(CLOSED) TF2 x Reader Oneshots

By LoveDaWaffles

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Ever wondered what it would be like to be with your favorite mercenary from Team Fortress 2? Would your story... More

Mercs x Kidnapped!Child Reader
Mercs x Kidnapped!ChildReader II
Good Stuff - Demoman X Reader
You're Being Hit On
Flex - Drunk!Scout x Reader
Thunder Storm - Pyro x Reader
Doughnuts - Engineer x Reader
Stop Killing People - Yandere!Pyro x Reader
Thirsty - Sniper x Reader
Showers - Medic x Reader
Stoopid Baby Man - Heavy x Reader
A Fit Cupcake - Soldier x Reader
Precious - Shy!Sniper x Reader
Taking Out A Spy - Spy x Medic!Reader
Name Calling - Scout x Child!Reader
Cease Fire - Demoman x Injured!Reader
Vati - Medic x Child!Reader
Big Lap Dog - Werewolf!Heavy x Reader
My Family - Heavy x Child!Reader
Play With Me - Demoman x Child!Reader
Rest - Exhausted!Engineer x Reader
Tiny Spy - Spy x Child!Reader
Help - Protective!Soldier x Reader
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Late Check In - Miss Pauling x Reader
Screwy Love - Robot!Scout x Reader
Ice Cream - Pyro x Reader
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Kindergarten Boyfriend - Sniper x Child!Reader
Jealous Aussie - Sniper x Reader x Junkrat
Comfort - Sniper x Curvy!Reader
We Will Never Leave You - Mercs x Child!Reader
We Will Never Leave You II - Mercs x Child!Reader
Relationship Advice - Hanzo x Reader x Sniper
Soldier's Roommate - Merasmus x Reader
Soldier's Roomate II - Merasmus x Reader
The Real Engineer - Engineer x Reader
Protective Healers - Mercy x Reader x Medic
Love Hurts - Yandere!Heavy x Reader
Two Men, One Prize - Soldier x Reader x Engineer
Your Engineer - Engineer x Male!Reader
Inside Information - Sombra x Reader x Spy
Showering With A Bushman - Sniper x Reader
Caught In Their Web - Widowmaker x Reader x Sniper
Familiar - Father!Engineer x Child!Reader
Respawn, Robots, and War - Red!Soldier x Blu!Medic!Reader
Confession - Offense
Confession II - Defense
The Deal - Merasmus x Reader x Medic
The Deal II - Merasmus x Reader x Medic
Burnt - Pyro x Reader
You Care - Scout x Male!Reader
The Consequences of Stealing A Hat - Sniper x Male!Reader
A Real Family - Mercs x Child!Reader
Closing - A/N

Confession III - Support

4.5K 92 87
By LoveDaWaffles

This is the final chapter of the Confession series! I'm so so SO sorry for the long wait! Please let me know in the comments if you have any other story ideas like this! Thank you for supporting me (pun intended) and have a wonderfully magnificent day!


This is a warning for Spy's chapter, it deals with grief, and loss.

Shoutout to JustAnotherUserKiwi and BisexuwhaleSix for helping me with the Spy chapter. It's different from the prompts because it deals with such a serious issue. Please go show those lovley people some kindness!



"I don't understand meine freund!" The doctor called out. He was pacing back and forth while Heavy sat in a comfy chair in the Medbay. "Vhat do you mean doktor?" Medic ran his fingers through his hair and groaned. "I zhink I am sick!" Heavy rose a brow, "Do you have fever?"

Medic pointed a finger at Heavy, "Zhat is just it! I get zhese veird symptoms of some sort of sickness!" Heavy crossed his arms, concerned for his dear friend. "Zhere is a person Heavy, I cannot get zhem out of mein head."

Heavy continued to stare at the pacing German. "A person? Who?" Medic turned to Heavy, slight craze in his eyes. "Y/n! Y/n has burrowed into my mind like a rabbit!" He fiddled with his glasses, "I just get so confused Heavy. I don't understand. I feel so strange vhen I am near Y/n." He twiddled his thumbs, "I get so excited to see Y/n even zhough I see zhem everyday! On zhe battlefield I make it my top priority to make sure Y/n is safe."

