Night Changes

By mandypsl

119K 3.8K 1.4K

Weeks before After is released, Hero and Josephine embark on a world promotional tour. If only they knew how... More

New York
Ten Days
Spain - Day One
Spain - Day Two
Italy - Day One
Italy - Day Two & Three
Italy - Day Four
France - Day One
France - Day Two
Los Angeles
New York
Los Angeles


7.9K 275 289
By mandypsl


"Fly separately? What do you mean fly separately?" Anna asks, dumbfounded.

The flight attendant starts to become frazzled due to Anna's apparent frustration and searches through her computer once more. "I was told to inform you that due to the massive crowds that have already started showing up to the airport in anticipation of your arrival, we've been asked to have you guys fly separately. For safety purposes."

I could tell Anna was not happy at all, given that none of us were informed about this until now. We were also already extremely exhausted, and the idea of getting on a plane to sleep for nine hours sounded pretty good to all of us at the moment.

"Does it matter who goes when?" Anna finally asks.

"No, they just want you guys to split up. However, I must inform you, the flights are leaving some time apart for each other. I can't guarantee that you'll land around similar times, let alone days."

"This is bullshit." Anna huffs. "We have a schedule that we need to follow! We don't have time to be flying in on separate days!"

"I'm sorry, ma'am. They're insisting. We will try and get you there as soon as possible."

"Josephine and I will fly separately." Maria chimes in.

I whip my head around, my eyes narrowing. "Bullshit."

"Excuse me?" Maria asks defensively.

"You heard me. I said that's bullshit." I retort.

"Hero," Jo softly pleas with me.

I clear my throat, realizing that it probably wasn't the time or place to cause a scene. "I just don't think it's such a good idea for you two to be by yourself in another country. You two should go with Anna and I'll take the later flight."

"Are you saying I'm not perfectly capable of taking care of Josephine and myself?" Maria challenges.

I blink rapidly as I stare at her for a moment. "Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying."

"Guys!" Jo says, the look of defeat prominent on her face. "It's fine. Just go. Tara and Quinn will be with us. We're good."

"Are you sure?" Anna asks Jo.

"Yeah, as long as we get there before our call time tomorrow. I'll be fine."

I hated that Maria had as much control over Josephine as she did. She treated her like a child, making her share a room with her and everything.

Jo was more than capable of taking care of herself. I wish Maria would stop being so uptight and realize that.

"Alright." Anna sighs, seeing that there was no way either of them was going to change their minds. "Be safe."

I watch as she pulls Jo in for a hug before telling her to keep her updated. I shift awkwardly on my feet, not sure if I should hug Jo myself or not.

Thankfully, she reaches for me first, and I take her into my arms.

Holding her like this made my chest ache, the way her small body fit into my own as if it was made for me.

"I'll see you soon." I tell her.

"Hurry up." She says as she pulls away, creating a sense of emptiness washing over me. "You don't want to miss your flight."

I give her a small smile in return before following Anna, Trace, Jamie, and Michael towards TSA. I can't help but glance back once more, hating that we were separating like this.

It was times like this when I wish we were still normal people, even towards the beginning of filming. We never had to take safety precautions like this.

Now, it felt like that's all people cared about. Our safety.

I try as best as I can to sleep on the plane, given the others took it upon themselves to catch up on some much-needed sleep.

But I couldn't stop thinking about Jo.

The first few days of the tour had been difficult to say the least.

There wasn't a good enough explanation for the way I treated her, and for the way I tried to handle things. I just couldn't help but think about the couples before us who had gone down this path, and ended up ruining their relationships; for some, their careers.

From the moment I met her, I knew Jo and I's relationship was going to be different. For many people sharing a screen together, sometimes the chemistry doesn't exist. It simply has to be forced or go through series of tests to prove whether or not it can fool audiences.

That wasn't the case for us. I didn't know what it was. Call it fate maybe, but something clicked, and I knew we'd gotten lucky.

After a while, things had started to change. I knew we'd both felt something, but it was never said. We knew the second we said something, we were done for.

But at that point, saying something could've saved us from what happened in Los Angeles that night.

After bottling up so many emotions for so long, we did the one thing we should've never done. Especially when I was wasted out of my mind.

Perhaps I went through with it for that very reason, the idea that I wouldn't be able to remember anything and have no regrets intriguing in a way.

