Night Changes

By mandypsl

119K 3.8K 1.4K

Weeks before After is released, Hero and Josephine embark on a world promotional tour. If only they knew how... More

New York
Ten Days
Spain - Day One
Spain - Day Two
Italy - Day One
Italy - Day Two & Three
Italy - Day Four
France - Day One
France - Day Two
Los Angeles
New York
Los Angeles


7.1K 258 64
By mandypsl

Hero and I barely spoke a word to each other during the flight to Mexico.

As much as I knew what we were doing was for the best, the idea of completely forgetting that night we shared together pained me.

How could he just be willing to throw away an experience like that?

Sure, wanting to keep things professional was justifiable, but couldn't we do that and have a personal relationship as well?

Was that something I even wanted, or did I just think I did because we had sex?

"Jo," I hear Anna softly say as she nudges my shoulder.

I removed my headphones and look up at her. "What's up?"

"We can get off now."

I nod before standing from my seat, taking my bag with me.

I glance over at Hero, who had sat towards the back of the plane, watching him gathering his things.

Maria helps grab our bags before escorting herself off the plane.

Our group makes our way through the airport, security leading the way.

All together there were nine of us. Anna, myself, and Hero. Maria, Tara, Quinn, and Trace, who was Anna's close friend and makeup artist. He was also set to prep Hero as well. Michael, who was Hero's stylist for the tour and Jamie, Hero's publicist. They were a group of wonderful and energetic people, and I felt relieved knowing they'd bring some sort of ease to the tension Hero and I had surrounding us.

We make our way towards the entrance where several groups of fans were waiting for us. Hero politely tells them that we don't have time to stop for pictures, but thanks them for showing up.

Maria stays close by my side as a swarm of girls approach me. I'm a bit startled when a girl shoves her phone in my face, but I don't have the heart to tell her no.

"No pictures please." Maria harshly says before pulling me closer to her.

"It's fine." I insist.

"If you say yes to one, you have to say yes to everyone." She tells me, gesturing to the larger group of fans swarming the entrance.

This whole experience was still so new to me, and quite overwhelming. I knew that in order for me to get through this trip, I had to focus on adjusting to this new lifestyle rather than worrying about Hero.

I was optimistic about a possible relationship, but Hero knew he was doing the right thing and so did I... as much as I hated to admit it.

Thankfully we make it out of the airport and to the hotel within the next hour. We lug our bags through the hallway before stopping in front of our rooms.

"So, I got enough rooms so everyone has their own." Anna tells us.

"I'll stay with Josephine." Maria informs her before showing herself into my room.

I hear Trace and Michael snickering, but my glare stops them.

"Uh, okay well that settles that then." Anna says. "See you all in the morning."

I lift my bag higher onto my shoulder before pushing my suitcases into the room.

"Hey, Jo." Hero says as everyone begins going into their rooms.

"Hey." I simply say before gripping the door to close it.

"Wait, I wanted to ask you something."

"What?" I ask him.

"I just wanted to make sure... that we were... I don't know, cool?"

I blink several times before nodding slowly. "Yeah we're cool."

"Oh okay good, I just thought you were like... mad at me or something."

"No, of course not!" I say a little too over the top. "Why would I be mad? We agreed to keep things professional so that's what we're going to do. Regardless of what feelings may get in the way."

"Jo," Hero sighs.

"It's okay, Hero." I assure him. "We're cool."

And once again, I close the door before he has the chance to say anything else.

The next day

Early the next morning, I'm prepped for our day in Mexico. The day consisted of interviews, press, and an exclusive fan premiere where one of our foreign distributors was showing fifteen minutes of the film.

I tried to suppress every emotion I felt for Hero as far down as possible, that way I could focus on everything in the moment.

Truth be told, when I wasn't so busy worrying about him, it was enjoyable getting to experience something like this.

I had never been a part of something this huge, and it felt like a true honor.

Quinn finishes with my makeup before pinning my hair up into a low bun. Once my hair is perfected, Tara helps me into a beautiful white dress. It was made of lace with an off-shoulder neckline, the skirt falling just below my knees while the back came down a bit longer. The sleeves rested just above my elbows, however I decided to push them up slightly to give them more of a flare.

"It has pockets by the way." Tara points out, and I'm more than overjoyed as I stuff some lip balm and my phone into each pocket.

"Ready." I tell them as I finish strapping on my nude pumps before heading out the door, Maria hot on my heels.

Thankfully, the first press conference was being held in the hotel, so we didn't have to travel this early in the morning.

I meet up with Anna and Hero right outside the conference room. Both looked wonderful, Anna with a black and white polka dot top and a green sequined skirt. She wore black and white platformed sneakers, and I admired her ability to be sophisticated yet comfortable all at the same time. Hero wore a white t-shirt with a black long-sleeved patterned shirt over it, black jeans, and trainers.

He smiles softly at me before holding the door open for Anna, Maria, and I. The paparazzi immediately scramble to get the rest of their stuff together as we wait towards the doors.

