Emotionally Stiff

By Pointeprincess_05

155 10 3

Richelle and Noah have been best friends since J Troupe. Richelle's old feelings for Noah begin to creep back... More

Emotionally Stiff

155 10 3
By Pointeprincess_05

Noah yawned loudly,as he walked into Studio A.

It was the start of a new Season. A new Troupe. But he,himself,had changed too. No more lateness. No more not focusing on dance. Last Season, he was late to quite a few rehearsals because of his back injury. And that was why he was here, bright and early, now.

His main focus was dance this year. His back was way better and breaking up with Amanda gave him a lot of time to think about the future. This Season he would be all about dance. He turned off his phone before placing his bag in the cubby. He made his way to the bar and began his routine. He let go of everything and took flight. He was flying. Ending the dance with a flourish, he smiled to himself. He was ready.
"Woah," a familiar voice clapped from behind him. He jumped and the girl laughed.
"Didn't expect to see you here so early." she said.
"A new start ," he told her . "What about you?"
"I needed some extra practice," she told him. He wasn't surprised. Richelle was a perfectionist. She pressed a button on her phone and took her place at the bar. He had wanted the Studio to himself, but he didn't mind sharing. Besides Richelle was an old friend. They had been together on J Troupe and then B Troupe. Last year was their first year on A Troupe together. Which reminded him.

"Where are you going?" Richelle asked, as he lightly jogged to his bag.
"Happy 2 year Anniversary," he grinned, handing her a small box. She impatiently pulled the lid of the box and gasped.
"Oh Noah..." she whispered. Tears sprang to her eyes. It was a picture of the two of them, their very first year on J Troupe.

"Thankyou !" she threw her arms around him, almost knocking him to the ground. They both laughed.
"I better get back to practicing," she mumbled, wiping at her eyes with her sleeve. He knew she was crying, he just knew she would never admit it. She turned her music on and resumed her position at the bar. He watched her for a few minutes. Her technique was perfect. The only thing bringing her down was her lack of emotion. But he would never tell her that of course. Richelle didn't really take criticism very well. Her phone began to ring. He grinned when he heard it.
"Play The Game?" he smirked. She blushed.
"Yeah, it was-"
"Our very first duet song," he remembered.
Richelle was about to reply when Miss Kate walked in.
"What are you two doing here? You should be in Studio 1!"
Richelle smacked her head in frustration. "That must have been Emily!" she worried, referring to the missed phone call. They both grabbed their bags and rushed out. Miss Kate watched them go,laughing.

They found the rest of the old A Troupe outside. "There you are!" Piper yelled. "We're about to go in!" Richelle grinned. "We're not late!" she told Noah. He smiled, this Season would be her second year on A Troupe and he knew how bad she wanted it.
He was about to reply when someone shushed him. "We're about to go in!" Richelle bounced on her toes. Noah could tell she was excited. Piper,who was at the front of the group with Amy, led them in. There were collective ooh's and ahh's as they looked around. The walls were a ice cold blue and purple. It was amazing, but Noah couldn't help feeling out of place. Studio A was warm and cosy. It was their home. But he guessed he could like the new Studio. Richelle certainly did. "It's perfect!" She gushed. He smiled at her enthusiasm. He looked around, recognising some people. There was Skylar, Amy, Piper, Henry, Richelle, Latroy, Michelle and himself from last year. He also recognised a few B Troupers. He was most surprised to see some dancers from different Studios'. Because of their loss at Regionals, he hadn't been sure many people would have auditioned. But he was pleased at the outcome. "I wonder who the new Studio Head is," Richelle mused. Riley had left and gone to Business School and Miss Kate has gone back to the UK. The room of people fell silent and they both turned to see why. Emily and Daniel were stood in the center of the room. "Welcome dancers," Emily began. "For those of you who don't know me, my name is Miss Emily .... and your new Studio Head!" Richelle squealed, happily. Her and Emily had always been good friends. "This is Daniel, our Head Choreographer whom some of you may remember." People clapped and cheered remembering how Daniel had helped them kick Lucien off the judging panel at Internationals. "Let the auditions begin! First up we have: Noah, Jaquie, Henry, Josh and Danielle!" Noah turned around, shocked. "Jaquie?" he asked.
"Hey Noah!" the brunette grinned back. Him and Jaquie met in the Summer. They were both taking the same ballet class. Noah knew he had said no girls this Season, but Jaquie was just so-.
They started chatting and laughing.
"Who's that Noah's talking to?" Skylar asked Richelle.
"I'm not sure," Richelle replied. She felt ...angry for some reason.
"That's Jaquie ," Henry told them.
Richelle gasped. "THE Jaquie?!"
He nodded. Jaquie was Henry's ex girlfriend. She had broken up with him because she claimed he wasn't a good enough dancer. And now here she was,flirting with Henry's best friend. Richelle felt sudden dislike towards the girl.
Noah began his audition and Richelle smiled, watching him kill it. It was Jaquie's turn next and she was pretty good. She leapt into Noah's arms and they went straight into a lion king lift. Richelle watched, feeling angrier and angrier. Finally, the first group were finished. The rest of the auditions were the following day. She made her way to Noah and congratulated him. Jaquie threw her arms around his neck and Richelle decided it was time to leave. She went home feeling very confused.

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