Can Divit : "Erkenci Kus"/Ear...

By FanFictionByDR

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Erkenci Kuş is a rom-com-drama from Turkey. It surely packs a punch with the main leads & supporting cast, mu... More

Author's Note: POV on Can Divit
Prologue: Who is Can Divit?
Prologue: Who is Sanem Soysal?
Can & Emre Divit, Oct 1998 : "Invisible Fracture"
Can Divit, April 2001 : "Unfamilial"
Can Divit: June 2003: "Bond like Lions"
Can Divit, 2001 ... 2016: "Boy Wonderful"
Can Divit, Jul 2009-Jan 2019: "Moon Embracing the Sun"
Can Divit : "Bun, Beard, Bling & Buff"
Can Divit, November 2013, "Imprint"
Can Divit, September 2014: "Sense of Mahalle"
Can Divit, May 2016: "Wrecked and Found"
Can Divit, June 2016: "Ex-MissFit"
Can Divit & Unidentified Couple, March 2017: "Bébé"
Can Divit, January 2018: "Carpe Diem!"
Can Divit, March 2018: "Reborn: 1, 2 & 3... 100"
Can Divit, April 2018: "Sweet, Tart and Heart"
Can Divit, May 2018: "It's me!"
Can Divit, May 2018: "To be Seen.... Blindfolded"
Can Divit, June 2018: "Burn like Wildfire"
Can Divit, June 2018, "On the Hammock..."
Can Divit, July 2018 : "My All: Day 100"
Can Divit, July 2018: "Lose the Battle, Win the War"
Can Divit, Aug 2018: "All Happy Families are Alike"
Can Divit, September 2018, "Un-Break, my Heart"
Can Divit, November 2018 : "Hunter's Pit"
Sanem Soysal, Circa 2018: "The Divine Mr. Divit"
Can & Sanem, Nov 2018: "Part 1 : Friendly Purgatory"
Can Divit, Jan 2019: "Part 2 : The Ballad of East and West"
Can Divit, 2001 - Circa 2019 : "Achilles Heel"
Parody on EK 30: "Devil & Angel on each Shoulder"
Can Divit, Circa 2019: "Fly into a Rage & Crash-Land!"
Can-Sanem-Can, Circa 2019 : "Moment of Impact"
Can Divit : "A Woman in Every Port"
Bonchuk Cat, Circa 2018-2019 : "Leap of Faith"
Can Divit, Dec 2018: "Once bitten, Twice shy, Thrice The Fool"
CaNem, Circa 2018-2019 : "Six Seconds to Soulmates"
Can Divit, January 2019: "Touched by an Angel"
CaNem, Feb 2019: "Lower Class, Upper Crust"
Can Divit, March 2019: "Put a Ring on It"
Can Divit, March 2019 : "Seal my Lips"
Aziz Divit & Nihat Aydin : "Of Fathers and Son"
Can Divit, March 2019 : "Yin and Yang"
Can Divit, "Life like Dominoes: Part 1"
Can Divit, "Raging Tempest : Part 2"
Sanem Soysal : "Fire, Doused: Part 3"
Can Divit, "Kendini Bil/Know Thy Self"
Aziz Divit, "Return of the Prodigal Son"
Can Divit, "Reckless Abandon"
Sanem Soysal: "Self-AcCusAtioN"
CaNem, "Sinner, Sufferers and the Saint"
Can Divit, "Keşke"
Can Divit, "Charm Offensive"
Can Divit, "It's All Her!"
CaNem: "Bir Tanem"
Can Divit & Epilogue by Sanem Aydin : "Let's Sleep Together"
Can Divit & Prologue by Sanem Aydin: "Only Girl In the World"
Can Divit : "A Kiss Isn't Just A Kiss"
Can Divit & Sanem Aydin : "The Way We Were..."
Can Divit : "Blood, Sweat, Tears.... and Nirvana!"
Can Divit : "The Luckiest Man in the World"
Mrs & Mr Divit, March 2019: "Together: Day 366"
Can Divit : "Scar-Kissed"
Sanem and Can Divit, "Wander Lust"
Can Divit, May 2019: "Bliss Interrupted : Part 1"
Can Divit, May 2019: "Jail Bird : Part 2"
Can Divit, May 2019: "Ransomed Heart : Part 3"
Can Divit, May 2019: "The Essence of Her : Part 4"
Sanem & Can Divit, July 2019: "Tarzan and Lady Jane"
Can Divit, Sep 2019: "105_Artemis : S-1-13-5-12"
Can Divit, March 2020: "Always Chasing Rainbows"
Sanem & Can Divit, May 2020 : "Artemis' Albatross"
Can Divit, July 2021: "Paris, On t'aime!"
Can Divit, March 2022: "Compass, Sails & Anchor"
CaNem Divit, January 2023: "...Few weeks later..."
CaNem Divit, October 2023: "Loves of my Life"
Can Divit, Oct 2024: "My Sensational Mrs. Divit"
Can Divit, "The Child is the Father of the Man"
Can Divit, September 2020 : "A Stranger in the Woods"
Sanem & Can Divit, April 2028: "Born from the Heart"
Sanem Divit, March 2032 : "Once an Albatross...!"
CaNem, June 2040, "Sadece O ve O"
CaNem, "Joie de Vivre"
Can Divit, April 2050 : "Eden's Garden"
Can & Sanem: Appetite for Life
Can & Sanem = CaNem :: Music & Literature
Can Divit's Travel Map
Author's Note: My EK/CY Global Arkadaşlar Meetups

