Her Mistake

By FacelessSage

4K 105 75

Slowly, she turned to look at the doorway and her breath hitched. Standing there with wide eyes and an open... More

Chp 2 Way Down We Go
Chp 3 Broken Strings
Chapter 4 Sunny Road

Chp 1 Or Are We Ashes And Wine?

977 27 29
By FacelessSage

Serena Yvonne

Have you ever thought of seeing a monster and find yourself looking back at you? That was the only thought running through her mind as she stared at her red eyes in the mirror.

It had been a few weeks since she made the horrible mistake of kissing Calem. She had tried her best to contact Ash.

She had tired herself trying to call him. She had tried texts messages as well as emails. But every single attempt was ignored by the boy.

She remembered the disappointed face of her mother when she learned about her mistake. Dear, try to sort this out as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the harder will it be. Her mother advised but she could see the disappointment in her eyes. And it made her stomach churn with pain.

I am a very horrible person. She thought while trying to sort her messy bed hair. She winced in pain as one of the stubborn knots got stuck in her hairbrush.

Why won't you answer my calls, Ash? It was a question she kept asking herself every time one of her many attempts failed.

It was a small misunderstanding. She kept repeating the same thing over and over in her head. Once I explain, I am sure Ash will understand and everything will go back to the way it was. She sighed, finally able to sort her hair.

It was not as if Ash was the only complication in her life. Miette had politely asked her to not talk with her as well.

She was not going to lie to herself and say that she was fine and that she understood. Because it hurt. It hurt a lot, loosing both her boyfriend and her best friend because she couldn't control herself.

Unlike Ash, Miette gave her a chance to explain herself and that made her feel even more horrible. Miette listened to everything she said. And she told her everything from her small crush on Calem to the dizziness she felt before she kissed him.

After a few moments of silence that felt like an eternity to her, Miette smiled sadly and her words broke her heart. You know, I was aware that you knew I had a crush on Ash from the moment I saw him. Did I ever try to get between the two of you because of that?

From the moment he asked you out, I did everything I possibly could to support you guys even if it broke my heart to see you happy. I did everything from helping Ash plan your dates to telling him about your likes and dislikes.

I helped him arrange surprise parties for you to help him pick your favourite treats. I did my best even when I didn't want to just because it made you and Ash happy.

And what do I get in return? What does Ash get in return for everything he did to make you happy? Absolutely nothing.

All we got was you making out with some other boy who just happened to be my boyfriend. She had tried to protest but Miette just held up her hand and the words died in her mouth.

Don't get me wrong Serena. I know that you are going to make excuses for your mistakes like you always do. You are going to say that it was just a dare. And I agree. Miette's eyes flashed in rage.

It was just a dare. It was a dare to kiss the boy you had a crush on. You could have kissed his cheek, you could have even kissed his bloody hand. But no, you just had to kiss his lips, didn't you?

And even that wasn't enough for Queenie Serena Yvonne. She recoiled when she remembered the venom in Miette's voice. You started making out with my boyfriend in front of everyone.

There is a bloody difference between a kiss and making out Serena. Is this what you are going to tell Ash? That it was a dare? What would have done if you had to see Ash making out me and then tell you that it was just a dare?

She was struck speechless when she realized how it looked to others. You, Serena Yvonne, are the most horrible and selfish person I have met. Please, leave me alone.

Those words felt like a punch in her gut. It was like freezing cold water was dropped on her. She had walked away from where Miette was sitting in the local park in a daze.

She was acutely aware of the tears falling down their cheeks. Was she really that selfish? That question kept her awake just as the thoughts about Ash and their broken relationship did.

"Serena, dear, come down, breakfast is ready." Her mother shouted from downstairs and she answered with a stuttered affirmative. She did her best to hold back her tears.

Blinking furiously, she splashed her face with cold water that did nothing to stop the tears. She took a shuddering breath and tried to compose herself.

She heard Fennekin calling for her from somewhere in the house. At least, she could rely on Fennekin to always be there for her.

She was tired of crying. She was going to talk to Ash and she was going to make things right even if she had to get down on her knees and beg for a chance to explain herself.

Ash was far too important to her. And he was the key to making things right with Miette as well. Little did she know, things were not as simple as they seemed.


"I am leaving." Serena smiled as she waved good-bye to her mother and made way to the bus stop a few blocks down her house.

She barely made a few steps when a call of her name made her stop. Frowning, she turned to look at a boy walking towards her hastily.

"Hi." Calem smiled shyly as he stopped near her. The boy shuffled awkwardly before running his hand through his hair. She felt her heart skip a beat at the sight and unbidden the feeling of kissing the boy returned.

"How are you?" He asked softly. A small smile made her way to her face and she answered that she was fine despite the churning feeling in her tummy.

"That's great. Miette still won't talk to me." Her smile became strained as the boy revealed. I was not the only one who suffered because of that dare. She realized suddenly. Miette broke up with Calem too.

