We, the Dreamers: A RWBY x Wa...

By After_Hours_Writer

170K 2.3K 4.5K

In the furthest depths of the void, a new solar system was discovered. A system of planets, unknown to any fo... More

Chapter One: I Mean You no Harm
Chapter Two: An Invitation
Chapter Three: The Ride There
Chapter Four: Meeting the Ice Queen
Chapter Five: Initiation Preparation
Chapter Six: Partners
Chapter Seven: Stress
Chapter Eight: New Roommates
Chapter Nine: The First Day
Chapter Ten: Sparring
Chapter Eleven: Lesson Learned
Chapter Thirteen: Revelation
Chapter Fourteen: Jaunedice
Chapter Fifteen: Jealousy
Chapter Sixteen: Forever Falls
Author's Note: Quite A Dilemma
Chapter Seventeen: Rememberence
Chapter Eighteen: Tending Wounds
Chapter Nineteen: The Stray
Chapter Twenty: Chaos
Chapter Twenty-One: The Beach
Chapter Twenty-Two: Board Games & Investigation
Chapter Twenty-Three: Quality Time
Chapter Twenty-Four: Distress Call
Chapter Twenty-Five: Intimacy
Chapter Twenty-Six: The Orokin's Ball
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Tiny Kubrow
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Hunt
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Search and Destroy
Chapter Thirty: Vytal Festival
Chapter Thirty-One: A "Gift" From the Void
Chapter Thirty-Two: A Gruesome Finale
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Dreamer's Greatest Nightmare
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Inevitable
Volume II Preview: Defy our Destiny
Volume II / Chapter One: Natah
Volume II / Chapter Two: Prison Break
Volume II / Chapter Three: Coming Home
Volume II / Chapter Four: Reclamation of Vale
Volume II / Chapter Five: War on the Grineer
Volume II / Chapter Six: Patch
Volume II / Chapter Seven: Formalities
Volume II / Chapter Eight: Stolen Army
Volume II / Chapter Nine: Hostage
Volume II / Chapter Ten: Love United
Volume II / Chapter Eleven: The Calm Before The Storm
Volume II / Chapter Twelve: The Storm After The Calm

Chapter Twelve: Conspiracy

5.1K 67 149
By After_Hours_Writer

A Few Days Later...
Team RWBY's Dorm...
3rd Person POV

Over the course of a few days, the Tenno's relationship with his newfound roommates had grown ever so slightly, as he began learning each one of the member's personality.  In exchange, they too began to learn a bit about the Tenno, aside from his split personality like nature. The first of which being Miss Ruby Rose.

As an usually long day of classes and studying passed by them, as the sun rested for the time being, the group began to huddle into their beds for the night.

Yang: Finally! Some sleep.

Weiss: For once, I agree.

Blake: Goodnight.

Everyone: Goodnight.

Shortly after, as the majority of them closed their eyes and fell into the pleasant bliss of dreams, Ruby Rose was the last of them to do so. Unable to sleep, the young girl peeked out from her tent-like bed, only to find the young Tenno in a meditative pose.

Ruby: Is anyone else still-?

Ruby: Hmm?

What confused the young girl was not the pose in which the Tenno had chosen, for he had taken several resting stances since his time around them, but the fact that he was literally levitating above the floor this time around in his Warframe.

Ruby: Uhhh.....

Ruby: How is he...?

Curiousity got the best of the young girl as she quietly lowered herself out of her bed onto the floor. Sneaking around the dorm, she began to inspect the Tenno carefully, rubbing her hand on the floor beneath him in both amazement and great confusion.

Ruby: Is he even asleep?

Standing in front of him, she began making a series of funny faces at him in an effort to get a reaction out of him. Getting no response, the young girl stopped and began silently wondering about the polearm that lied behind his back, and then the large metallic crates that sat in a lone corner of the dorm.

Ruby: Why hasn't he unpacked his things yet?

Approaching the crates silently, she began to wonder how they opened up, only to discover that they were already opened. Upon inspection, she discovered many of the Tenno's prime armaments, attachments, paints, sentinels, spectres, everything that he could transfer over from his Orbiter.


And over the next few hours, till the stroke of dawn, the young girl sat in utter fascination as she rummaged through the contents of said crate.

