If We Could Only Turn Back Ti...

SeducingZouis द्वारा

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What would you do when the love of your life leaves to chase his dreams? What would you do if he completely f... अधिक

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Ten

194 1 8
SeducingZouis द्वारा

Nothing was quiet tonight. It wasn't your bus consisting of Liam, Niall, and Zayn that was the problem, it was Louis' and Harry's. They've been fighting all night since the van dropped everyone off at the buses. You sat in the lounge of your bus with Zayn next to you, Liam in the bean bag chair across from you, and Niall in the kitchen snacking on a sandwich. You all sat quietly as you all listened to the sound of glass shattering, chairs being knocked over, and the consistant fighting and screaming.

Niall let out a sigh, "When do you lads think they'll stop?". Liam leaned farther back into the bean bag chair and threw his hands over his face, "Who knows. It's never been this bad". You leaned forward and covered your face. Zayn reached over the arm of the chair and embraced you in a hug, "Please don't worry about this Cheyenne, you didn't do anything wrong. Sometimes they don't know when to stop and it goes too far". You shook your head, "Do you think I should go over there?". Liam shot up, "I don't think that's a good idea. Who knows what is going on right now..". You made Zayn let go of you and you stood up, "Well I'm going to, this is ridiculous. Harry thinks what Louis said hurt me. That's the only reason he's mad", you stormed into the back room to change into your ripped jeans, your see through silk top and converse. You stomped back through the bus, phone in your right hand. Niall got up from the kitchen chair and reached out for your left arm, "You are not going alone, I'm coming with you..". You jerked your hand from Niall and continued out the door, with him following close behind.

 You walked up to Louis' and Harry's bus and pounded your fist to the door. Looking down at your phone, it read 11:54 am. The drivers would soon be telling everyone the buses would be leaving soon to head back to London. You turned around to look at Niall who was fidgiting with his feet. Suddenly all the crashes, bangs, and screaming stopped. Your's and Niall's attention was adverted to the opening door. When the door opened you heard the bedroom door slam shut and saw Louis standing infront of you running his hand through his tangled hair and give a half smile, "Hah, Niall....Cheyenne. What are you...uh....doing here?". "You two over here haven't stopped fighting since we got back from brunch", you said looking into his eyes. Niall quickly pushed passed you and passed Louis into the bus, "What the hell do you lads think you are doing? This place is a mess. I have never once seen you two fight like this before in me entire life before..". Louis walked back into the bus and you walked up after him. You couldn't believe what you saw. Nothing was in it's place and Louis looked as if he'd just seen a ghost. You shook your head, "Are you two okay?", you said pointing your attention to Louis. He turned his head towards you, still pale as a ghost, "I'm fine. As for Harry....who fucking knows". Niall plopped himself down into their lounge and put his feet up, "Louis, mate, what was this all about? How did it get this bad?". Louis was now pacing, shooting glanced toward the back hallway that led to the two guy's rooms, "He can't take a joke. It's bullshit. He should know I only joke around". Niall then got up and got a beer out of the fridge and sat back down, where Louis had now also tken his place in the lounge.

Soon enough the back bedroom door re-opened and a red faced Harry stomped out to the kitchen area behind you. You watched him walk out and stop when he noticed you, Niall, and Louis all staring at him. He let out a huff, flung open the fridge and grabbed what looked to be a beer and a large bottle of vodka. Harry slammed the door of the fridge shut. Niall looked at him the lounge, "Mate....I really don't think you should be drinking all that...". Harry continued to stand there as he looked down at the two bottle he held in his hands. The speaker system rang loud throughout the bus as the drivers announced departure for London, scaring you making you jump a little. Niall laughed at you, "Well Cheyenne looks like we're stuck with these happy campers till we get to London this afternoon". Harry quickly looked up at Niall and grunted a bit before grabbing extremely tight onto your waist and speaking into your ear, but loud enough so everyone could hear, "Come on. Let's get the fuck out of here".

