
By DMJRallo

536 29 8

Callista, a special girl in an ordinary world More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 1

184 6 3
By DMJRallo

Have you ever wondered how it would be to have superpowers or maybe just be able to read minds?We all have wondered how it would be to fly or transport ourself from one place to another. We all have seen many films with superheroes and imagined how it would be to be like them.

Growing up I always felt different and it wasn't because I was adopted or because I was taller than my friends. I was a normal teenager if you saw me, with a family who loved me dearly living in a beautiful house in New York with great friends. I attended high school and kept my grades up and I did normal teenage things. I even went to parties and concerts just like normal teenagers, but what if I tell you that one day all this normality changed?
I'm not a normal teenager and I am able to do things normal people don't usually do and let me tell you how it all began.

My name is Callista, which is Greek and it means the most beautiful. My parents adopted me from Greece when I was just two years old and they wanted me to have a name that would always make me remember where I came from. I was brought to New York immediately so I really only remember my American life. My parents are both professors my dad teaches italian and my mom teaches history at the university. I am seventeen and pretty tall and I have dark brown hair and brown eyes. I have the same colours of my parents so you can't really see that I was adopted. I attended a private elementary school and also a private junior high school and now a very prestigious high school but I guess that is because my parents both want the best education for me. I have alot of good friends but my best friend is Amelia which we have known each other since elementary school. We love to shop and go to concerts and of course we go crazy for the hot boys at school. Amelia and I also love doing theatre at school, infact,we both dream of being actresses one day.

One day, just like any other day, my dad drove me to school and Amelia was waiting for me out front.
" Callista! We have a new student, and he us super gorgeous!" said Amelia excitedly as soon as I was in front of her
" Really? I hope he's in our class" I said happily
We both walked up the stairs in front of the school and went straight to our home room. Since we went to a private school we all wore the same uniform, girls wore blue skirts with a white button down shirt with a blue and white vest and the boys wore blue pants with white shirts and a blue tie. I hated not being able to wear what I wanted but through the years I got used to it and complained less. We went in our class and everyone was talking until the bell rang and we all sat down at our desks. Our teacher came in with a boy. I knew instantly that he was the new boy Amelia had mentioned before. He was tall with black hair and crystal blue eyes and a muscular body and all the girls couldn't stop staring. He was gorgeous like a model in a magazine.
" students, please meet Alexander, he is new and I hope you all will make him feel at home" smiled our teacher
The teacher then had him sit in front of me because it was the only seat available. I starred at his hair as he sat in front of me and he smelled so good.
The teacher took the attendance and then the bell rang so we all got up to go to our first class. He turned around " can you show me where room 230 is?" he asked me smiling
" you can come with me,that is science and I have the same class" I said blushing
Amelia waved and went the opposite direction because she had history first period so I walked with Alexander to my next class.
" you know my name, can I have yours?" he asked as we walked to the class
" I'm Callista " I smiled
We walked to our class and he sat next to me and all of a sudden I heard him say " she's very beautiful just like her name"
" that's what my name means" I laughed
He looked at me puzzled " are you talking to me?"
He then looked me straight into the eyes and smiled ' you're able to read me'
I saw that the smile on his lips remained but I heard what he had said and looked at him confused. I suddenly got up and asked to go to the bathroom.
I looked at myself in the mirror and I was confused and scared. I couldn't understand how I heard him when he wasn't even speaking. I splashed some water on my face and thought maybe I had just imagined that he had said something. He must think I'm crazy I thought, what a bad first impression I had just made.
I then returned to class and tried very hard to pay attention to the lesson. As soon as the bell rang we got up and before I could run out of class he touched my hand lightly
" can I follow you to the next class?, i believe we both have English together." He said
" how do you know i have English now?" i asked confused
" i saw your program on the desk before" he laughed
" oh! Ok! I'll show you where our next class is" I smiled shyly
As we walked through the hallway I looked around and I never realised how loud everyone spoke all at once. Infact the voices echoed in my head and my head started hurting and I had to stop and put my hands over my ears. All of a sudden Alexander grabbed my hand and pulled me out the front door of the school and outside where it was quieter.
He looked into my eyes ' you need to control them otherwise you will be in severe pain' he said without moving his lips but I heard him
" what's going on? How do you do that? I hear you but you're not speaking? " I said pulling away from him with a scared look
"Don't be afraid, please Callista" he said walking towards me
I looked at him scared and turned around and ran away all the way home.