Gathering her courage, she took a step forward and pulled the boy in a hug. "I am really sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen." She muttered as she felt the boy go stiff for a moment before he returned the hug awkwardly.

As she walked away hand-in-hand with the boy, she didn't notice three pair of eyes staring at her with a frown.

Grace stared at her daughter in disappointment, wondering what was going through her mind as she recklessly endangered her chances or mending the one relationship that mattered much to her. She hoped that Serena didn't make the same mistakes as her.

Dawn and Shauna stared at Serena hugging Calem from a distance as they waited for their bus to arrive with a frown. The two sighed before sharing a glance.

Wordlessly they decided that it was better to not be on the same bus as Serena and Calem. They absolutely did not want to get caught up in the drama between their friends.

It was better to walk to the school than watch as Serena made another mistake before she even had a chance to explain and apologize for the first one.

One thought ran through both of their minds as they stared at Calem and Serena walking towards them. Did she even go to see Ash?


Ash Ketchum (a week after the game)

The first thing that Ash felt as he came to consciousness was the dull pain in his body. The second thing was the smell of disinfectants and the constant beeping sound. The third was that his throat felt like parched paper.

He opened his eyes only to close them as they flared with pain. Blinking furiously, he tried to adjust to the white bright lights.

The pain in his shoulder prevented any movement he wanted to make. A groan escaped his lips as he tried to remember how he ended up in a hospital.

He could vaguely recall fighting and trying to escape a large flock of bird type pokemon native to Kalos. He didn't know what they were called but he did recall them to be special and a very stubborn species.

Having only Pikachu with him, he had quickly realized the folly of challenging a flock of stubborn bird type pokemon. He sighed wondering how his partner was but his body was in too much pain for him to move and check on his pokemon himself.

He vaguely recalled having to run while holding on to a very injured Pikachu only for him to stumble into the nest of beedrills.

A phantom shiver passed through him as he remembered getting stung by the poisonous bugs type pokemon while he did his best to cover Pikachu with his body.

For the life of him, he could not remember how he managed to get himself to the hospital. The last thing he remembered was losing his step and then nothing.

He licked his lips while trying to reach for the glass of water. It would have been easier if it was on side of his working hand. Alas, his bad luck followed him everywhere he went.

A wave of dizziness hit him and the glass slipped from his hand and shattered. He winced at the sound and soon enough the door to his room opened.

Nurse Joy entered with a frown on her face muttering about people interrupting her meals before her eyes widened and her professional side took over. "How are you feeling?" She asked while checking him over.

"I am fine. The pain is dull now." The sound that came out of his mouth was almost a croak and he winced in pain when he moved his shoulder suddenly. Nurse Joy took note of that and gave him another glass of water while making sure that he didn't break it again.

"Of course it's dull, dear. Your body is on pain killers. A dislocated shoulder, poison, and countless other small injuries. It's a wonder you were able to get to the city in your condition." She muttered while taking notes of his condition.

"What were you thinking going into the deep forest with only one pokemon?" She said in frustration but waved her hand as he tried to answer. "Never mind. I know you teenagers are as reckless as they come. Thinking that you can handle everything."

Ash felt his face burn in anger and embarrassment but didn't answer.

"Anyways, if you are feeling alright, why don't you fill up some forms? Would you like to call someone? You don't look like you are a native of this region. What is your name?" She asked the last bit almost as an afterthought.

"I would like to fill the forms but, uh, I don't think my hand is in condition to do the task." He answered sheepishly.

"Of course." Nurse Joy pinched her nose. "Why don't you tell me your name and anyone you would like to call? I would have done that myself but your pokedex and cell phone are destroyed."

Ash sighed but decided to think about it later. "I am Ash Ketchum. Can you please contact Sere..." But then he remembered the events leading to his accident and he sighed.

The scene of Serena happily making out with Calem flashed in his mind and he faltered. The sudden pain in the chest made him wince and he sighed. He understood that it had nothing to do with his injuries and felt his eyes prickle.

"Wait, would it be possible for you to contact Miette? She lives in the Magenta Plaza. We are in Lumiose city, right?" He didn't think he had enough energy to see Serena and deal with his feelings.

Nurse Joy took note of all his requests with a bright smile before advising him to rest and leaving the room.

Left alone, his thoughts returned to Serena Yvonne. Tears fell down his cheeks as he silently wondered whether they would be able to get past this hurdle or not.

The image of Serena's flushed pink face appeared in his thoughts. He saw her smiling brightly at Calem. He expected himself to be jealous but the only thing he could feel was sadness.

Maybe this time they might not be able to get past this hurdle in their relationship. Or whatever was left of it.

Maybe it was time to move on and find someone who appreciated his efforts.

Maybe it was time he decided to not be the one who took the first step. He sighed and stared outside at the streets of the City of Lights. His thoughts troubled and his food remained untouched.


Ignore the evil laughter in the background. Hope you are enjoying the story.

This is @pika__amour signing out for now. Peace ✌️

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