The Fox Hero

By Thunder_God_Thor

1.1M 21.7K 32.5K

During a raid of a illegal experimentation site, A 6 year old child is found by the heroes, imprisoned in a c... More

Midoriya Izuku - The Origin
Entrance Exam.
Class 1-A
Battle Training
The Normal Days.
USJ Invasion I
USJ Invasion II
I was Tagged.
News of Sports Festival
Sports Festival Commence
The Second Part Of the Festival.
Sports festival Ends
Stain..The Fight with Hero Killer
Starting Of End of Term Exam.
Momo and Izuku Vs All Might.
The Boot Camp
Boot Camp II
The Unwanted Guest.
Explanations and a little game.
The Battle Against All For One.
The Battle Against All For One II
U.A Becomes Boarding School
Liscene Exam..
The Big Three
Internship And Eri

The Villains Invade

28.3K 548 457
By Thunder_God_Thor

Izuku had finished his morning training and was returning after taking a shower to the camp but stopped and saw everyone from his class awake and looking sleepy with aizawa standing in front of them.

"And where were you midoriya?" Aizawa asked as he turned towards izuku.

"Shower" came izuku's short reply and aizawa said " It looks like you've been awake for quite some time"

Izuku nodded as he said " yeah, i just finished my morning workout and took a shower"

"You also need sleep, rest is important" Aizawa advised izuku who nodded

'Why didn't you tell him that with me in your body, you only need one or at most two hours of sleep' kurama asked confused

'I would've if yaoyorozu-chan was not there, if she heard that i'll never be able to sleep in class or any other place' Izuku replied back

'I see' kurama nodded approving his host's choice.

"Today we are all here to work on and improve your quirks and train you so that you may be able to achieve the temporary license, with that being said bakugo, here. Try to throw this" Aizawa instructed and threw a ball at bakugo while directing the last part of his sentence solely to him.

"This is from the physical test" bakugo said looking at the ball.

"Your records says that your throw during the test was 705.2m, let's see what you score" Aizawa said stepping a little to the side.

Bakugo grinned as he shouted " DROP DEAD!!" And threw the ball with full force

Aizawa showed the device which had 709.5m written on it and bakugo was shocked

Everyone else was shocked and disappointed too as sero said " This isn't even close to what i expected"

"Talk about eye openers" Kaminari muttered

"Pffft" everyone turned and saw izuku laughing as he said " you..haha...only improved 4.3m...hehehahah" izuku laughed as momo hit his side with her elbow as she whispered "Midoriya-kun, don't be mean"

"Now this shows that while you all gained experience and have grown, you're quirks have not, so from now our sole focus would be improving your quirks" Aizawa finished and saw izuku was still laughing at bakugo who looked pissed as hell and was twitching wildly.

"Problem child, why don't you try it" aizawa said as he threw the ball to izuku as izuku asked " You sure?"

"Yes, last time you scored 960m, let's see what your score is now" Aizawa said as izuku shrugged and rolled his sleeve up and pulled his arm back letting chakra flow into his arm as he threw the ball with 75% of his strength and the ball went flying away.

A beep was heard as aizawa looked into the device and smirked as he showed the device and said " 1920m, twice the score you had last time"

"I work on my quirk too, not just strength" izuku said smirking back as he looked smugly at Bakugo who shouted in rage "Damn you! Fox bastard"

"Midoriya you can continue your training from yesterday and you all, let's get started" Aizawa said and izuku nodding walked into the forest.

Everyone was doing intense training and izuku completed his own and felt proud of himself.

'You're doing great kid, you've learned the technique, now to master it we will need only a day with the rate at which we are progressing' kurama said satisfied with izuku's training progress.

'Yeah, and then we will have another killer move in our arsenal' Izuku replied as kurama smirked.

"Hey everyone what're you doing?" Izuku asked as he saw momo sitting down trying to light a fire and bakugo with a knife in hand and some vegetables as izuku teased "Hey bakugo, do you even know how to use a knife?"

"Of course i do, you shit" the reply was instantaneous and izuku smiled as he said "I bet you don't even know how to light a fire let alone make food"

"You bastard, i can make better food than you any day" Bakugo shouted back.

"Oh~ why don't we make it a competition between you both?" Mina piped in with a devilish smile on her face.

"Yeah, that would be manly" kirishima yelled fist pumping

"How about it deku, i'll destroy you so bad you won't even know what hit you!" Bakugo yelled with a crazed smile

"Deku? Seriously" Izuku asked looking at bakugo like he was a 4 year old

"Shut up and answer, are you in or are you not" Bakugo asked

"Sure, kacchan" izuku teased laughing at bakugo and shrugginghis enraged look he was pretty confident in his cooking, he had cooked for himself and his sister more than times he could remember and she did say that his meals were the best meals she ever had.

