
By LinaBisala

142K 4.9K 438

Moneice Harrison,20, has lived through too many turmoils and tribulations. But you wouldn't know because sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 6 part II
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 9 Part II
Chatper 10.
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 Part 1
Chapter 16 Part II
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Author note

Chapter 11

4.9K 152 2
By LinaBisala

"Girl you fr fr glowing. Like the nigga really gave you pipe" Cassie screeched in the car as we drove to the mall. I had to laugh.
"I mean remember when I was complaining that he wasn't giving me any? yeah forget that. He let me have it."
" you living good sis." She nudged me making me chuckle. But I couldn't help to notice a quiet sadness lurking. But I wasn't going to touch on it now. We got into the mall and honestly shopping wasn't and isn't my favourite activity but that can change real quick if I see some shit that I like. Right now I looked at Cassie and knew we were going to have a successful shopping spree.
An hour and half later in the food court.
"So what's up with you?" I asked Cassie resuming my earlier thoughts.
"Nothing much. Just living."she said nonchalantly.
"So are we strangers now ? Cos you acting like I don't know you to  sense something wrong"
"Well, I'm pregnant. And my baby daddy doesn't know yet. I don't know how he'll deal with it. But I know Josh will be present regardless but we are young and shit just graduating from college. And I'm going to have a kid. That's why I've been talking about opening a business venture with you and I know that you have a lot on your plate and a whole relationship so I understand why it's not your main focus but just think about it more."
" you know i gotchu. It's a forever ting when it comes to us. Just tell me these things. Don't stack shit up because lowkey u ruining a good relationship with an overall good guy. You love him and he loves you and because of that you can't say the wrong thing to the right person."
"You the best, Mo. You really be listening to all my shit."
" you listen to mine too." We both chuckled and looked at the time and saw that it was actually time for us to leave and go to the guys' apartment to study.
" you need to tell him. It's not even healthy to be stressed when u having a baby. But I can't wait to have a god baby tf. He/she will be great I mean look at their parents. And we can maybe look at a building our own salon maybe" She was smiling with all teeth showing and I was glad that she was at peace with everything now.
The drive back literally involves us to wild out in the car singing. Them music sessions in the car are real life rituals. We finally pulled up to their complex. And crazy Cassie started honking the horn wildly making Josh run out following Dave behind him. Josh opened the doors for us and then embraced Cassie so eagerly. I swear Josh was so New York but he really softens for Cassie. You couldn't tell me he didn't love her I couldn't believe you. So knowing josh he will probably be excited for a baby. He likes making money moves and what's even more reason to make money than providing for your child.
David, on the other hand waited until I done all the steps to greet me. He was just glaring at me from coming out the car.
He pulled me close placing his arm around my shoulder and whispered, " I've missed you ma"
" you saw me like 3hours ago"
" shit I don't think you understand little girl the effect you got on me with ur fine ass." He slapped my ass as I walked towards his room. Papers were scattered on the bed.
" Ive been studying but yeah this maths shit in this isn't my strongest point. Need your help."
After explaining to him the different methods of working out, I wasn't even in the mood to study anymore. I was still thinking about Cassie and hollering my dad (step-dad) about this salon idea. I mean Cassie and I sold hair on the side since we started college it would be a good elevation.
"Aye ma, tf you even listening to me ?"
" what?" I said louder than I intended to.
"Who u are actually talking? It ain't me" He had a mug on his face and the base that was in his voice when he said that.
" I'm sorry. I was just thinking about something."
" like what"
" like stuff"
He sighed out of defeat.
" you trying go arcade with Cassie and Josh? If you ain't in the mood we can stay in" he said reassuringly as he massaged my feet. He's slowly becoming a secure place of tranquility. I smiled.
" yeah baby let's do that."
"Bet. Get ready. And don't take too long little girl"
Cassie Character aka Princess Nokia

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