
By redkmushroom

55.7K 1.5K 234

She was The Girl of Steel. Kara Zor-El of Krypton, the last true Kryptonian. She was bullet-proof, capable of... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Five

3K 96 7
By redkmushroom

"Hey, Kara," one of the security guards emerged from the elevator with a large bouquet of flowers in one hand and a bag in the other. Already smelling what was in the bag, her stomach chose that moment to roar its approval and she flushed slightly as Snapper looked at her and then at the flowers with disdain and rolled his eyes.

"I want you on the Luthor conference," he growled as she slunk away, pulling his sleeves to his elbows. And Kara scrunched her face at his departing back before she turned back to the security guard.

"Hi, Rob," she beamed at him and heard his heart tick and he smiled back at her.

"These are for you," he handed the flowers over and then passed the bag over before offering her a half-wave and awkwardly backing away back to the elevator.

"Thanks!" She grinned and quickly put the flowers on a nearby desk so she could open her potstickers and was halfway through the first container when she finally thought to look, really look at the flowers. She recognized them immediately and ran her tongue along her teeth and looked for a note. She knew instantly who the flowers were from, and when she found the note it was confirmed. I'm sorry—L. It was impersonal lettering and card but the message and gift meant more to her than Lena could possibly know and she smiled gently at the card before looking at the flower.

"Oooh, Danvers' got a boyfriend," cooed one of the other assistants as she clicked past and made to snatch the card from Kara's fingers. Some of the other interns looked over curiously as Kara's aversion to dating was well-known-James aside- and no one had ever sent her flowers before. Kara may have used Super reflexes to pull the message away and glared at the girl, watching the smile fall from her face. Kara Danvers didn't glare. It was not a look that suited her, but by-god was she good at it. Her eyes turned artic and her face smoothened to marble, like one of those statues in museums.

Swallowing nervously the girl walked away quickly, and Kara's eyes followed her to ensure she got the message. The flowers were hers. She could feel her ire fading as she looked back at the flowers and a smile rose unbidden to her lips and she ran her fingertips over the petals. They were soft, not as soft as roses petals, but still, and they smelt very good. She checked her watch and her eyes widened. She had less than half an hour to get across town if she wanted to be there in time for Lena's speech. She was quick to take the flowers and potstickers to her office and then gathered her messenger bag, note-pad, and other essentials. She would deny using super-speed to devour her lunch but how else was she meant to eat them before she had to leave?

Minutes later she was on the streets, making her way to the bus and listening to her music as the bus wound its way through town.

She was very nearly late to the speech and knew Snapper would certainly have her job if she had missed it, even though she was the only reporter to get anything out of Lena (she had refused to give interviews, directing reporters to her PR team). Lena was already on the podium with the L-Corp building standing guard over her and a group of photographers, journalists, and media teams in front of her, hanging on her every word.

She was wearing a tight mid-thigh length black skirt and had a tailor white suit jacket over a white blouse. It was similar to what she wore last time she spoke here, minus the green blouse and large white jacket. Her hair was falling back across her shoulders, making her face seem softer, even as her lipstick was a dark, promising red.

Kara caught her gaze as she scanned the crowd and felt something in her chest flutter when Lena's lips parted in a smile and she offered a little, nervous wave. Lena's smile warmed and Kara hurriedly jotted down notes of her speech, admiring the way the young CEO held the attention of the media and almost effortlessly moved through her speech. She made sure to emphasize that this incident in no way made her bare no ill will to the alien community, accepting that as the family of such a high-profile alien hater she would no doubt be targeted by those who feared she would turn out the same. She made sure to address the rumors of L-Corp developing anti-alien weapons, (though reporters, including Kara, would later note that she didn't confirm the company had such weapons). It was as she was discussing her loss of her employees and L-Corp's coverage of their funeral costs and the medical bills for those injured in the attack that Kara heard a familiar click.

Since she had landed on earth and developed her powers due to earth's sun she had to learn to tune out much of the noise of everyday life. It had been very difficult for her when she first heard people crying for help and Alex would have to hold her as she cried about them needing help and her being unable to help them and how it was 'so loud.' Over the years she had gotten better at tuning it all out, solid in her role as Kara Danvers, nothing special about her, until, of course, she had outed herself when she saved her sister. Now she was more open to the city, blocking a lot of the noise with selective hearing, letting it filter through her mind unchecked and only pulling threads of sound when it caught her attention. The cocking of a gun certainly caught her attention.