Trace comes in shortly after, double checking Anna's makeup and Hero's hair once more before we're given the okay to pose for pictures.

Hero lets Anna and I go first. I follow Anna onto the carpet, a white backdrop with After scattered across it behind us.

Cameras flash at us and I do my best to hold somewhat of a smile for as long as possible. Anna and I murmur a quiet thank you to the press for welcoming us to Mexico before we move aside to let Hero take pictures. Anna insists that I get some without her first, so I keep myself on the carpet, allowing the flashes to consume me once more.

A few of the photographers ask for Hero to join me, and I can feel my body tense. I glance over at him as he walks towards me and give him a slight smile before moving over so he has room in the center.

I can feel our hands brush ever so slightly and I find myself unsure of whether to link arms with him or not. I don't ever recall any photo session being this awkward between costars, but Hero and I's tension was clearly radiating the room as the photographers looked as though they were anticipating something more from us. I glance over at Hero, and he looks just as unsure as I feel, his arm awkwardly placed between us as if it was meant to be around my waist.

If this is what Hero meant by professional, then we were sure as hell in for a long tour.

Judging by Anna's sudden appearance next to Hero, I could only imagine she sensed the awkwardness and felt we needed to be saved.

The three of us took photos for a few moments more until we were told by security it was time for the press conference.

We each take turns thanking the photographers before moving into the conference room.

Thankfully during the interview, Anna sat in between Hero and I. We were able to get through it quickly and sufficiently, answering each question much like he had in New York and cracking a joke here and there.

Once the press conference was over, we make our way out of the rooms and back into the lobby where Maria and Trace were waiting for us.

Hero pulls me back momentarily, his eyes narrowed. "What was that?"

"What do you mean?" I ask defensively.

"I mean, what was that little stunt you pulled on the carpet?"

"The stunt I pulled?" I seethe.

"Jo, when I meant professional, I didn't mean act like complete strangers."

"Oh really? Because that's what it seems like you meant when you completely shunned me for the past three months."

"We can't keep doing this." Hero says, his tone lowering. "Our jobs depend in this tour, and if we can't get our shit together than we're screwed."

"Then get your shit together." I bite back before storming away from him.

He was out of his mind if he thought he was going to pin this whole thing on me. It was just as much his issue as it was mine, and if he wanted to put his arm around me, he should've.

Unless something as simple as a touch was bound to drive him insane.

If only he knew.

Later that day

We made it through each interview to the best of our ability, dreading each one as we did more and more due to the abundance of overused questions.

Thankfully much like the press conference and first signing, it ended as soon as it began. Anna says that there are some fans outside the hotel and that we could go do a quick signing before dinner.

Hero and I happily agree and the three of us make our way through the lobby. There are several security guards blocking the entrance, and they don't look overly pleased when the large crowd erupts into a fit of screams when they see Hero, Anna, and I.

One of the guards ushers for people to move back before opening the door for us.

We stand on the top of the steps as another guard puts a rope in front of us to stand behind. The crowd pushes forward and before we know it, we're overwhelmed with books and posters to sign.

I smile politely and greet each fan as they approach me, thanking them for taking the time out of their day to be here even if most of them probably didn't understand what I was saying.

I can just barely hear a girl who had approached Hero, telling him how lucky he was to be casted alongside someone as beautiful and talented as me.

I try to act like I hadn't noticed, but I can see him looking over at me in the corner of my eye, and my heart begins to ache. He quickly looks away, as if he's caught himself staring before quietly thanking the girl.

After a while, the crowd gets a bit too big and rowdy, so the security guards ask us to head back inside. I wave goodbye to the fans and blow them a kiss before following Anna inside.

"Alright, we've got an hour to change for the premiere then we'll grab something to eat and head over to the theater." Anna informs us.

"Sounds good." Hero nods.

"Oh, by the way." Anna says, turning around to face us. "I just wanted to let you know that a lot of the photographers weren't entirely impressed with your red-carpet appearance."


"One was even kind enough to post a little article about how little chemistry the two of you have and there's little to know doubt that'll show in the movie."

I watch as Hero frantically runs his hair through his hair. "I'm sorry, Anna. We're trying. We're both so new to this and we weren't really sure what to do."

"We're learning as we go." I add, not wanting to say anything that'll embarrass Hero and I more than we already were.

"I get you two are nervous. You have every reason to be, but if I'm going to be honest it looked like you guys were complete strangers out there! And that's saying a lot given your little reunion yesterday." Anna tells us, raising a brow. "Whatever is going on, you need to fix it... like now. I'm not saying there is, but... you know..."

"We will." I assure her.

"Let's just have fun!" She says with a smile.

Hero and I both give her slight smiles in return before she gives us each a hug. "I'm going to go get ready, see you guys at dinner. We're eating in the café across the street."

I watch as Anna heads towards the elevator, where Trace had just come out of to meet her.

I let out a heavy sigh before sitting on one of the sofas in the center of the lobby. "What are we going to do?" I ask wholeheartedly, looking up at Hero.