"Midoriya-kun, do you know how to cook?" Momo asked as she narrowed her eyes at him

"Uh huh, i made food several times when i was home alone or when nee-chan was not feeling well, just know she is not a good cook." izuku answered confidently.

"Ok. So the judges will be the teachers, Mr.Aizawa, the pussycats and Vlad or Brad king (whatever his name is)" Kaminari shouted

"So let's make teams" Sero shouted as everyone agreed and teams were made.

"So Bakugo's squad has Kirishima, Sero, Kaminari, Mineta, Iida, Sato,Asui, Mina, Jirou, Aoyama and Shoji" Uraraka said as she glared at the rival squad

"Midoriya's squad has Todoroki, Uraraka, Hagakure, Ojiro, Tokoyami, Dark shadow, Koda and yaomomo" Mina said as she too glared at the opposite team

"All right so the dish you all have to make is Curry" Pixiebob shouted excited.

"Okay let's get started, dark shadow and tokoyami get the ingredients here and uraraka you and todoroki light the fire" izuku instructed and they all nodded and took off.

After the ingredients were gathered izuku took a knife and a cutting board and took of the extra fat from the chicken and began cutting the vegetables as he said " Heat the water, everyone and yaoyoruzu-chan you and koda help me cut the vegetables."

They all got to work while izuku cut the vegetables along with koda and momo. He then mixed the ingredients together and after the water reached the temperature he wanted it to be, he poured the contents inside and began to stir the mixture.

After an hour and half of effort, both parties had finished the curry and the smell was simply intoxicating.

"Man, my mouth's watering" Kaminari said with drool coming out of his mouth

"Yeah man, we feel ya" Sero, Kirishima and Mineta said in the same state as Kaminari.

Izuku and bakugo both presented the food to the judges and looked at each other with a face that said 'You're going down!'

The judges ate the dishes and were awed as pixie bob and Ragdoll squealed in ecstasy and said " So good!"

Everyone awaited the final decision as the judges finished their food and discussed for a while then Aizawa stood up and said "Both of you did a great job, the food was delicious, and it was a hard decision to choose the winner and the winner is....." he paused to give the dramatic effect

Everyone gulped and held their breath as aizawa said " The winner is Midoriya"

"Yeah!!!" Izuku and his team shouted while bakugo and his team looked down and aizawa said " The food was tasty, but bakugo's chicken contained the extra fat, it was not removed and the flavouring was somewhat less than required, overall he did a great job too, so it's not total defeat."

They brightened a little hearing this and izuku held his hand out as bakugo looked shocked and izuku grinned behind the mask as he said "Don't look down, you proved me wrong didn't you, i said you didn't know the ingredients much less cooking but you came close behind so i think you did great"

Bakugo smiled a little as he shook hands with izuku and everyone cheered as izuku said " All right, let's dig in!!" And everyone ran towards the food and began eating.

Izuku ate his portion and noticed kouta going into the forest and followed him as he took some curry for him while the others were playing the test of courage.

He saw kouta sitting near a cave as he said "Hey, you must be hungry right? I brought some for you"

"What the hell are you doing here!!? This is my secret base and you are not welcome here!" Kouta shouted standing up as izuku said " Hey no need to act hostile!"

"Yeah whatever, go away" kouta replied as he looked at the sky and izuku ignored him as he sat beside him and said " You're parents were the water horses right"

"Mandalay opened her big mouth, huh!!" He shouted glaring at izuku

Izuku ignored him and said solemnly " I feel you kid, i know how it feels like to have no parents"

"W-what?" kouta asked as he looked up at izuku.

"Yeah, be grateful you had mandalay to take care of you after their death, some people don't have that luxury" izuku said looking at the stars.

"What do you mean?" Kouta asked as he looked at izuku.

"When my parents were killed i was kidnapped by evil scientist and tortured and experimented upon, and after two years i was saved by the pro heroes, and you know that my memory was erased due to some experiment and i don't have a single memory of my parents" izuku explained to kouta who looked horrified

"Listen kouta, you're parents didn't choose to die that night, they were killed but they died a hero's death, they were called heroes, not something disgraceful, so be proud of your parents and make them proud by becoming even more stronger and powerful than them. You want them to take it easy in afterlife right? Then show them that you are doing good here and they can rest easy there" Izuku advised kouta who began crying.

"I'll do my best to make them proud, big brother" Kouta said as izuku smiled and said " That's the spirit, now come here" and hugged kouta who cried for a while and then broke the hug as kouta sniffed and wiped his tears as izuku gave him the plate and said sheepishly " sorry it's a bit cold now"

"That's okay" kouta said and began eating the curry and they talked for a while when suddenly a masked figure appeared in front of them.

