A JLS Love Story: Ready for T...

By JLSVerifiedArmy

505 9 3

It was a life she only dreamed about, a love she ever thought could even happen and a tragedy she never knew... More

A JLS Love Story: Ready for Take Off.

505 9 3
By JLSVerifiedArmy

* Roxy's POV *

"Welcome to France!" the annoying lady says over the intercom as I sigh before falling onto the first seat I can get to in the terminal. I tucked my long brown hair, which always got in the the way, behind me ear before taking another deep sigh.

Today was a good day for me, I guess you could say. I'm taking a large step and taking my first trip away  from home. I've never been to the UK before but then again I've never left my home in California before. California is the only place I fully know.

Why am I traveling almost two thousand miles? Well it just so happens that my Dad decided to surprise me with some concert tickets. To whom, are you asking? Well, let's just say they are a pretty famous boy band based only in the UK at the moment, going by the name of JLS.

So why am I so upset and aggitated? I completely forgot that we had to take a busky little plane all the way to the UK for 8 whole hours. I've had pretty much an awful flight. The long flight from the main California airport to France nearly killed me. My sister was costantly arguing with me about her elbow space, the 3 kids seated behind us kept kicking our chairs and the weather was so stormy and windy up above, I kind of got a little scared. I did sleep though, for about 45 minutes.

As we waited for our flight from France to the UK to be called out, I sat in the seat waiting anxiously as my fingers began to shake.

"Rox, you look sick, go buy yourself some water, ok?" My sister said handing me a $5 note.

"Thanks" I said taking the money. "Sophie, do you want anything?" I turned around calling to my sister. She shook her head and I carried on walking towards the nearest shop.

Unfortunatley, the first shop I went to was out of water so again I made a staggering adventure to the next shop. I felt really dizzy and my head was pounding. I needed air not water to be honest. As soon as I found the nearest bottle of water, I raced to the line making sure that no one got infront of me. I felt my stomach getting more painful and my head getting more fuzzy every single second I stood there.

"Next!" the man called from behind the till.

"Just this bottle of water please..." I said handing the gentlemen the bottle to scan and the $5 note.

Immediantly after we said goodbye to each other, I grabbed both my change and the bottle of water and quickly walked off. I slurped on the water so fast that by the time I stopped to take the first breath, it was 3 quarters of the way gone. I took a moment to steady myself before my thoughts were interupted.

"The flight from France to Euston, London will be leaving in 10 minutes!" the annoying lady repeated over the intercom 2 times.

As much as I didn't want to get back onto the little plane, I wanted to get it over and done with quickly. 

"Crap" I said to myself over and over again in my head, but, being the clumsy person which I am, I accidently ean into someone spilling what was left off my water all over the airport tiles.

"Great going Roxy" I thought to myself before looking up to see who I ran into. "I'm so sorry..." I said blushing and shaking like crazy. "Uhm, here have a napkin, wipe that water off your arm..." I said holding it out to the person I had collided with.

When I glanced up to see who it was, I almost fainted. I instantly felt my face burn up yet again. I've gone red with embarrassment and the sound of my heart was pounding out of my rib cage. Standing right infront of me was none other than Mr. Marvin Humes. His beautiful brown eyes staring at me, scanning me over to make sure I was ok. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

"Sorry babe. It was my fault..." he said finally taking the napkin off me and rubbing his arm with it. "Thanks!" 

"No, uhm -" I stuttered. "It was my fault, I can be so clumsy sometimes" he did a slight chuckle and started to dry his neck with the napkin.

"The flight from France to Euston, London will be leaving in 2 minutes!" the lady on the intercome said for the final time.

"Oh crap!" I said, frustration sluring on my lips. I felt bad about spilling the water on him a bit so I quickly shoved my hand into my pocket and pulled out the spare change I had from the money my sister gave me. 

"Here, buy yourself something with this!" I blushed as I dashed off.

"Roxy, what the hell took you so long?" my sister demanded as soon as she saw me turn the corner, her eyes were narrowed at me. It was like daggers slicing into the skin on my face.

"Sorry, uhm -" I started to smile so wide. I felt my ears rise higher and higher until I just started laughing so hard. She would never believe me though, my sister never did. I was a great liar, I had been since I was little, I blame her for it. Though this was something she actually never would believe unless it happened to her instead.

"Yes?" she asked, raising her eyebrow.

I coughed, clearing the last couple of giggles out of my throat. "Well, I just bumped into Marvin Humes!" 

Her jaw dropped a little. "Marvin Humes? you mean the tall one from JLS?"

My sister wasn't a huge fan of them, like I was although she did fancy Jaybe quite a lot. "Yes Sophie, Marvin Humes, the tall one from JLS!" 

"You're dreaming Roxy..." she finally said back to me. 

"I swear it was him, I'm telling you Sophie, it really did just happen!" I protested against her.

"Cut it out, get your things now, we need to get into line!" Sophie said. I have to do what my sister says, I'm nearly 19, still basically a child and she's 25, she's in charge of me, no matter what I say or demand. This is how she always has been. Sophie was one of those people who has to have the last say in any argument. It get's quite annoying.

I quickly grabbed my bag which had everything I needed in it. My newly charged iPhone with over 300 songs on it, 10 copies of Seventeen Magazine and some of my favourite sweets, Strawbs that I slipped into my pocket, not letting my Mum see as I left home.

"Ok, have you got your ticket?" Sophie finally broke the ice. We had the unfortunate luck of being in the last group of people to board the plane. Somehow me and Sophie ended up sitting apart. Apparently the tickets hadn't been ordered right, I'm sure they had though, I thnk someone just took Sophie's place. Arrogant people. I stood by my seat waiting for a family to stop argueing and move out the way. I rocked backwards and forwards on my heels just thinking to myself, it was Marvin Humes, I swear. It had to be.

As soon as they checked my ticket and we had decided who was sitting where, I was going to the further back end of the plane and Sophie was near the front. Before Sophie sat down, I took a glance around the people on the plane. 

"Where am I going Soph?" I asked my sister.

She took the ticket out of my hand and checked the seat number.

"You're at the back Roxy... oh, look there's the seat, next to that gentlemen at the back!" she pointed out to me.

As soon as I saw who it was I went bright red, yet again.

It wasn't just one person... it was 4 people. There, sitting at the back of the was all the members of JLS.

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