Idol's Amnesia (Diabolik Love...

By Foxfire-chan

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(y/n) (l/n) a somewhat normal girl who enjoys her high school days at Wallaceberg High School as a fun peppy... More

Forward (A Note To All My Readers)
Japanese Words You Need To Know To Survive This Story
Reader Insert Vocabulary
Thank you From The Boys
Character Information (Part 1)
Character Information (Part 2)
『Chapter 1: Strange Dreams And Return Of A Friend』
『Chapter 2: Another Ordinary Day And High Achievers』
『Chapter 3: Triple C Concentrated Holy Water And A Duet To Never Forget』
『Chapter 4: Concert And An Unexpected Guest』
『Chapter 5: Dinner With Kou』
Important Notice (Book Contest)
『Chapter 6: Apologies』
Importaint Notice (Another Book Contest For Writers Who Want To Be Noticed)
『Chapter 7: Within Dreams』
『Chapter 8: Change Of Plans』
『Chapter 9: Reunion With STARISH And QUARTET NIGHT』
『Chapter 10: Last Minute Preparations』
『Chapter 11: Winter Festival』
A/N (Please Read)
『1K Special Chapter: Cruel Kingdom Of Dreams 』
『Chapter 12: Birthday Surprises 』
The (l/n) Family Mansion Layout
『Chapter 14: Ryoutei Academy』
『2K Special Chapter: Sweet Revenge』

『Chapter 13: New Beginnings 』

58 2 3
By Foxfire-chan

(Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait. I wasn't quite sure how to write this exactly at times. I had a good idea in my mind but I wasn't quite sure. Anyway enough of that. The next update will be quick but not the type you may be wanting. For those of you curious about what (y/n)'s house looks like I drew a very rough and cringey floor plan. Please enjoy the chapter!)

(y/n)'s POV

The rest of the evening goes by in a blur with me in a hazy trance of gloom. I've been in Canada now for eight years. I even left Japan the day before my ninth birthday. How bad of luck can you get?

Around eight o'clock Cameron, Caroline, Tristan and Lucas leave my house shooting me looks of sympathy. Cam tries to give me some words of encouragement but I'm not in my right mind to register them. Before he leaves he informs me that the four of them will see me off before I leave on the plane to Kyoto. Wanting nothing more than to mull over my thoughts I ask to go to bed instead of opening presents. It doesn't take long before I fall into a restless sleep.

The next morning I'm awoken by my father gently shaking me.

"Come on (y/n). It's time to pack." He says. At this point I've come to terms with my situation. And will it be so bad? Maybe I'll see Kou there. I know for a fact I've missed my aunt and I want to know how much my cousin Satoru who was barely even born before I left.

"Okay Dad. Will we be going back to our old house in Kyoto?" I ask.

"Yes. As a matter of fact we will. When we left Japan I never sold the house. In the meantime your aunt has watched over it along with their own house." He replies.

"Okay. When do we have to be ready to leave here?" I question.

"Right now it's five o'clock. The plane leaves at six thirty so you have about half an hour to pack and eat before we leave for the airport. We'll be traveling first class." The golden eyed man answers.

"Thanks Dad." I say getting up and starting to collect my clothes.

"(y/n). We don't need to bring too many clothes and supplies. Most of it will be shipped to Japan on my private plane but we'll leave some of it here in case we need to visit Canada." He explains.


"And (y/n)."

"Yes Dad." I reply, my (e/c) eyes meeting his beautiful golden ones.

"I know you're not really happy about moving and I'm sorry it has to be on your birthday again. But we think it's best for us to return to manage the company from the original building." He says in his deep voice as he gently ruffles my hair.

"I'm okay Dad. I'd like to see Satoru and Emi again. It's been too long since we saw each other." I answer.

"Well. When you're done packing come down for breakfast. Your mom and I are cooking waffles." He says as he leaves the room. Pulling out my clothes I heave a big sigh. How am I supposed to choose out of this whole closet? Deciding to take only an eighth of the clothes in the large walk in closet I move on to the next things I need which happens to be shoes. Taking out three pairs of shoes for different occasions I neatly pack them in the one bag. I'll take my curling wand and straightening iron as well as my toothbrush, toothpaste and hair brush.

