are you sure?" She asks.

            "Yeah, I don't mind." I say sitting on the bed. She smiles and thanks me. Then she hands me her license and her credit and debit card. "Don't forget your phone on the nightstand."

            "Oh yeah." She says walking to the nightstand. She unplugs it and then walks to her suitcase pulling out a jean shirt and some change.

            "What's that?" I ask curiously.

            "Just going to put it around my waist and this is for the street car." She says tying it around her hips and walking back to me. She places the quarters in my hand and I put them in my pocket. "Let's go." She says smiling.

            We head out of the hotel and walk down the street. We headed back to the Riverwalk because there is a streetcar pick up right behind the flood gates. It was a short 10-minute walk from our hotel and we waited under the pavilion. I planned to take pictures all day, so while waiting for the streetcar I pulled my phone out.

            "Babe, go stand under the sign so I can take a picture." I say smiling. She chuckled and went stood under the sign. She smiled and point towards the sign. "Adorable." I say smiling.

            "Your turn." She says reaching for my phone. "Ooh hurry the streetcar is coming." I jog to the other end of the pavilion and point up to the sign. "Got it."

            I walk back to her right as the streetcar pulled up. "Here babe." I say pulling out two dollar bills and two quarters. I hand her the $1.25 and we approach the doors. We were the only ones waiting, so we boarded the car and placed our money in the machine. We walk to the back of the car and Regina sat on bench seat with an open window.

            "I'm so excited." She says smiling.

            "Picture time." I say holding my phone out in front of us. I wrap my arm around her shoulder and she leans her face into mine and we both smile as I take the picture.
            "Cute." She says smiling.

Some people ended up waking up behind us, so the streetcar hasn't moved yet. I put my phone down and we both looked out of the window. The driver closed the doors and the streetcar started down the track. I thought these cars moved slow, but he was moving pretty quickly which made a huge smile break out on Regina's face. I lean forward and kiss her cheek which caused her to turn around and kiss my lips sweetly. I smiled and placed my other hand on her leg. After a couple of minutes there was a ding that came from the car and it came to a stop at another pavilion.

"I wanna do that." Regina says looking at me.

"Well, we have to stop not at this one, but the next one." I say chuckling. "So, you can do it then."

"Yay." She says smiling.

The car started to move again and she quickly looked back out the window. We ended up passing the next pavilion and I pulled out my phone and nudged her. "You can go ahead and pull it." I say smiling. I open my camera and swipe to the video. I press record and she leans up and pulls the wire and the bell goes off. She looks back at me and busts out laughing because I was videoing. I turned it off and she leaned back against my chest. We approach the next pavilion which is the stop for Jackson Square. We both stand and I grab her hand. We exit the car and I help her step down, then we headed to Jackson Square.

When we exited, we had to cross the other tracks and the flood gates. We were met with a set of stairs and decided to see where they led. When we got to the top, it was kind of like an observation deck that looked over Jackson Square.

"Wow." Regina says walking toward the edge. "It's beautiful."

You could see the St. Louis Cathedral and Jackson Square perfectly. I pulled my phone out and took pictures of the view. "Let's take a picture, babe."

"Okay." She says turning to look back at me.

"Excuse me." I ask a gentleman walking by. He turned and I smiled. "Do you mind taking a picture for us?" I ask him.

"Sure." He says smiling. He grabs my phone and I walk up to stand next to Regina. I wrap my arm around her and she does the same while placing her other hand on my chest. "Got it."

"Do you mind taking one more, please?" Regina asks.

"Not at all." He says lifting my phone back up. Regina looks at me and places her lips on mine. "Got it." He says walking back to us.

"Thank you so much." Regina says pulling away from me and grabbing my phone.

"Tourists?" He asks smiling.

"Yeah." Regina says chuckling. "We are from Florida."

"Welcome to New Orleans." He says grabbing what I assume to be his wife's hand.

"Thank you." Regina and I say smiling.

"Any recommendations for a casual lunch spot?" Regina asks.

"We like Cafe Maspero." His wife says. "It's two blocks down Decatur St. on the right side on the corner."

"This way?" Regina asks pointing to the left.

"Yes, to left." She says smiling. "It has really good soup and sandwiches."

"Great, thank you so much." Regina says happily.