But I ended up regretting it just for that very reason.

I hadn't realized how much I needed her until that night, until I woke up the next morning feeling awful because I hadn't given her a better experience.

Truth be told, I wasn't entirely sure if that was Jo's first sexual experience or not. The idea of it being so made me feel worse.

For the rest of the time we were in Los Angeles, we couldn't bring ourselves to do it again. Every opportunity we had to do it again wasn't taken. Maybe because much like I had, she felt badly in some way.

Once I left Los Angeles, I spent some time trying to figure out what I was going to do. I knew there would be more to After than just making the movie, and if that was the case, then something as simple as a one-night stand couldn't get in the way of it.

It took everything in me to say to her what I did that first night in New York and seeing the hurt on her face made it even harder for me to do. I had a feeling she thought I would suggest trying to make a relationship work, but if I had to choose making a relationship work for it to ultimately fail over keeping Jo in my life forever, regardless of whether it was as a friend or simply my coworker, I'd take the latter any day.

I knew she felt the same, and thankfully she was able to come around.

Things still felt a bit awkward at times, especially when a fan asked in front of a theater full of people if we were a thing or not, at least that's what I'm assuming she said. But I knew this was the right thing to do.

Maybe if it really is meant to be, it'll happen when the time is right.

Whenever that may be.

Seeing that I won't be going to sleep anytime soon, I sit up in my seat and put my headphones on. I open up my Spotify before searching through my daily mixes. I stumble upon a few songs that I've heard previously, and all of them somehow reminding me of Jo in some ways more than before.

Before I knew it, I've made a whole playlist dedicated to her, including songs from bands that she's mentioned liking such as The Rolling Stones.

Part of me regrets this decision, knowing that somehow being as clever as they are, fans will eventually stumble upon this playlist.

But for now, I enjoy the sweet torture of listening to the music that reminds me of the beautiful blonde I've gotten myself into a mess with.

The next day

"How is she still not here yet?" I frantically whisper to Anna as we wait for the photographers to finish setting up.

"Her flight landed two hours ago! She'll be here, Hero." Anna tells me, and I can tell she was desperately trying to hide the humor in her tone.

The photographers tell us that they're ready, and Anna pulls me onto the carpet with her. I can't help but glance towards the doors every few seconds, hoping that Jo was alright.

Thankfully, a few moments after I've checked for the sixth time in a row, she comes through the doors.

Out of pure relief, and in a joking manner, I quickly glance down at my wrist as if I were checking my nonexistent watch causing Jo to laugh.

"Sorry guys." She quickly says before wrapping her arm around my waist.

"It's okay." Anna smiles at her before glancing up at me with a smile.

I roll my eyes before looking back at the cameras.

Once we finish with the photo call, we move off the carpet and wait for the press conference to start.

I can't help but admire how beautiful Jo looked. Her hair fell in waves and her makeup looked natural. She wore a long floral dress with ruffles across the front, a slit just resting below her thigh.

"How was the flight?" Anna asks her while we wait.

"Good, I slept like a baby." She laughs.

"Lucky, I barely got any sleep." I tell her with a smile.

"Maybe you'll be able to during our two weeks off."

"Oh," I quietly say. "I forgot about that."

"I hate that you can't make it to my birthday party." Anna says with a frown.

"I know, I'm really sorry. I promised Ferragamo I'd do a few shoots while I had the time off. If I can fly out in time I will."

"Don't worry about it." She insists. "We can find something to do on tour to make up for it."

Just then, a man in a suit with a badge on comes through the door and tells us they're ready for us.

We walk up onto the stage where they had a table with microphones set up for us. Anna sits on the end, and I end up between her and Jo.

Much like the press conference in Mexico, we awkwardly sit and wait for each question to be translated. One thing I will never understand is why the same questions are always asked, whether its during regular interviews or during press conferences. But I guess it's better than being hit with a curve ball like we were when that fan asked about Jo and I.

I glance over at her to see how she was holding up. She looked exhausted as she tried her best to focus on what was happening.

I answer a few questions here and there before looking back at her and notice that she's now taken the liberty in occupying herself with her microphone as she attempted to balance it upright in the empty glass cup in front of her.

She smiles when she notices that I'm watching her, and I playfully nudge her leg to get her to pay attention. Jo's smirk widens as she bats my hand away, her fingers ever so subtly brushing against mine.

