The White Dream Walker

By bluebird411

22.4K 658 83

A story in which a woman must protect her brother when he arrives on Pandora. She must keep him from endanger... More

Hope is for children
Familiar People
A Trippy Experience
New Day, New Life
Track & Kill
Gathering & Weaving
Ngäzìk (difficult)

Running for our lives

1.6K 64 5
By bluebird411

After the school house was cleared, we headed off to the area Grace wanted to collect samples.

"Are you sure we should be coming this close?" Jake asked.

"No, but Grace wants some samples. This is as close as we can come." I said, notching an arrow.

"Do you know what happened? Back at the school I mean."

I pursed my lips.

"I do. The military and the natives clashed."


"That's it."

"You're joking."

I turned to face my brother, a glare set on my face.

"Why would I joke about the military murdering the lives of innocent villagers? Those kids did not deserve the death they were dealt. None of the natives did. We are nothing but a plague on this planet. A plague that is going to wipe out everything good on this planet, like we did our own."

"Jeez. Sorry I asked." Jake said, stepping away.

"Easy you two. I need you two to guard the perimeter." Grace said.


3rd Person PoV

Jake and Lizzie stood within eye line of Grace and Norm, as well as each other. As they waited, Lizzie started humming to keep herself occupied. Her anxiety was through the roof. Every sight, every sound brought back memories. She could easily see Sylwanin and Neytiri running through the foliage, or swinging through the tree tops.

"Hey Iz? What are these?"

She looked over to see Jake inspecting a plant that had a spiral form, that was similar to dresses in Earth when people spun in circles.

"They're called helicoradian spirale. Please be careful, Jake. They're touch sensitive."

But Jake being the dumbass that he is, didn't listen. He touched the edge of a medium size individual plant. Said plant disappeared into a stiff, tube-like container. Lizzie sighed through her nose, trying not to hit him.

"Jake, I swear to all that is...don't!"

Jake touched a few more, causing the whole section of helicoradian to disappear. Which in turn startled a Hammerhead Titanothere.

"You idiot!" She hissed, drawing her arrow back as a precaution.

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot, you'll piss him off." Grace warned, as she rushed over.

"He's already pissed off!"

The Titanothere let out a terrifying bellow, damaging trees to show the use of its hammer shaped head.

"Please Jake, put your gun down." Lizzie urged, looking at him through the corner of her eye.

"It's a territorial threat display. Whatever you do, don't run. He'll want to charge." Grace said, keeping her voice steady and calm.

"What do I do?!"

"Just hold your ground. Let him know that you're not moving." Grace muttered.

LIzzie watched as Jake charged forward, imitating the Titanothere. The beast charged as well, before coming to a halt. The beast flattened itself feather-like appendages against it's head, slightly backing away.


"Yeah? What you got?"


"That's right! Get your punk ass back to mommy."



As if emphasizing the urgency in his sister's voice, a low growl/snarl pierced the air. The siblings turned to see a Thanator perched in a tree. It let out a terrifying roar, leaping in the direction of the Titanothere and its heard.

"Do I run, don't run, what?"


Lizzie grabbed Jakes' arm, and bolted in the opposite direction.

"If we live, I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!" She yelled at her brother.

They dodged swipes from the Thanator, weaved through the branches, dropping their bags as a distraction. Lizzie tried shooting a few arrows to injure it, with no such luck.

"We can't out run it!"

"We can! There's waterfall just ahead!" Lizzie yelled.

The siblings kept running. Leaping off of the cliff, and into the water below. They tumbled, and tried gripping onto everything in their grasp. Once they were able to get away from the rocks, they swam to the surface. Grabbing the nearest branch, they pulled themselves out of the water, and onto dry land.

"If you ever, do something like that again, I'm going to stab you." Lizzie panted as she stood up.

Jake shook his head, and stood up.

"We need to find away back to the compound." He stated.

Lizzie rolled her eyes. She looked around for her bow and arrows, noting that she was missing them.

"Well, I'm missing my bow, and all arrow. So we'll have to figure something out."

"If I can find a sturdy branch, maybe I could fashion a spear, maybe a torch?"

"Maybe. Do you have a knife on you?"

Jake patted his pockets, sighing in relief when he pulled his knife out.

"Good. We can use it to turn a branch into a torch."

"Do you think that anything will try to get us?"

"Probably. If anything, we should worried about the natives. They don't take too kindly to strangers. Especially Avatars. Though they would call us Dreamwalkers."

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