"Not a problem. Enjoy the city." They say walking away.

"Thanks again." I say smiling.

"Let's go into the square." Regina says grabbing my hand.

We walk down the stairs and cross the street. We pass by horse and carriages that give tours of the city, but she kept us walking forward into the square. We walked up the pathways and there was a giant statue of Andrew Jackson in the center. I smile and pull her hand stopping her from walking. She stops walking and turns around.

"Go stand in front of it." I say nodding towards the statue. She chuckles and walks up to the gate. I pull my phone out and swipe to screen opening the camera. She smiled and I snapped two pictures. "Got it." I say walking up to her. She reaches for my hand again and we walk around the statue and head towards the St. Louis Cathedral. I still had my phone out so I was taking pictures as we were walking towards it. "Wait, Babe stand right here so I can take your picture in front." I say smiling.

"Would you like me to take a picture of both of you?" The lady asks me.

"That would be great. Thank you." I say handing her my phone. I walk up to Regina and wrap my arm around her. The lady kind of squats down and takes the photo up so you could see the cathedral behind us.

"All done." The lady says walking up to me and handing my phone back. "I took a couple."

"Thank you so much." I say grabbing my phone from her. "Wanna go sit in the shade for a little while or keep walking?"

"Well, my friend told me about this place that makes really good drinks and she says we have to try their specialty drink. So, I figured we could walk there and grab a drink then make take a break for lunch." She says as we continue to stand in front of the cathedral.

"Sounds good." I say smiling. "Lead the way."

"Well, I gotta pull it up. I know the name but don't know which way to go from here." She says reaching into my pocket for her phone. She pulls up her maps and types something and looks up at me. "We just have to walk two blocks up this street right here." She turns off her phone and places it back in my pocket. "Let's go." She says grabbing my hand. We walk out of the square and head down the block.

"What place are we going to?" I ask curiously.

"It's called Pat O'Brien's." She says smiling. "They have this drink called a hurricane that I wanna try."

"Interesting." I say chuckling. "Having fun?"

"Yes, I love this city already. The architecture is amazing." She says looking around. "There is so much culture here. I'm so glad I invited you because I have someone to talk to and walk around with."

"I am too. Can't imagine what I would be doing at home without you." I say chuckling.

"I probably would have been bored here alone." She says shrugging. "I honestly wouldn't have come to tour the city. I wouldn't have wanted it to do it alone."

"Well I'm glad you invited me." I say smiling.

"Me too." She says looking up at me. "I'm having so much fun with you."

"I love you." I say smiling.

"I love you, too." She says smiling.

I smiled and we continued walking toward the bar. They ID'd us as we walked in and told us we needed to walk straight back and to the right for the outside bar. We walked into a courtyard and there were people sitting down drinking and talking. Regina and I walked up to the bar and waited for the bartender. When he came up we order two hurricanes and I gave him a $20. He gave me my change and started making our drinks. New Orleans is an interesting place because you can walk the streets with alcohol so we ordered are drinks to-go. He placed both cups on the bar and I thanked him grabbing both. Regina and I walk out of line and I hand her one of the cups.

"Thank you." She says taking a sip. "Wow that is really good."
I smile and take sip. "Very good. Wanna walk back to Jackson Square and sit down under a tree?"

"Yeah." She says grabbing my hand.

We head back to Jackson Square and there was a spot under a tree where we could sit. "Over there, love." I say pointing ahead. She nods and we walk toward the tree. I place my cup on the ground then lean against the tree. "I'll hold your cup." I say reaching for her drink. She hands it to me then I grab her hand helping her to the ground. She leans back against me and I hand her her drink and grab mine.

"It's so peaceful out here, even with all the noise and chatter." She says chuckling.

"It is." I say pulling our phones out of my pocket. "Picture time."