Moving on to the other bag I take a recent picture of my family and some recent ones of my friends off my shelf and carefully put them into my carry on luggage. Sighing in annoyance that I won't be able to take along some of my sword and knife collection that I've used on rare occasion for my different types of self defence training I make a mental note to ask dad to have them shipped later. Grabbing my song book, some books to read and a spiral bound art book, Copic Markers, pencil crayons, artist pens and some pencils. I pack them into the smaller bag.

Now done with packing I bring both bags down to the front door one at a time before going into the dining room where Kaito and a sleepy Takashi sit.

"Good morning." I greet the two as I sit down and move a few pancakes onto my plate. The sound of sizzling from the kitchen alerting me that my parents are still cooking.

"Morning (y/n). How did you sleep?" Kaito asks.

"Well enough." I reply.

"You sure you're okay with the move (n/n)?" Takashi questions worriedly. "You looked quite distraught yesterday when Mom and Dad broke the news."

"I'm fine Taka. No need to worry about me." I say before eating a piece of pancake drizzled with syrup and cut into a square.

"I'm your brother (n/n). It's my job to look out for my sister." He replies. Quickly finishing the rest of my food I stand up plate in hand.

"I'm going to go brush my teeth and hair and I'll be back down okay." I inform the two males as I leave the dining room entering the kitchen.

"Good morning (y/n). Are you ready to go sweetie?" My mother asks.

"Almost. Have you two eaten yet?" I reply.

"Yes. Don't worry honey. You just go do what needs to be done." The orange eyed female says as she flips the last pancake before turning off the pan.

Unpacking my hair brush, toothbrush and toothpaste, I do my daily routine before repacking them neatly where they belong. A few minutes later we are all ready to go and with a nod we all file out the door.

Walking towards Dad's silver BMW Kaito and Takashi load our luggage while the rest of us get into the car. With his hands on the wheel our black haired father drives the car down the driveway and to the airport. The City of Greenbrooks has a pretty good sized airport. Not quite as big as Toronto or Ottawa but large enough.

Parking our car in the airport parking lot we exit the car and grab our respective luggage. Pulling out my phone I note that it is currently six o'clock. We have half an hour to get through security, find our plane and board. Thank goodness we live so close.

Walking through the big doors of the fairly large airport we see many tired people with luggage. Kids leaning on parents shoulders only half awake and others being carried or sleeping in strollers.

"Why so many kids?" Takashi asks no one in particular.

"Families traveling to warmer places like Florida or somewhere in the Bahamas." Kaito answers. From there we walk quickly in silence until we see a sign for Japanese flights.

Underneath the main sign are the different places in Japan that Greenbrooks airport is able to take you to. Among those names are Tokyo, Okinawa, Shibuya, Hiroshima, Hokkaidō, Honshū, Kyūshū, Shikoku and Kyoto. The arrow to Kyoto points us in the same way as those going to Tokyo, Honshū, Hokkaidō and Shibuya so we all turn right and continue through the airport.

"Where are Lucas, Tristan, Cameron and Caroline? I thought they were supposed to see us off." I say.

"Change of plans. Something important came up." Takashi replies.

"Why wasn't I informed of this?" I ask slightly annoyed at my family for keeping another secret from me though I don't show it.

"Luke called me actually." Kaito says. "He had to go help set up the caffe and the others were occupied with activities they couldn't get out of." He finishes.

"Okay then."

"Flight to Kyoto Japan leaving in twenty minutes, I repeat. Flight to Kyoto Japan leaving in twenty minutes." A woman informs us through the speakers making us pick up the pace. Reaching the luggage check we place our bags in the black bins and our phones, computers and jewelry in a separate bin. One at a time they go through the X-ray machine before one of the people doing airport security tells us to walk through the metal detector. I get checked for any dangerous items on my person with a special wand and then we are free to leave.

With our luggage collected we continue towards the waiting area with fifteen minutes to spare.

"How have Emi, Satoru and Aunt Evelyn been?" I ask dad who frequently makes trips to Japan to visit them but for some reason has never let us come with him.

"Very well (y/n). Emi is in her second year of highschool at Ryoutei Academy. A very prestigious night school in Kyoto. She is also a very famous pianist recognized throughout Asia. All thanks to you encouraging her during the time you stayed in Japan at Satome's idol school though for the longest time she stayed anonymous wanting nothing more than to play for the sheer joy of doing so. Now Satoru on the order hand has grown quite a bit since you last saw him. He also goes to a regular elementary school in Kyoto. I think I even have a picture of him from the last time I went to Japan." The golden eyed man tells me as he pulls out his phone to show me.

