(COMPLETED)The Storm is Here...

By MicMalHamilton

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(Y/N) of House (L/N) is one of the most powerful beings in the world. However, after the death of Ned, (Y/N)... More

Bio & Harem.
Prolouge: part one
Prolouge: part two.
Chapter one: Snow and Sweat
Chapter Two: A Heartfelt Reunion
Chapter Three: Wildfire
Chapter Four: Seeing the Queen
Chapter Five: Dragonglass (short)
Chapter Six: White Walkers
Chapter Seven: King's Landing
Chapter Eight: Back at Winterfell
Chapter Nine: Knighted
Chapter Ten: The Night King
Chapter Eleven: A Proper Farewell
Chapter Twelve: Burn them all
Chapter Thirteen: Throne of gold


8.7K 157 40
By MicMalHamilton

I walked to Cersei's "room" with rage swelling in my heart. I haven't seen her in three months. I tried to ignore her existence, i tried to play her off as a mere dream. But i knew what she was. I knew what she did. Deep down i also knew that she barely regretted it. I opened the door slowly as it creaked with a loud vigor.

There she sat. Hair long now but it wasn't as long as it used to be. Her radiant eyes sparkling in the sun. She looked beautiful. But every monster can posess different forms.

"Good evening," i said.

"...Hello," Cersei said. Not even glancing my way. I walked with slow steps up to her beautiful form, reading. She set the book down and looked up at me with an emotionless stare. I didn't mind it. It was Cersei trying to not show the emotion desperately trying to spill out of herself.

"Why are you here ?," Cersei quesotioned.

"I came to check on you."

She snorted.

"To check on me ? If checking on me means yelling and nearly choking me to death then believe me, Jaime already saw to that."

She wasn't lying. After interrogating the guards i finally got the full story. Apparently, Jaime went to see Cersei to get answers. However, the guards started to hear weird noises and when they entered, they saw Jaime choking Cersei who clawed at his arms.

Lots of people saw her. Lots of them tried to kill her. If it wasn't for those guards she would be dead by now. Although, i think that's what she wants.

"Nevertheless, despite what you did...i still care for you," i said. "I...i still have feelings for you."

For a while Cersei stared at me blankly. As if having a debate with herself. I knew this was a mistake. I turned around and put my hand on the knob.

"Wait," she whispered.

I withdrew my hand and turned back around to see tears in her eyes. She stood up revealing her swollen belly. I looked at it with a fond smile. I know the baby isn't mine but i know that someday that baby will be something. Hopefully bigger than i am.

Cersei walked up to me with her hands clapsed in front of her belly. Protectively it seemed. Once she was mere centimeters from me, she began to speak once more. Although therw was more passion, and meaning that was present.

"(Y/N)...Do you truly mean that statement ?"

"Every word"

"...i want to ask something of you," she proclaimed.

"Go on."

"..Jaime disowned me and his future child. I know he won't take care of them. Nevertheless, i have to find someone else...someone who i truly held in my heart. That someone is you...and i know there isn't a better man to raise my child then you. So please...not as Cersei Lannister but as a mother. I beg of you. To please t-"

I cut her off by slowly wrapping my arms around her. She flinched on instinct but once she realized that this was an embrace she slowly accepted the hug.

"Of course i will," i responded "Of course."

I gave a tearful smile as she gave that same smile back. Tears welling in her green orbs. Slowly, i leaned in and embraced my lops with hers. It was a slow and passionate kiss. It was sweet and full of meaning. Although i would never forgive Cersei for killing all those people...a piece of my heart was with her.


I would visit Cersei once a month but those quickly turned into a daily visit. It was a controversial subject around Asgard as the destruction was still fresh on their minds. Rumors spread like wildfire. Was i raping her ? Was i the real mastermind of the attack ? Was i trying to free Cersei ? All those theories came to rest as soon as i told them that i was just checking on the baby. Nothing more.

Cersei was in an infirmary squeezing my hand tightly as she wailed into the night.

"Almost there Almost there....there you go Cersei, the baby is all out okay ? You did it," i said kissing her sweaty forehead. Suddenly, she let out another ear piercing scream confusing me with fear. A head poked out of her vagina.