Harry was pulling you back to his room quite roughly. You could smell the already outstanding amount of alcohol lingering on him. He reopened the door again. The way he pulled you kind of hurt, "Harry please.... you're hurting me". Harry let go of you and set the vodka bottle down on the shelf and let out a mumbled 'sorry'. He cracked open the beer bottle as he sat down on the bed and started chugging it down. You walked over to him and grabbed it out of his hand, "That's enough Harry....". You watched him as you set the bottle down and he covered his head with his arms in anger. You were starting to walk away when Harry flung himself off the bed and set a tight grip onto your arms. He spun you around and slammed you against the wall. You gasped shocked and scared and in pain, "HARRY! Pleaseee...you're hurting me...stop". He released his grip on you and placed his hands onto the wall, still pinning you with his body against it, his head nearly placed on your shoulder. His breathing started to slow down, "Cheyenne....I'm tired of acting like I don't care and we're just friends. He went.....went too far. I don't want you to walk with Zayn at the Brit Awards-". You cut him off, "But why?". He lifted his head so that your gaze met his, "...Because that should be fucking me. I don't want anyone else to have you. They all want you, but they don't know you like I do. They can't take my love away from me". You were speechless because he had made it clear so many times that'd you'd be nothing more than friends. Harry turned his head slightly, "I want you to be mine..". There was a few seconds of silence. You turned your head slightly away from Harry when he grabbed your face and pulled it into his, kissing you.

You ran your hands down his chest. You were about to push him away when he pushed your arms away from his body and deepening the kiss. His body was up against yours, with no room for air in between. He removed his hands from your face and slid them down to your collar bones, down to your chest and began to unbottom the front of your shirt, pushing you harder into the wall with his body. Once you noticed what he was doing you began trying to shake your head loose from his kiss. Once he let go, Harry flashed you a cheeky smile before going to unbutton the last two buttons of your shirt. You tried wiggling free as he began kissing your neck, hands roaming up your bare skin of your sides, "Harry, no... STOP!", you screamed hoping Niall or Louis would come and get him off of you. Harry re-latched a firm grip onto your arms and pulled you away from the wall. You stumbled as he puled you across to the bed and threw you down. You tried getting up again as Harry started to take his shirt off, but he was to quick and pushed you back down onto the bed.

He started to kiss your neck again and started to pull down your unbuttoned shirt down your arms. You yelled once more, "LOUISSS!!!!....Niall...". Harry began to get rougher with his kisses. In between kisses he managed to say, "How dare you call for him, that only makes me want you more". He suddenly stuck his hand under your bra and started squeezing your boob. You managed to lift your arms and start pushing him up off you, but failed. Both of your breaths were heavy. In between breaths you  managed to say," Harry, you're drunk....just...no...not now...not...like this". You heard footsteps down the hall past Harry's breathing and moans.

Fists began pounding on the door. You made out Niall's voice yelling for Harry, "Harry, lad, stop. What's going the fuck on?". Harry stopped touching you and slammed his fist into the bed next to you, "God damnit, we're busy". You took the chance to push Harry off of you and you ran for the corner of the room away from him. Harry got up and walked towards you, grabbing your wrists and pulling you back up off the floor and pushing you into the wall again, ignoring Niall's calls for Harry to tell him what's going on. Harry kissed your cheek and began smiling cheekily again, "Babe... you know you want this". You looked into his green eyes full of lust, "You know what Haz? I do, but you're drunk and they way you're acting is unacceptable". He laughed and pushed his tounge into your mouth, putting all his effort into the kiss. You pushed away from Harry's kiss and turned your head into the corner and yelled, "Get him off ME!!!!". Suddenly Niall kicked the door open, Louis right behind him, causing Harry to stop and look up. Niall grabbed ahold of Harry and pulled him off of you. Louis pulled you into his arms and snatched your shirt off of Harry's bed and handed it to you. Harry began trying to shake Niall's grip off of himself. When Louis was walking you out, Harry stop sqirming and yelled at Louis, "Louis, pleaseeee.... please don't take her away from me, she's my world Louis". Louis laughed and pulled you into him closer, running his hands down your still bare upper torso. He saw the pain in Harry's eyes, "You're an ass, and deserves better than you". Louis then pushed you out of the door, but before fully out of the room you turned your head and saw Harry shedding tears as Louis walked you out.

Louis walked you out to the lounge and let you put your shirt back on. He pulled you over to the couch ontop of him, pulling your head to his chest with a smile. Niall walked out, stopping to see you ontop of Louis before turning the telly on and sitting down on the bean bag chair. You contently fell asleep ontop of Louis. Niall looked over to Louis, "Mate?". "Yes..?", Louis said back running his fingers through your hair while you slept. "You know what your doing is causing more trouble...Three guys fighting over her will not end well". Louis laughed, "I'm doing to make him realize he can't treat her like he does. He has her under his spell, and I feel for her. Besides, you remember Eleanor?". Niall shook his head, "Yeah, that model girl you always talk to from back in London". Louis smiled, "I have a date with her tonight and I've kinda been dating her for a couple weeks now, and I kind of like her. I mean I'm starting to get feelings for Cheyenne here too ...but it's doesn't seem like she needs more drama than there is...". Niall glared at Louis, "Watch yourself mate, we all know what will end up happening mate". Louis didn't answer.