He sighed, "I remember zhat every single time Y/n has risked zheir own life for me, I felt so safe, so important in zheir life. I just feel at home vhen I am vis Y/n..." He couldn't stop fidgeting. "I zhink I am going mad Heavy, vell madder zhen usual. My heart feels like it flutters out of my chest und my stomach feels even stranger."

"Vhen I am vis Y/n I am at my happiest. Y/n's jokes make me laugh every time, hell just talking Y/n makes me smile!" He laughed but continued his rant. "Heavy, have jou ever seen Y/n's smile? It makes me melt at zhe sight of it! I feel so varm inside und my face goes red! Maybe I am allergic to somezhing Y/n vears? Such as a cologne or ozher scent spray."

His eyes lit up and a small frown spread across his face, "Ja! Das ist es! Oh, sorry, jou don't speak German. I said, zhat's it. It has to be! I am allergic to somezhing zhat Y/n vears. Heavy I apologize, I haven't let jou speak! I have been going off about zhis und not letting jou help me. After all I did call jou in for help." He turned to Heavy and rose a brow. Heavy was smirking and seemed to be holding back his laughter. "Vhy are jou looking at me like zhat?"

Heavy allowed himself to chuckle, "Medic, you are in love." Medic's face heated up in a deep blush, "L-love? Nein zhat can't be." Heavy gave a dumbfounded look towards Medic, "Doktor do not act like a fool. Think about eet. Da 'symptoms' you think you have, are symptoms of being in love."

Heavy counted on his fingers as he started his list, "You cannot stop thinking about Y/n, emotional desire vhen you are near Y/n, Doktor you kept complimenting Y/n during our talk... shall I go on?" Medic waved a hand at him, "Nein, jou have made jour point." Medic looked almost disappointed and Heavy noticed. "Vhat bothers you Medic?" Medic sighed, "Love Heavy. If it is really true zhen how do I tell Y/n? I don't know if I can take zhat emotionally."

"To be loved by someone is somezhing I could only dream of. Y/n vould never feel zhe same about me, vhy vould Y/n? I am not exactly zhe best vis relationships." Heavy stood up and placed his hands on Medic's shoulders. "Doktor. You are loved, dis team is a family. Ve all care for each other." He laughed, "You are very oblivious, not only to your love, but to Y/n's." Medic's brows raised, "Vhat? Y/n's? Vhat are jou talking about?" Heavy laughed again, a rumble that could shake mountains.

"Oh Doktor, you are funny man. Dat is just proving Heavy's point." Heavy squeezed Medic's shoulders, "Y/n has shown plenty of interest in you. You are too oblivious to realise." Medic huffed out a breath and frowned. "Vhat do jou zhink I should do zhen?" Heavy shrugged, "Confess to your feelings. Let your love blossom into beauty. Besides, others have already tried to get Y/n to confess."

Medic nodded and smiled at his friend. "Jou speak vords of high visdom. I vill tell Y/n. I vill do it!" Medic almost puffed out his chest with confidence, "Danke Heavy. Jou are truly a great friend." He shook the large man's hand and jogged out of the Medbay. It was evening and most mercenaries retired to their individual rooms by now. He stopped at your door.

Medic's fist raised to your door but then stopped. Every ounce of courage he had drained away. He felt his palms start to sweat. He took a deep breath but lost courage again. He lowered his fist and sighed. "Medic?" The German let out a yelp and jumped. You looked at him, slightly shocked, "Are you alright?" He quickly wiped his hands on his pants. "Y/n! I vas just, uh, looking for somezhing!"

You rose a brow, "Looking for what?" He racked his brain, trying to come up with something he loses often. "My glasses, have jou seen zhem?" You chuckled, "You're wearing them." His cheeks lit up violently, "I a-am?" He turned around, felt around on his nose, and found them, "Vell vould jou l-look at zhat, I am." You patted his shoulder, "You're just tired, do you need me to walk you back to your room grandpa?"

