Only human (tony stark male r...

By Destroyer_Creater2

214K 2.7K 1.9K

After beating Thanos once and for all you decided to leave the avengers since beating one universal villain w... More

Back on the job
Y/n vs the orc
Newest armor bio
I was wondering
A nun turned secretary (full version)
New armor's
Chapter 5
Old friends reunited
Chapter 7
Improved suit
Y/n vs the strays and fallen
Ch 9
Ch 10 test run

The orc

15.4K 254 180
By Destroyer_Creater2

Right now I was working on my newest and most likely powerful armor I've ever designed. After combining it with bits and pieces of my other armors It was finally done making me get out a small smirk

Y/n:... now for the finishing touch

I then grabbed a nearby box which I opened making some light shine into my eyes


Once I was done with the armor I went to school and easily finished the assignment our teacher made us do. After a while of waiting for sona to pick me up my wait stopped when I heard multiple girls let out a high pitch scream

Wondering why they were screaming I look to see the pretty boy kiba yuto stop by my desk and give me a cheerful smile

Kiba:excuse me are you y/n stark?

Y/n:yeah why?

Kiba:I need you to come with me for a moment

Y/n:ok but whatever it is just so you know I don't swing that way


Y/n:never mind let's just go

I say while getting up from my seat then followed kiba out of the classroom and outside of the school. Then finally into the old school building which made me raise a eyebrow in curiosity

Y/n:ok what the hell are you planning since no one would walk someone into a broken rundown school unless something is about to happen or your planning something

Kiba:just wait and buchou will tell you

Y/n:who the hell is buchou?

Instead of giving me a response he just continued walking quietly making me unconsciously brought out one of my armor's gauntlets ready for a fight. After a while of walking he stopped infront of a door then knocked

Kiba:I brought him buchou

Immediately as he said that the door open to show a room which looked normal... if it wasn't for the many lit candles and magic circles around the place. while I was looking around I stop my search when a white haired small girl came into my view

Y/n:... why are most of the first years I meet are so short

Not wanting to keep standing up I took a seat on the couch next to the small girl while she eats her sweets. After a while of waiting I saw a girl with red hair and another with black hair walk into the room then sat down infront of me

Rias:hello y/n You must be wondering why we brought you here

Y/n:I have a few ideas and all of them don't end well

Rias:well you can put those idea of yours aside cause we brought you here to discuss about the fallen angel that attacked yo-

Y/n:yeah yeah I know fallen angels are angels that sinned making them be locked out of heaven and making there wings become pure black instead of there innocent and pure white. Also if I were to guess I'd say that there the devils enemy's aka all of you right?

All they did was look at me surprised at how I know everything about the fallen and even know that there devils

Akeno:how do you know all of that?

Y/n:once you have a god as a friend you start to research other types of mythology to be ready if You encounter them. Also I know your devils because your room is filled with candles and satanic circles, your club is in a old broken down school building, and some of you made sure to not even touch the light once it's very bright outside and you start to act a bit tired once you're hit with the said light. To be honest it's so obvious that your devils that a idiot can figure it out

Rias:... oh well then since you know about us already then let's skip to the main point.

Y/n:which is?

Rias:I was wondering if you could join my peerage if you do you can get revenge over that fallen and more

Y/n:... sorry but I have to pass

Rias:huh? But why not?

Y/n:if you know about all of the things I fought before you'll know that killing a little crow like her will be basically child's play for me. Now then if you excuse me I have to go back to class

Before I could exit the room I heard Rias say something that made me freeze

Rias:it doesn't matter what you fought before! Your just a weak human fighting a fallen angel who is clearly superior to you. Your chances of winning are so low that it's a miracle that it isn't completely zero

Y/n:... oh really? Well then how about this

I turned towards them with a small smirk on my face which promised pain for them making kiba and koneko flinch for a moment while akeno... smiled?

Y/n:me vs all of you if you win then I'll join your peerage but if I don't then... hmm I honestly don't have anything in mind

Rias:well then how about this if you win you can do whatever you want with us for as long as we live

Y/n:... wow you are so confident that you'll win that your betting something like that?

Rias:I know for a fact that we're going to mop the floor with you

Y/n:heh well then let's see if your bite is as deadly as your bark little doggy

With that I left the room ready to give them a surprise during our fight

(So what do you think Good? Bad? Meh? Tell me in the comments)

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