"You and your pictures." She says chuckling.
            I turn the camera around and take a selfie of us. I look at it and show it to her. "Does it have your approval?"
            "Yes." She says chuckling. "I wanna go eat when we finish these drinks. I'm getting hungry."
            "Sure." I say happily. "Are we going to go to that restaurant that lady suggested?"
            "That was the plan unless you had another idea?" She asks looking back at me.
            "Nope, I'll take you wherever you want to go." I say happily. She smiles and we continue to sit under the tree until she complained that her ass was getting numb so she stood up. Well that just gave me too many ideas and I pulled my phone out again starting to take pictures. She was clearly fine with it because she started posing and making goofy faces. My favorite picture I took was definitely one of the last ones I got. I am assuming she was trying to help me up because she reached for my hand. Well, I grabbed her hand and gave me this cheesy smile while the straw of her drink was still in her mouth. It was my favorite hands down because it shows just how beautiful she is, plus the gorgeous view behind her as well.
            We finally were on our way to this restaurant that took us about 5 minutes to walk to. We got a table by the window so we got to look out at the city and people watch. We decided to order the chicken and sausage gumbo and red beans and rice as starters, for our meal we ordered the roast beef sandwich. Their food was amazing. It was so good and definitely what the New Orleans style food we wanted to try while we were here. After lunch, we walked down to Bourbon Street. Apparently, that is the place to come when visiting the city. They claim the one drink you have to try besides the Pat O'Brien's Hurricane, is the Hand Grenade. The only place you can get one is a bar called Tropical Isle. So, we are heading down bourbon street now. There are a lot of people just walking down the street, drinking and just having a good time. I was taking pictures of the buildings and just amazed at all the architecture.
"Oh, look Babe, it's right there." Regina says pointing ahead.
I looked to where she was pointing and it was on the corner. We walked toward the door and headed inside.
We decided to take them to-go so we could head to the next place she wanted to go. We each ordered the hand grenade on the rocks and it came in this lime green oblong cup with a face painted on it. It looked like an alien but it was funny. I paid for both and we headed toward the French Market. Regina took a sip first and her face was priceless.
"Holy shit. What the fuck is in this?" She asks laughing.
"I have no idea babe." I ask taking a sip. "Wow, yeah that is a tad strong. It's good though."
"I'm glad we ate first." She says grabbing my hand.
"Me too." I say laughing.
We walked the three or four blocks up to the French Market and we walked in starting to look at all the fruits and vegetables they had for sale.
"I wish we weren't flying home. We coulda bought some food." She says sighing.
"Sorry babe. Maybe we might come visit again and we can drive." I say shrugging.
"That would be nice." She says smiling.
We continued to walk until we came to another part of the French Market. It was all these tables set up and these vendors were selling all kinds of things. Sunglasses, jewelry, clothing, purses, hand painted things and it was really amazing. Regina is dragging me toward this booth with New Orleans themed clothing. Regina looked at this light purple shirt that had New Orleans written across the back of the shirt from shoulder to shoulder. It was cute and then she turned around and batted her eyelashes at me.
"I'll get it for you." I say smiling.
"Thank you." She says smiling.
The gentleman walks up to us and he says that it will be $25 even. I pull out some cash and hand it to him after he bags the shirt for Regina. She thanks him and we are on our way again. We start walking again and I pull Regina toward a table of sunglasses. We both start looking and the gentleman told me they were 2 for $10. That was super cheap to me so I pick out a pair then walked over to Regina.
"Found a pair you like?" I ask. "They are 2 for 10."
"Maybe." She says facing me. "Which pair do you like? The ray bans or the aviators?" She asks trying them both on.
"Aviators." I say smiling.
She smiled and hands me the aviators and I waked back to the gentleman to pay for them. I turn around to walk back to her and she is nowhere to be found. I head back to the center aisle where I left her and walked that way. I found her looking at coasters that had different pictures of things in New Orleans on them.
"If you are gonna walk away, tell me next time." I say kissing her cheek.
"Sorry, I just saw these and they are so pretty." She says picking one up.
"Get a couple." I say shrugging.
"I don't have cash." She says placing the one she was holding back down.
"Babe, I have cash. If you see one or two you like then I'll buy them." I say pulling out my wallet. Here is $20." I say handing it to her.
"You sure?" She asks looking at me.
"Positive." I say kissing her cheek.
