The Wrong Harmony


63.2K 2.6K 247

losing yourself in your past makes it hard for you to see your future. More

twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty five.
twenty six.
twenty seven.
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two.


4.4K 83 12

Harmony Lovato-Valderrama had no idea what she was thinking when she had agreed to her teacher's recommendation of taking trigonometry her junior year. Had that been one of the days that she had stumbled through the halls drunk? Listening to her teacher go on and on about graphing tangents and other things that she was sure she had never heard of had her contemplating skipping second hour to go to the quad and smoke the blunt that Jeremiah had left in her car last night. Her GPA was outstanding but trig was slowly killing it, which would ultimately result in her mom killing her because she could not slip up this year.

"To cut this graph in half, what would the scale on both sides be?" Mr. Charlie asked the class of half awake teenagers. Harmony was practically drooling on her color coded notes.

"Does anyone know what the scale on both sides of the graph would be if we cut it in half?" He repeated. Harmony propped her head up with her elbow and blankly stared at the board. Despite how hard she was trying, the answer wasn't coming to her, so she didn't bother to raise her hand. But Mariana Gomez raised her hand.

"I'm sure Harmony knows the answer," Mariana cut her eyes across the room at her ex best friend as Harmony simply rolled hers. It was way too early in the morning for Mariana to be starting any type of drama.

"Oh really?" Mr. Charlie looked between the two girls as Mariana nodded and continued.

"Yeah, I mean she should know all about cutting considering who her mom is. Isn't that right, Moni?" Mariana smirked and flipped her chocolate colored waves over her shoulder, satisfied with her low dig. But Harmony wasn't laughing. She could handle people talking about her, but when they dragged her parents into stuff, she couldn't even begin to handle it. Like why even bring stuff that happened before all of them were even born into the picture?

Before anyone could react and before Harmony herself even realized what she was doing, she had pushed herself out of her desk and crossed the room to Mariana, tackling her to the floor and knocking her out with one good punch to the face. And even though she knew she was barely concious, she continued to punch her until Mr. Charlie pulled her off, but not without spitting on her bloody face.

"Dumb whore," she spat, grabbing her things on her own and exiting the room because she knew that they would be calling up her parents to come and get her, even if she was positive that neither of them were in town.
She made her way down to the main office with one of the hall monitors guiding her to make sure that she didn't cause any more trouble. She hadn't even meant to cause any trouble in the first place. It was only eight am and she was already down in the office. That had to be a new record.

All four of the receptionists in the office shook their heads as Harmony came in. She knew that they had already called one of her parents so she plopped down in one of the leather seats in the waiting area, snatching her phone out of the vintage Chanel backpack that her dad had sent to her a few weeks back.
Not even ten minutes later the office door swung open and in walked Demi Lovato in all of her infamous glory. What was usually a bright cheery smile was replaced with a scowl as she saw her daughter sitting in one of the chairs with bruises on her knuckles and her face buried into her phone like she hadn't just knocked a girl out during first period.

"Let's go," Demi snapped, quickly signing the release forms and her suspension form. Three days from school with the possibility of her mom not even being at home? That wasn't much of a punishment.

The walk to the car was silent and Harmony kept her eyes on the Michael Kors shoes that she had bought with her mom's credit card, and she still didn't know about it. Harmony snickered at the thought but then remembered that she was in trouble and shut her mouth.

"Get in the back seat," Demi hissed when she saw Harmony about to climb into the passenger seat. She discreetly rolled her eyes and slammed the door to her mom's sleek black Range Rover and opened the door to the backseat where her sister was.

"Are you sick, Moni?" Lyric asked and Harmony giggled and shook her head, snapping her seat belt into place as Demi drove off.

"Then why are you in here? It was supposed to be mommy and me day, you always ruin the fun," Lyric pouted, taking a handful of the sugary cereal that she was eating and throwing it at her older sister.

"Lyric! You're gonna clean that up as soon as we get home! Every single piece!" Demi warned, glaring at her in the backseat. Harmony felt kind of bad because she had obviously ruined her mother's mood. Lyric never got yelled at. She was her mother's precious baby just like Harmony used to be.

They pulled into their gated off compound in Calabasas and Harmony mentally prepared herself for the war zone that she was about to enter. Her mom was undeniably pissed and she prayed that her step dad was home to calm her down. Hopefully her mom would only make her sleep in the guest house and take her phone away like she did last time because she really didn't feel like dealing with some unnecessarily severe punishment when the only thing that she had done was defend her mother.