I quickly pull away and place my hands on my lap before refocusing my attention on the audience. Even though we were trying to keep things casual between us, I couldn't help but feel sparks every time we touched. But those sparks stung; a painful reminder of the pain I caused us both because I was trying to save our friendship.

Once we finish with the press conference, Anna and I follow Jo off the stage after we each thank the photographers for their time. I can't help but notice Jo glancing back several times, causing me to look back as well.

I notice that several of the photographers were looking at us, trying to sneak a few more pictures before exchanging more words.

When we're out of the room, Anna speaks to the man who brought us into the room before as Jo and I wait for further direction.

"Do you think they saw us?" Jo asks quietly.

I look down at her and see the worry in her eyes. "Saw us?"

"Goofing off like that." She explains, looking up at me. "I don't need any more unwanted articles posted about us."

"Even if they did, maybe they'll have something nice to say about our chemistry."

"Or they'll say we're together." Jo counters.

I ponder this for a moment before nodding my head. "Alright so we'll tone it back down again. If we're asked anything too intrusive, I'll think of something to say. Don't worry."

She looks slightly more relieved.

I manage to do just that. We're moved to a smaller room where we're interviewed by several different people who rotate in and out for each interview.

I had mentioned the phrase "good casting" when referring to Jo and I's instant bond on set during an interview in Mexico, and Jo seemed to like it. So, every time we were asked about our chemistry and our relationship, I constantly referred back to good casting.

It was a good cover up, and a good distraction from more detailed explanations.

After the series of interviews, Anna informs us that some fans hosted a little convention at the theater down the street and the film distributors wanted us to pop by since we've got some time on our hands.

We're brought to the theater, where I can hear the music from the trailer playing outside.

The three of us are snuck into the theater where a large red curtain is set up. Anna meets up with a friend of hers, who I'm told runs one of the foreign fan pages. He informs us that he's going to introduce us to the fans and they're going to do a quick Q&A with us. I mentally pray that we don't have another awkward encounter like we did during the fan Q&A in Mexico.

I hear the fans erupt into a fit of screams just as loud music begins to play.

Suddenly, the curtain is pulled back and the crowd begins rushing towards us.

I can hear Jo laughing from next to me, causing me to laugh as well.

The three of us wave to the fans, amazed at how excited and emotional they are because we were here.

A man with a lanyard on hands each of us a microphone, and I say hello into mine, causing the screams to increase.

It wasn't so much a Q&A, rather than the fans asking me to repeat a line from one of the After books. I couldn't exactly make out what they were saying at first, and I had to clarify with Anna that the line I was going to say was okay to say.

I hadn't brought myself to actually read the entire series yet, given that I only needed to read significant scenes that Anna mapped out for me. The entire first book was written in Tessa's point of view, and even Anna herself felt that I could learn more about Hardin from her rather than Tessa's opinionated portrayal of him.

I did however, plan to read it as much as I could during our break when I wasn't working. I was thankful that the fans didn't seem to mind, even though I publicly announced that I hadn't actually read the book. They loved me the same and were obviously excited for me to say this one line in particular.

Fucking Trevor.

Whoever Trevor was, he seemed like a dick if Hardin had such a distaste for him. But I guess I won't know until I read the books.

Jo loves to patronize me for it, given that she's flown through most of the series herself. It was ironic how much she reminded me of her character, and part of me wishes some aspects of mine were more relatable to me.

Especially his confidence.

If I were confident enough in a relationship between Jo and I, we could've made it work.

But my fears overwhelmed me, and I hated it.

Before I knew it, the Q&A was over, and I hadn't even realized that Jo was given a Brazilian flag in which she had draped around her shoulders like a cape.

I laugh at her pride as she wore the flag, and just as we're about to leave, we're asked by Anna's friend if we could take a picture for his page.

We happily oblige, and I take the liberty of snapping the picture since my height made it easier to angle the camera down to capture the girls and myself, as well as some fans.

My heartbeat increases when I feel Jo's hand resting on my shoulder as I take the picture, and once again I find myself regretting every stupid thing I've said or done since I've met her.

Including my infamous "we should forget everything" line.

Brilliant Hero. Just brilliant.


After dinner

"We should go out to celebrate." Anna suggests as we reenter the lobby after taking pictures with fans outside the hotel.

"Celebrate what?" Hero asks.