"So you're the green flash? Heard you're pretty strong but to me, you look weak as shit" The figure said as he removed his mask and Kouta gasped

"I'll kill you right now and take your head back with me, and then we'll take the explosive blonde with us too." the man was blonde and had a fake left eye and giant scar on the area where the fake eye was implanted.

'So these villains are after bakugo' izuku thought grimly

" are muscular, you killed mom and dad" Kouta shouted and in rage he used his quirk and threw water on muscular

"You" muscular growled " I'll kill you next brat, you are the son of those fucking heroes who gave me this scar! And took my fucking eye!!"

"You won't even get to touch him" izuku said and in an instant a red bubbly cloak covered him that had a single tail swishing.

"What is this?" Muscular asked a little scared as Izuku glared into his remaining eye and said " your end" and launched forward and muscular's vision faded and his screams were the only thing heard because izuku had not even given him a chance and wrecked him; using him like a ragdoll and smashing him around.

After muscular was out izuku let go of kurama's chakra and looked at kouta as he said " See kouta, this is the one you were scared off; train your quirk, become strong and you will be able to handle small fries like him easily and be able to protect the people close to you"

"Thank you big bro" Kouta shouted crying as izuku nodded and said "Come on let's get out of here"

Izuku picked kouta up and ran out of the area, using chakra to cover longer distance with each jump, and saw that a poison gas was spread through the forest and the students were fighting.

"Damn it, why does trouble always follow us?" Izuku mumbled seeing the mess.

He reached the camp and found aizawa as he said " Mr.Aizawa keep the kid safe, I'll help others, here take this" izuku said giving a hiraishin kunai to aizawa and said " Place it where you want me to gather everyone"

Aizawa understood and nodded as he said "Be careful kid and tell mandalay that i am allowing the students to fight back."

Izuku nodding ran in the forest and to look for his friends as he prayed for everyone 'Yaoyorozu-chan you better be all right......and others too'

'They'll be fine kid, stop worrying about everyone, especially her, she's strong and focus on making a plan!' Kurama replied to him snapping him out of his thoughts as izuku said 'She better be kurama, cause i don't know what i would do if she isn't'

Meanwhile Bakugo and Todoroki were walking the forest carrying with todoroki carrying a boy from class b and both were holding their breaths to avoid inhaling the poison.

And they found a villain who was on his knees muttering to himself and seeing them he turned towards them and said " I have work to do", the villain was wearing a mask like a robbers and had his mouth stitched open so his gums and teeth were visible.

"Like hell I am not fighting this sick fuck" Bakugo said looking at the villain.

Izuku encountered mandalay and Tiger fighting Spinner, a lizard man and magna a female who has magnetism as quirk.

Izuku quickly launched a chakra enhanced dropkick to Spinner and sent him flying away into the tree as he slammed into it and slid down unconscious.

"One down, one to go" izuku said as he landed on the ground and stood up.

"Mandalay kouta's safe, i just dropped him off, i need you tell the message that aizawa-sensei sent " All the students of A and B are authorized for Combat" izuku informed

Mandalay nodded and thanked him for saving kouta as she relayed the message to the students and said "Done"

Izuku then turned towards her and said "Tell them this that the villains are targeting bakugo, they want to take him away, tell him that izuku said to not rush in anything" and mandalay nodded and sent the information on the other side bakugo was shocked when he heard it and said " So you are after me? Too bad you won't get me"

"So the screams earlier were of Muscular, you defeated him" Magne said to izuku who did not reply and magne rushed at him saying " Then you are a threat and must be dealt with immediately"

"Kid watch out!" Tiger yelled and izuku formed a rasengan and shoved it in magne's stomach as he also hit a tree and fell down bruised and izuku quickly flashed to him and punched his face hard breaking his nose as the pussycats looked at him and he said "Can't take any chances"

He then turned towards Pixie bob and said "she's injured, grab onto my shoulder"

They all looked at him weirdly and tiger voiced " What will that do?"

"Just do it!" Izuku said as they put a hand on his shoulder while he laid down another hiraishin kunai on their location.

Closing his eyes, izuku located the kunai he gave to aizawa and flashed there. Opening his eyes, he ignored the shocked looks from the pussycats and said " Go inside and patch her up, i'll find the others and bring them here" and with that he vanished again.

Izuku reached the area where the gas was and gathering chakra in his mouth he shouted " Wind Breakthrough" and breath out a large amount of hair and the gas started flowing away.