"Stay out here and clean up, Lyric," Demi cut the car off and opened the door as Lyric began to whine and cry about having to clean up. Harmony already knew how this would go. She saw her mom's face soften and she huffed before grabbing Lyric out of her booster seat and walking her into the house. If only she got that type of treatment again.

Harmony took her sweet time grabbing her things out of the car and she even counted her steps as she entered the house. She dropped her bag by the staircase that led directly into her room and tugged her shoes off as well. Mallory would probably come and take her stuff upstairs for her anyways.

"HARMONY!" There she goes.

Harmony took her time walking into her mom's two story office. Her stepdad was on the top floor with Lyric doing a puzzle, but she knew he was there to be the peacemaker and to eavesdrop.

"You got dropped off at school an hour ago. An hour ago! And you're already suspended because you decided to punch some girl in the face? Did I not teach you better than that?" Demi immediately began screaming and Harmony glanced up to the top floor. Trey was still there but Lyric was gone.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" Demi reached forward and grabbed Harmony's chin so her focus was on her.

"I didn't just punch her just to punch her! I had a good reason!" Harmony defended herself. She hated that every time she got in trouble she just got punished without getting to tell her side of the story.

"I don't care why you punched her! You don't put your hands on other people! I taught you better than that," Demi reprimanded as Harmony bitterly chuckled.

"You taught me better than that? Don't you mean my nanny taught me better than that?" Harmony knew that it was a low blow but she needed her mom to shut up for a second and listen.

"I hate that every time I'm in trouble I can never defend myself. I didn't go to school set on fighting Mariana. She wanted to open her mouth about you and it pissed me off! Sorry for defending you, I won't do it again!" Harmony yelled. She knew she was more than crazy for raising her voice at her mother but she was heated.

"Your nanny raised you? Okay Moni. Whatever. You don't get to be a cry baby about what happened ten years ago just because you got in trouble. Just get out of my face because if I have to keep looking at you you're not gonna like me in a second," Demi demanded, shooing her away and collapsing in her chair as Harmony plainly rolled her eyes and turned away.

"I don't like you now," she grumbled as she headed up to her room. When she made it to her suite, she slammed the door shut and immediately made her way to her bathroom. Her uniform shirt had a bit of Mariana's blood on it. Her naturally dark hair was kind of tangled from Mariana's attempt to grab it. If she really wanted to piss her mom off, she would've taken a picture of herself and uploaded it to Instagram with the caption "battle wounds" but she didn't feel like being petty so she stripped out of her clothes and changed into something different.

"Harmony," she heard a few knocks on the door and knew that it was Trey. Now he wanted to be the peacemaker?

"Did you really have to bring all that childhood stuff up? What did I tell you about that?" Trey asked, walking in and sitting on the cream love seat at the end of her bed.

"I was feeling reckless," Harmony shrugged and chuckled at her own joke but Trey wasn't laughing.

"Listen, you know I always stick up for you, but your mom is not one of your friends at school. You can't talk to her like that, Harmony. Now tell me what this girl said about Demi," Trey said and Harmony sat next to him.

"She said something about how my mom used to self harm and stuff. And you know I hate when people bring that up because of how hard she's worked to get past it," Harmony tucked her legs under her butt and Trey let the corners of his lips drop downward. Even though Harmony had a slick mouth and a nasty attitude, he knew that she didn't mean any harm. He understood how hard it was to go to school, to go anywhere, and hear all this crap about your parents. But him and Demi and her dad had repeatedly told her to ignore it. That's all she had to do, because knocking some girl out over it was the exact reaction that those types of people wanted.

"I know you just wanted to stand up for your mom, but that was not the way to do it. You're sixteen years old. You know you can ignore what people have to say about your family and none of it should matter because you know the truth," Trey explained and Harmony nodded. Did they not understand how hard it was to ignore that type of stuff? She loathed when people talked about her parents. They did it all of the time, even if it was old news, and it never failed to piss her off.

"She's out doing her meditating crap so she sent me up here to collect your stuff," Trey went and grabbed her purple MacBook off of her desk and her iPad as well.

"Since you're getting all this stuff taken away, it better be worth it. Did you knock her out?" Trey asked with a smirk and Harmony nodded, showing him her knuckles.

"Good...but don't do it again," she handed him her phone after turning it off and he took her iPod off of its dock. The only thing left her was her TV but she knew that was gonna get taken away as well.

"I'll be back to get your TV," he ruffled her hair before exiting the room. Harmony sighed and plopped herself down on her king sized bed, rolling over and face planting in the goose feather pillows as she groaned and realized that she would have nothing but school work to do for the next three days.

New fic! The focus isn't really on the ships although there will obviously be some drama within them. What do you guys think?

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