"Getting through the first half of the tour!" Anna says with a laugh.

"That sounds fun." I admit. After the day I had, I needed a break.

After agreeing to put the past behind us for the benefit of the tour and for our relationship, Hero and I had been attempting to navigate our way through interviews, press conferences, and photo calls. We did our best to let our chemistry shine, proving that we had what it took to make a great film and duo.

It felt good knowing that we were somewhat getting back to being our old selves, but with every exchange and encounter, I couldn't help but feel that pit deep down in my stomach. That feeling of yearning and wanting.

Wanting what I couldn't have.

"I saw a club down the street in passing." Trace says. "I could use a drink."

"We should ask the others if they want to join us." Anna suggests.

"I doubt Maria would want any part of that." Hero laughs, causing me to nudge his side.

"If she doesn't want to go it's her loss. But I agree with Trace, I could use a drink."

"Now you're talking." Trace tells me with a smile.

We make our way upstairs into our rooms to change, and I find Maria sitting on her bed scribbling down something in her planner.

"Hey, we're going to a club down the street. Do you want to come with us?" I ask her.

Maria looks up at me as if I've grown three heads. "What?"

"Do you want to come with us?" I repeat.

"Jo, I think you're forgetting we have a very busy day tomorrow. Now is not the time to be going out and partying."

"Actually, we don't have a busy day at all tomorrow. We have some time to ourselves before we fly back to Los Angeles."

"Yes, but we're still on a schedule."

"Well if you don't want to come that's fine but I'm going."

"I want you back here by midnight."

"What am I, Cinderella?" I snap at her. "In case you're forgetting, I'm an adult. I can do whatever I please."

"In case you're forgetting, I say what goes when it comes to what you do. If I'm telling you to be back here by midnight, I expect you to be back here by then." Maria says, folding her arms over her chest.

Seeing that there was no way I was going to convince her otherwise and hoped that she would be asleep by the time I realistically came back, I nod my head. "Fine."

"Thank you." She tells me before going back to scribbling down whatever she was before in her planner.

I quickly rummage through my suitcase and decide on a white lace sundress. The straps tied around my neck and the skirt rested mid-thigh. I decide to touch up my hair before pinning the sides back.

After slipping into sandals, I make my way out of the room to meet the others, not bothering to say goodbye to Maria on my way out.

Anna had changed into a yellow sundress, the color a perfect contrast to her golden skin and blond hair. Hero stayed in the blue jeans he wore earlier and changed into a white button up dress shirt.

"You guys look nice." I smile at them.

"So do you. I love this dress." Anna says, gesturing towards me.

"Oh, this old thing?" I laugh before doing a twirl.

I notice Hero's eyes piercing into my own and I quickly look away, my heartrate beginning to increase.

We wait for the others before leaving the hotel, Hero hanging back with Michael and Trace while I walked ahead with Quinn, Tara, Jamie, and Anna.

The club wasn't like I had expected it to be, with majority of it being outside. The front door was open, and directly in front of us was the bar. To the right was a small stage where a DJ was playing ethnic music. There were a few tables spread out and tiki torches placed in the sand covered floor. There was a pretty decent sized group of people dancing in the center of the room, while others were scattered around drinking and enjoying each other's company.

"I'm getting a drink." Anna announces over the music before walking towards the bar.

I follow after her, remembering how good of an idea that drink sounded.

I look behind me and see that the others have gone to sit at a table, before sitting next to Anna at the bar.

"Are you enjoying the tour?" Anna asks me after ordering herself a drink.

"Yeah! I can't wait to go to Europe." I say enthusiastically.

"Europe is beautiful. You'll love it." She tells me.

After the bartender gives us our drinks, we make casual conversation. I can't help but gulp down my drink, the fruity blend intoxicating within itself.

"I don't know what's in this drink, but I love it." I giggle.

"Do you not know what you ordered?" Anna asks with a laugh.

"Not really." I admit. "Everything on the menu is in Portuguese. I assumed fruta meant fruit, so I went with the first drink that had that in the description."

We both burst into laughter before I order a second drink.

"Be careful, Jo." Anna insists.

"I will be." I assure her.

After a few moments, Anna glances over at me. "Is everything okay with you and Hero?"

I look over at her, my brows raised. "Yeah, why wouldn't it be?"

"I don't know, you guys have just been acting... different that's all."

"We're fine." I partially lie. "We're just trying to get into the swing of things."