Looking at the reasonably sized screen of a fairly new phone a young boy with black hair and dark grey eyes that I remember were once a bright beautiful shade of blue the last time I laid eyes upon him stares back at me. He looks like the quieter type or at least from the picture.

(Picture below is the one that Hideki aka your Dad shows you and if you forgot what Satoru looks like.)

"So we will join Em at Ryoutei Academy then?" Takashi asks but it sounds more like a statement than a question.

"Yes. And Kaito will be teaching English like usual. Conveniently the old English teacher retired a few days ago and the principal called us personally to ask if our son would like to teach there." My mother answers in her sweet comforting voice that reminds me of when we were younger. Her bright orange eyes, a mirror of Takashi look back at me.

"Why doesn't Emi go to a school during the day but Satoru does?" I question curiously.

"Emi seems to prefer night school. It's quieter and you know how much she likes that. Ryoutei also has the programs she needs to follow her dreams so why not?" My father replies.

"Attention! People traveling to Kyoto Japan, your plane is boarding right now. Please line up." An attendant informs everyone breaking us out of our conversation as we pick up our bags and line up. There are two pairs of people in front of our family and as they show their tickets to the attendant who in turn rips off a small bit. Then they go down the ramp and out of sight.

"Next please." The female attendant says as we move towards her. "Tickets please." She continues to ask politely as it is her job. In return we pull out our tickets and she takes the bits the airport needs.

"Have a good day now ma'am." My father says kindly. The poor woman turns crimson and starts to stutter as she looks down at the pieces of paper in her hands

"O-oh. You too Mr..... (l/n)." She replies reading the name off of the tickets. Takashi snickers quietly as I wave goodbye to the lady while going down the ramp to the plane.

"Hideki dear, you really need to stop teasing the ladies. You're already married." My mother says with a forced frown that will soon probably break into a small smile.

"What do you mean? I was just wishing her to have a good day." My father replies seriously causing Takashi to burst out laughing along with me. Even Kaito quietly laughs a bit before regaining his composure.

"Am I missing something?" He continues still confused.

"Nevermind. You're just too cute for your own good." The fawn haired woman says cracking a fond smile. Deciding to let it be, we fall into a peaceful silence as we enter the plane. Looking at my ticket I see that we are in row D, first class seating. Five seats in each row or booths really, not even seats which look way more comfortable than the cramped people in the normal section of the plane behind us.

Getting comfortable in my seat I pull out my phone, drawing pad, Copic Markers, pencils and my prized song notebook in case I get any inspiration to write any songs. Pulling out my neatly rolled earbuds I plug them into my phone and scroll through my playlist to find the perfect song.

Landing on the song 'What is Love' by the K-pop band TWICE I choose it and the familiar song starts to play. Opening my marker sketchbook I start to draw some random people in my boredom because it's not like I have anything better to do. After a bit of waiting the plane starts rolling and since I chose a window seat I avert my gaze from my sketch book to the small glimpse of the outside world.

We taxi down the parking lot passing by tons of planes both moving and stationary. Eventually we are lined up on a large stretch of pavement with tons of lights on each side perfectly spaced and not turned on. A moment later the plane starts to move and pick up speed. The next thing I know we are in the air and climbing up fast. Giving my attention to my art again I continue to draw my mother.

I spend at least three hours drawing and colouring different people, objects and scenery. Occasionally I pause to watch the clouds go by far above the beautiful blue filling in the space the clouds don't cover with little waves in it indicating that we are over the sea. It makes me think how lovely it would be to have wings. To be able to soar through the sky, free from all worries.

Setting down my sketch pad I decide that I will sleep for a bit. I pull out my earbuds and ask my father who is in the middle of the airplane in our row how soon we will have to start night school. He replies that we will be starting on Monday. He also tells us that he and mom will have to return to Canada for a bit to sort out some things with the hospital and my father's business affairs as well as the house and having some more of our things shipped to Kyoto by plane.

Nodding in reply I put my earbuds back in my ears and lie down in the comfortable booth before closing my eyes. I don't know when, but at some point I fall asleep.