Can Divit: "Starve a Cold, Feed a Fever!"

2.2K 108 19
By FanFictionByDR

Author's Request: Please read "Scar-Kissed" the previous story.

I wrote it in Jan 2019 & had no idea that EK & travel will be so intertwined.


My whole body is shivering, shuddering and shaking almost debilitating me in the bed. The night is dark, endless and void of any light or sound and saturated by the stillness. I barely realize I'm on the yacht by the sway and surge of the ocean... and I'm tucked  into the blankets in the little cabin. My mind, spirit and soul are wandering beyond my control.... and I'm hallucinating and fantasizing that she's mine again, forever!

"Sanem" ..... "Sanem" ..... "Sanem"...... I call out to her and wait for a response.  No response, of course not, she's not here with me. I left her and we left each other.... how long ago was it? I don't know or care anymore!


I'm in utter bliss, lying on a beach, enjoying the cooling breeze and the warmth of the sun and she's  frolicking in the ocean waters nearby!


How'd I get this lucky? She's walking towards me.... sensual, sultry and sexy doesn't even do justice to her state of being! I grab my camera and start clicking and capturing her endearing form in photographs and thereby memorializing that moment, forever!

She's getting closer to me and I drop the camera on the sand.... and reach for her! Like sand that slips the grasp, I'm unable to touch her and she slowly and steadily fades and vanishes from me!


A savage voice calls to me loudly inside my head... "She's not real, she's not here, she never was and never will be yours, forever! " I don't want to believe him so I smother him quiet.

AH.... Sanem.... AH!!


I'm awakened by her overpowering essence.... and I'm still on the yacht. Alas, she can't be here with me.... it's the perfume she allowed me to take as we said our goodbyes. All I had to do was reach for and fold her into my arms.... would that have healed us? I'd never know because I didn't have the courage that I once had to breach that delicate space between us!

She didn't want me and she made that crystal clear over those two days that I spent with her. She didn't hesitate, call out to me, turn to look at me....and allowed me to leave her, again!


Sanem and I have both dressed up as bride and groom.... sort of like a dress rehearsal for the actual wedding! She looks sensational and stuns me silent.... just how she is, my spectacular Sanem!

But then, she says the thing that shocks me to the core! "I'm glad we didn't get married"! Glad, Glad, she's glad!?!!??!!


The savage is back....or is it just me? Oh never mind, there's a voice that's now asking me to focus on her, her love, her essence, her kiss and her body, mind, spirit and soul! If you're going to torture yourself, you may as well focus on her overpowering beauty, her endearing innocence and her once benevolent heart.... and so I do just that!

What a day we had for the "Find Yourself" campaign!! Apart from her misadventure of falling into the pit and being rescued by me, only by me, how that day ended was harmony itself!

"Caan Divit", she said. "You're mine and that's that..." and she claimed me completely, irrevocably and undeniably as hers!


And then there was that amazing night on the hammock and the picnic event!

I can feel the emotions churn in her head while I was feeding her those delectable grapes... and I was so happy that day, in that moment! I may never ever be able to forget the vision of her walking towards me after we had nearly kissed each other on the beach.... so close and yet so far!


For the first time, ever, I had told a girl I've fallen in love with her....!! She tells me "I love you".... thrice which is very significant to me... and adds "Even more than I love myself!!"

Nirvana, euphoria.... 7th Heaven beckons!!


My heart is beating really fast yet I feel like I'm soaring.... I walk up the stairs to see her! An angel in white is standing there, not knowing that I'm coming to see her, become hers, ask her to be mine! She spots me walking towards her and is surprised and spellbound... and I gather all my courage as I near her!

C: "I wish, You said. I can't wait to know more...... "

....she blushes....

S: "I wish...." she says as she looks away from my eyes and instinctively at my feet!

Her lips part in absolute surprise as she gains cognizance and realization that we're in the moment that defined and altered our lives, forever! I smile my "Yes, it's me sweetheart, you know me" smile and wait for her acquiescence!

Her expression is the life and death me, her intent very clear, she wants to be kissed, more specifically, wants me to kiss her!  And with our second kiss, she owns me body, mind, heart, spirit, and soul!