The Next Day...

The team that subsided in the dorm had left for their own leisure, enjoying the weekend for themselves. The Tenno had gone to the headmaster's office to discuss his Kubrow, Weiss Schnee had gone shopping for the day, Yang and Ruby had gone to hang out with Team JNPR, and Blake has stayed indoors to read in peace, devoid of the chaos that would of ensured had everyone been present.

Certain that the others would be out and about for a few hours, Miss Belladonna began to catch up on her reading of a romance novel titled, "Ninjas of Love". Silently reading in peace, the young girl peeked around to ensure that no one else was with her. Instead, she noticed a small yellow book that resided on the Tenno's mat. One that looked nothing like anything she had ever seen.

Blake: Huh?

Placing a book mark inside, she closed her book and placed it beside her as curiousity got the best of her.
Approaching the small book, she looked around before picking it up.

Blake: He must've left it here. But....

Inspecting the yellow leather book, she noticed nothing more than the material made as the cover.

Blake: What is it?

She began to open the cover, revealing the first page.

Blake: Huh?

Turning the book to see several more pages of nothing but lines, she expressed her confusion by the language of the book. To her, it was nothing more than curves and lines, but to the Tenno, it was the language of the Orokin.

Blake: Y-Yeah.... this is beyond weird.

Placing the book back in its place, she noticed three more that lied around the Tenno's resting place, each one of a different basic color. Upon taking a quick peek, her confusion only amplified as two of the three contained the Grineer and Corpus language. Upon opening the final one, the red one, she quickly realized that it was a decipher of all 3.

Blake: Grineer...? Corpus...? Orokin....? What kinda books is he reading?

A Few More Days Later...
City of Vale...

Ryoma: Thank you for the tour of the city, Miss Xiao Long.

Yang: You don't have to be a gentleman all the time, Ryoma.

Ryoma: ?

Yang: It's just Yang.

Ryoma: S-Sure, Miss.....Yang.

Yang: We'll work on that.

Unaware of the city of Vale, the Tenno had asked for assistance in traveling throughout it. Instead, after classes, he was given a tour by the infamous Yang Xiao Long on her motorcycle dubbed "Bumblebee".

Yang: That's about all I can show you for now, since there's still daylight. The real fun spots are usually open at night.

Ryoma: Huh?

Ryoma: O-kay, like what?

Yang: Oh, you know. Parties, bars, nightclubs, stuff like that.

Ryoma: Nightclubs?

Ryoma: Hmm....

Wrapping up the tour, the young lady stopped her bike at a stoplight and asked out of curiousity.

Yang: Hey Ryoma?

Ryoma: Yes?

Yang: Ive been meaning to ask. Those mechanical wings of yours?

Ryoma: You mean my Archwing?

Yang: Yeah, that. Where did you get them?

Ryoma: Huh?

Yang: Did the school you went to before provide you that, or what?

Ryoma: No, I.... built that.

Yang: Pfft. Liar.

Ryoma: I'm not lying to you, Miss-I mean, Yang.

Yang: Okay then. If you really did, "Built that", then I want one for myself.

The Tenno displayed his confusion as the light turned green, prompting Yang to accelerate.

Ryoma: I'm sorry?

Yang: You heard me! I want one of those Archwing thingies to match Bumblebee, here.

She patted the gas tank of her bike, next to the Tenno's leg.

Ryoma: I-.

Yang: I don't care what it takes, measure my body for adjustment if you must.

Ryoma: Woah! Wait a minute there!

Ryoma: I'm.... not gonna do that.

He then remembered something he had on him.

Ryoma: I'm still rebuilding, but if you want, I could give you something just as good.

She pulled her bike over towards the curb near a Ramen shop.

Yang: Really?

The Tenno nodded.

Yang: Show me.

Getting off the back of the bike, the Tenno pulled out a small white disc with the Lotus' insignia inscribed onto it. Tossing it beside him, a large hover board appeared in a small puff of smoke from the void.

Seeing this, Yang's suspenseful face switched immediately to one of disappointment.

Yang: Oh.

Ryoma: ?

Yang: A hover board.

Ryoma: It's a K-Drive. A board shaped transportation that can-.

Yang: Laaame!

Ryoma: Wait what? Is it lame?