"TWINS?!?," i said to the air i immediately restarted Cersei's process. Minutes later the baby was out with a cry of freedom. It was a girl.

"Jane," Cersei whispered. She turned her head the the other bundle of joy. It was a boy with tufts of dirty blonde hair. She slowly looked up at me with a soft smile.



The birth of the twins Jane and Colin was celebrated by many. Including Tyrion and Jamie, although he was a little hesitant.

Soon with the birth of the twins the execution of Cersei was being devised. How would she go ? Wildfire for the victims ? Poison for Olenna ? Torture for all the pain she's given ?

It was then decided that she will go out by what she started. She caused the beheading of Ned Stark and now will be beheaded by a Stark. It all fit in a nice fine circle.

Everyone knew that i had a sort of...friendship, with Cersei. However, i expressed that even though i hate to see her go, she must die. It wouldn't be justice otherwise.

The chains rattled as Cersei walked to the podium. Under the balcony, millions if not billions of people stood in silence. No cheers or jibes of death. All the wanted to see was the justice given to those victims who perished simply by this woman's word.

I watched from afar as Cersei was forced to her knees. She had a single tear roll down her cheek. Besides that, there was no given emotion. Behind her stood Jaime, Tyrion, Daenerys, Arya, Sansa, and finally Margaery. Arya held needle in her hands. Itching to preform the command.

"I, Daenerys Targaryen rightful heir to the seven kingdoms, the breaker of chains, the Khalessi, the stormborn child, the mother of dragons, sentence you to die," she speeched. Not even blinking. "Do you have any last words ?"

Slowly, Cersei looked up at me with a soft smile.

"Remember your promise."

Slowly, i nodded. I wasn't going to let anyrhing happen to those kids. Neither were Tyrion or Jaime.

Arya swung needle high and the air,and down through Cersei's neck. Her head rolled off her shoulders and her flowing hair followed. On her face was a soft reminiscent smile. A small measure of peace.

There were no cheers...only justice.


After that day my life turned up for the better.

I had different weddings for all of my brides to be.

The first wedding was to Sansa Stark. Of course, that was a huge wedding in Winterfell. All the northern lords were there to celebrate the marriage of the wolf. She wore an extravegent white dress with a crown of two wolves. Heels that weren't too high, neither small. She wore gloves for the cold and the snow that blanketed the grass. Her hair wasn't braided or knotted. It flowed down her back like a gorgeous auburn stream. It truly was a beautiful day. It was a wedding for a beauty.

Next, i married Daenerys on Dragonstone. She wore a black and red wedding dress that didn't drag on for twenty feet. It stopped just below her toes. Her Unsullied and Dothraki armies were vastly different with each other. While the Unsullied were quiet and silently watched the wedding, the Dothraki were loud and obnoxious. They killed some of their own and had sex with the women. I amd many others were uncomfortable but nevertheless swallowed our complaints. Drogon breathed his fire and gave a roar of victory. It was a wedding for a conqueror.

After that, i had a secret wedding with Arya. She wanted no one but Jon and Sansa at the wedding ceremony. It was peaceful and silent near the streams in the forest. She wpre nothing than what she usually wore. Animals just sat and watched as if it was the most bizarre thing in the world. Maybe it was. Afterall, ARYA STARK was getting married. It was a wedding for no one.

Finally, i had a wedding with Margaery. She wore a very tight wedding dress and had her hair knotted up a bit. The wedding was full of laughter and wine much to Tyrion's thanks. It was a charming wedding.

Sadly, Missandei didn't want to get married. Although she expressed how loyal she was to me, she also didn't want to move to that stage just yet. Especially with Greyworms death being fresh in her mind.

Shortly after the weddings, Sansa's baby was born. It was a boy with auburn hair and (e/c) eyes. He for surely would be a force to be reckoned with. I could picture him now as a King. We named him Eddard.

My second child with Sansa was a beautiful baby girl. She had (h/c) and icy blue eyes just like her mother. She was fierce and brave. She was a born warrior. We named her Lyarra.

Our third child together was also a girl. She was tall and witty. What she lacked in strength she made up with mind. She had a slender petite figure. Her name is Catera.

We had a haandsome boy who was confident but wasn't cocky. He was nervous and pudgy but still kind and warm. He was a gentle spirit with his mothers kindness and his fathers looks. We named him Neville.