The next thing I know I'm watching a little girl with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes running around in the forest. Eyes full of joy. Soon enough the trees around her become apple trees with beautiful red fruit growing on each one. Stopping at the largest apple tree, a colossal mass of old wood she sits down and waits patiently. A few minutes later I hear the rustling of trees and the young girl turns her gaze towards the noise. Out of the bushes comes a smiling boy with flyaway brown hair in a ponytail with brown eyes the same light shade of brown, darker than usual because of the receding sun. The brown haired boy goes up to the shorter girl and ruffles her hair a lot messing up the neat (h/s) locks.

( (h/s) mean hair style.)

"How are you so much taller than me? You're younger." The (h/c) haired female complains with a small pout on her face.

"It's not my fault you're short (y/n). You're just the right height for me to do this." The younger male says as he rests his arm on the younger (y/n)'s (h/c) head. A goofy grin on his face all the while.

"Stop it Edgar." The (e/c) eyed female says with a laugh as she pushes his arm off of her head.

"Fine fine. What do you want to do then?" He asks.

"How about we go play in the flower field. It looks even prettier when the moon is shining." The adolescent girl replies.

"But we did that yesterday." Edgar complains as he sits down on the ground. Both the young white haired girl and I knew that the brunette wasn't trying to be offensive. Just stating facts in his own way.

"I know. But we can play tag again. Tag is always fun right?" The (h/c) haired girl says quietly with a cute smile that sent a faint dusting of red to the brown eyed male's cheeks.

"Sure. But you know you'll be 'it' forever. You run slower than me." The taller boy says with a cocky grin.

"That's not true. I'm just as fast as you." My younger self replies with a smirk.

"Fine. I'm still a little bit faster than you." Edgar says. "Care to help me up?" He asks extending his hand towards the shorter female with the bright (e/c)eyes expectantly. Putting her smaller hand in his which were only a bit bigger than hers, she gives a short strong tug pulling the boy to his feet.

"Race you!" She says with a small laugh as she takes off into the trees with the brunette hot on her heels. Deciding to run too, I follow them to the meadow. Just like in my memories of my childhood the beautiful flowers are already starting to close up as the sun becomes a small semicircle on the horizon. The two of them play tag and laughing all the while. If only things were still that way. I find myself thinking.

"If only you knew that it wouldn't last. Protect him (y/n). Don't let him run into those flames." I whisper. Of course it's useless. The past is the past and my friend will never come back. If only I had stopped him. Forced him to at least take me with him, maybe Edgar would have lived.

Paying more attention to my old friend and my younger self I realize that they are lying in the tall grass of the meadow with flowers gently blowing in the wind around them. Both girl and boy are gazing at the moon and the stars twinkling in the night sky and taking in their beauty. Leaving the edge of the forest, I walk up to them before laying down on the grass beside them.

"Hey (n/n)?" The brown eyed boy blurts out after a short stretch of peaceful silence. "I want to tell you about this other friend of mine. He had blond hair and he's really nice unlike most aristocrats. Just like you. You said your parents ar pretty successful and rich. But despite that you still want to be my friend." He says.

"Ed, I told you before. When I met you while wandering in the woods by your apple orchard I just wanted to have a friend. My parents are always busy and my brothers can get pretty busy too. I spend time reading many boring books to take over the roles of my parents when all I want to do is run outside and make new friends. I don't care if you are from the village. You're still my best friend." My younger self answers as butterflies dance around the quiet meadow. Some of them even landing on the (e/c) girl's shoulders.

"It would be cool if other richer people were able to get over their differences and be kind to everyday people in villages and towns. Don't you think?" Edgar asks.

I can see what he envisions. This wasn't the first time he had talked about it. The idea of everyone helping out each other and not ostracizing each other for being born with less money than each other would be a dream come true.

"That would be the best." The (h/c) haired female replies.

"If we want to make a change then we have to be the ones to make it happen. Before I leave today let's make a promise. As long as we are both living, we will try our best to create a world free of hierarchy. Where everyone is treated equally or because of how they are as people and nothing more." The brown haired male says.

"Deal!" The quiet but determined voice of a younger me answers with a confident smile. This causes me to smile too.

"I hope you realize that something as wonderful as that is only a mere fantasy. People always care about money and I doubt that will ever change." I speak to the world as if somehow they will be able to hear me. Instead the image of the beautiful field and my old friend fade away as I begin to stir from my slumber.