Her head snapped up and she glanced around her, straining with her senses to catch the sound and heard the soft click of a trigger being pulled and all of her being was focused on the spinning bullet as it ripped through the air and towards the podium. Lena!

She was before the brunette as Supergirl in the span of a heartbeat, catching the bullet between her fingers and glaring down its path at the being that dared take a shot at the young CEO. The humanoid creature flinched away once the shot had been made, and around her chaos erupted as the humans caught on to what had happened. She felt their heart rates leap and pound in their panic, but her main concern was on the heartbeat behind her. She could taste their fear in the air and felt her fury rise and crushed the bullet in her fist, feeling it crack and splinter and turn into dust as she closed her fist.

"Supergirl," she heard breathed behind her and she spun around to make sure Lena was okay.

Lena's fair skin was as pale as death and the only color in her face was her lips, brows, and bright green eyes. Her breath was coming in short, sharp bursts, the rapid fire of an automatic gun, and her heart was trying to beat its way free from her chest.

"Miss Luthor, are you alright? I need to get you to safety," she said quickly and the woman looked at her in disbelief, the typical underlying arrogance the rich and powerful had, and she almost felt small. The look was similar to the ones the girls in school had shown her, but only more powerful. She moved forward to pick Lena up and carry her to safety and the brunette's head snapped up heart thudding and she ground to a halt at the flash of fear she saw in her eyes. She felt like her feet were lined with lead, keeping her earthbound and was quick to assure the young CEO that she wasn't going to hurt her. "I'm not gonna hurt you."

The Luthor rolled her eyes and side-stepped the hero. Lena's heels clicked as she strode off the podium, hair flaring behind her majestically and Kara hastened after her.

"Miss Luthor!" The shooter, or someone else, could hurt Lena while she was out in the open, and the brunette's heart rate abruptly increased and her eyes were frantic over the media, who were coming to their senses and had their cameras pointed on the two.

"Supergirl," Lena spun and Kara nearly walked into her and had to quickly step back to avoid a collision. "Don't you have a would-be assassin to catch?" And what was it with powerful women who managed to make you feel moronic with an eyebrow arch and the right intonation?

Hearing the murmurs of the media she glanced around to see them nodding in agreement. "Right, um, just, ahm, stay safe," she said, not sounding as confident as she would like. Lena was like Cat, capable of commanding a room with her mere presence alone and demanding your obedience in the same thread. It was very challenging.

She launched herself into the sky and flew towards the building where she'd seen the shooter, hearing the DEO channel crack into life.

"Supergirl," J'onn's commanding voice echoed in her ear. "What's the situation?" She quickly relayed what had happened and told them where she was heading. Alex came online and told her she and a few agents were on their way as well, the sound of a chopper in the background.

She was able to quickly catch the suspect, tracking him through the city via her x-ray vision. He hadn't gotten far and surrendered the moment she dropped to the ground in front of him, cracking the pavement with her landing. She dragged him to the DEO and then raced back to Lena, letting Alex and the DEO agents deal with the alien. Alex promised to keep her updated and inform her of anything they learned the moment they did. Lena was surrounded by a sea of people as she searched overheads for something or someone. A flare of warmth rose at the thought that maybe Lena could be looking for her? Not Supergirl, but Kara.

She landed quickly next to the CEO and ignored the cameras that swiftly turned on them both. "Supergirl, did you find—"

"The assailant has been taken into custody," she said strongly, reassuring her friend that she was now safe. Her Super abilities allowed her to see Lena deflate slightly in relief but the press were pressing closer, eager for a word, for a picture. But she only talked to CatCo reporters and they wouldn't get a sound bite from her. She wanted to get Lena out of here. "Are you able to accompany me for a debriefing?"

The woman turned to her with brow furrowed and then was looking back at the crowds.

"You saved my life," she said quietly as she shifted her handbag on her shoulder, eyes still scanning the faces. "Of course."

