The Nerd Who Rules The School

By Crazy_Fangirl2524

510K 25.9K 3.3K

"Who do you think you are? You are just some nerd." He sneered at me, looking down at me like he already owne... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Author's note
Asher's pov: first meeting
10 minutes before heaven
Horror movies

Chapter 42

5.2K 305 27
By Crazy_Fangirl2524

My mom brought Asher to the living room to 'talk' and my dad stayed with me while we cleaned up and washed the dishes. I pitied Asher, my mom could be very intimidating and right now I would rather face my dad.

As we washed the dishes, I could feel my dad gathering his thoughts and thinking of a way to start the conversation.

"So, it finally happened." He said as he gave me a plate to dry off.

"Finally?" I couldn't hide the surprise, but I was glad he seemed so chill about it.

"It was pretty obvious, your mom and I were betting about it. I bet you guys would be together before this year ends and your mom disagreed. And I won, she owes me dinner now." He said gleefully, he sounded happy for me. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in.

"Maya thought so too." I mumbled, it was out of my mouth before my brain could even process what I had just said.

The light atmosphere immediately darken, I could feel it falling on us. The familiar pain in my heart returned as well as those thoughts.

Maya would be so happy. She would already be planning the dates and double dates and maybe even the wedding. She would talk about it nonstop, she might even threaten Asher or whine how I wouldn't be all hers now.

"You know, Drizel is going to sell some of the stuff. He asked us to ask if you want to stop by and maybe get some of the things? Also there's a present she left behind for you. You should go and get it." He said after we had finished the dishes and right when Asher and mom came back in.

Asher looked relieved but a little pale, mom on the other hand was almost beaming, even with the dark circles she looked almost happy. When my mom saw the look on my face, a look of understanding passed over. Asher saw me and his eyebrows furrowed, concern etched on his face, laced with a little fear.

"I will go after I change, Asher will drive me there." I announced trying to sound impassive.

My dad nodded and gave me a small smile of encouragement; my mom gave me a look of approval. To save Asher from awkwardness and the possibility of more talks, I grabbed his hand and dragged him up the stairs with me. He seemed speechless with my action and I didn't even think much about it till I had to let his hand go.

I grabbed a hoodie and some sweatpants into the bathroom to change. Leaving Asher in my bedroom was better than the kitchen downstairs. My thoughts were a jumbled mess, not bothering to untangle it, I exited the bathroom and was met with a nervous and confused Asher.

"We are going to Maya's house." I informed him before he could say anything else.

"Okay, could we stop by my house to change?" He gestured at himself, the too tight sweater and too short sweatpants.

"Yeah of course." I wanted to slap myself for not remembering and being more considerate, but the cloths are doing wonders for his body.

Ignoring the thought, we went back downstairs and I told my parents I would be back before dinner then we were in the driveway.

I had no idea how long the drive was, all that was on my mind was Maya and Asher. I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss and what we would be right now. I had no idea how to even start the talk with him.

Are we dating? But he didn't even ask me out, if he ask me out does it mean we are boyfriend and girlfriend? Or do he ask me again? What if he regrets it. What if he is waiting for me to make the move. What if-

I cut the train of thoughts off, I didn't want to go down that dark, uncertain road again. So I steered the wheel and I went down another path that was almost worse.

What did Maya left for me? Should I get anything? But if I don't he is just going to sell it anyways. But I feel bad for getting it. Oh Maya. I wish you are here, you can help me out. You always wanted to help me out on boy drama and now when I finally have something happening you aren't here. Why? Why is life like this?

"I will change and wash the cloths before returning them back to you. Are you okay with staying here for a few minutes?" Asher asked; still not fully back, I nodded absentmindedly.

If she is here, she will know what to do and tell me what to do and we can talk for hours about this and gods all the things we can do. I wish I can tell you that you are correct. I wish you can be here to tell me I told you so.

I could feel my heart shattering, the more I think about it, the more it hurts; yet I couldn't stop.

I just wish you are here.

I wanted to tell her everything once again, I wanted to tell her she was correct, that she was right all alone. I wanted to ask her for advice. I wanted her to give me ridiculous and impractical advices jokingly. I could just imagine her reactions and expression, I could almost see it, like a movie playing in my head.

"Hey, are you okay?" I didn't even noticed that he was back.

"Yes, I'm fine." The words were caught in my throat. Tired of lying and pretending, I shook my head, the pressure on my chest was getting heavier and a lump formed in my throat.

When did I become such a cry baby?

I swallowed but it was useless, I was once again drowning in my demons, stuck in my own prison. Pressure built behind my eyes and I hated myself for it.

I didn't want to drown again, so I finally decided to stop trying to stay afloat on my own. I reached out and wrapped my arms around him, clinging onto him tightly. His body tensed up for a moment, but relaxed almost immediately. His arms snaked around me, the familiar weight comforting me.

Even though the gears were digging into our stomachs, we didn't let go, I didn't care, I could barely feel it. I just focused on him and tried to stop the demons from invading my mind once again.

Just as I felt like I could finally breathe again, I felt his muscles growing hard beneath my hands that were resting on his back. Next thing I knew, he pulled away from me. To say I was surprised would be an understatement.

I was the one who pulled away first all the time, for a second, fear seized me and all the worst possibilities flew through my mind.

"My brother." The iciness of his tone snapped me back from my overthinking, I almost forgot how cold he could sound. His face was carefully controlled, showing only the slightest hint of anger. Although the anger and iciness weren't directed to me, a shiver still went down my spine.

His brother was standing in the doorway. His piercing jade eyes observing us like a predator, with the not quite right smile playing on his lips. This time, a different kind of shiver went down my spine and I could feel goosebumps rising on my arms.

"Maya's house right?" His tone was still freezing cold, he didn't even wait for a reply and we were out of the drive way.

The heater was on yet it felt colder than the weather outside. His death grip on the wheel were making his knuckles turned white and I was almost afraid to look at him.

"I'm sorry." It was barely audible, he was still staring straight ahead, surpassing the speed limit.

"You don't need to apologize." I replied without an ounce of hesitation.

The unasked question burned intensely in the air, the question was just on the tip of my tongue; but I didn't want to push him as he never did.

Before he said his brother's name with wistfulness and sadness, now it's cold anger. What changed?

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