Opening my sleep filled eyes tears of remorse slide down my face. I gently wipe away each one and sit up. Glancing at my silver bracelet with a silver apple charm, my last physical reminder of my best friend. How could I have forgotten about him? And most of all the promise we made under that old apple tree. I feel as if I am disrespecting his memory by forgetting about him and fulfilling our promise to each other no matter how impossible of a request it is.

Picking up my song note book I finally have some inspiration for my new song. Scribbling the ideas and a few verses down before I decide that I will smooth it out later. Closing the notebook soon after I decide to watch movies on the small screen in my booth for the rest of the flight which I end up doing.

Finally the plane begins to descend and we are allowed to keep the screens over the windows open. Looking down at the spots of city and more rural places of Kyoto Japan drift by the small hole covered with glass as the afternoon sun shines down on the land. For a bit we circle around until we lose enough altitude before coming in to land on the long strip of asphalt making up the runway. From there we taxi down the parking lots for the airplanes before we come to a stop near the big airport building. Then after a bit of waiting we are allowed to grab our carry on luggage and exit the plane.

Following my two brothers with my parents bringing up the rear we walk up the ramp to enter the rest of the airport. Those with us on the flight follow us to the many lines where our passports have to be checked. Like any other procedure we have to go one by one and hand the person our passports to prove who we are. After that we move on to where our carry on luggage has to be checked. Once again we put our luggage in the bins and our technology and jewelry into a separate bin before going through the metal detector one at a time.

From there we go to retrieve the rest of our luggage from the carousel which doesn't take too long. With all our luggage we make our way through the airport to hail a taxi.

"Taxi please!" My father says in Japanese to the many checkered yellow and black vehicles lined up to take people places. The driver, a pretty looking raven haired woman with brown eyes nods and tells us to get in.

"Where do you want to go?" She asks us once we are all seated and our luggage is safely resting in the trunk.

"Sakura no mori road please." The golden eyed man replies.

"Dear me. Those are expensive estates out there." The lady replies. "I can take you there no problem. I'm glad to know that you speak our language." She continues as she starts to drive. It takes about two hours to reach our destination and by then it's 2:00 in the afternoon. Exiting the taxi with our luggage we pay the taxi driver giving her a very generous tip. With a cheerful wave she departs driving back towards the direction of the urban part of Kyoto.

Thank goodness when she dropped us off she made sure to do so at the front door because it would have been a very long walk to our mansion. Knocking on the very large elaborate wooden door made of cherry and laden with beautiful carved foxes and crows.

The animals carved on the door causes me to realize something very important. It reminds me of the poor animals that I left at our house. Feeling anxious about them I ask my mother where they went.

"Hey Mom. You know the injured animals I found yesterday?" I say.

"Yes. What about them?" She questions giving me her full attention as the door is opened up by one of our butlers.

"I forgot about them. Since they still need care before they can be released into the wild I was wondering who will take care of them." I answer.

"Don't worry (y/n). I had them sent over in one of our private planes. I forgot to tell you. However a bit of your weapon collection is in there as well as some other important things. Though the plane will have to make one final trip to move the rest of our stuff apart from the things staying in our house in Canada." He informs me.

"Where would those items be right now?" I ask as my mother and brothers enter the house.

"They should be arriving any moment in a big moving van." The black haired man replies. As soon as he says that you can hear the sound of a vehicle turning into our long driveway. It appears to be a moving van too, painted all black and shining in the afternoon sun.

Halting at the front of the house a green haired guy in his mid twenties with purple eyed steps out with a clipboard while the guy in the passenger seat with red hair and green eyes steps out of the van and opens up the back.

"(l/n) San right?" He asks.

"Yes. That would be me." My father replies in a professional manner.

"We just need you to sign this paper. Then you will get a bill a few days later where you can pay." The purple eyed male says. Taking the clipboard and pen from the young man, my father quickly signs before handing it back. The man stares at the signature for some reason before speaking again.

"Your signature looks familiar. Do I know you?" He asks.

"I'm sorry sir. But you probably mistake me for someone else." My father says kindly.

"Ahhh.... wait. You can't be him! Can you?" He replies in a panic.

"Who do you mean sir?" The golden eyed male replies.

"Hideki (l/n). The CEO of Tomoyoshi Studios, the famous gaming company." The purple eyed man says enthusiastically.