Kara was reminded of footage of the youngest Luthor stalking forward with the grace and presence of a predator with a gun in her hand. "Wellll, you did save mine earlier in the week," and then she was looking at her boots nervously, then glancing at the brunette through her lashes. She said it quietly enough so that it could come across as saying it was for Lena's ears alone, but loud enough that she knew some of the microphones would pick it up. As it was the crowd pressed closer at the words.

"ETA thirty seconds, Supergirl," Vasquez relayed in her ear and Kara let her arm rise, ready to guide Lena through the crowds towards the vehicles. Alex and J'onn had discussed the wisdom of debriefing a Luthor, but the alien had been more than willing to confess why he had tried to kill her, admitting there were others who felt the same and that they would continue to try to kill her, so the Head of the DEO decided that she needed to know she was in danger.

Lena was warm, almost burning as Kara rested a gentle hand at her back and walked at her side through the crowds, letting them part around the two like water did to a rock in a river.

Three black military vehicles screeched to a halt on the road and Agents with handheld guns scrambled from the doors to take up defensive positions. It was all very impressive and she could feel Lena tense and felt the trip in her heartbeat. She could understand why a Luthor of all people would be wary of a government agency that worked with aliens.

"It's fine," she said quietly and wished she could squeeze the brunette's arm in reassurance or something, but they weren't that close, at least Supergirl and Lena weren't, Kara could. Probably. The camera's were still following them and half the city was no doubt watching with wide eyes. Kara placed her hands on her hips, at loss for what to do with them, as usual when she was around Lena. She could hardly play with her fingers, what kind of hero did that?

"I trust you," Lena said after glancing at the crest and then looking into her eyes and Kara felt a smile tug at her lips and was helpless to it. She grinned back at the CEO as camera flashes went off around them. Lena was followed into the SUV by an Agent and then Kara hopped in. The brunette was squeezed between two of them and facing forward and Kara took the opposite seat (it was facing backward) and she folded her cape across her legs.

Her heart was doing a strange flipping thing in her chest and was warm and she didn't stop smiling even as they screeched away from the scene in a wave of black, sirens flashing atop the roof. Lena was tense as they drove, smaller in between the two black-clad agents and she kept glancing nervously at their firearms. She also had her cell in her hands and was gazing at it as though it were a life-line.

"I love the Lion King," Kara said suddenly and Lena glanced up from her phone with a tight brow. "We didn't have movies on Krypton," she shifted awkwardly on the seat, playing with her cape as bright green eyes focused on her curiously. "I dunno, I guess Simba having to leave his home and find a new one and a new family was something I could relate to." The agents either side of Lena were facing forward, the picture of professionalism but she was certain they were paying attention.

"Kara," she could hear Alex warn in her ear but she ignored her. Lena's heart rate was steadying as she talked.

"Not Aladdin?" Lena asked, lifting a brow, and it was only because she knew Lena, that she was able to see just how shaken she was beneath her Luthor walls.

"No, that just made me sad...orphan and all..."

Lena leaned back and nodded slowly, and she had a feeling the young CEO understood, she was adopted, after all, maybe her parents had died as well. "I loved Be Our Guest, and Poor Unfortunate Souls from Beauty and the Beast and—"

"And the Little Mermaid,' Kara finished for her, smiling over at her. "I love that movie!"

She leaned forward in her seat. "Grass and birds were one of the things that fascinated me," she said eyes wide with childlike innocence. "The animals here are incredible! Jer— er, my adoptive father... would play documentaries for me all the time, and I read everything I could get my hands on."

Alex sighed over her coms but relayed what the alien was telling them, and it made Kara nervous, but not for herself, for the woman opposite her.

Lena was listening intently, green eyes curious and her heartbeat was steadying so Kara continued on. It was kind of nice to share this with someone who didn't really know her, who couldn't really judge her. And Lena was a good listener, just keeping her head slightly tilted and keeping her eyes on her. The time passed quickly then, and before she knew it they were pulling into an underground garage.

Using her senses she could hear Alex in nearby and she could smell the bowl of fried chicken she had brought and nearly ripped the door off in her haste to get out of the car. Lena followed at a more dignified pace.

"Hey, Alex!" She sort-of shouted and opened the passenger door and happily took the chicken. She opened the door behind Alex for Lena and was around the other side and in the backseat before the Luthor had a leg in the door.

