Jason Voorhees x Male

By Cam0rra

329K 7.5K 3K

Jason Voorhees forever haunted camp crystal lake. Murdering anyone who step foot on his ground. Blake bored... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Eleven

14.4K 350 96
By Cam0rra

"what is this playtime?" I questioned as I was pushed into a room. One bald headed man sat at a table playing checkers, by himself. He waited staring into space before he moved his white queen forward using his left hand. "good move" he concluded and then sat contemplated his next move. He then moved a black knight forward with his right hand.

"it's good for you to socialise" Dr. Jacobs smiled, nudging me forward.

"I told you already, I don't like people"  I grumbled as he just shook his head at me and turned on his heels and left. He closed the wire fenced door shut and locked it, nodding to the guard as he handed him the keys.

I sighed loudly and glanced around, there was a girl, pink hair brighter than my pending future. She was drawing, headphones blasting. I could faintly hear paramore as I walked passed her.

Another man with hair that resembled a clown was sat on the couch ranting to himself about the state of finance and how they should've calculated the money they had correctly and that it was their own fault they were in debt.

"better stay clear of him, don't want to talk about politics" I said steering the other way. I looked to my left and spotted the door being opened again, this time the tall giant stepped in, his mask still attached to his head.

He started to approach me.

"hows jail darling?" I questioned. He only shook his head and continued walking past me to the free chair in the corner of the bleach white room.

"this isn't your first time out here is it?" I questioned noticing how comfortable he was. He wasn't taken aback by the people around him or the activities going on.

He took out a notepad from his jumpsuit as I like to call it. He then retrieved a pen and started to scribble. Not even a minute later he slide it towards me.

Doctur let me here last week.

His writing was sloppy and his spelling and grammar was something else, but this is jason we're talking about. He 'died' before he could even learn do cursive writing.

"well good golly you must've been on your best behaviour" I said rolling my eyes. He wasn't restrained, neither was anyone else in the room, other than me of course.

"why was I the only one restrained yesterday?" I questioned as soon as Dr. Jacobs entered the room.

"Blake... How do i put this" he said putting his hand to his chin.

"come on man spit it out, I ran out of patience when I waited for Jason to answer on his stupid notepad" I said moving around on the bed.

"Blake you're unstable"

"Well geez don't lay it on me hard baby" I grumbled for the hundredth time this week.

"Blake, you're a hazard to both yourself and others, and Jason has been making a lot of progress" Jacobs frowned.

"oh whatever, what do you want to talk to me about today?" I said with a smirk knowing his answer.

"your childhood"

"what else is on the menu?" I questioned, I was getting rather bored of this repetition.

"Blake, we've talked about school, your job, Bella and we even talked about your neighbours cat!" Dr. Jacobs was getting frustrated. Not long now till he breaks.

"i'm not telling you about my childhood" I said with some finality in my tone.

"will you talk to Jason about it?" he questioned.

"why would I talked to Jason about my childhood?" I said with confusion laced in my words.

"because you guys are going out?" he said with furrowed eyebrows.

"hold up, hold up" I said wiggling myself out of the bed and into a stance that would only suggest I'm gonna to stab you.

"are you not dating?" he looked just as confused me.

"no! Who told you that?" I was pissed, I'm not gay.

"Jason did, well he was confused at first, but I explained it to him" he explained.

"oh my god, a quick fuck does not equal we are dating it mean I was horny and now I'm no longer horny for at least a week" I huffed, I'm kinda horny now... What are they policies on sex here?

"Blake, did Jason know what you guys were doing?" he questioned with a frown.

"the man had a boner, I think he knew what was happening when I dropped to my knees" I said trying to move my arms. I was frustrated and annoyed.

"he never had a sexual experience before you" Dr. Jacobs explained.

"so are you calling me rapist?" I concluded, growing angry.

"no no no not at all I'm just saying maybe you should talk to Jason about this, explain this to him" Dr. Jacobs suggested.

"why can't you do it?" I huffed with a pout.

"Well Blake that's because I'm not the one who he thinks his in a relationship with" He had a slight smile playing on his lips.

"jeez no need for the back talk" I rolled my eyes, sitting back down on the bed.

"Blake, you're making no progress, maybe this talk with Jason will help your progression" Dr. Jacobs said standing up and grabbing his clipboard. He nodded to the guard and the door opened.

"asshole" I yelled out loud and let out a frustrated yell, well more like a scream, I'm a man.

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