"Well, you're doing great." Anna assures me.

I glance over my shoulder at Hero, who had a huge smile plastered on his face as he joked back and forth with Michael.

How could he be so carefree all the time, knowing how difficult he had made things between us?

My face twists into a scowl as I finish off my second drink, letting the alcohol burn at my insides, feeling somewhat of a relief compared to the pain.

I didn't know what he wanted from me. At times we were too touchy, and at others we weren't touchy enough.

I get that our careers depended on the success of the movie and the tour, but shouldn't they also depend on our ability to tolerate each other?

I could barely stand to look at him knowing that he was willing to throw everything away because of his fear of losing me.

So what if he was so afraid? If anything, he was losing me now.

"I'm going to go dance." Anna tells me. "This music is too good to pass up on. Are you coming?"

"I'll catch up with you." I tell her, motioning my hand towards the dance floor.

She raises a brow at me before turning on her heel, walking towards the group, and pulling Trace onto the dance floor with her.

I burry my head in my hands, my mind racing.

I didn't know how I was going to get through the rest of this tour.

No matter how hard I tried to convince myself and Hero, it was too painful to bear the thought of suppressing every emotion I felt for him.

I knew I felt something more for him than friendship. There was no denying it, but how could I express it when all he wanted was for our working relationship to be protected. I hated that he was so caught up in this new life that he couldn't make time for us anymore.

He's changed as much as our relationship has, and I hated it.

"Jo?" I hear Hero say.

I bring the flute up to my lips, not even realizing until then that I had ordered myself another drink. "Hero."

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." I lie.

"You don't look like it."

"Well, I am." I snap, shooting him a glare.

"How much have you had to drink?"

"What's it to you?" I ask.

"Nothing I just don't want you to wake up with a hangover that's all. You'll regret it."

"Just like you did after you fucked me?" I blurt out.

The pain that flashes through Hero's eyes is enough to fill my own, but I hold my ground.

"Jo, please don't do this."

"Do what? I told you we'd be professional. Haven't we done that? Us and our good casting?"

"Yes but-"

"So, what's the problem?"

He opens his mouth to speak, but I hold my finger up to his lips. "Hold that thought, I want to dance."

"But Jo, can we talk?" Hero says as I lift myself off the barstool.

"We've had plenty of time to talk. I just want to dance." I insist, nearly tripping over my own feet as I make my way to the dance floor.

I maneuverer my way through the sweaty bodies as I try to find Anna, but my vision was slightly blurry and the dim lights we're aiding me in any way. I decide to stay where I am and let my body take over, the rhythm flowing through me.

I loved the way the alcohol felt coursing through my veins, giving me the strength I wish I had every day to get through the stress of being me.

"Jo." I hear Hero call to me, and I glance over in his direction.

A smirk appears on my lips as I watch him make his way towards me.

Before I can even stop myself, I reach for his hand and pull him against me.

"What're you doing?" He asks in a low voice.

"Dance with me." I say.

"What? Jo, we need to talk."

"Not now." I whine. I grip his shoulders as I move against him, the feeling of his body touching mine electrifying me.

"What're you doing?" Hero repeats, his voice hoarse.


"I can't." He shakes his head as he gently pushes me away.

A frown forms onto my lips as he holds my gaze. "Don't you want me?"


"You heard me. Either you want me, or you don't."

"I already told you, Jo. We need to keep our relationship professional."

"You and I both know we can't do that."

Hero opens his mouth to say something but stops.

I shake my head before turning to walk away from him, but suddenly his hand grips my wrist and I'm pulled back against him.

I gasp slightly when his hands rest on my hips, his lips inches away from my ear.

"Of course I do." He whispers before placing a gentle kiss to the base of my neck.

Our bodies begin to move in sync with each other and the music, neither of us having a care in the world about who could be watching us. I could feel the electricity between us as we danced, and the feeling only he could give me.

My head rolls back against him as I feel his hands moving on me, reaching down to my thighs and gently moving back up as I moved against him. His lips pressed gentle kisses across my neck, and I found myself craving the feeling of them against my own.

As much as I knew this was a bad idea, I needed him.

I turn around in his grasp, place my hand on the back of his neck and pull him down so his lips can meet mine.

He sighs into the kiss, our mouths moving in perfect unison with each other. The kiss was filled with pure passion and wanting, the alcohol in me fueling its fire.