She smiles and picks up a coaster with the Skyline on it and another with the arch of the French Market on it. "I want these."
"$20." The lady says walking up to us.
"Oh, here you go." Regina says handing her the cash. "Thank you."
We walk away and she placed them in the bag with her shirt. She looked up at me and sighed. "I hope I didn't sound rude. I was talking to you when I said that I wanted them."
I just shrugged. "I really didn't think anything of it so she probably didn't think anything of it either."
She nodded and we continued to walk but reached the end. So, we moved out from the covered area and we walked back up the side street next to the market. I had finished my drink and threw it away but then noticed she didn't even have hers.
"Where is your drink?" I ask.
"I finished it." She says chuckling. "Threw it away like 20 minutes ago."
"Well then." I say laughing. "Are you ready to go back to the hotel. Rest up a bit before dinner."
"Sounds good." She says standing up on her top toes and kissing my lips. "You're so cute."
"Thank you." I say chuckling.
"I can't believe you're my boyfriend." She says smiling.
I laughed because I realized that she was a little on the tipsy side. One drink was all it took. "Alright let's get you back to the hotel."
"Ooh are we gonna fool around?" She asks smirking.
"Oh my god." I say chuckling. "You are a lightweight."
"Nah uh." She says shaking her head.
"Regina." I say looking at her.
"Just a little buzzed." She says holding up her fingers a few centimeters apart.
"Okay, well we are going to take the streetcar back the hotel then we are going to nap before dinner." I say wrapping my arm around her.
Took us 15 minutes, but we finally made it to a street car stop. We only waited about 5 minutes before one showed up. We sat down and she smiled at me and placed her head on my shoulder. She told me she was tired and hungry. I just told her we were almost back to the hotel. I think she dozed off a little, but woke up when the streetcar stopped. I got out of the car first then helped her step down. We walked the couple of blocks to the hotel with her leaning on me and my arm around her trying to keep her from falling asleep. When we got into the elevator, I ended up picking her up to carry her to the room. When we got into the room, I laid her on the bed and she was out.
I woke up and I had a horrible taste in my mouth and I literally had no idea where I was. I open my eyes and I am met with Robin's leg. I sit up and I grab my head.
"Good morning." He says from behind me.
"What time is it?" I ask groggily.
"It is about 5:45. You only slept for about an hour. I expected you to sleep longer." He says chuckling. "Would you like some water or something to eat?"
"Water would be great." I say smiling. "And if you don't mind making a small pot of coffee. I would really appreciate it."
"Not a problem. I will be right back." He says smiling. "Lay down and rest though. We have time before we have to shower."
I nodded and laid back down on the bed. He came back 5 minutes later with a glass of water and a cup of coffee. "Lifesaver." I say smiling and sitting up again.
"Do you have a headache or anything?" He asks handing me the class of water first.
"No." I say shaking my head. "I'll be good after I drink this coffee."
"Do you mind if I take a shower then?" He asks.
"No, not all." I say smiling.
He smiles and heads to the bathroom and I sit on the bed drinking my coffee. I drank about half the cup then walked into the bathroom. He was still in the shower so I quickly got undressed and opened the door to the standup shower.
"Can I join you?" I ask smiling.
"Of course." He says reaching for my hand. He smiles and pulls me against his chest. "How are you feeling?"
"Better." I say chuckling. "I didn't embarrass myself, did I?"
He chuckled and shook his head. "No, you just seemed really sleepy. You did however say how cute I was and that you were so lucky that I am your boyfriend."
I laughed and leaned up kissing his lips. "I'm not wrong, but drinking does make me a little sleepy."
"Yeah, once we got into the elevator, I just picked you up and carried you the rest of the way." He says turning me around so that my back was under the spray of the water.
"How sweet of you." She says smiling. "I'm really excited for tonight though."
"Me too. I was even able to make reservations so those are at 8:15." He says smiling.
"Oh good. I have plenty of time to get ready." I say happily. "I want to look good for you."
"You look good right now." He says smirking.
"Of course, you think I look good naked with water all over me." I say chuckling.
"Yep, you look amazing. Plus, it probably looks even better with you covered in soap." He says leaning in and kissing my lips.
"Maybe you should find out." I say against his lips.
The last thing I said led to some very amazing shower sex and then him watching me bathe and wash my hair. It was hot and then when I was finished we just stayed in the shower making out. We finally exited the shower at 6:30.
"Now, I only have an hour to get ready." I say drying off.
"Then I will leave you to it." He says kissing my lips and leaving the bathroom.