He rolled his eyes, "Haha very funny." He turned back to you and couldn't help but smile. "I am not zhat old anyvay." You smiled, "I was just joking, besides, I know you think I'm funny." You smirked at him, "You know what I didn't know about you?" He rose a brow, "Vhat?" You stepped closer to him, "You thought you were allergic to something I wear."

Medic's eyes widen, "V-vhat? Vhat are jou t-talking about?" You smiled, "Don't play dumb, I heard some of your conversation with Heavy." He started to blush again, "H-how?" You smiled, "I was on a walk, you left your window open." He blinked quickly and placed his hands on his cheeks, trying to hide his blush. "Und jou l-listened?" His voice cracked and you laughed, "Hey don't get defensive about it!"

You placed a hand on his shoulder, "I think it's sweet." He looked at you, "Sveet? Vhat about zhat is sveet?" You took his hands, "Well for one you're a dork. A really big and adorable dork. You are also a nerd, so much of a nerd, that you didn't know what attraction feels like." He rolled his eyes and you laced your fingers with his. "Even though you are those things, Heavy was right. I seem to have fallen for you. I fell so hard that I broke my leg. I mean who's better to break a leg with than you? You're a doctor and the most amazing person in this world."

"I know that you will take care of me because you already do. Medic, you make it worth waking up in the morning and going to work." Medic had a shocked look on his face but he smiled. "Vell, I zhought zhat I vould be zhe first one to say it. I guess I'm not as clever as I zhought. I guess in a vay I vas, since jou heard me say it."

You nodded, "Fair enough." He smiled at you and pulled you in for an embrace, "Zhere is just so much to love about jou. The varmzh in jour eyes, jour intelligence, even jour voice. Jou know, I could listen to jou for hours." Your cheeks began to heat up which made him chuckle, "Spending time vis jou is zhe highlight of my day, no vone is as funny or caring as jou."

"I love jou vis everyzhing I own, including Archimedes. For jou to love me is so vonderful to zhink of. I vant to be a better man just so I can be vorthy of zhat." You could just feel the heat increasing in your cheeks. He placed his hands on your cheeks and pecked your forehead. "Vould jou do me zhe honor und go out vis me?" You placed your hands on his and nodded, smiling ear to ear. "I would love to." He hugged you tighter and smiled.

"Oh mein gott jou have no idea how happy zhat makes me!" You patted his back, "Medic... I can't... breathe." He let you go and chuckled, scratching the back of his head. "Oh sorry Schatz. I couldn't contain myself." You took some deep breaths and steadied yourself. "It's alright, we are both excited." He nodded, sheepishly.

"As much as I would love to keep chatting with you, I need some sleep. Tomorrow is friday and you know what that means." You stated and Medic frowned. "Right, Fire Friday... zhat has to be zhe stupidest zhing Soldier has come up vis." You nodded, "Working out so hard that you feel like you're on fire, I know, sounds like fun. Not to mention he always changes when he wakes us up. Last time it was at two." Medic nodded. "Jou are right, I vish jou good night Schatz."

Medic lightly took your hand and kissed it. You smiled at him and wished him goodnight before he walked off, with the strange feeling of butterflies in his stomach.


His job was simple, shoot with no hesitation. Sniper was distant from the other mercenaries. He didn't allow himself to grow close to the people he wanted to call friends. Yet day after day his heart disobeyed his mind. He couldn't help but feel connections with his teammates. He especially couldn't contain his feelings for you.

You have been on the team for over half a year. Everyone had accepted you into the team like family. Due to the fact that you were still relatively new, your uber heart had not been put into place yet. Medic said something on the lines of; "It's hard to buy organs visout zhe government questioning jou." You had respawn but until you got your heart Sniper did his best to protect you.