I remember the first time we kissed, how awkward and nervous we both were about it. Every kiss after that became easier and easier, but I couldn't help but become mesmerized by his kiss. Each one left me wanting more.

I pull away, my chest heaving up and down as heavy pants escaped both of our lips.

The look in Hero's eyes was the only confirmation I needed that he wanted more.

"Come with me." He says before taking my hand.

Hero's grip on my hand doesn't loosen one bit as we run down the sidewalk towards the hotel.

My vision was blurry, and I could barely see anything, but the adrenaline from the alcohol made me feel more alive than ever.

When we get to the elevators, Hero repeatedly hits the up button with his thumb causing me to laugh.

The second we're in the elevator, Hero's lips are back on mine. He pushes me up against the wall, my hands moving up to the back of his neck as his held my waist.

The elevator dings and I'm once again pulled in the direction of his room. I find myself hoping Maria doesn't hear us as we push our way through the door leading into Hero's room.

Hero turns towards me after turning on the light and cups my cheek. "You have no idea how much I've missed you."

"Then why'd you push me away?" I ask.

Before he has the chance to answer, I'm pulling him down by his neck again so our lips can meet.

He pushes me up against the wall, his hands holding me in place. His lips travel from my lips and down my neck, to the base.

A soft moan escapes from my mouth as he begins to gently suck, his hips grinding into mine.

Hero looks into my eyes for assurance to keep going before dropping to his knees in front of me. I watch in awe as he lifts the skirt of my dress, exposing the lace of my panties to him.

"You're so beautiful." He whispers, looking up at me.

I lean my head back in pleasure as he hooks his fingers into the lace, relieving me of the fabric before spreading my legs with his hands.

The second I feel his lips on me, my fingers fist into his hair. My mouth hangs open in awe as his mouth moves against me, the pure feeling of pleasure indescribable.

For a moment, my better judgement is completely clouded until I realize we were about to fall into the same trap we did in Los Angeles.

"Hero," I pant, my hand resting on his shoulder to push him away.

He hums against me in satisfaction, not realizing that I wanted him to stop.

"Hero please. Stop." I force out and he looks up at me with confused eyes.


"We can't." I choke out.

He lifts himself off his knees, his brows knitting together. "What are you talking about Jo?"

"We can't keep doing this to ourselves. We're letting our feelings get the better of us and not sticking to our agreement. Either you want to be together or not."

"Seriously?" Hero asks defensively. "You're giving me an ultimatum?"

I let out a heavy sigh as I fix myself, moving my dress back down to cover me. "Yeah, I am. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done this to you. I've had too much to drink and we're confused."

"I'm not confused, Jo!" Hero tells me. "I know how I feel about you."

"Do you? Do you really? Or are you going to tell me tomorrow that you just want to be friends."

For once, Hero is speechless.

I've turned the tables on him.

"I think we need time." I say.

His eyes are drawn to slits in frustration as he runs his hands through his hair. "Fine."

"I'm sorry." I tell him before leaving the room.

I can feel tears burning at the corners of my eyes.

I knew this was a bad idea. I hated that we were as indecisive as we were, but we couldn't keep doing this to each other.

We agreed that remaining professional was best for our careers.

We needed to stop hurting each other like this.

Maria is standing in the middle of the room when I enter, and I mentally facepalm when I glance at the digital on the table next to the bed. It was well past the curfew she gave me.

"Where have you been?" She asks.

"Sorry, I lost track of time."

"Because of him?"

My eyes widen. "What?"

"I know somethings going on between you two. I'd have to be dumb not to see it. But I'm going to tell you right now that whatever is going on needs to stop."

I hold my hand up to stop her. "Nothing is going on between us."

"Are you sure? Because that's not what it seems like to me."

"We know what's at stake." I tell her. "We're professionals, and we're going to keep it that way."

"Good. You need to put your career first. I'm glad you understand that."

I nod my head before disappearing into the bathroom. I pull a towel off the rack and place it over my face to muffle my sobs.

I would never confide in Maria about the logistics of Hero and I's relationship.

Once again, the dynamic of our relationship has changed.

All I knew, was that we needed to get our shit together.

Whether it was during these next ten days or not, we needed to figure out what was going on and fast.

Because Maria was right.

I needed to put my career first.

And I was not going to let Hero get in the way.

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