"Yup. That's me." My father answers with a chuckle.

"I never thought I'd get to meet you in real life. I'm a big fan of your games." He reveals.

"That's good to hear. I hope you will continue to support us." Dad adds in return.

"No problem (l/n) San. Now let us unload all of your things." The eager male says as he goes around to the back. "Katsumi! Start unloading now."

"The red head, Katsumi nods and starts wheeling a some boxes with a dolley.

"You can go in now (y/n). I believe your aunt and cousins will be eager to see you. I'll take care of this." My father informs me with a smile.

"Thanks Dad." I reply as I enter the house I hadn't lived in since I was eight. Walking up the stairs of the big mansion I enter my room. It hasn't changed a bit since the last time I was here. Even though I was younger unlike most people my age I never decorated the room with any childish things. To be honest the room itself was quite plain. The walls are painted (f/c) and white which look pretty and my large king size four poster bed is neat and tidy ready to be slept on. Putting down my luggage I start to unpack which only takes ten minutes.

Having finished unpacking for now I decide to leave my room in search of Aunt Evelyn, Satoru and Emi. I just hope Emi isn't sleeping right now. Feeling in for a bit of fun I slide down the railing of our elaborate wooden stairs being careful to jump off last second so as not to hit one of the crow carvings sitting at the end of each railing. Wondering where my mother and brothers could have gone; I search around. It doesn't take too much effort because I can hear a higher male voice coming from the direction of the living room.

Walking through the door connected to the large main entrance I end up in the living room with a smaller ten year old with black hair running around the place with a model airplane. My mother is busy talking to Aunt Evelyn and Emi to catch up with anything new. Takashi is playing with Satoru holding another model plane while Kaito is talking with Mom and Aunt Evelyn. Turning her head my cousin catches sight of me. Joy filling her (e/c) eyes she races towards me tackling me in a gentle warm hug.

"I'm glad you're back (y/n)." She says with a smile. By this time my aunt, older brother and mother have turned around to look at me. With a smile on her face Aunt Evelyn walks over towards me to envelope me in a hug just as Emi let's go.

"You've grown so big! I can't believe it's been ten years since I've seen my beautiful niece." Auntie Lyn declares.

My aunt Evelyn is a very kind woman. She is three years older than mom making her 42. She has very long dark brown hair and (e/c) eyes that are filled with love. She's two feet shorter than Emi and I and ever since Uncle Tomoyoshi died she has never been quite the same. But that never stops her from being her loving caring self. She's just like another mother to me.

"It's good to see you again Auntie Lyn and Emina Chan." I say with a warm smile.

"You too. I can't wait for you to go to night school with me. The people there are pretty cool though I'm still the quiet cousin you remember." My doppelganger tells me.

"Same. But I'm sure I'll have some jet lag as will Takashi and Kaito." I answer. At that moment I'm hit by a shorter mass of light beige skin and black locks.

"(yyyyyyyy/nnnnnnn)!" He yells with joy embracing me in a tight hug.

"Now Satoru. Don't hurt your cousin." Aunt Evelyn scolds him.

"I'm sorry (y/n)! I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just excited and...." The young boy starts to say panickedly.

"Oh it's alright. I am delighted to see you too Toru Kun." I reply with a sweet smile as I lift up the younger male.

"Mom has told me about all the cool things you do. You sing songs that Oneesan loves to listen to. Sometimes she even lets me hear them. Other times I see you on the magazines or TV. I wish I could be as cool as you!" He says.

"I do have a pretty interesting job don't I." I answer with a chuckle. "How about I play with you for a bit."

"Yes please. I bet you are more fun than Taka Kun." The grey eyed male informs me.

"Hey. I'm fun to play with too." Takashi replies mock hurt by the younger male's words.

"As much as you want to play with (y/n) I think we should let them sleep in a bit okay. You will have tonight and tomorrow to spend time with your cousins, aunt and uncle." Aunt Evelyn says causing Satoru to pout.

"Okay. But you better promise to hang out with me tomorrow (n/n) Chan!" He asks me, smile returning pretty quickly.

"No problem. I'd love to hang out with you." I say.

After excusing myself from the living room I climb up the stairs and go down the hall until I reach my room. Laying down in my bed I pass out from exhaustion almost instantly. This time my sleep isn't filled with dreams.

Song name On My Way By Patrick Harbor

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Until next time~


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