Pressed between the Pages

By Walker_19049

19.3K 2K 2.3K

》Poem Compilation《 Words can never justify our feelings and yet we still try to write them down. We use words... More

》Hands I used to know《
》The way of deception《
》Since I've grown《
》Do not worry my friends《
》Worn out warrior《
》It was once《
》Final Victory《
》You are gravely mistaken《
》Hardest things《
》Remains of Past《
》Through the Day《
》Left Alone《
》Carry On《
》None Remain《
》Last Letter《
》Joy to some《
》Inked Cuts《
》As you all are《
》Hey brother《
》Pretty Stranger《
》Good liar《

》All night awake《

884 113 152
By Walker_19049


As I look at the sky,
All I see is gleaming stars.
Even if I ask myself why,
I have no reason to be,
As cheerful as those stars are.

The moon shines down on me,
As if showing me his kindness,
His light pales everything I see,
As if showing off his greatness.

I can hear the chirpy insects,
As they sing out their heart's emotions,
I too want to sing along,
And let my elation take me over.

The cold wind greets me,
Distracts me from the deathly silence,
The rustling of leaves I can hear,
Adds to my own patience.

The sky gradually lightens,
But the stars still glow.
The memory slowly wanes,
As the new beginning creeps to its rise.

Beholding the sight of the dawn,
I shiver but resolve my goal.
As long as my fate shall let me seek,
I'll keep learning how to live.


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