Stay....stay right here with me, forever... Sanem!

"Sanem" ..... "Sanem" ..... "Sanem"......  I call out again, and this time, she comes to me!

"" ..... "You're okay, I'm here.... I'll always be here with you!!"


I'm slowly waking up in my bed, severely sweating off a fever and the silence is sort of deafening! The sun is blasting outside and the rays are trickling in through cracks of the cabin's drawn windows. I'm spent and surfeited in the spot.... unwilling to shift or stir!

Suddenly I hear an unusual sound that brings me to a fully awake and alert state! I comprehend that it's a foghorn, a ship's siren, and that it is 3 short blasts. That horn signal is not assigned any definition and is oftentimes used as a salute to fellow sailors or boats! Whoa... I've been around the world, I've heard danger signals, directional alerts...... but I've never ever heard a salute! Despite my near stupor, curiosity becomes me. I drag my ass out of bed, get my robe, smell her slaying perfume all over me, try to catch my breath without success, and saunter out of the cabin to the deck!

An angel clad in white is seated on the stern of the yacht, furiously waving to the sailors on the cargo ship, smiling broadly and generally getting all the attention in and of the world!

As I stand there transfixed for a few moments, minutes, I don't know, the cargo ship sails away and she returns to her zen!  I start to gain cognizance of what is happening.... she's here, with me, on my yacht.... and I'm afraid that she's an illusion or a hallucination!  Oh what a beautiful dream.... I tell myself and want to continue and prolong that state of euphoria! 

I walk to her, stealthily like I always do, and hug her from behind and try to imagine her overpowering essence and spirit!  She yelps loudly like she always does.... leans into me and wraps herself onto me.


The relief that washes over me is like being revived, resuscitated and reborn for her!  I'm unable to let her go.... and still dubious,  in disbelief and abject doubt!

"Caan".... she says

.... silence....


..... silence.....


.... silence.....

"Caan....Love, Are you okay?"

Without letting go, I flip her in my arms and we're nose to nose..... and I look into her concerned, loving and innocent eyes!

"Sanem"... I whisper her name and I repeat it like a mantra to make sure that she's really there, here, with me!

"Caan.... Caan".... "What's wrong?" .... "I see your fever has broken...."

Her words come in a flurry and I soak in every single one of it! She feels my forehead, my neck and holds my face in her hands..... waiiiii!

"Are you thirsty or hungry?" .... "I was so worried last night after you fell into the icy-cold ocean water.... you were so incoherent, shivering and caught an immediate fever!"

.... silent disbelief....

"You kept calling my name over and over and over again..... and I held you in my arms until you fell asleep!"  

So, she IS here.....Oh yes, it's all coming back to me now. We are married, gloriously to one another,  and decided to set sail to the Galápagos for our honeymoon!

I'm fully lucid now.... and the nervous, anxious fever has been fully replaced by a bothersome need and ache for her, to be connected to her body, mind and soul!  I deliberately kiss her forehead, she smells like her and the ocean.... a potent combination that is a wake-up call to my libido.  She leans into my kiss and looks content yet wanton with her eyes closed and expectant. I kiss her eyes and make my way down to her lips. I desperately kiss her hard on the lips and she catches up to me in a second. She opens her eyes and urgently yanks my face to her.... and she's owning my lips, and her tongue starts a decadent and luxurious dance with mine!

We're both glad at how skimpily we're dressed as we can't wait to make love to each other.... and there's no time to lose taking them off! She pushes me to the captain's chair, straddles and climbs onto me.... and continues to kiss me, on the lips, my face, my necks, my bare chest and what is now her Albatross tattoo! That's it.... I can't contain myself anymore and we make urgent and feverish love to each other, reaffirming our undying and enduring souls, forever and ever!


We are wrapped in each other, in utter bliss, lying on the stern, enjoying the cooling breeze, the warmth of the sun, the infinite ocean and serene nature surrounding us.... and incandescently happy and this is all we ever wanted in life, to be together and in each others' embrace!

"You, me and nature is all I ever need!!", I had vowed to her when I first proposed.

And so here we are, in our own paradise and every heave, roll, pitch and yaw makes each moment surreal and we're in paradise as seventh heaven beckons!


Author's Note: The story/theme is angelic white dresses.... but also inspired by the intense hedonistic sex from "Outlander" S3,E11 "Uncharted".

I care not (I do but not now) how they get back together..... because it's a foregone conclusion that CaNem are soulmates forever!

"We want to be fixed by the same people who broke us" -- RH Sin

Dear Arkadaşlar, I hope you enjoyed this part as much as I loved writing it !!!  I'd love to hear your thoughts, whether you liked or disliked this story!

As always, I'm grateful for your time and support!

Xoxo, DR 💗

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