"I already told you, we should just forget-"

"You and I both know that's not possible." I tell him. "What happened in Los Angeles happened, Hero. We can't take it back. You can try and forget it all you want, but I can't."

He lets out a sigh before sitting down next to me. "I felt guilty for so long after. I hated that it had to be that way. I wish things could've been different... better."

"Yeah but it wasn't." I huff. "Maybe it happened like that for a reason."

He runs his hands through his hair. "You can't hate me for feeling the way I do about this."

I take his hand in mine, my eyes looking deep into his. "I could never hate you."

"I don't want to lose you, Jo. I know I didn't act the right way after what happened. But I had a lot of shit to figure out. Even during that time, we spent after, trying to figure out what the hell we were going to do... I couldn't help but keep thinking about the fact that I may lose you. Because of a stupid mistake we made."

"I don't want to lose you either." I tell him wholeheartedly.

We sit in silence for a moment before he finally speaks again. "Alright, so we don't forget what happened, because you're right. Regardless of whether I'm happy about it or not, it happened. But I do think we should move past this. I hate that we're acting like this. I just want things to go back to the way they were. When we were happy, and we could bear to look at each other with a look that doesn't say 'I hate your guts'."

I laugh at this, before releasing his hand. "I think that's a good idea."

"I know Anna is really nervous about this movie. I don't want her to worry anymore about her two leads not having good enough chemistry."

"What do you mean?" I scoff. "We have great chemistry! We just can't seem to figure out how to pose together on a red carpet."

Hero laughs this time, his smile warming my heart. "We'll figure it out." He glances down at his phone before standing up. "We better go get changed. Don't want to be late."

"Now you sound like Maria." I smirk.

"Yeah, what is up with that? Has she always been that overbearing?"

"You have no idea." I sigh before following him towards the elevators.

The premiere

We all ate dinner together, getting to know each other more and sharing funny memories from our times in our respected fields. Once we finished, Anna, Trace, Hero, Maria, Jaimie, and I were picked up to make our way to the theater while the others went back to the hotel.

Anna had decided to stay in her outfit from earlier, claiming that she was perfectly comfortable in what she had on.

Tara decided to put me in an orange polka dotted sleeveless pantsuit, with a black leather jacket over it. Quinn touched up my makeup and took my hair down, letting it fall in waves over my shoulders. Hero's top half was the only part that was changed, as he was now wearing a moss green button up shirt and a navy-blue satin jacket.

When we got to the theater, we were told that a few fans were given the opportunity to meet us before the showing, so we were shown to a room across from the one the fans were in. Thankfully, there were only a few fans so we wouldn't have to be in there long.

We were stood in front of a backdrop with a lake, looking nothing like the one we had filmed at, but it was beautiful all the same.

After we finish signing books and taking pictures with the fans, we wait in the room until a security guard comes to retrieve us to make an appearance before the showing.

When we enter the room, the theater erupts into a fit of screams and I can feel myself going nearly deaf for the third time that day.

A man with a microphone, who I assumed worked for the film distributor, told us we'd be doing a quick Q&A before the showing.

We awkwardly stand next to each other as the man translates each question, Anna once again doing most of the talking as Hero and I exchange a few comments back and forth with each other.

"I can't believe we made a movie." Hero whispers to me. "This feels so surreal."

"I'm proud." I tell him before looking up into his eyes.

We look at each other, and I swear for a moment everything is fine.

That is until I hear a fan mention the word "herophine" in her question.

The audience erupts into a frenzy as many of the fans begin to yell at the man with the microphone. Hero and I awkwardly shift next to each other while Anna glares at the man with the microphone.

"What did they ask?" I ask Anna, who laughs slightly.

"Something about you and Hero I think." She tells me.

"Herophine" was the name the fans had given to Hero and I. Many took to their social media and spread the word about the possibility of us being together. While sometimes it could be overwhelming, I couldn't help but think about how they had no idea of the context of Hero and I's relationship. It was more complicated then they'd ever begin to comprehend, and I'd rather them believe their theories than them knowing the facts.

The man with the microphone becomes frustrated with the audience's obvious discomfort from the question that was asked, so he quickly wraps things up.

The three of us each have a chance to share our gratitude with them before we are escorted out of the theater.

Once we're back in the van and on our way back to the hotel, Anna turns to us with a smile on her face. "Well that was fun."

"I feel bad for that guy. The audience really had their fill with him." Hero says.

"I wonder what that girl asked that got everyone so upset." I ponder.

"Not sure, but what I do know is that they loved you." Anna says. "I'm proud of you guys."

I lean forward in my seat and wrap my arms around Anna, squeezing her tightly.

"Who's ready for Brazil?" She asks after I let go.

"Me!" Hero quickly says. "We have to see a football game."

Anna and I burst into laughter as Hero goes into a long elaborate story about Brazilian soccer, all while I find myself relaxing more and more, feeling optimistic that we may actually be able to get through this tour in one piece.

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