By Karina51125

8 2 0

Since the beginning of time, the Zu family had a daughter blessed with golden eyes. However, for Lucia Zu, it... More


8 2 0
By Karina51125

    το πρώτο κεφάλαιο: χρυσά μάτια


"μπαμπάς! Lucas isn't sharing!" I whined as I plopped in the green grass that I think went on for hours. It was incredible vast. μπαμπάς said we own the whole land. And I honestly have never felt smaller in my whole 13 years of living.

"Lucas...be nice to your sister." μπαμπάς warned.

"I am. She's just being a total brat, as per usual." He mocked.


"What?" He smiled innocently to μπαμπάς and stuck his tongue out to me, even though he's the older one. He's about to become an adult in about four to five months. And he still acts childish. My μαμά walked toward us with a worried expression plastered on her face.

"μαμά? Is something the matter? You seem troubled?" I asked. And she just smiled at me as her long and dark hair moved when she tilted her head to smile.

"Nothing is the matter dear. I just want to talk to your μπαμπάς for a while." She and μπαμπάς walked off deeper into the grassy field.

Lucas turned around and walked into our small homey house. I however, follow my parents. Sadly I only could hear small snippets of what they were saying.

"...we must hide them Leon."

"...I know, but where.?"

"...Leon! He's only 13! You can't expect he'll fight in the war! What about Lucia!? Huh!? Are you going to send Lucas, Luka, and Lucius all to die!?"

'D-die?! Lucius?!'

"Layla! They aren't going to die. I'm not going to take them with me."

"Leon, my love, please don't leave me. Please don't leave the kids without their μπαμπάς. Please..."

"I'm sorry Layla. But you know I have to. They ordered me too."

"Well forget them! What matters more, your children and wife or a pointless war between the angel race and the demon race?!"

"Layla, I'm sorry."

"You can't be serious?!" μαμά stormed off as I watched μπαμπάς slump his shoulders in defeat.

"Lucia..." someone's hot breath tickled my neck as I heard my twin whisper in my ear.

"Ahhh. Lucius! You scared me!"

"Well you shouldn't have been eavesdropping on μπαμπάς and μαμά." He warned.

"Yea yea. Whatever." I rolled my eyes at my older brother. He thinks he's so high and mighty just because he's only a few minutes older than I am.

"Let's go. μαμά wanted me to call you. Dinner's ready."

"Yummy! Okay!" I smiled and hopped along to our small house, hand-in-hand with my brother, Lucius.


Lucas, Luka, μαμά, and μπαμπάς were all already seated and ready to eat. We ate in silence Which was extremely odd and awkward. Normally we would be smiling and laughing our butts off at some silly joke. Today however, the atmosphere was tense and hostile. μπαμπάς seemed sad. And μαμά looked angry. I wonder if it had to do with what had happened earlier. Remembering the intense conversation that μαμά and μπαμπάς had, I shivered at the thought that my brothers might die.


A little days prior to the conversation with my γονείς, I've been all on edge. Or so Lucius told me. μαμά and μπαμπάς have been really distant with each other. They rarely talk to each other. They even slept on different beds. I slowly walked toward μαμά and tried to talk to her.

"μαμά are you OK?" I climbed onto her lap.

"Yes sweetheart, I'm fine" she gave me one of her billion dollar smile and hugged me. She cuddled closer to me as my eyes slowly shut, finally finishing off a long day. Leaving one question on my mind...

'Are we going to die?'

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