No one was home so I went straight to my room and layed on the bed. I then realised that I had left school without permission so I decided to call my mom to tell her I was sick and came home to rest just incase the school would call her. She was concerned but I reassured her that with some sleep I would feel better.
I layed in bed trying to understand what had happened with Alexander and couldn't come up with an explanation. Just then I heard someone
' tonight I will tell her how I feel , hopefully she will feel the same' I heard someone saying outside my door so I got out of bed and looked out my window and saw the mailman. I heard him but again his lips weren't moving.
I then saw someone jogging past my door and I heard her saying ' I hate that bitch! She's reuning my life' and like before her lips weren't moving.
I moved away from my window and sat on my bed confused, I was reading these people's minds, but how was that possible. This had never happened before not until this guy arrived at school, Alexander.
I then heard the doorbell ringing. I got up and looked from my window to see who it was and it was him, Alexander. I moved away from the window so he wouldn't see me.
' I know you here, there is no need to hide from me, we need to talk Callista, it will all be clear to you if you just let me explain' he spoke from his mind
'How did you know where I lived? Who are you? How is it that you arrived and now I'm going crazy?' I thought trying to have him read my mind
' if you let me in I will explain it all' he thought
' so you read me too! ' I thought as tears reached my eyes. I started crying because I was scared and didn't know what to do.
' Callista, don't cry, I will never hurt you , please let me explain ' he thought worriedly
I then went downstairs and stood behind the front door ' let me in, please' he thought
I opened the door and he was standing there and looked straight into my eyes and smiled.
" come in" I said letting him in and closing the door behind him
He sat on the sofa and I sat accross from him in the armchair. I was so scared that my heart was beating very fast and tears continued to flow down my face.
" Callista there is no need to be afraid of me and no need to cry, I will never hurt you I will always protect you." He smiled looking into my eyes
His eyes were so crystal blue that they looked like they were made of glass .Looking into them reassured me and the tears stopped and I started feeling less scared.It was strange that I didn't know this guy but he made me feel safe and i felt less frightened.
" I'm happy you feel safe with me" he smiled
" please stop reading me and please explain " I said firmly

"you probably have seen many films regarding witches and you have thought that they were not real but I must tell you that they exist and that there are many different kinds. There are witches that have been very evil in the past and there are some who were put in this world to help common people and help the earth."
" so I'm a witch?" I interrupted him
" You come from a long line of important witches called Illusionists. Your family has been very important through the years and from generation to generation they have passed their powers and their abilities to continue helping people in the world."
"so I have powers? " I asked confusingly
" not yet, Illusionists start having powers at seventeen and as they grow their powers grow, you are just in the beginning Callista "
"And I assume you're a witch too?" I asked
" Actually I'm a Morlock, we have powers but we are not as strong, we give witches the guidance and help they need and we protect them always. I am your Morlock " he smiled
" so for sixteen years I was normal, and now you are telling me I will become a witch.? This is just too much for me!" I exclaimed getting up and going to the kitchen.
" Callista, I will guide you through it all and answer all your questions, you need to trust me" he said putting a hand on my shoulder.
His hand felt warm and his touch gave me shivers so I moved away.
'I need time, Alexander, can you give me time to absorb all this ?' I thought without saying a word
' I understand and I will go so that you can think, if you need me just think of me and I will be by your side' he thought as he walked out of the house and closed the door.

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