An hour and a half went by, and you were still fast asleep ontop of Louis as he and Niall watched football. The bus came to a stop and the two boys looked at eachother in relief and waited for an annoucement. Suddenly their body guard Paul walked in through the tour bus door, "GOOD AFTERNNON FELLOWS!". You jumped from your sleep ontop of Louis and fell onto the floor. Paul stood there, "I'm sorry hun... uh, Louis why was there a strange girl sleeping on you? New girlfriend?". Niall facepalmed himself and walked off the tour bus to catch up with the other guys. Paul had a confused look on his face. Louis got up off the lounge sofa and held out a hand to pick you up. He walked you over to Paul, "This is Cheyenne, uhmm Harry's old friend". You rubbed your eyes a bit, "Hi, nice to meet you". Paul gave you a quick smile. Louis grabbed your waist, "Cheyenne why don't you follow Niall to meet Zayn and Liam?". You shook your head and walked off the bus.

Paul gave Louis a raised eyebrow, "If she's Harry's friend...why was she ontop of you?". Louis scratched his head, " Uhm...well... Harry was drunk earlier and tried things and Niall and I had to get him off of her...and she just fell asleep on me". Paul was not convinced and shooed Louis out with the others.

You saw Louis walking up to the group, he greeted Liam and Zayn with all smiles. You stood next to Zayn, arms crossed and head down. Nobody asked questions as to why you looked like a wreck. Suddenly Harry was being escorted off the bus by Paul, duffel bag with all his things in his hand. You and the other boys watched as he passed. Harry glanced at you before walking into the complex, it was obvious he had been crying. Zayn and Liam turned to you, and Zayn wrapped his arm around you to comfort you, "I don't know what hapened now, but you'll be fine love". You gave Zayn a smile before walking away from his grip, "Zayn? Do you mind helping me unpack?". He smiled, "No problem".

All the other boys had settle their things back in once Zayn had finished helping you move your things inside your new flat. "Well, home sweet home...hopefully haha", Zayn said eyeing the flat. You laughed and walked up to him, "Thank you for helping me Zayn". He smiled, "You're more than welcome. If you need anything, just ask. But I do want something for helping you, you know-". You reached for your purse that was set on the dinning table and pulled out your wallet, "I have like 12 euros I can -". Zayn began to shake his head and laughand lower your arm down, "Oh no, I don't want money. I was going to ask for a hug silly". You put the wallet back onto the table and ran up to Zayn and wrapped your arms around his back, and he wrapped his arms around yours. After a few seconds he let go, "Well I gotta go, have a nice night...and oh, by the way.....amazing hug". You smiled as he walked out your door and down the hall to his flat.

You took in the sight of your new flat, in awe. It was beautiful, not to say huge! There was a large kitchen and lounge, a master bedroom, two guest rooms, and a nice sized bathroom. You walked over to the door, about to close it when you noticed Louis walking down the hall, all dressed up, "Louis? Where you going?". You startled him and he stopped to look at you, "Uhm...I got a date tonight". You noticed he looked nervous. You smiled, "Well she's very lucky to be on a date with the amazing Mr. Louis Tomlinson. Have fun". "Thank you", he relied before heading down the hall and outside. You closed your door and locked it before heading to your room to change into Niall's joggers and Zayn's t-shirt you haven't returned yet. You walked back into the lounge and sat on the sofa and turned on the telly to the XFactor to watch and eat popcorn to.

You watched XFactor re-runs you missed while with the boys for a good three hours, catching up when someone had texted you, making your phone go off. You picked it up, looking at the time, It was 11:30 and you opened your new text. It was from Louis. The message read 'Open your door, I wanna talk". You got up and opened the door, "Louis...what's the matter?". He walked in past you. You gave him a confused look at you reclosed your front door. Louis sat on your sofa, "I was thinking and....I just wanted you to know I'll always be here for you. Harry has been an ass lately, I'm sorry if anything I said hurt you and-". You cut him off, "Louis...it's fine. Let's just forget everything that happened". He got up and pulled you in for a hug, "I'm so glad, and can I ask you something?". You looked at him, "Yeah sure...what is it?". He paused, "Can I stay here tonight? There's still a lot of tension between me and Harry and I think he needs some space....That we needs some space". You laughed, "Of course you can, you know where the guest room is". Louis grabbed your hand and smiled, "Thank you", and walked to the back room.