Yet you didn't know he did just that. Sniper kept his subtle acts only to himself. The occasional headshot to someone behind you, warning another teammate about a Spy just to make sure the bloody wanker didn't get to you, he even would threaten to beat Scout if his flirting became to much. The silent assassin just couldn't help himself.

Today was a rare ceasefire day. So rare that it only happened once every four months. Sniper decided to take time to himself even though that's what he does every day. He sat in the front of his van, his feet up on the dash. He sighed and removed his glasses, setting them in the cup holder. Sniper's gaze was drawn to a few figures walking around outside. Sniper noticed you, Demoman, and Soldier walking casually. Sniper cracked his window an inch.

Your mesmerizing laughter filled the air making Sniper role his window down more. He put his glasses back on to hide the fact that he was watching. He observed you wave to the men and begin approaching his van. Sniper swiftly jumped out of his chair and ran to the back of his camper. He slipped on a spare shirt and fell onto his back. He let out a groan but got back up once he heard a knock at his door.

Sniper rubbed his back and looked around his messy camper. He was about to quickly tidy things up but he heard another knock. "Alroight Oi'm comin'." He opened the door to his mobile home and saw you. His heart skipped a beat just seeing you standing there. "Oh Y/n, uh whaddya need?" You looked up at him, your eyes melting his with their color.

He had to blink a couple times just to make sure you were real. You smiled up at him, "What are you doing in here?" Sniper tried to stay casual even though his hat was crooked from the fall and his shirt was sticking out of his pants. "Just the usual. Sittin' in here an' thinkin'." You crossed your arms, "You do that everyday. Why not come outside and enjoy ceasefire day?" He leaned in his doorway, "Oi dunno, those wankers might not want me around." You gave him a sheepish smile, "Well I want you around. That's why I'm inviting you to hang out."

Sniper's face lit up in a blush, "Y-yah want me 'round? I-I mean yeah Oi will hang out with yah. Let me just lock up my camper." Sniper stepped out of his camper and turned around, locking the door, and fixed his messy self. You smiled at him as you two began to walk away from the camper. "Wot do yah wanna do?" He asked. You smiled again, melting his heart. "How about we just go for a walk down the road?"

He nodded and placed his hand in his pockets. You had to quicken your pace to keep up with his large strides, "Hey Sniper?" He let out some sort of 'hm?' that indicated he was listening. You tried to make eye contact but he was looking straight forward, "Why didn't you think I wanted to hang out with you?" He stiffened slightly but kept walking, "Oi didn't think yah loiked me."

You didn't really know how to reply but you tried anyway. "Why did you think that?" Sniper shrugged and scratched the back of his head. "Oi don't really know. Oi kinda just thought yah were interested in the other guys and not so much me." He kept shooting glances at you, "Oi know we're friends and all but..." He stopped mid sentence. "We are friends roight?"

You almost laughed at him, "Of course we are! You're one of my closest friends Sniper." He smiled, "Yeah Oi know, just jokin' with yah sheila." Sniper was a very closed off person but with you he wasn't. Sniper loved you for that. He felt safe to talk with you even though that went against a lot of his morals as a sniper. You must have noticed something off about the way he was looking, "Is everything alright Sniper?" You asked him.

He nodded, "Yeah everythin's fine, Oi think." Your brow rose at his added comment, "You think?" He shrugged then started mentally figuring out how to tell you about his feelings. Sniper had never done this before, "So, can Oi ask yah a question sheila?" Before you opened your mouth to answer he stopped you again, "An' don't say 'yah just asked me one'." You smiled, "You know me too well. Go on what's on your mind?"

"So there's this person roight? Theoretically if Oi had interest in the person, how would Oi tell 'em?" You thought for a minute before replying, "Depends on the person, what are they like?" He did not hesitate when he started, "Really wonderful Y/n. Real smart they are, also pretty funny. They are the only one that really loikes hangin' out with me." Sniper sighed, "No matter how much Oi try Oi can't contain moi feelings for 'em."