Further running in he came across multiple students knocked out and gathering them together he placed a hand on them and hiraishin-ed to the camp and said "Mr.Aizawa they need help, i think they inhaled the poison gas"

Aizawa and the pussycats ran towards izuku and tiger started to pick the students up and take them inside along with Vlad king.

And aizawa was on guard duty to warn if threats appear. Izuku flashed again in the forest and ran ahead and met kendou and tetsutetsu who had just beaten the one spreading the gas and Kendou said "Midoriya! Thank you for blowing the gas away"

"Yeah! It was manly dude" Tetsutetsu said

Izuku looked at them seriously and asked "Have any of you seen yaoyoruzu?"

"These masks were made by her and after that we didn't see her, lost her in the fog" Tetsutetsu explained to izuku as izuku said "Shit! Where is she?"

"Don't worry midoriya, have faith she is strong, she will be fine" kendou tried to console him.

"She should be or else the person who hurt her would not see the next day" Izuku said voice full of venom and his usual green eyes now had slits, which scared kendou a little.

"Grab on my shoulder, and grab him too" he said and pointed at the downed villain as they both did and in the next second found themselves near the camp as izuku said "Mr.Aizawa this one was spreading the poison, they knocked him out"

Aizawa nodded and izuku flashed away again, panting as he reached the forest and knelt down breathing heavily and thought 'Damn it the strain of Hiraishin is catching up, i can't do this for long, i think only two or three flashes left for use and i would not be able to move my body for a while"

'Kid, rest a little' kurama said as izuku strained himself to get up and said 'no, not until i know she's safe'

He then went further inside walking and saw uraraka pinned down by a middle school uniform wearing blonde girl, and Asui looked scared.

'Even if it is against my morals, i have no choice' izuku thought and running forward and pulling the girl's arm and spinning her around he grabbed the back of her face and slammed her face first on the ground, and whispered " Lightning Stream, Nerve Paralysis" and sent jolts of electricity in her system paralyzing her.

"Are you two okay?" He asked looking at the two scared girls who were looking at him in awe. They nodded trembling in fear as izuku said " Hey calm down, it's okay, no will hurt you"

"Make way!!" Bakugo's voice was heard and they saw bakugo todoroki and shoji running towards them with shoji carrying a boy from class b.

He saw behind them tokoyami and dark shadow, the former screaming in pain and the latter out of control.

Tokoyami shouted " help! Dark shadow....out...of control"

Izuku used kurama's chakra and glared at Dark Shadow as he said darkly " Calm down!"

The result was instantaneous, dark shadow knowing the difference in power even in his rage mode stopped hearing izuku and receded back into tokoyami.

"Thanks" Tokoyami said panting

"Has any if you seen yaoyorozu?" Izuku asked hopefully

"Sorry Izuku, but we didn't see her" Todoroki answered for his group

"We neither" Uraraka answered for her and tsuyu as izuku clenched his fist and said "Shouto grab my right shoulder and Bakugo the left one, and you all grab onto them"

They all did so and izuku was about to flash when he heard " How nice of you to bring the target to us all by yourself" and looked to see Dabi and Compress standing on a branch

"Who said you could take him" Izuku said showing a middle finger to them and vanishing as he appeared before the camp and said "Mr.Aizawa" and aizawa arrived and ushered the students inside as izuku asked " Who's missing?"

"Yaoyorozu, Awase from class B and Aoyama" Aizawa said as izuku nodding flashed again and appearing in his previous spot as he coughed and took a deep breath and continued his search.

He ran some distance and saw aoyama carrying awase with him and asked "Aoyama, where is yaoyoruzu?"

"She..she forced us to escape and became bait for nomu so we could leave" Aoyama said trembling and izuku quickly grabbed him and flashed him to the camp and flashed back as he ran further inside and saw a nomu cornering momo and forming a Chidori he jumped up and slammed it inside the head of the nomu and flared the lightning as the nomu screeched and fell down.

Izuku got off the nomu and analysed momo she had several bruises on her arms, legs and was bleeding from the head but it was not a major wound and momo seeing him was glad and started "Midori-oomph!" She was cut off as izuku hugged her tightly, his hands round her waist as he pulled her into his chest and she blushed heavily as he said relief filling his voice " You're were the only one i couldn't find...i was so scared"

"I'm fine silly, just bruised a little" she smiled as she hugged back

Izuku broke the hug and said " well let's leave" momo wanted to nod but the fatigue from overuse of her quirk caused her to lose her consciousness as izuku picked her bridal style and said " Take a long rest, you earned it"

"Well well well, look who we have here, friends" a voice was heard and izuku looked up and was shocked, his eye widen even kurama was shocked.

"You're...." Izuku gasped looking the figures standing above him in the tree branches.


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