You shut off all the lights and relocked the door before walking to your room. You noticed the room Louis walked into, that he'd left the door open. You began to close it to prevent the draft of air from going into the room when you heard a shuffle. Louis cleared his throat, "Goodnight Cheyenne". You smiled, "Goodnight Louis, see you in the morning". You closed his door and walked into your room. You changed into one of Harry's button up shirts, crawled into bed and pulled the covers over you. Sounds of crickets and the outside breeze making you drift off to sleep.

 You wake to the smell of syrup and the sound of bacon sizzling. You crawled out of your bed and walked down the hall towards the kitchen in Harry's button up and nothing else, hair still a mess from sleeping on it. You rounded the corner by the kitchen and stood at the edge watching Louis cook bacon without a shirt on intently. You cleared your throat and smiled when he turned to loook at you, "What's all this for Louis?". Louis turned off the stove and set the sizzling bacon down onto your kitchen table, "Just a thank you present for letting me stay here while me and Harry aren't getting along". You walked through the kitchen and sat on the barstool, "You didn't have to do all this though". You yawned and grabbed the orange juice that was set out for you and took a sip. Louis let out a faint laugh. You set the orange juice down and give Louis a look, "What are you laughing at?". He shook his head, "Ohh, nothing....I was just thinking". You reach over the table to grab bacon as Louis sat down on the other side of the table, "I'm sure it was...just nothing. Tell me". He shoved an entire pancake into  his mouth and shook his head in a no formation, trying not to laugh and spit his pancake out onto the table. You picked up another pancake from the table and looked at Louis devilishly, "Tell me Mr. Tomlinson or you will find out where this pancake will be in two seconds". You could see Louis swallow down the rest of the pancake in his mouth and start to blush, "I was just thinking about how cute you look when you just wake up". You began to blush as you drank some more of your orange juice. He let out a giggle, "And I have to admit,  seeing you walk down here with no pants on was the highlight of my life". You nearly spit out your bacon you were chewing when he said that, "Oh my god.. I guess it's too much for you to handle". You winked at him and grabbed more bacon as the doorbell rang.

You swung the barstool around and jumped off and walked to the door, unlocking it before opening it. Louis shouted across the room, "Who is it?". You opened to door to see Zayn standing outside your door, smiling widely and eyeing your half covered body up, "Well good morning. Did you lose your pants?". You laughed and turned to Louis, "It's Zayn", you turned back to Zayn, "Come in". Zayn walked in and sat at the table with Louis while you closed the door. You sat down next to Zayn, "So why are you here?". Zayn grabbed an apple and turned to you, "I was here to pick you up, but it looks like I was interrupting something". You laughed, "Not really, I just let Louis stay the night". Zayn's eyes got wide and Louis got all nervous, "Mate, this isn't what it sounds like, I stayed in the guest room, we didn't do anything!". Zayn nodded. You pushed Zayn a little to grab his attention, "Hey, why were you here to pick me up? Where were we going?". He swung his chair in your direction and smiled, "I was going to take you shopping, my date at the Brit Awards has to look almost as good as me you know". You blushed and Louis sent Zayn glares from across the table. Louis interrupted Zayn's flirting, "So who's shirt are you wearing anyway Cheyenne?". Zayn looked over to Louis, "I thought it was yours mate". Louis turned his head away from you and Zayn. You fiddled around with your cup of juice, "No Zayn's. It's actually Harry's shirt". Zayn gave you a confused look, "I thought you two were having issues.. when did you get his shirt?". You took a sip of your juice, "He leaves his cloths everywhere, always has. I just didn't return it to him yet". Zayn nodded his head, "Well, we should be going soon Cheyenne". You pushed yourself away from the table and got off the chair, "Alright, I guess I'll get dressed then". Louis motioned you to go get dressed, "Go get dressed, I'll clean up".

You quickly pulled on your favorite pair of skinny jeans, a baby pink tanktop, and matching heels. You walked into the bathroom and brushed through your hair and put on some make-up. You grabbed your phone off the side table near your bed and walked back out to the boys who were now in the living room, "Zayn I'm ready". You saw his eyes light up as you walked into the room, "You look gorgeous. I think even more than myself". You blushed, "Thank you". You turned to Louis, "I'll see you later okay?". Louis nodded his head yes as Zayn reached out for your arm and walked you out of the flat.

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