The Tenno hopped onto the K-Drive.

Ryoma: I could've swore they were really popular with the Ventkids.

Ryoma: May I at least demonstrate it to you?

Yang: Sure...

She began mumbling to herself as the K-Drive's jets began to heat up.

Yang: It not like it's gonna be as flashy as that-.


In a span of half a second, the Tenno had taken off down the road, leaving behind him a literal trail of fire. Both Yang, and the owner of the Ramen shop responded appropriately.

Yang: Heh!?

The Next Day...
Team RWBY's Dorm..

In the middle of the room, the five inhabitants of the dorm room gathered around in a small circle. Paperwork lied everywhere within the circle. Grabbing one of the papers from the pile and placing it on a clipboard in front of her, Weiss Schnee begun the group session.

Weiss: As we're all aware, Miss Goodwitch has assigned us to learn and memorize each other's Semblance to improve our teamwork out in the field.

Ryoma: ?

Ryoma: Semblance?

Weiss: That being said, Ryoma, we'll have you give yours to us first, seeing as yours is still a big mystery.

A bit confused by the term, the Tenno asked with worry, knowing very well Weiss' personality.

Ryoma: I umm.... I hate to be a burden, but... what exactly is a semblance by definition?

Weiss: I....

Stopping herself short, Weiss was the first to stare at the Tenno with confusion, before the others joined in.

Blake: Wait... you don't know what a semblance is?

Ryoma: I'm... not sure what it means, no.

Looking back at Weiss, everyone immediately noticed her eye twitching for about half a second.

Ruby: Oh no....

Yang: Here comes the fireworks...

As the group waited for her to burst out in anger, Weiss instead took a deep breath and calmed herself down, remembering the Tenno's words.

Weiss: Semblance....

Yang, Ruby, and Blake: !?

Yang: She didn't go berserk?

Weiss: It's the manifestation of one's innate and personal power as an ability. Each one's semblance is unique to only themselves.

Ryoma: I see...

Yang: Wow, Weiss. I'm surprised.

Weiss: What?

Ruby: You didn't get mad at Ryoma for asking a question.

Weiss: He was being polite about it.

Blake: Right.

Hearing this, the Tenno's cheeks heated up to a light pink as he blushed a bit. Shaking his head a bit, he asked.

Ryoma: A Semblance can be defined as one's innate talent, is that right? One's abilities?

Seeing Weiss shake her head in response, he continued.

Ryoma: Mine is.... It's....it depends.

Team RWBY: !?

Blake: It depends?

The Tenno nodded in response as he looked down at his hands. A small cluster of bright blue void energy summoned from his palms.

Ryoma: In a way... I have multiple Semblance.

While the other members of TeamRWBY displayed their amplified confusion, their leader, no longer having any more of it, stood up from the circle and pointed at the Tenno.

Ruby: That's it, mister!

Ryoma: Huh!?

Weiss: Ruby, you doofus!

Ruby: What!?

Weiss: You're standing on our homework!

Ruby: Huh?

Looking down where she stood, she realized that Weiss' statement was indeed true and took a step back, off of the pile of papers and onto the floor.

Ruby: Whoops. Hehe... sorry...

Returning to her rather dramatic tone, she continued.

Ruby: Anyways, that's it mister! I've had enough of your strange behavior.

Ryoma: I.... wait, what?

Ruby: You have books that are in a completely different language, possess flying jetpack wings, robots, and hover boards faster than Yang's bike, claim to possess multiple Semblances, levitate off the floor, and the worst of all.... YOU DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME ABOUT THE ARSENAL IN THOSE CASES!

Yang: Wait, what?

Blake: Worst of all?

Ryoma: What arse-. Oh.

Ryoma: That explains the mess from before...

Ruby: So I'm going to ask you, Ryoma Nagare, if that even is your name...

Ryoma: It is.


Ryoma and others: !?

Yang: Ruby.

Weiss: That sounds incredibly idiotic.

The Tenno, taking a deep breath, responded with honesty.

Weiss: There's an explanation for everything.

Ryoma: That depends on your definition, Miss Rose.

Ruby: !

Ryoma: If by "alien", you mean from a far different planet than Remnant, then yes.

Team RWBY: HUH!?


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