Sniper watched you as you thought. You were tapping your chin and your brows were furrowed. You looked back at him and made eye contact. "Just be honest. That's what I would do, tell the person how you feel. Tell them how important they are to you." Sniper stopped walking. "Y/n?"

You stopped a few feet in front of him, "Yeah Sniper?" He walked over to you and took your hands. "Oi'm not good at talkin' 'bout moi feelin's, let alone talking. So Oi'll try moi best." He removed his glasses and met your eyes. "Oi am interested in yah romantically and Oi really want tuh tell yah how much Oi luve yah but Oi'm to nervous." He said it quickly and quietly, the way he did everything. "Oi guess whut Oi'm trying to say is that Oi want tuh be with yah."

"Wanna go get a coffee with me sometime?" He asked, the big finale of his short confession. Sniper felt like he was going to explode. You shut your eyes and chuckled, "You're such a goon Sniper." He rose a brow but you continued. "I guess that's one way to do it. You were honest and to the point, I like that about you."

"I guess you could say I love you too." His cheeks lit up in a blush once again, "R-really?" You nodded and gave him a swift peck on the cheek which only darkened his complexion. He then broke out into a grin which made you smiled back. You took his hand in yours, "Now c'mon, I still want to hang out with you." Sniper's smiled grew, "Oi am glad tuh hear that."

Sniper couldn't believe he allowed someone like you to have such a pull on him but it was love. What's harder to stop than that?


Today was the day. You would be able to contact your family. You were so excited to talk to everyone at home afterall you haven't seen them in over four years. You waited in line for the phone, Sniper was currently talking to his parents. Spy was behind you and a few others behind him. You didn't know who Spy talked to, he just spoke in French. It was to quiet for you to hear or even understand.

"Who are you going to talk wis?" Spy asked you, keeping his voice down so he didn't distract Sniper. You turned your head, "My parents mainly, you?" He chuckled, "Zhat is confidential." Sniper mumbled a quick 'love yah too mum' before hanging up. He turned to you and nodded before walking off. You took a deep breath and stepped up to the phone.

You remembered your parents home phone number. It was in your heart. You thought you were going to start shaking with anticipation. You punched in the numbers and your heart skipped a beat when it started ringing. You could hear your heart beating. Every second a beat went by. You put a hand to your mouth when you heard a familiar voice, "Hello?"

You smiled ear to ear and a small laugh escaped your lips. "D-dad? It's me Y/n." It was silent on the other line for what seemed like minutes. "Y/n?" You nodded even though your dad couldn't see it. "Yeah dad it's me." You could hear him breaking down over the phone. "D-dad please don't cry! I don't have long on the phone and I w-want to talk to you."

"I ain't cryin' Y/n! I'm just so happy to hear your voice again! How long has it been sweetheart?" You shook your head, "It's been too long dad." You dad began to ask you many other questions. You two talked for a couple minutes before realising something else was missing. "How's mom doing?"

For the second time in the call your dad was completely silent. Only this time it was for what seemed like hours. The smile that was plastered on your face was soon lost. "Dad?" You could hear the stuttered breaths of your father on the other line, "Dad where's mom?" You could hear him take a deep breath, "Y/n..." Nothing could prepare you for his next line.

"Your mother passed last year." The words pelted down on you like the bullets you faced on the battlefield. You could hear him begin to panic. "Y/n listen I really didn't want to tell you this way, I'm so sorry sweetheart." Tears began to form in your eyes and you held your breath. The phone began to beep, signalling that your time was ending. "Y/n what is that beeping noise? Y/n. Y/n are you there?" You gasped for breath, trying hard to pull yourself together. "Dad I have to go, I'm sorry to hear about mom. I love you so much dad." You heard him reply a quick goodbye before hanging up the phone. You turned around and looked at the other mercenaries.

They were all staring at you. You blinked away any tears that were forming. "Spy you can, you can call now." You stated quickly, trying hard to keep it together. Scout piped up from his spot in the line, "Yo, toots, is everythin' alright?" You nodded, "Everything is fine, I just need some air right now." You walked swiftly towards your room. You shut the door once you entered and you collapsed onto your bed.