Finally, our last child came in the form of Sandard. He was rough and brutal but merciful and held grace. Although he held features of his namesake he still had me and Sansa through and through.

Apparently, the witches predictions were false. I had two children with Daenerys and both were very beautiful.

My firstborn was Daella. She is careful and clumsy but loved to sing and dance. Overall she was a very charming and sweet daughter. She certainly didn't get her humor from Daenerys. She had white hair and (e/c) eyes.

The second son we share, is a boy who we named Rhaegar. He was a true conqueror. Leading and questing out like a knight. I was proud of him. He also had the silver haired trademark with my apparent eyes. After him we didn't have anymore kids. That didn't stop us from fun times.

I only had one son with Arya and he was truly his mothers child. He had her hair and greyish eyes. He loved fighting and didn't want to be held down by lordship. Archery especially. His name is Bran.

I had three children with Margaery. Twin boys and a girl. The boys were named Loki and Odin after my father. Then my daughter was named after my mother Freya. Of course these three loved there half siblings to death but they always were loyal to each other. None of them ever really bothered themselves with fighting. They always had the art of mind. Which was frankly quite terrifying as they were unbelievably smart for their age.

Finally, i had a daughter with Missandei. Gharsea was gorgeous but also spiteful. If you wronged her she'll be bound to get revenge. Her mother taught her all the languages she knew but also wanted ME to personally train her. When all the kids heard that they all wanted the same treatment. It was a headache but was still fun at times.

It took lots of convincing but Daenerys let the North become an independent kingdom once again. After Kings landing was rebuilt, the north didn't really have anything to stay for. The question was who would rule the north ? Sansa or Jon ?

That answer came quickly in a matter of days. They both decided that Jon would rule the north alongside his wife Lady Sif and their son Aemon. But in exchange Sansa will remain QUEEN of Asgard. None of my other wives objected.

Arya was still happy that her home was occupied by her brother and sometimes left to go on adventures. She went beyond my expectations. Past West of Westeros and overall past the hells of Asgard. If i ever got bored with a peaceful life i usually went on an adventure with her.

Margaery although living in Agard spent her time in highgarden as well. At my will, i sent armies and storage to help it regrow into it's former beauty.

Daenerys was now the Queen of six kingdoms. She needed to be in the capital. Not at all times but she still needed to be there. Those were her people after all. Missandei usually with her as well as Varys.

Jaime and Brienne eventually had a son and a daughter. Bruce and Tyana were very gifted children indeed. They had their parents fortunes. Jaime and Brienne decided to serve under the Asgardian kingsguard much to my pleasure.

Tyrion was now lord of Casterly Rock but sadly never fathered children. Although we urged him he always said he couldn't love since he lacked the most important thing in order to love. Trust. So many years later he would die oddly drunk and a whore sucking his cock. I guess that's how he wanted to go.

I raised Joan and Colin to my fullest capacity. Once i told them i wasn't their father they cried and hugged me to my confusion.

"You aren't our father...but you'll always be our dad," said Jane. I couldn't help but cry in happiness.


My red cape flapped as i walked outside. My kingsguard walking out with me. All of my family stood by and looked at me with fond smiles across their faces. Lady Sif and Jon were here as apart of the family as well grinning at my one eyed face.

Once i stood in the middle of them, they backed away with smiles of excitement. Eventually, my childrwn couldn't handle the wait anymore.

"C'mon father give us a show!!," yelled Eddard in excitement. I snickered and gave him a mocking glare.

"I'm not apart of the circus," i laughed. Nevertheless i stuck Stormbreaker high into the sky. Lightning crackled and shot into the battleaxe with power surging it's every sound.

I brought the warhammer out of it's spell and slowly brought it down near my chest. Holding it tenderly. The weapon glowed blue and thunder was still apparent.

"WOOW," Bran said in awe as his eyes widened. Jane looked up at Colin who couldn't take his eyes off the weapon.

"Is that real ?," Colin asked.

I looked at my wives who held smiles of peace and joy. I realised all that I've been through. All that i cherished. Were held with them and my children. I loved all of them dearly with all my heart can give. If only Colin and Blacksmith were here now.

"As real as it can get," i said giving off a tearful smile.


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