An hour later, we are in an Uber heading to the restaurant. I had on my necklace and the bracelet that Robin gave me and a little black dress that I know he loves. I was excited to have this night with him. He looked so adorable in dress pants and his sport coat. I know he wasn't super excited about having to dress this fancy, but I love him even more for taking me to dinner and agreeing to dress up. I haven't stopped smiling since we showered earlier. As we were in the car heading to the restaurant, he kept whispering in my ear about how beautiful I looked. He kept making me blush and it was going to be a permanent look for the night if he didn't stop. When we arrived at the restaurant, I was in awe. It was this cute little blue building in the middle of a neighborhood in Uptown New Orleans. We walked inside and it smelled amazing. The hostess brought us to a table for four so Robin and I sat next to each other rather than across from each other. It was so quiet and relaxing.
"I hope you enjoy the rest of the evening." Robin says smiling.
"I'm sure I will. I'm in good company." I say reaching for his hand and squeezing it.
"Well, let us decide what we are going to eat for dinner." He says picking up his menu.
I smile and start looking at all the options. The waiter came to our table and we each ordered a glass of water. Robin thought that more alcohol probably wasn't a good idea. I went back to reading the menu and I noticed the prices of the food. They were outrageous. "Robin, these prices are crazy." I say softly.
"I know, but it's our anniversary. I want to spoil you." He says happily.
"You have spoiled me enough today. We can just split something." I say sighing. 'What would you like?"
"Babe," He says chuckling. "I already knew that this place was expensive, but I heard it was good so I wanted to take you here. You order whatever you want, but save room for dessert because it is just as good as the food."
"At least let me split the bill with you." I say looking at him.
"Absolutely not." He says smiling. "I know, its driving you crazy that it is so expensive, but this is our only night that we got to do something fancy since we have to leave early. Which I know is also upsetting you, but I want you to enjoy tonight and order whatever you like. My treat for my beautiful lady."
I smiled and leaned over kissing his lips. "Thank you." He kissed me again and we went back to looking at the menu. The waiter brought our drinks and we asked for a few more minutes to decide. After a few minutes of discussing, we decided on each a cup of soup. Robin wanted the turtle soup and I ordered the gumbo. For our entrées, Robin chose the Dry Aged Breast of Heritage Duck and I chose the Pecan Crusted Gulf Fish. The duck came with sweet potato gratin, house-made duck sausage, bacon wilted greens, kumquat marmalade and pot liquor duck jus and the fish came with crushed corn cream, spiced pecans, petite herbs, and Prosecco poached Louisiana blue crab. Everything about this restaurant just screamed New Orleans and all the food that was being brought out looked and smelled amazing. While waiting for our food, we talked about our trip and how I got to go see all of my favorite places. I kept thanking him for coming and being the perfect boyfriend. It was an amazing trip and I'm so glad he decided to come with me.
Dinner was phenomenal. The soups were amazing and both of our entrees were excellent. We ended up sharing everything because it was too good not too. We ended our dinner with a crème bruleé and a chocolate tart and again it was amazing. Our meal ended up being about $200 with tip and honestly it was so worth it. I was so stuffed by the end of it that I felt like I couldn't move. So, the car ride back to the hotel was going to be me trying not to fall asleep because I was so stuffed.
"I have a surprise for you." He says in the Uber.
"Okay." I say chuckling. "I had a feeling since we passed up the hotel."
He smiled and kissed my forehead as the driver drove us to a curb and let us out. "I figured that perhaps I could take you for a walk in the moonlight?"
"Perhaps." I say smiling. He grabs my hand and we head toward the river. The walk on the river was a little chilly and Robin didn't even hesitate to take off his coat and place it over my shoulders. This little walk on the river ended up him just taking a bunch of pictures of us and me. We were laughing and smiling for the rest of the night and I honestly couldn't think of a better person to enjoy life with.

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There he is. My true love, my soul mate, the one person I had trusted and allowed to enter the walls that I have built up to keep me from a heart bre...
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Ten-years-old Sophie Mills had a goal for her summer: Find her dad. With her mother, Regina, not wanting to talk about him, she comes up with a plan...
41.8K 1.4K 16
Regina Mills is an esteemed actress who has been receiving disturbing letters from an anonymous fan. She hires Robin Locksley as her new bodyguard to...
36.1K 1.8K 21
This is an AU about Outlawqueen. Regina is a hardworking Child Psychologist who has her finger in everything happening in the small town she calls ho...