By CassYunJae909596

23.9K 1.1K 299

The eldest son of the Kim is pretty. He's known to be gentle. And he have a beautiful voice. But he is adopt... More

001: The Truth
002: The Kim's Downfall
003: Unexpected Offer
004: Surprise?
005: The Beginning
006: Fiancé
007: Funny Ideas
008: Between Luck and Fate
009: Husband and Wife
010: First Night?
EXTRA 01: Jung Yunho's Thoughts
011: Nobody Knows
012: Welcome Home
013: Introduction to Danger
014: Fear
015: Signs of Affection
016: Kiss Me
017: In Sickness and...
018: One After Another
019: Welcome
EXTRA 02: Inside Threats

020: Fondness

1K 46 12
By CassYunJae909596

"Hu- hus- husband? Wake- wake up. We- we're home." Jaejoong caressed his husband's hand and lightly rubbed the side of the man's unexpectedly small head with his cheek, pleased at the rare show of dependency. Earlier, approximately two hours after the phone call, Yunho had soon arrived at the hospital and all the necessary procedures to take Jaejoong home were already completed.

Everything was all too easy and quick that Jaejoong idly wondered if there was another reason why his husband insisted him to stay in the hospital before.

Well, Jaejoong's fine and so is his family and their business.

Thus, he decided he doesn't really care and focused his attention on the person he missed instead.

Thankfully, other than looking a little worn out, his husband still carried the imposing aura and did not seem to be suffering any injury. God knows, while Jaejoong accepted and respected Yunho's career but he's not strong enough to have another scare like before. If it's inevitable, then at least, not so soon. Jaejoong can't take it.

That's why, although Yunho did not exchange any words with him, Jaejoong could only be grateful and relieved to see him. When his husband then wordlessly rested his head against Jaejoong's shoulder even before the limousine leave the hospital's car park, he was secretly ecstatic.


Yunho's quiet and stable breathing throughout the ride made Jaejoong believed the man was sleeping but judging by how quickly he responded to Jaejoong's gentle nudge, maybe he wasn't really asleep and trusting of Jaejoong yet.

A little part of Jaejoong instantly felt cold and wanted to complain as his husband directly leave the limousine but his rational self luckily managed to take control on time. Why should he complain? What right does he have? They entered this union with a clear understanding, love and trust was never included in their verbal agreement. This marriage was based on mutual benefit (though undoubtedly it was more beneficial for Jaejoong) and required only a lifetime loyalty from both side. According to that, Yunho had done nothing wrong.

Jaejoong bit his lips and exited the limousine. When he saw his husband waiting for him, his dissatisfaction disappeared and he willingly took hold of his husband's offered arm to happily walk beside him. Indeed. This is his home. Looking down, Jaejoong's cheeks slowly tinged red. Their home.

"Welcome back Third Master Jung, Master Jaejoong!" A row of chorus welcomed them as soon as they stepped in, immediately reminding Jaejoong of his first day here. Surprised, his first reaction was to look at Yunho.


Seeing their master's nod, everyone quickly left after a quick bow. All but one person.

Jaejoong tilted his head, sure he'd never seen her.

As if understanding his confusion, she smiled amiably. "Master Jaejoong, I am Lina. I'll be in your care from today onwards."

Oh? Jaejoong nodded his acknowledgement and the young woman bowed before leaving as well.

Jaejoong looked at her retreating figure until she entered the kitchen and he could no longer see her. Turning his sight to Yunho, Jaejoong frowned. "Hu- husband... I- I did- didn't see- Ye- Yerim?"

A shadow of darkness instantly flashed in Yunho's eyes even though his expression remained unchanging. "Dismissed."

Jaejoong waited for more explanation but his husband seemed to have finished with his answer. Jaejoong blinked then nodded, unsure what else to do. "Oh."

It was only hours later as they prepared to sleep when Jaejoong's mind suddenly supplied him with some  absurd but strangely believable thought.

Ridiculous! Slightly turning his body, he stared blankly at his husband's side.

There's no way Yerim had something to with his sudden sickness... right?

Yunho's now wearing his usual sleepwear, but the man's muscled arm and chest could no longer attract Jaejoong who's overwhelmed by the sudden revelation. Blame his imaginative mind and his love for reading because he always overthink things. However, that said, Jaejoong can't deny that most of his predictions were always right too. Frowning, he found himself thinking of the matter seriously.