Your sobs filled the air. You never should have come to this job. If you hadn't taken this job you would have been there. You could have supported your father through the loss but you didn't. You weren't there for him when he needed you most. Then a knock at the door startled you. "Mon cherie?" You heard Spy's muffled words through the door. You pulled your knees to your chest and tried to remain silent.

You could hear Spy sigh behind the door, "Listen Y/n, just know zhat if you need to talk wis someone, I am always 'ere for you." He leaned up against the door, "I care too much to zee you in zhis state." Spy didn't even know if you were in the room. He just hoped you heard him and understood that he was there for you.

You made your way to the door. You did not open it, rather you stood in front and pressed your forehead to the door. "Why? Why do you care about me?" Spy was shocked at your words. They were rather out of place. "Parce, Je t'aime. Si vous plait, ouvre les porte." Spy's words were quiet. "You know, I can't hear you when you mumble." You joked.

You heard Spy chuckle from his side of the door, "If you let me in, I'm zure you would understand me better." You sighed and opened the door, a few tears still spilling out from your eyes. Spy placed a hand on your shoulder, "Mon ami, please tell me what 'appened." He said with a soft tone. You couldn't help but break down once again, collapsing into his arms. You explained what your dad had told you. Spy wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tightly.

"I just wish I could have been there for him." Spy rubbed your back lightly, "Come, zit down." He lead you back to your bed and he sat you down. Spy took a seat next to you and took your hand. He held it lightly in his gloved one, his thumb tracing your knuckles. "I know it hurts to lose zomeone Y/n."

"It makes you feel zo zmall in zhis world. Like you can't do anyzhing to prevent it." Spy sighed, "And in a way you can't. Deazh is normal, it is part of life but trust me when I zay it can be better for a person." You looked at him, feeling mixed emotions about what he was saying. Spy must have sensed your feelings as he continued, "What I mean is if your mozher was dying, it may 'ave been better for 'er to go, zhan to ztay and suffer."

You had never really thought about it that way. Spy set his hand on your cheek and lightly brushed away your tears. "I am very zorry cherie. I wish zhere was somezhing I could do to 'elp you." You laid your head on his hand, "You're doing enough being here for me." You said. Your words were more like a whisper but you knew he heard you. You two sat in silence for a while, before your curiosity got the best of you.

"Spy, why do you care about my issues?" You asked, which he chuckled before responding. "I care about you, zhat is why." You figured that would be the answer but you wanted a little bit more. "Yeah but why?" Spy chuckled and looked at you. He wrapped an arm around you and pulled you close to him. "I 'ave never felt zhe way I feel about you. If you need 'elp I want to be zhe one to 'elp you."

You smiled with content. You had some idea that Spy had interest in you but this was what iced the cake. He noticed your smile and he returned it. "But zhis is not what we need to discuss right now. I want to make sure you are ok first, zhen we can talk about it." You nodded and burrowed your face into his chest, "I really do appreciate you being here for me Spy." He sighed, "Anyzhing for you mon amour. Your 'ealzh is zhe most important to me, physically, and mentally."

"Thank you for caring Spy, at least I have someone to rely on." You felt a soft rumble from his chest. He placed a warm kiss on your forehead, "Next time please don't 'ide it from me. You are my everyzhing. Seeing you like zhis 'urts me I just want what is best for you." He stated with a small sigh. You held him tighter, "Knowing that you care Spy is all I needed. I'll come to you for everything I need help with."

"I'm glad we feel zhe same way about each ozher." You felt yourself relaxing more in his arms. You knew this was going to be hard for. Losing someone was never easy but you knew you would have more help than other people. After all you had Spy, someone who cared enough about you to come after you when you stormed off crying. Someone who skipped his one phone call, a call he wouldn't be able to make for no one knows how long, just to make sure you were ok. You are so important to him that he did those things.

You couldn't be more grateful to be loved by a man like him.

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