Down where the air is thick

By jodyknoxville

192 13 11


Down where the air is thick


48 4 7
By jodyknoxville

"Please, let me go," I beg Danny in a whisper as he starts to strangle me harder and harder. Alot of pressure is put on my head now, and it feels like my head is about to explode. "Where were you?! Were you with that Joe dude again? Well? Were you?!" He forces me harder against the wall and he puts more pressure on my throat. "Well?!" He yells harder than before. I nod no. With full power he smashes me on the ground and I gasp for air. I cry it out. He lays me down on my back and sits on top of me, one leg on each side of me."Stop fucking crying. You're a fucking whore. What did you do with him?"  - "I wasn't with him, I swear. I've never been with him. You're just jealous because he's been a better friend to me than you will ever be!" I yell at him and start punching him on the chest with the only power I have left in my body. I knew I shouldn't have said that right after I burst it out. I can see him start getting even more angry. He balts his fists and slams me full in the eye. "No, please stop," I beg him, crying. "Please, don't hurt me." He lifts me up from the ground."Let me go, please!". "Stop begging! This is what you deserve. After all you have done to me." - "What did I do to you? I've never done anything wrong to you. I've never cheated on you. I've always stayed true to you even after what YOU have done to me!" - "You know why I did that? Because you don't give me what I want. That's why I'll make you to give me what I want!" he says and throws me on the ground again. My head hits the edge of the sidetable and everything turns black.

My head feels heavy and my throat is burning. I open my eyes slowly. I still know exactly in what situation I am right at the moment. I look around very quiet and carefully, if I only can get a glimpse of Danny. But he's no where to be found in the livingroom. I crawl up and hold my head for a few seconds. I look at my hand and see my head is bleeding. "Yeah, she's knock out," I hear Danny laugh. His voice comes from the kitchen. "Yeah, yeah. The fucking whore was with her other boyfriend untill 1am. I smacked the hell out of her. I should've killed her, anyways." I slowly crawl to the stairs while my heart is almost pounding out of my chest. "Dude, she's the one who gets herself in trouble all the fucking time. Not me!" As I try to stand up and try to get a hold on the banister, I see all black and fall back on the ground again. "Fuck, I have to go," I hear Danny say and I can hear him throw the phone on the dresser. "Jody, is that you!?" he yells. I can hear him walk to the livingroom. "Come out, come out where ever you are!". I crawl up as quick as possible and run up the stairs. "Oh, there you are!" I hear him say from the livingroom, while his voice comes closer and closer. I run as fast as I can up the stairs to the master bedroom. 

The scenerio is playing in my head over and over again and I can't manage to fall asleep. I look at the time on the tv and It's 8:30. I feel so tired. How is that even possible. Maybe it's the thought in the back of my mind he could be anywhere looking for me. Maybe just outside the room. The worst part is that I didn't do anything wrong to him. I wasn't even with Joe. And besides. Joe and I weren't even dating. We were just colleagues who saw each other every now and then outside of work. It wasn't a big deal. We just discussed the day of work if it was a terrible day again. Just to make sure that if we got home we didn't have to think and stress over work anymore.

My stomach starts making funny noises. Apparently I'm hungry, I don't feel like eating though. I decide to go downstairs to get myself some nice cup of hot tea and a little breakfast. I look at myself in the mirror and make sure my forehead is not showing, so I put my hair in front of it and put on my hood and the zipper of the vest as high as possible. My eyes covered up with my sunglasses. I look terrible and like a freaking hobo.

As I head down to the elevator there are already people waiting for it. I take the stairs instead and I manage to be even quicker than the people who waited for the elevator. Bet they are still waiting upstairs. I hear a bell. Oh no, there they are already.

I walk to this little desk where this women is sitting and show my breakfast pass. "Enjoy your breakfast," she tells me and I smile at her. I walk into the restaurant and there's this huge buffet with all different kind of food. Who the hell wants to eat hamburgers for breakfast. And there's a man, taking the fucking hamburger on his plate. He makes me almost wanna throw up since I don't even feel like eating breakfast at all and can see his plate full of fat shit. I grab a plate and walk past the buffet. Toast with jelly, no. Scrambled eggs, nope. Pancakes, no thank you. Bacon, hell no! At the end of the buffet I see cereal and milk. Cereal and milk it is then. The only propor thing I can get through my throat right now. "You know it's rude to talk to people with your sunglasses on," a man voice says. I stand still in shock. Was that Danny? Did he really chase me? Did he really found me. I look up. (Luckily) It's the guy who I bumped into yesterday in the lobby. "I wasn't even talking to anyone, now was I?" I tell him and start walking again to the coffee maker. I press the hot water button and get a Forest Fruit teabag and one sugar. "Is that all you're gonna eat?" - "Do you care about what I eat or why I talk to people with my sunglasses on?" - "No it's just...". I look up to him again. "Are you okay?" - "What?" - "I'm sorry, my name is Ryan," he says sticking out his hand for me to shake it. I look at his hand for a few seconds, but don't take it. "Jody," I say not really impressed. I start walking towards a lonely table in the corner. He follows me. "Please, don't follow me," I tell him and I stop walking. He looks in shock at me. "I'm sorry, I j---" - "No, please. Stop following me. I'm doing fine." I say and start walking towards the table again. "Oh, well. I will see you around then," he says and leaves the restaurant.

Maybe I shouldn't have been so rude to him. I just don't feel like talking to anyone. And how rude was it from him to tell me what to do. But how rude was it from me to tell him to fuck off. Oh well...

After finishing breakfast I head back to my room. I'm getting really sleepy so I decide to turn on the tv and relax. I always get kind of tired when I turn on the tv. Especially when there's nothing to watch. I turn on The Ellen Degeneres show, which I don't actually watch. I stare at the screen and my mind is completely in a different world. Definitely in a world I don't ever wanna be again. The world I was in only a few hours before. My mind starts shutting off though and before I know I fall asleep.

A hard knock on the door wakes me up with my heart pounding. "Hello?" I can here a lady's voice say. I get up from the bed still half asleep and close my vest up to the top and put on my sunglasses. I open the door and see a lady in her workingoutfit. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't put the card on the door. I was asleep. My room doesn't have to get cleaned today. I'm staying in all day," I tell her. "It's alright, my love. Sorry if I woke you. Enjoy your stay." - "Thank you," I smile at her and close the door.

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