It's all because he still remembered her look of scorn on their first meeting and how she always pretended like Jaejoong doesn't exist the whole time Yunho was unconscious or whenever Yunho was not at home.

Her feelings were not light. Maybe she was bold enough to do something? Perhaps... did she somehow poisoned him?


Even though he shuddered at the thought, Jaejoong quickly shot down the idea. If he was poisoned, the doctors would've known. They did a very thorough check-up up on him after all. Based on Yunho's reaction at that time, it was clear his husband was worried and so he must've pressured the hospital to consider any possibility.

Oh. Jaejoong's lips parted in understanding. At that time, Yunho's reaction meant his husband also did not know anything yet.

Then, when?

After raking his brain, Jaejoong suddenly recalled one of Yunho's visit a few days after his hospitalization. It was memorable to him because that's the only time his husband visited him at night. Jaejoong was already sleeping at the time and when he woke up feeling thirsty, he was startled by the sight of Yunho on a chair by his side just quietly staring at him. Jaejoong did not know how long the man had been there. The man did not respond to his surprise nor did he offer Jaejoong any reason. Yunho simply poured him a glass of water, corrected Jaejoong's blanket and held his hand until he slowly drifted back into dreamland.

So, he found out since then?

It seemed farfetched but that's the only possible reason for Yunho's sudden coldness earlier when Yerim was mentioned. He even refused to explain anything... Isn't that's because it's something to do with Jaejoong himself? A man like Yunho could just say nothing, or lie, either can be done without any problem so why bother with the curt answer? Isn't it because he wanted to appease Jaejoong? He did promise to care and provide for Jaejoong... A man like Yunho is the kind that would honour their promises above everything else. Yet, something happened to Jaejoong right under his nose and in his protection, of course he's livid!


"H- huh?" The voice Jaejoong croaked out in his shock at their close proximity was  little ugly even to his ears but who can blame him? His husband's handsome face was right in front of him!

Since when did Yunho turn his body as well?

And when did he move so close?

How come Jaejoong did not notice anything?

"What are you thinking of?"

"Oh. N- nothing!" Flushed, that was Jaejoong's automatic response. He consciously tried to put some distance between them but soon found himself immobile. Yunho had moved his right hand around him and his grip, tight. Jaejoong felt his whole body heating up. Before, although they'd slept on the same bed and some physical boundary was crossed every morning, but Yunho never embraced him before they went to sleep like this.

"You're red." Yunho commented, amused.

Jaejoong wanted to run away even more. He huffed but did not say anything.

"... Is my hug uncomfortable?"

"No!" Jaejoong quickly denied and was half embarrased, half happy, when Yunho chuckled and pulled him even closer. With his hands now trapped between their bodies, their noses slightly touching, Jaejoong immediately felt something weird in his belly.

"Hus- husband." His soft voice, somehow turned a little hoarse.


Jaejoong blinked, Yunho's voice was a little dry as well. Plus, they're so close that Jarjoong could feel and smell every single one of Yunho's breath. Distracted with it, Jaejoong already forgot what he wanted to say.

"Wife... Can I kiss you?"

Fully red, Jaejoong quite eagerly nodded his consent. He'd been missing Yunho's kisses as much as he missed the man himself but since it had been too long, he could not muster the courage to kiss his husband on his own. He quickly remembered the tingling sensation all over his body caused by Yunho's wet kisses and hot tongue, making him shyly close his eyes in anticipation.

However, Jaejoong's eyes shot open right after feeling his husband pressed his lips on Jaejoong's forehead instead.

Yunho kept his lips there for a while.

It felt... different. The innocence of this unexpected kiss Yunho gave him somehow made Jaejoong's breath hitched.

"Hus- husband?" Jaejoong blinked the moment Yunho moved his lips away.

His husband smiled and without saying anything, gently kissed Jaejoong again but this time on his parted lips. The gentle kiss quickly turned obscene and Jaejoong almost forgot to respond because of Yunho's wandering hands. Because of Jaejoong's many layered clothing, the place his husband placed his hands seemed even hotter than the rest of his body and Jaejoong almost wish out loud that he'd rather remove them right now. But he knew Yunho won't. No matter how senseless they become, his husband always limit himself.

Taking Jaejoong's lack of experience and young age into account, Yunho's still waiting for Jaejoong to be ready.


Jaejoong had a feeling Yunho won't have to wait for too long.

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