Amy's Secret

By tunlipotato

672 27 70


Amy's Secret
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 4

54 2 12
By tunlipotato

After a long and awkward day, it was finally time to go home. I stood by my car waiting for my three best friends to get out. I finally saw them walking towards me. Kem started trotting towards me excitement filling her brown eyes. Her ponytail bounced as she moved and I laughed. This had to be good otherwise she would never run. 

"Amy! Amy! Guess what?" she said a little out if breath and I smiled.

"I don't know, did you get laid?" I asked.

"No you dumb shit. Well more like smart shit but you get what I'm saying. And no it's not that. We have wonderful news." I raised an eyebrow. I saw Eli and Alex finally coming next to us and I saw that Alex was blushing slightly. It was easy to tell since her light skin made it obvious when she blushed. 

"Wait Kem! Shouldn't Alex be the one to tell her?"  asked Eli before Kemily could speak.

"Oh right. Come on Alex tell Amy?" I looked at Alex but she wouldn't look at me.

"Tell me what? What is it?" I asked feeling worried. I heard Alex sigh and she finally looked at me. I gave her look telling her to go on and once again her eyes hit the floor.

"I might have gotten asked out by someone." she said quietly that I almost didn't hear it. My eyes opened wide at her response.

"Really?! Who? Oh my god!" I felt curiosity and excitement fill me. She looked up slightly confuse. I guess she wasn't expecting me react the way I did. 

"Wait you are fine with it? I thought you might flip out or something." 

"Look Alex, I know I can be overprotective sometimes but that's because I care for you guys as sisters but I am truly happy for you. Now who is the lucky guy that gets to call you his princess?" I said honestly.  I guess she was right to be shocked by my reaction. I usually tended to be overprotective but it was because they were my best friends and I loved them. They've been there for me and I would do anything to keep them safe. Alex smiled and I saw a dreamy look on her face.

"Well I haven't said yes because I wanted to talk to you about it. His name is Bruce. Actually we've been talking for a while and  I kind of really like him. but I.." 

"Alex, stop. You don't have to ask me for permission. If you like him and he likes you then go for it. Whatever your decision I will support it," I smiled at her and she smiled back. "Now let's go because I still need to go grocery shopping. We all climbed into my car and I headed to their houses to drop them off. After they had all left I went to the store to buy everything they had asked for and soon afterwards made my way home.

I parked in my spot in the driveway and got my groceries out. I had gotten some pomegranates on my way home that seemed tasty and were going to be my snack once I got inside my house. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and decided to put what I was carrying on my car so that I could answer it. 

"Hello?" i answered without looking at the ID. 

"Congratulations! You are the lucky winner of ...." I hung up. Argg I hated those stupid spam calls. I felt annoyed and when I tried to pick up my groceries my poor pomegranates fell. "Fudge!!" i said.

"Are you ok there neighbor?" I heard a now familiar voice said. I turned and saw Brandon with a girl next to him. She had emerald colored eyes, auburn wavy hair but didn't seem familiar. Wow, first day and he already got someone. Damn. Well he is hot. What? Amy shut up. But I'm not even talking. Stop having a conversation with yourself.  

"Eh, yeah. Just great." I faked smile. 

"Hello!" said the girl in a very chirpy voice. I looked at her and smiled politely. 


"My name is Amber, I'm Brandon's sister," she said and a strange sensation passed through me. Almost like relief. "Well I still have some unpacking to do so umm see you later." she started walking to her house almost skipping the way there. I was left alone with Brandon staring at me. I turned to pick up my stuff and was shocked when I found him by my side helping me.  He lifted his hand as if to give me the last pomegranate but when I reached for it he took it away. I frowned.

"Hey! Give me that!" he smirked and shook his head.

"You are very amusing, neighbor" he chuckled. God. he's sexy. Oh my god Amy! Get those hormones under control. But...  I guess I was too busy having a mental conversation with myself because I did not notice that  Brandon had left. With my POMEGRANATE! 

"Fruit stealer!" 

"Leave me alone!!" I shouted.

"Never.." I heard someone whisper. I was running. I don't know from who or what but I was running. Every step was extremely hard to take but I was scared of whatever was chasing me. I was already getting out of breath and sweat was running down my face. I stopped for a minute and suddenly felt my surroundings changing. I was no longer in a alley. I was in a room full of mirrors and my reflection looked back at me. My long dark hair was stuck to my face, my brown eyes were wide with fear. I looked down and let out a small cry. My clothes were cover in blood that kept flowing profusefly out of wide cuts on my body. 

"You will never escape yourself, Amy" 

I woke up breathing heavy and with sweat rolling down my face. I got up and walked out my room to go downstairs. It wasn't the first time I had had that nightmare. I walked outside in search of fresh air. The cool night air hit my skin with pleasure. I waked to my favorite place. Climbing the tree to that would lead me to the roof, I saw the moon and stars. I sat down and soon felt tears run down my face. I started sobbing quietly until I heard some noise. I looked up and found Brandon staring at me with a look on his face that I could not understand. He walked towards me and did something I would have never thought he would do. He hugged me.

"What.." I couldn't finish my sentence because he placed a finger on my lips to silence me. I looked into his eyes and he just hugged me again. I was tense but soon found myself giving in. I've never  been hugged by a guy but it felt great. I soon started crying again and he just stroked my hair to try to calm me. 

After a while I pulled away and he just gave me a faint smile. There was a awkward silence but he interrupted it.

"Are you ok?" He asked,

"Ehhh yeah, thanks." I couldn't look at him. I had let him hug me and I had only met him a day ago.  I felt weird because even though I had been hugged by a complete stranger, It felt right. I finally looked up and saw that he wasn't convinced. 

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. Look, I know we just me but if you need to talk, well I can listen." I smiled.

"So my new neighbor turned out to be a counselor." I said trying to evade whatever he was trying to do. 

"And that's not all there's is to me." I laughed and he laughed too. He stood up and offered me his hand. I took it and was soon on my feet. "We should go. It's late and we have school." I nodded and we soon made our way to the ground. 

"Brandon, thanks. Again."

"No problem. See you tomorrow neighbor." He started walking to his property.

"Whatever, fruit stealer." He stopped and turned. I thought he was going to say something but he just winked and continued walking. 

Back in my room I was analyzing what had happened. I don't know why I had let him hug me. Maybe it was just the moment. I felt like crap and he was just there and his hug felt amazing. I smile when I remembered. He smelled nice. Not like those guys that pour the whole damn bottle of cologne on themselves. He had that guy scent but it was not obnoxious. I shook my head when I realized what I was doing. I laid back in bed and soon fell into a dreamless sleep.

Well, it's done. I have to say that I really did not try on this chapter so that might explain its crappyness. Anyway, thanks for reading. Please comment and vote. I really would appreciate that. :) 


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