Their drive back to Lena's apartment was a little tense, the Luthor's semi-relaxation in the back of the SUV fading as the conversation went on. She was adamant that she would not be receiving help from the DEO, and Kara couldn't understand why Lena didn't want their protection. Aliens were trying to kill her, not that her family didn't have a history of that, but still!

But Lena was not to be persuaded otherwise and their conversation ended when she (gracefully) stormed from the car and into her apartment. Kara scanned the building to make sure it was safe before flopping back in the seat with a groan.

"Go talk to her," Alex suggested as she pulled into the traffic and started to drive them towards the city's DEO department.

"She's not listening-"

"As Kara," Alex cut in as she wound her way through the traffic. "But you might want to check in with Biter."

Kara's brow furrowed and she turned away from the window. "Biter?"

"Your Boss?" Alex asked, voice rising in question and Kara smiled at her sister, knowing she knew her bosses name but was trying to cheer her up.

"Snapper. It's Snapper, Alex," she corrected and scrambled forward in the car to sit in the front seat, Alex shifting her firearm so she could sit there.

"Mh, Snapper. He'll want your article on the attack, especially after Supergirl saved the day," Alex emphasized and guided the car to a halt at the garage beneath the building, showing her ID, though the guard was more interested in her caped companion.

"Argh, right. Okay, I'll talk to you later?" She asked and when Alex nodded she was gone before Alex had parked the car.

"I hate it when you do that," she heard her sister mutter as she flew away and laughed.

Not really interested in going into Catco and facing the cheerful personality of her boss, and of the questions regarding her delivery of flowers just yet, she decided to pop by the hospital and see some of Lena's employees. They might talk to her more than they would the press or authorities.

She landed easily outside the hospital and strode into the building, making sure her cape was flaring out behind her as she did so. The visitors to the hospital stopped what they were doing and were looking at her in awe.


"Hello," she waved and walked over to the reception desk. "I'd like to see the injured employees from L-Corp."

It was probably against protocol but the nurse glanced at her family crest and nodded. "O— okay, follow me!" Her voice was raised, maybe in nerves or excitement and Kara could hear the jump in her heart.

Some of the injured employees were asleep or unable to talk with her, but those she did talk with spoke of how pleased they were to see Lena taking L-Corp in a new direction and how proud they were to work for her. They didn't blame the brunette CEO for what had happened to them and were eager to get back to work. They also asked Supergirl to give her a chance, she was nothing like her brother, they told her, she would see.

She thanked them and took a few pictures with the patients and staff and signed a few autographs before heading back. She flicked off a text to Lena as she was entering Catco, just letting her know that she was safe, and wanted to talk with her as soon as she could. The footage of the speech and then foiled assassination attempt and then Supergirl leading Lena into a black SUV was on loop on all of the screens inside Cat's— James' office, and he called her in as soon as he saw her.

"Kara!" He rose from his desk and came around to see her. "Are you okay? I know you were at the Luthor interview."

She smiled at him and then looked past his relieved face to the screens behind the desk. "Luckily Supergirl was there."

Luthor saved Supergirl? Was one of the headlines that CatCo was running for and after making sure she was okay, James turned to the news.

"Supergirl let slip today that Miss Luthor had saved her earlier in the week," James lifted an eyebrow and folded his arms as he leaned against one of the couches. Kara fiddled with her glasses and lifted a shoulder nervously.

"The government agency Supergirl works with retracted a lot of the report from the authorities," she said, watching her alter ego appear before the Luthor and catch the bullet. "I couldn't source it so I didn't write it."

"Well she's outed herself now," Snapper growled from the door. "I want you to get an interview with Lena Luthor," he ordered and then he was gone, back to work.

Kara huffed but her and James shared a smile.

"I'm glad you're alright," he said and pushed off the couch towards Cat's— his desk. "Now go do your job," he instructed with a smile and she beamed back at him and bounced out of the familiar office.

"By the way," he called. "Who's your secret admirer?"

She turned to face him as she walked back towards the elevator. "No one," she said warningly and he ducked his head but she could feel his eyes on her as she entered the elevator.

She would get to see Lena soon, she ignored the warmth stirring in her chest at the thought. She was just happy to have a friend that got her, that was it.

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